Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 333 The realm unfolds and all things are harmonized!

Chapter 333 The realm expands·The harmony of all things!

This is a team battle within a ruthless team.

Everyone fights in random groups, and after one battle is over, preparations for the next battle begin immediately.

By doing this, firstly, we can enhance mutual understanding, and secondly, we can learn how to cooperate with others in fighting.

When Fang Bo and the two returned, what they saw was a fierce battle.

Red team members: Goenitz, Ryuno, Son of Light, and Luoxin.

Blue team members: Olson, Ali, Yaoyao.

"It's really intense." Dai Lun was quite eager to give it a try.

She gained a lot from the Fairy Tail world and wanted to go up and compete with her companions.

Especially Goenitz, who was killing everyone, was the target she really wanted to challenge.

In the field, the red side, which already had the numerical advantage, almost pushed a group of people to the ground and rubbed them with the excellent performance of the storm.

Goenitz, who has turned on the Black Dragon King mode, is already far ahead of the others in strength and can basically suppress the three blue players steadily.

Fang Bo has completed the five-attribute promotion, and 20% of his strength attribute will be added to the two followers.

Strength: 55 (+36)

Counting the 10 points of strength attribute provided by the Black Dragon King mode, Goenitz's strength alone has now reached 55 points, and he has inherited a full 8 points of attributes from him.

If she continues to improve in the future, she can continue to benefit from it.

In fact, Lao Gao has not activated the "Divine Grace" skill, otherwise this battle would have ended long ago.

Seeing that she could suppress Blue Fang by herself, Ryuno simply stood by and started, throwing a spell or something to interfere.

The New Wife was similar. She was a little panicked without the Ghost Spider in hand. She had no choice but to fight this kind of battle really not her strong suit.

Occasionally shooting out a few spider threads, but they couldn't do anything to the other party at all. She and Miss Onmyoji were just playing games on the sidelines.

On the other hand, the Irish Sons of Light were very active, and their lance dance was very lively, and they completely played Ali in the palm of their hand.

This is destined to be an unevenly distributed battle.

Seeing that her side was about to lose, Yaoyao, who was hiding in Ingram, immediately panicked.

Activate the skill "Guilty Feeling" to connect the senses of the three of you, and then instill all your spiritual power into Brother Ali.

This was a tactic discussed before the war started, and it was also Blue's trump card to risk their lives, otherwise they would have no chance of winning this battle.

In the past three plot worlds, Ali has adhered to his usual style. Basically, he will do his best to eliminate evil things when he sees them.

Due to his excessive obsession, he often falls into danger. Fortunately, his teammates are strong enough and can always help him overcome difficulties.

Gains and risks in the reincarnation space always coexist. If he survives hardships and survives, he can naturally get a set of excellent equipment and skills.

Originally there was only one last chance, but now with Yaoyao's help, Ali can finally activate his biggest trump card.

The palms of his hands were pressed together in front of him, forming a strange seal.

Boundless spell power began to rise around his body, and before the four people on the red side could react, they were enveloped by a suddenly rising barrier.

The realm expands and all things are harmonious!

"This is..." Looking at the chaotic space around her, Goenitz frowned slightly. For the first time, she felt that the situation was a little out of control.

Even if it was a competition within the team, she still didn't want to lose, so she immediately activated her trump card.

"God's grace!"

[Affected by divine grace skills, your mental attributes increase by 12 points]

Spirit: 71 (+40)

Enjoying the pleasure of a sudden increase in strength, Goenitz pointed his finger at the sky, and seven or eight black whirlwinds as sharp as knives suddenly appeared around him.

Special move: The God-Destroying Night Wind!

Not to mention Olsen, whose mental strength was greatly reduced, even Yaoyao hiding in the mecha was directly overturned by the strong wind.

Seeing the rapidly declining durability of the mecha, the little girl couldn't help but scream in distress.

At this moment, Ali, who had always remained silent, suddenly closed his palms, and then saw the black whirlwind beginning to gather towards his palms.

Domain Expansion·Coordination of All Things: All abilities in the domain can be forcibly harmonized.

This is the most ideal state of the field, but Ali is not yet proficient in his techniques, so he can only forcibly extract part of the energy for his own use.

As an onmyoji, Ryuno is very sensitive to barrier-type abilities, and he senses the truth about his teammates' abilities in a matter of seconds.

"Be careful, he can extract the energy we release to attack at will."

"Why didn't you wait until I was dead?"

