Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 332 Trigger, golden main line!

[It is detected that at least one attribute has reached 20 points, and the golden main quest is forced to be triggered! 】

[Please return to the space for details]

Ignoring the prompts from the space, Fang Bo looked up at Susanoo who was on the verge of collapse.

"In such a short time, even Susanoo will be broken?"

He tried to summon the Noble Phantasm, but he couldn't even touch the corner of the enemy's clothes.

If the agility attribute cannot be improved, the probability of hitting the enemy head-on is basically zero based on the current flying speed of the Noble Phantasm.

"There is no other way but to give it a try."

A hazy halo appeared on the palm of his hand, and then the mist full of mysterious aura was spread towards himself.

Reinvent yourself·Start!

[Affected by the arc of time, your life and spirit are restored to full value! 】

In the blink of an eye, Fang Bo's nearly exhausted mental power returned to its peak.

Gently stroking the Kusanagi sword, he first turned on the special effect Tian Cong Yun, and then activated the Dragon's Wrath, letting ten dragon souls wrap around his sword.

"This is not enough."

With a thought, Fang Bo suddenly entered the nightmare form. As a result, his mental power increased by 10 points, and his skill damage was also enhanced by 35%.

At this moment, he has basically entered his strongest form, and the next blow will cause terrible damage.

However, he had no confidence at all that he could kill the enemy instantly.

Not choosing to take action easily, Fang Bo activated the energy-gathering effect of King's Treasure.

As the spiritual power pours into the sword body bit by bit, the lethality of this sword is also increasing rapidly.

Soon, he gathered a full twenty points of mental power, which provided 20% of the basic damage, really blocking everything on this sword.

If it is driven by Evil Light Slash, without any damage reduction ability or skill offset, it can be regarded as an additional bonus provided by the mental attack. If this sword triggers a critical hit, the damage will reach almost a thousand points.

Not to mention the level 2 reincarnators, even if Goenitz in his heyday came, he would still be hacked to death with a sword.

After the double improvement of skill upgrade + attribute promotion, Fang Bo's strength has already made further progress.

The reincarnation master Xiangjun, who chopped Susana to pieces with a sword and was about to kill him, suddenly turned his head when he gathered his strength, and his eyes revealed a trace of obvious shock.

At that moment, he thought that a super master from somewhere was coming over, but he didn't expect that it would be No. 7 accumulating power over there.

With his toes tapping the ground, Xiangjun's figure instantly split into two, and then into two and three, until it turned into eighteen afterimages.

This is not a clone technique, but a manifestation of extremely fast speed. Even Darren's Sharingan can barely catch a trace.

"Be prepared." Taking his companion's arm, Fang Bo and her instantly moved to the riverside two kilometers away.

[The concentration of mind attribute is added, and the next time it will cause a 100% hit effect]

Looking back towards the distance, Fang Bo slashed his sword towards the river.

In an instant, a flaming crescent spurted out, and the violent slash split the river surface in an instant, running straight towards the Samsara who was riding the waves.

Seeing the terrifying blade impact, Xiangjun's expression suddenly changed. He had overestimated No. 7's methods as much as possible, but he didn't expect the opponent's slash to be so powerful.

Even though he transformed into countless afterimages, the slashing attack still came straight towards the main body.

A moment's mistake in decision-making caused him to completely lose the chance to dodge, and now he could only try to catch it head-on.

As soon as he attached his telekinesis ability to the sword, he came into contact with the incoming slash.

With the blessing of enhanced telekinesis, Xiang Jun was not defeated by No. 7's slashing attack, but he could not neutralize the attack in a short time.

There was no way, the power of this evil light slash was too strong, and now he could only grit his teeth and keep activating his telekinesis ability.

"Damn it!" The man roared, and his body began to slide backwards against the water involuntarily.

After all, Xiang Jun was still unable to stand, and was pushed straight towards the cliff on the other side of the river by the huge slash.


[Your Nightmare Evil Light Slash causes 279 points of damage to the enemy]

Even though he tried his best, Xiangjun still couldn't completely resist No. 7's attack.

By the time he crawled out of the hole in embarrassment, the two guys had already escaped the limit of perception.

