After the battle, the ruthless team seemed a little silent.

Fang Bo almost relied on his own strength to eliminate several of the opponent's generals one by one.

Even the most powerful Goeniz, after all his trump card methods were put on cool down, could not resist the ultimate move jointly launched by both sides.

Everyone knew that Fang Bo was very strong, but they didn't expect it to be so outrageous.

The most important thing is that everyone feels that their trump card has not been used yet, but they have failed inexplicably.

Almost everyone has something to say about this.

Darren: "If I can activate the third stage of Susan, I can definitely defend against his Noble Phantasm shooting."

Ali: "If I can activate the field myself, it shouldn't be a problem to defeat Lao Fang in seconds."

Olson: "If I was any faster, he wouldn't be able to hit me."

As companions of the ruthless team, their understanding of Fang Bo only remained superficial, and Goenitz was the one who truly understood him.

After taking a look at the inexplicably increased eight attributes, she knew that this guy's strength must have improved a lot.

Maybe we just have to wait until her Divine Grace and Black Dragon modes have cooled down.

"No, even if I have the blessing of two skills, the probability of winning will not exceed 30%." Goenitz calmly analyzed the tactical comparison between the two sides.

If you fight with bare hands, if you don't knock him down within ten moves, you will be considered abnormal. The problem is that there is no need to use your strengths and avoid weaknesses.

The gap between the two sides is not in attributes or equipment, but in her lack of powerful enough skills.

It is not an offensive skill, the various special moves with God-destroying characteristics are enough for Gonitz to use.

What women lack are auxiliary abilities such as the Arc of Time and the Flying Thunder God Technique.

It would be best to take into account both attack and defense and maximize her own advantages.

Glancing at Fang Bo, who was chatting casually, Goenitz decided to wait for the meeting to end and find him to discuss issues related to skill learning.

This guy is well-informed and will definitely be able to find skills suitable for her to learn.

On the other side, Fang Bo was trying to comfort his teammates in the team.

"Don't be discouraged, I've just tried my best." His words were very sincere, but it was a pity that his comfort had no actual effect.

So Fang Bo cleverly changed the topic and told him that Dai Lun was attacked and he completed the attribute promotion.

When they heard that their friends had suffered a real threat, everyone's faces immediately became serious.

After thinking for a while, Olson decisively supported him: "You have done a good job, we must speed up the pace now."

"All rewards for the second difficulty level will be improved. We must use the shortest possible time to increase our strength."

Others have no objections. Everyone is gradually approaching the world limit. Now is the best time to participate in the golden main line.

Now that the next course of action has been decided, the next step is to allocate team quotas.

Among them, Fang Bo, Goenitz, and Luo Xinfu decided to go to the pirate world, so the others had to make other choices.

Soon, Fang Bo gave his own guidance.

"Daerun can complete the task of Xue Ji Ninpo Tie."

Yukihime's Ninja Technique takes place in the world of Naruto, which is just in line with her identity, and maybe she can get some other benefits from it.

For example, she could go to the forbidden area of ​​the Uchiha clan and learn the two forbidden techniques that were not spread to outsiders. She could also find a way to obtain Hashirama cells from Orochimaru.

There are certain risks in this move, but the benefits are amazing.

If it succeeds, the Immortal Human Body will have a big bonus to physical and mental attributes, and Dai Lun's strength will definitely make further progress.

Speaking of the world of Naruto, the psychic beast Slug controlled by Ryuno is actually the psychic beast of the Shiggou Forest, one of the three holy places.

Not to mention going to the Holy Land to meet a relative, at least she had a pass to join the Hokage family.

If you're lucky, you might be able to become Tsunade's apprentice. If not, it doesn't matter. You can always complete tasks better in a familiar world.

Darren's Kaleidoscope is both offensive and defensive, and Ryuno is both summoning and healing. The combination of the two is bound to produce a very good chemical reaction.

However, the actions of the two are still a bit unsafe, and it is best to find a third suitable teammate for them.

After thinking for a while, Fang Bo arranged for Yaoyao to join in.