The corner of his mouth twitched twice, and Goenitz knew in his heart that his opponent's next blow would be shocking.

There was nothing she could do about it. She just used so much strength that she could not help but pull away.

To a certain extent, she had brought it upon herself.

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen silver coins suddenly appeared in front of Ali.

"Not good!" Ryuno's expression changed. How could she not know how powerful these little things are.

Under normal circumstances, Brother Ali would only use one shot at a time. Who would have thought that now he could use more than ten shots at a time.

Using the talent of "Forced Reconciliation", Ali can forcibly fuse two completely different energies together, causing terrible energy friction to burst out between the two, thereby creating high amounts of blow damage.

The best carrier he could find was coins.

Just one can cause horrific damage, not to mention that the surroundings are now surrounded by coins filled with black lightning.

Lao Gao and Ryuno knew what was going on, and began to dodge from the moment the coin appeared.

However, Qiulin, the Son of Light, and Luo Xinfu were both newcomers and had no idea of ​​the terrifying abilities of the conjurer.

Just as they were about to resist, their bodies were pierced by countless laser-like rays of light, and then they were teleported outside by the protection mechanism of the space.

Astonishingly, he was instantly killed by Ali with one blow!

Until she appeared in the outside world, Luo Xinfu still looked a little confused. Seeing this, Fang Bo couldn't help but smile and explain: "Don't look at Ali, that guy is so amiable, but he is doing something dirty."

"Hey, you're back."


Hearing the conversation between the master and the servant, Darren seemed to have discovered something. He turned around curiously and asked, "Can you see what happened there?"

"Of course you can."

He gained "real vision" through his perceptual promotion and could see through all confusing things, even the domain skills released by the conjurer.

From now on, Fang Bo no longer needs to worry about threats from illusions, sensory manipulation and other abilities.

With the unprecedented promotion of five attributes, he has gained many excellent abilities, but his current strength is insufficient, and they have not yet shown their best use.

It's like providing 20% ​​of the power to a follower. When his power attribute approaches 100 points, the real effect will be achieved.

Without too much explanation, Fang Bo continued to watch the battle in the field.

With the defeat of the two, the numerical advantage of the red and blue sides suddenly reversed, and the two were afraid of Ali's field effect, and now they did not dare to use any form of energy attack.

Seeing this, Olson immediately rushed forward, waving his skirt blade and launched a fierce attack on Lao Gao.

The mythical equipment from True Zero has terrible attack effects, not to mention that he has always been known as the "first speed" of the ruthless team.

The speed of the flash is no less than that of Fang Bo's Flying Thunder God within a short distance.

Even someone as strong as Goenitz would suffer setbacks even if he was unable to use the power of the storm.

He didn't pay attention for a moment, and was directly attacked from behind by Olson.

MAX2's super special move: Crimson Star Road!

After a long period of hard training, he finally mastered the most powerful super kill of the plot protagonist.

Olsen turned into a scarlet afterimage, passing by Goenitz in an instant, and launched a total of seventeen high-frequency attacks in the blink of an eye.

There was a flash of light beside him, and Goenitz, with a gloomy face, was teleported out of the space.

Seeing this, Fang Bo burst out laughing instantly. He liked seeing Lao Gao deflated.

"You're laughing your ass off." She shook her long blond hair and walked to the side alone to sit down.

In fact, Goenitz was not angry, she just needed time to review the entire battle.

Why would he eventually lose to the blue side despite his absolute advantage in hard power?

Of course she knew that the most critical factor was that little girl. Without the blessing of huge spiritual attributes, Ali would not be able to use such a terrifying killing move.

But there are never ifs in the world. If you lose, you lose. Goenitz has never been a person who cannot afford to lose.

"I'm too proud. I knew that girl had such abilities but didn't care."

Frankly speaking, except for Fang Bo, no one in the entire ruthless team could be attracted to her.

She couldn't even look down on the dignified Kyo Kusanagi, let alone this group of new reincarnations who were still in their developmental stages.

However, today Ali taught her a lesson with facts, never underestimate anyone.

There are no weaklings in the ruthless team.

On the other side, the black realm suddenly shattered like a balloon.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then turned to look at Ali, who was lying on his back on the ground, and Yaoyao, who had stumbled out of the cockpit.

The mental strength of these two people has bottomed out, and they cannot continue to support the field skills of forced coordination.

As for the remaining two people.

After looking at the silent Olson, Miss Onmyoji swallowed and wisely chose to surrender.

