Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 335 A-level skills and the legend of justice

Glancing at the sneaky little Douding, Fang Bo turned around and left the team space.

He had noticed before that Yaoyao and Lao Gao were always muttering together, and he didn't know what the two of them were doing.

"Forget it, it's not a big deal anyway."

Shortly after he left, Xiao Douding finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the chair shaking his legs proudly.

The eldest brother and others are always unwilling to rely on themselves, which makes Yaoyao very distressed, so she helps secretly when she has the opportunity.

She accidentally discovered the skills purchase requirement posted by her eldest brother, so she asked her sister to search for it. Otherwise, how could she find the right thing so quickly.

"Hehe, it turns out that I am the one who helps the team the most."

If she hadn't been afraid of her eldest brother's rejection, she would have done all the work of finding human puppets for him.

"Well, it's not easy to find a corpse that can control an airship." Little Douding couldn't help but worry about his eldest brother.

At this moment, she suddenly received some unknown message.

He put his little hand into his belly pocket and dug around, and soon took out an A-level skill scroll.

"Here." She put the thing into Goenitz's hand.

Armed domineering, A-level active skill, can increase attack and resistance ability by 10%.

This is the skill Gonitz has chosen for himself.

The reason is simple. Armed Haki increases attack and damage-free effects, and does not conflict with her own system at all.

The Black Dragon King mode temporarily increases attribute points, Divine Favor increases attributes by percentage, and Armed Color Haki increases damage results.

The three do not interfere with each other, and the weapon color can directly affect both offense and defense. There is no skill more suitable for Gonitz than this.

She doesn't have as many tricks as Fang Bo. The best way to become stronger is to make her attacks stronger and her defense higher.

After marking 4,000 plot points for Xiao Douding, Goenitz directly completed the learning of the first skill.

Name: Armed color domineering


Grade: A

Effect: Increases attack and resistance ability by 10% while in effect.

Conditions of use: Consumes 4 points of mental power per second

Learning conditions: Physical 24, Mental 22

Place of Origin: One Piece

Skill evaluation: A shield and spear that integrates offense and defense. The upper limit of its power depends on your corresponding attributes.

Trying to activate Armament Haki, Goenitz soon felt an inexplicable aura wrapped around his arm.

Since she was learning for the first time, her mastery was far from enough, and now she could only let the domineering energy slowly wrap around her arms.

Even so, Goenitz still felt the power of this power.

After looking at the remaining plot points, she had decided to raise this skill to the full level first.

But as soon as she rose two levels, she realized that she was just dreaming.

[Successfully upgraded skills, armed color domineering LV1-LV2, consuming 800 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, armed color domineering LV2-LV3, consuming 1200 plot points. 】

After reaching level three, the bonus to offensive and defensive attributes increased to 16%, and the mental energy consumption of activating the weapon color was also reduced a bit.

Level 3 effect: Invisible spear, while the domineering force is in effect, the attack will cause additional additional damage with a factor of strength x 1.0.

The activated third-level entry can increase Gonitz's damage by 45 points for each attack.

It's better than nothing, after all, she's currently not on the main strength attribute route.

Plot points: 168

After looking at the remaining plot points, she couldn't help but sigh deeply. She didn't expect that the money would be so expensive.

In the Fairy Tail world, she is mainly responsible for the work of the second and fifth sons. Without considering the equipment, Gonitz's actual income is far less than that of the other three.

This has resulted in Lao Gao being a little cash-strapped at the moment and simply unable to support the cost of skill upgrades.

"That guy also needs to upgrade. We can't ask him for money anymore."

Baofeng, who didn't want to be a party to anything, looked at Xiaodouding who was doing nothing.

She has a general understanding of this girl's situation. She is the richest woman in the ruthless team. If she borrows a little money, it shouldn't affect anything, right?

After hesitatingly speaking out his request, Goenitz saw the true style of the rich man in the next second.

[Number 13308 traded 10,000 plot points to you]

Another 10,000 plot points were thrown at his head, and Goenitz suddenly had the illusion that he was being taken care of.

"When can I use plot points to hit people?" She began to dream about that day.

At this moment, Lao Gao finally began to understand why the Hell Band went to great lengths to hold concerts everywhere.

It turns out that making money is such an important thing.

Patting the little girl on the head, Goenitz continued his journey of upgrading.