He once got a heavy sniper rifle, which was of very good quality, but unfortunately he could never find a suitable puppet to use it with.

It's better to leave the weapon to Yaoyao now. Her mecha just lacks the ability to fight at a distance.

If the team wants to pursue Hashirama cells, the team's trip must be full of dangers. Only with Xiao Douding's assisting ability can he rest assured.

As for the other team, Ali and Olsen are the only ones left.

"Don't worry, I have found a suitable helper for you."

Without any intention of answering their doubts, Fang Bo began to explain information about another world.

Compared with other messy missions, the world of One Punch Man is relatively expandable.

Those weirdos who do evil things are more in line with Ali’s criteria for choosing a plot world.

As long as he can "subdue demons and demons", this guy doesn't care whether the world is compatible or not.

As for Olson, he can definitely try to contact the Hero Association and continue to learn mobility skills from Flash Flash.

Since you want to follow the speed flow, then you should take advantage of this feature to the extreme.

He will find an opportunity to secretly give the specific action plan to Olson later.

It is easier for the two brothers to communicate with each other. Even if he sees something, Olson will probably not ask further questions.

Even if he really had to ask, Fang Bo could completely shirk it to a "friend" who was selling information.

If you still want to ask, I'm sorry. Could you please settle the information fee first?

At this moment, there was a sudden notification that someone was applying to enter the team space.

"Finally." Fang Bo confirmed his agreement with a smile.

The door was pushed open from the outside, and soon a man in a white coat walked in.

Upon seeing this, Ali immediately waved to the other party and said hello, because he had also fought alongside the man.

The man who walked in from the outside was the reincarnation doctor who had cooperated with the world of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

But at this time, although he was wearing a white coat, his face was transformed into clown makeup.

The big bright red nose looked like it was watered with blood. Not only did it not look happy, it actually gave people a chill down their spines.

"Hi." The doctor greeted everyone with a smile, and then walked to the side and sat down in a familiar manner.

This person has a changeable personality, which Fang Bo has long been used to. There are two main reasons why he chose to call a doctor:

First, this guy is very powerful. He had the ability to kill Tsukiyuki in the Demon Slayer World. He must be even more terrifying now.

Second, he has monster cells, which means he has been to the world of One Punch Man and should be familiar with it.

It's easy to do things if you have acquaintances, but Fang Bo doesn't want anything to happen to Ali and Olsen there.

"Let me introduce to you, this is a doctor who fought alongside me, Ali, and Darren."

Facing the strange-looking newcomer, only Xiao Douding in the team clapped vigorously.

The doctor glanced at her and slowly raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a weird smile.

"Let's stop laughing now." Fang Bo interrupted his weird performance, then stood up and introduced the situation of Ali and Olsen.

Mr. Conjurer knew that the doctor was very powerful and welcomed his arrival.

As for Olson, he didn't show any abnormalities, and his attitude was even very gentle. He didn't look like the super rookie of the former Voice Nest organization.

Generally speaking, this kind of weirdly dressed guy is either a lunatic or a fool.

To be valued by several teammates, this doctor is obviously not a fool, so there must be something special about him.

"The doctor has the ability to transform into a monster and is familiar with the plot world there. We can just work together as a team."

There is no problem in cooperation, but both parties need to be familiar with each other's abilities in advance. The best way is to find someone to discuss with him.

The most suitable candidate is naturally the ninja lady with strong guarding ability.

"I have to do all the dirty work, right?" Darren rolled his eyes, and finally entered the battle space with the doctor.

There was no way, who asked her to owe money to someone, how dare she not comply with the creditor's request.

Not long after, the two sides started fighting, and as soon as Dai Lun came up, he unceremoniously used his special ninjutsu.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

Facing the huge fireball coming towards him, the doctor's expression instantly changed to a serious one, without any trace of the previous playful and eccentric look.

He made a hugging gesture with his hands, and in the next second, a huge stream of water appeared out of thin air, swallowing up the opponent's huge fire ball from the front.

Then the water flow turned into long whips and attacked Miss Ninja from different angles.

"The strength is still so strong." Dai Lun knew that ordinary methods were useless, so he simply turned on the Mangekyo and opened the Sharingan.