Looking down at his trembling hands, Xiangjun suddenly understood why the organization sent the two of them together.

"If Lobesa had been here just now, he might have been able to take the blow from No. 7, and I could have taken the opportunity to step forward and kill them both."

After a moment of silence, Xiangjun took out his communicator and reported the failure of the mission.

"Yes, the opponent has probably completed the attribute promotion, and maybe he will participate in the gold main quest next."

"Yeah, yeah, I understand."

Putting down the communicator, Xiang Jun took one last look at the river that was slowly returning to calm, and then left without looking back.

He had a premonition that sooner or later the two sides would meet again one day, and by then they would be able to complete the unfinished tasks today.

"I hope you live to see that day."

The space of reincarnation, Fang Bo's hut.

Darren, who had been disguised, fell on the sofa in a state of embarrassment.

"Thank you very much," she said.

Shaking his head silently, Fang Bo sat down next to her.

After all, she was the one who dragged her down, otherwise how could she be targeted by those guys in the orphanage.

Fortunately, there was no big problem, otherwise this matter would have ended badly.

After pondering for a moment, Fang Bo expressed his thoughts, saying that the team could be divided into three groups to challenge different golden main tasks.

The requirements of the golden main line are very strict, and different types of tasks will be generated in each issue.

Reincarnators are allowed to form teams to challenge, but only three people from each team, including followers, are allowed to go to the same story world.

Therefore, some smart people will find reincarnations who are qualified to go to the same world in advance before preparing to participate in the mission.

Use methods such as giving away plot points and props to achieve cooperation intentions.

There is no way, the difficulty of the golden main line is too high, and everyone must join forces to have a chance of survival.

The fatality rate is 70%. Behind this data are the bloody bones of countless reincarnations.

Even if the ruthless team has extraordinary strength, it must be prepared in advance.

In addition to interpreting mission information, you must also find suitable teammates.

There are two followers around Fang Bo. His teammates will definitely be fine, but the others will have to plan carefully.

Maybe he can provide some advice in this regard.

The two discussed it and decided to go to the square to check out the golden main quest released this time.

By the way, let me know who will come to participate in this main challenge.

"Damn, it's such a weird name again, how do I know what these tasks are?!" someone kept howling.

The golden thread is a matter of life and death, so everyone naturally hopes to get more accurate information.

However, the space is so cunning that nothing useful can be seen except for the basic task name.

When Fang Bo and the other two came closer, they finally saw the seven golden main quests released this time.

【The invading sea people】

【Destroy the Red Ribbon Army】

【Shandora's Golden Bell】

【Conquer the Four Holy Beasts】

【Professional Hunter Examination】

[The Blue-Eyed Demon of Aincrad]

[Snow Princess Ninja Technique Post]

Others can only make blind guesses, but here in Fang Bo there are basically no problems.

The Sea People are a marine race in the world of One-Punch Man. They are the tribe of the Deep Sea King who was beaten by Saitama to "stop the storm with one punch".

Apparently, the main mission of the Golden Line is to prevent the invasion of the Sea People.

"The Deep Sea King is a ghost-level disaster. If left alone, it can destroy a city."

To be honest, Fang Bo really wanted to see the world of One Punch Man, so he included this mission in the scope of the investigation first.

The Red Ribbon Legion of Destruction looks like the world of Dragon Ball at first glance.

We need to deal with the regular army armed with high-tech weapons, and the enemy has also mastered powerful artificial human technology.

The most important thing is that the Red Ribbon Legion can summon a super-class killer who can fly at any time.

"The uncertainty is too strong." Fang Bo shook his head and sighed, silently crossing out the task.

Shantora's Golden Bell, a sky island famous in the pirate world, has a Devil Fruit user who claims to be a god living on it.

It seems that he will probably face off against Enelu, but it is not a mandatory mission where he must kill the opponent.

For the reincarnations at this stage, the power of the thunder fruit is too powerful, and the space will not issue such a fatal mission.

According to Fang Bo's guess, the reincarnators may be asked to do something to Sky Island, and they may need to confront Enelu, but it does not necessarily require killing him to complete it.

"The world of pirates." Fang Bo was deeply moved.