[Successfully upgraded skills, armed color domineering LV3-LV4, consuming 1600 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, armed color domineering LV4-LV5, consuming 2000 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, armed color domineering LV5-LV6, consuming 2400 plot points. 】

[Successfully upgraded skills, armed color domineering LV6-LV7, consuming 2800 plot points. 】

Level 6 effect: Invisible shield, while the domineering force is in effect, any attack with a coefficient lower than the constitution x 1.4 cannot cause damage.

She currently has 26 points of constitution, which means that when activating Armament Haki, she can be immune to damage below 36 points.

Okay, the effect is really unsatisfactory, but what Goenitz really cares about is the enhancement of attack.

Currently, each of her attacks can add 63 points of damage, which is a very impressive number.

If you use the Eight Girls to perform combos, you can definitely deal explosive damage.

She activated her weapon color again, and this time her arms were covered in black domineering energy.

With a slight wave of his hand, a terrifying wave of energy suddenly set off.

Plot points: 1368 (10,000 plot points owed)

After looking at the remaining plot points, Goenitz activated the training space and selected Kyo Kusanagi's phantom as the training object.

The battle started soon. Goenitz's attributes were not advantageous, so he could only keep looking for loopholes by wandering around.

Finally, she succeeded in seizing the opportunity with her terrifying fighting instincts, and successfully hit Kusanagi Kyo with a set of Shinyachi Girls.

[Your Shinpachi Girl causes 764 points of tear damage to the target]

With the blessing of armed color domineering and activating the special effects of all equipment, Gonitz finally dealt horrific damage that was not inferior to that at his peak.

A laser shot ended the life of Kusanagi Kyo's phantom, and she turned around and left the sparring space, looking forward to the next trip to the story world.

In order to make money and pay off her debts, she must devote all her energy to meeting the challenge, but before that, Goenitz has one more thing to do.

As a follower of Fang Bo, she can enjoy many special services, one of which is that she can use the master's authority to integrate and upgrade titles.

Four Heavenly Kings (Legendary Title) LV1: As a member of the Heavenly God Clan, you have an extraordinary status, with all attributes +1.

The effect of this legendary title was so powerful that even Fang Bo could not help but be jealous of it.

Now she has no way to strengthen anything else, so she can only use title upgrades to give her a little reminder of her strength.

In addition to the legendary title, Goenitz's remaining titles include:

Guild Breaker Lv1: Your name means destruction, reputation accumulation -20%, making it easier to attract the trust of black magicians.

Betrayal LV1 (passive title): You betrayed your guild, your reputation accumulation is -30%, and your deterrence is slightly increased.

Dark Mage LV1: Attack power +1%, initial favorability of characters from the evil camp +10.

Leader LV1 (passive title): The charm value increases, and the words are easier to convince the plot characters.

Upgrading to level 2 required three titles. After some thought, she decided to keep the title of "leader".

Just treat the other three as consumables for upgrades.

Four Heavenly Kings (Legendary Title) Level 2: As a member of the heavenly protoss, you have an extraordinary status, with all attributes +2.

Soon, Lao Gao completed the upgrade of her title, and her attributes received a wave of comprehensive enhancements.

Life: 270/270 (+80)

Status: healthy

Strength: 46 (+27)

Constitution: 27 (+8)

Agility: 26 (+7)

Spirit: 54 (+35)

Perception: 29 (+10)

Equipment: God's Grace, Prosthetic Eye of Despair, Divine Blood Hand, Dragon King's Severed Arm, Armguard of Desolation, Ring of Energy, Prayer of Faith, Hill's Alchemy Ring

"It looks okay." Goenitz stretched. She had completed all the strengthening at this stage.

The next step is to continue to hone the newly acquired God-Destroying Magic to see if he can create a more powerful special move.

In Fang Bo's private space, he was about to force Shikigami to do something.

"come on."

"I don't~"

"It will be over soon, be good."

"Okay, but it won't hurt if it hurts me."

Seeing that he still refused to give up, Luoxin could only curiously pick up the scroll and start studying.

[You successfully mastered basic vehicle driving Lv1]

Next, she began to continuously upgrade, and soon upgraded the vehicle driving to MAX status.

"Look, learning skills is quite comfortable."

Luo Xinfu nodded in understanding, and once again took out a brand new scroll and chose to study.