When the Great God of Eyes is used, everything around him slows down instantly, and the water that seems to have the breath of life cannot get close to him.

Not only the water flow, but also the bullets projected by the doctor were blocked from the outside, as if nothing could touch her body.

If she had used the Great God before, she wouldn't have lost so quickly in that sparring battle.

Perhaps because of his deep obsession, Darren actually got distracted during the fight.

When the woman's attention returned to the front, she found that the water flow controlled by her opponent had long since dissipated, and the doctor's body suddenly began to swell.

This is the characteristic that initiated his monstrosity.

After a short period of energy accumulation, the weird doctor crashed into him like a cannonball. His power was so fierce that even the surrounding air couldn't help but buzz.

Feeling the sense of oppression given by the other party, Dai Lun suddenly ended the release of the Great God, and slapped his hands heavily on the ground.

Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!

A stone wall with a little girl's head rose up, directly blocking the doctor's path.

Yaoyao: "(.)"


The moment the two parties came into contact, a violent explosion suddenly occurred on the wall.

The weird doctor who was caught off guard was instantly blown away, and even the weird muscles on his body began to fall off.

The unforeseen situation made the doctors feel quite strange.

Taking out the silver-white scalpel, his expression gradually turned cold, and he rushed towards the woman for the second time.

"Are you coming?" Dai Lun frowned slightly, understanding that the enemy must be trying to do something, otherwise he would be too stupid.

Just as she was about to repeat her old trick, her body suddenly stiffened and she actually fell into a negative state where she was unable to move.

The unexpected situation completely disrupted Dai Lun's plan. If it had been anyone else, this would have been enough to determine the winner.

But she is the owner of the kaleidoscope and can't move her body. Can't she still activate her pupil technique?

White light shot up into the sky, tightly protecting Darren inside. The next second she found that she suddenly regained her ability to move.

"What is this?!" She really couldn't understand the enemy's methods.

Just as he was about to use Susano to attack, the doctor who came to him waved his scalpel and slashed forward hard.

The seemingly solid Susanoo was split into two as easily as paper.

At this scene, even the teammates on the sidelines widened their eyes.

Susano's protective ability was very strong. Even if Fang Bo came, it would take several Noble Phantasms to break it. Unexpectedly, he cut it in half with just a knife.

The most fatal thing is that Darren found himself unable to move his body again.

"Why is this guy's ability so weird?" She cursed secretly and activated the Eye Technique.

Even if her mental power is consumed as quickly as running water, she cannot be defeated by the opponent so easily.

Staring into the other person's eyes, Darren suddenly used the control illusion that came with his eyes.


The person who is attacked will temporarily lose control of the body, and the strong can even control it, or even directly penetrate into the spiritual sea to extract the opponent's memory.

She can't do this yet, but it won't be a problem to control the other party for a short time.

However, Darren miscalculated after all.

It was clear that the space had indicated that the illusion was released successfully, but the doctor seemed not to be affected at all and continued to wield the scalpel very neatly.

Knowing that while the pupil technique was in effect, no attack could touch Darren's body, he still chose to cut forward with all his strength.


As the sound rang out, Fang Bo appeared between the two of them out of thin air, which stopped the fight from escalating further.

Although he didn't want to say this, he had already seen that Darren was no match for the doctor yet.

I remember Butterfly Ninja said that this guy is most likely suffering from severe schizophrenia. I wonder if so many weird abilities are related to this.

Stopping Dai Lun who wanted to say something, Fang Bo stretched out his palm towards the doctor: "Welcome to join the ruthless team."

People don't care about the threat of Sound Nest and Dark Wings, so it's even worse for them to inquire about the doctor's secrets.

Anyway, it is a temporary cooperation, and achieving the goal is the most important thing. It is his business whether he wants to join in later.

To be honest, Fang Bo admires the doctor's ability. At least he hopes to see a super master appear in the team.

What followed was a detailed discussion, and he ended the meeting only when news came from space.

Opening the space message to check, Fang Bo immediately showed a satisfied smile.

I have found the skill book I need.

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