His memory armor, detector type IV, both pieces of equipment need to be upgraded through Germa's technology.

The three Seraph corpses in the pocket include the basic skills of the pacifist, which are also unique to the pirate world.

Fang Bo never forgot his ambition to obtain Seraph technology.

If they could join forces with Vince Mockaji, would it be possible for the two of them to steal Vegapunk's technology?

"Incorporate it into your choices first, and then look at the others."

The four holy beasts are to be defeated. If you guessed correctly, they should be several C-level monsters from the world of Yu Yu Hakusho.

The overall strength is not strong, but the number of bosses is large, and there is a group of miscellaneous soldiers under his command that can be used.

Unfortunately, Fang Bo didn't have much interest in this, so he passed directly.

The professional hunter exam comes from the story world "Hunter" and requires you to take a very difficult professional exam.

I don’t know if it’s related to the plot, otherwise the actual difficulty will skyrocket.

"It's still not suitable for me."

For today's Fang Bo, one or two more attributes and a few more good pieces of equipment would not actually improve his combat power much.

That kind of strategically important item is what he needs to pursue now.

The blue-eyed demon of Aincrad, not only him, but all the Samsaras present knew that he came from the world of Sword Art Online.

It is a popular plot world and is very popular among those who follow the cold weapon route.

Compared with worlds with complex plots, this kind of place where you simply fight monsters and upgrade is the most popular.

As for the Blue-Eyed Demon, he is the BOSS where the protagonist of the plot first demonstrates his two-sword style skills.

His hard power is outstanding, and he has many subordinates under his command.

Fighting the BOSS is not the key, but how to maintain physical strength during the battles on the way is the key.

After one or two hours of high-intensity fighting, the average reincarnation person would probably fall down from exhaustion.

"A boring task." Fang Bo said.

Yukihime's Ninja Technique comes from the world of Naruto. This content belongs to the plot version. I didn't expect it to be released as a gold main quest.

The main content is actually to rescue a princess in distress and help her regain her throne.

It’s hard to say how difficult it is, but it’s not an easy task.

After a brief browse, the ones that moved Fang Bo's heart more were One Punch Man and One Piece.

The former can make use of Saitama's existence to cause trouble, and the latter is of great help to Fang Bo's technology and equipment.

After thinking and struggling for a moment, Fang Bo finally decided to go to the world of One Piece.

The plot line there is more complicated, and there are many hidden tasks that can be triggered, which is more suitable for team action.

Now that he had decided, he would not hesitate, and Fang Bo immediately took on his first golden main line.

[Golden Main Quest: Shantora’s Golden Bell! 】

[Mission Introduction: Shantora is known as the land of gold. Everything in the city is made of gold, especially the big golden bell, which will ring through the sky every time it rings. 】

[Task requirement: Let the golden bell ring again]

[Special reminder: If you want to ring the golden bell, you must first find the path to the golden town]

[Special reminder: Be careful of the divine guards in the Golden Land]

[Warning: Abandoning the golden main line will greatly reduce your mission benefits! 】

It was almost as he imagined. It was indeed necessary to ring the golden bell on the empty island.

"We need to sail." Fang Bo suddenly thought of Xiao Douding's demon airship.

I am about to go to the world of One Piece, so I might be able to use it temporarily.

He would definitely not learn the driving skills required for control, so it would be more reliable to make a few human puppets to control them.

This thing does not have to be received in the King's Treasure House. As long as it is made, it can be thrown into the space mark to eat ashes.

With the mental beads, it wouldn't be a problem to let them pilot an airship freely.

As for how to compensate Yaoyao, just reveal some mission information casually. You can make a lot of money by keeping her.

"Let's go, let's go back first."

Darren didn't receive the assignment, so she had to seek advice from others.

Even how to form a team must be discussed unanimously, and at least the existing combat power must be evenly distributed.

"It seems there is still one person left."

In addition to him and his two followers, the remaining candidates for the team currently include Dai Lun, Ali, Olson, Yaoyao, and Ryunai.

Considering that the three-person team limit for the gold main line is the maximum, it means that one of the teams has to find another helper.

When Fang Bo came to the team space, he had not decided who to invite.

It was the team's ongoing discussion battle that attracted all his attention.

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