She still has a shikigami in her hand, but her speed won't give her a chance to summon it.

Rather than receiving a beating in vain, it is better to honestly declare surrender.

In this way, the blue team won the game with Ali's superb performance and achieved a super comeback against the wind.

Such a wonderful battle, let alone others, made Fang Bo a little eager to try it.

Looking at Darren who was equally excited, they both chose to join the team's training roster.

Soon, the new battle list was assigned.

Red side: Fang Bo, Yaoyao, Liu Nai, Qiu Lin, Son of Light.

Blue side: Goenitz, Ali, Darren, Olson, Luo Bride.

Not counting Ms. Onmyoji's heroic spirit, this was actually an unfair five-on-three matchup.

"Tsk, you were at a numerical disadvantage when you came up." As he chuckled, countless golden ripples suddenly appeared in the sky.

When the countdown ended, the Feng Ying puppet suddenly took action, using huge black sand iron to cut the battlefield into several pieces.

Emperor Guan Sheng appeared, and the blue dragon roared and slashed down, aiming directly at Ali who was trying to rush over to challenge him.

The Martial Saint Hegemony was activated, and under the golden light soaring into the sky, the long sword struck the target, directly beating the poor Mr. Spellcaster to the lowest level of blood.

Almost at the same time, Yuan Yi Zero touched behind him and completed a pincer attack with Emperor Guan Sheng in a situation where they almost died together.

At first, Ali wanted to resist, but unfortunately he didn't understand the characteristics of Emperor Guan Sheng so much that he was focused on fighting against his dominance.

In the end, with the high-frequency output of Black Flash, he did blow up the puppet. Unfortunately, his result was not much better, and he was finished by the Wind Shadow puppet in the sky.

Ali, defeated!

Seeing this, Fang Bo immediately changed his target and looked at the ninja lady who summoned the white Susana.

The Noble Phantasm shot out like rain, as if she didn't even notice Susan in front of her.

At first, Dai Lun wanted to take the opportunity to make a sneak attack. She felt that this guy seemed a bit too aggressive.

Do you want to defeat her just by shooting a few Noble Phantasms?

Because there were so many, she barely managed to fend off two Noble Phantasms, but was eventually completely overwhelmed by the remaining attacks.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 216 points of piercing damage]

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 335 points of critical damage]

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 208 points of piercing damage]

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 212 points of piercing damage]

The four Noble Phantasms caused a total of 900+ damage. Not to mention the first-stage Susan, even if the second-stage one was summoned, it would still be unable to withstand it.

Compared with Fang Bo, her behavior of resisting the Noble Phantasm is truly crazy.

Mental attack, the final damage of the skill is +100 points.

Relying on the ability blessing given by the promotion characteristics, Fang Bo's King's Treasure was completely transformed and became a terrifying weapon capable of dealing tons of damage.

Darren, defeated!

In the blink of an eye, Fang Bo defeated the two men from Blue Fang. Now Yaoyao was driving the mecha and kept shooting from a long distance, while Olson was trying to pull her out of the cockpit and spank her.

"Ah, big brother, save me~"

Hearing Xiao Douding's call for help, Fang Bo entered the nightmare form, and then activated all the equipment's special effects, as well as the concentration of his thoughts that could achieve a 100% hit.

He gently let go of his hand, and the Kusanagi sword wrapped in flames flew away in the next second.

Like a precision-guided missile, it hit Olson who was in the Shining state in one fell swoop.

He really didn't expect that he would be hit even though he was moving at such a high speed.

[Your precious phantom causes 876 points of critical damage]

There was a pain in his chest, and when he came to his senses, he had been teleported outside the battlefield.

Olson, defeated!

"This" he looked at the field in surprise, then turned to look at his two companions who looked slightly ugly.

After hesitating for a moment, Olson still didn't ask, and the three of them could only stare at the field in silence.

Here, Fang Bo first activated "Reshape Oneself" to replenish the exhausted mental power.

Then activate "Forced Order" to directly complete the skill refresh of the Kusanagi Sword that just went into cooling down.

This time he followed the same method, and also invested a full thirty points of mental power through "energy gathering".

As a result, the eternal red flames wrapped around Kusanagi's sword had surged to a terrifying sight like a torch.

On the other side, Qiulin, the Son of Light, activated the "Spear of Piercing Death Thorns", and the ultimate moves of both sides hit the blond priest almost at the same time.

Goenitz: "."

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