[You successfully mastered airship driving Lv1]

Looking at Shikigami who was upgrading his skills, Fang Bo sighed sincerely.

There was no way, why didn't he find the right person?

Without the opportunity for wireless control, the Demon Airship could only be driven by the new wife, which cost him nearly 7,000 plot points.

Finally, the new woman upgraded her airship piloting to level six, which meant that she could complete the driving work of the airship alone.

Plot points: 114 (20,000 owed)

Ignoring the little money left, Fang Bo believed that no matter how many plot points he spent, it was worth it.

In his plan, the importance of the demon airship is self-evident, and it can even directly determine the success or failure of the pirate trip.

Everyone else was thinking about how to ring the golden bell, while Fang Bo was thinking about how he should obtain the title of Shichibukai.

As the saying goes, there are people above who can do things easily. In the world of pirates, there is nothing more convenient than surrendering to the World Government.

If he can obtain the status of Shichibukai, it means that many of his actions can be formalized.

As long as you don't go to the Wrathhammer Dragons, basically there won't be any big problems, and for some major events, you can only participate in certain major events if you have a specific identity.

The most important thing is that the Shichibukai is likely to be a legendary title, and Fang Bo is basically bound to win it. The only difference is how to obtain the recognition of the World Government.

Thinking of the navy, he suddenly remembered one thing. He seemed to have a rare title that only became effective if he joined the justice camp.

Legend of Justice (Rare Passive Title) Lv1: When you choose to join the camp representing justice, your health points will be +100 points.

Although this title is not legendary, its effect is not weak at all, just because it is a passive title.

As long as you join the camp representing justice, it can provide a very good blood volume bonus. If you continue to upgrade, I believe the bonus ratio will be greatly improved.

Luo Xinfu went to learn how to control the airship, and Fang Bo started to upgrade his title when he had nothing to do.

[Are you sure to upgrade the title Legend of Justice? 】


After consuming his small assets and the title of King of Fighters, he successfully promoted Legend of Justice to the second level.

One rare title is worth two, so the upgrade can be completed.

Legend of Justice (Rare Passive Title) Lv2: When you choose to join the camp representing justice, your health will be +150 points.

This alone is not enough, Fang Bo must continue to upgrade this powerful passive title.

[Are you sure to upgrade the title Legend of Justice? 】

This time he needs to consume four ordinary titles, but it doesn't matter, he has plenty of inventory in his pocket.

After consuming the two titles of Clearer (rare) and Civil War Fantasy God (rare), Legend of Justice has successfully reached level three.

Legend of Justice (Rare Passive Title) Lv3: When you choose to join the camp representing justice, your health points will be +200 points.

If you still want to upgrade, you will need to consume five titles.

For other reincarnations, it would be a fantasy to complete so many achievement tasks, but it is not a big deal here at Fang Bo.

This title can be used immediately, so he decided to go all out and upgrade the Justice Messenger to another level today.

[Are you sure to upgrade the title Legend of Justice? 】

After consuming five titles including Lao Ma Shi Tu, Guild Mage, Messenger of Justice, Palace Mage, and Dark Mage, the upgrade work was finally completed.

Legend of Justice (Rare Passive Title) Lv4: When you choose to join the camp representing justice, your health points will be +250 points.

If he successfully obtains the title of Shichibukai, his health in the pirate world will be explosively increased.

Life: 680/680 (+480)

If you complete the talent accumulation of Heart of Steel, your blood volume will directly exceed the 700 mark.

What is this concept?

In terms of frankness alone, he is basically on par with plot powerhouses such as Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami.

Calculating the blood recovery effect of legendary talents, they may be more resistant to beatings than these top fighters.

"I finally became a big blood cow." Fang Bo looked very pleased.

With the life blessing of the Legend of Justice, he can act more calmly after going to the pirate world.

There are still 26 days until the opening of the golden main line, and Fang Bo will make good use of this time to strengthen his strength.

Evil Light Slash could no longer satisfy him, so Fang Bo found a new and excellent swordsmanship.

The Secret Code of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu comes from the plot world of Rurouni Kenshin. It is a sword-drawing technique known for its "super speed".

The art of drawing a sword is mainly about speed, ruthlessness and accuracy, and Feitian Yujian style takes the "quickness" and "ruthlessness" to the limit.

After thoroughly studying the secret book, Fang Bo's swordsmanship will become even more lethal.

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