In the dream space, Fang Bo was watching Phantom's every move.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty days passed.

With the blessing of dream phantom on his learning ability, Fang Bo has already mastered Feitian Yujian style to the fullest.

Except for the two secret sword skills, he has basically mastered the rest of the sword skills.

Unlike the Evil Light Slash, most of the moves of Feiten Mitsurugi Style deal damage at close range, with one exception, and that is the Nine-Headed Dragon Flash, one of the two mysteries.

The Nine-Headed Dragon Flash is one of the mysteries of the random attack technique. Simply summarized, it means slashing in nine directions in an instant.

The specific moves include Tangzhu (cut straight from the head), Kasaya Cho (cut diagonally downward from right to left), reverse Kasaya (cut diagonally downward from left to right), Zuo Pheasant (left horizontal), Right Pheasant (right horizontal cut), and Left Cut Up Nine moves are combined into one: (cut diagonally from left to right), right cut up (cut diagonally from right to left), headwind (from bottom to top), and thrust (throat stabbing).

Relying on the rapid drawing and slashing of Feiten Mitsurugi style and using these nine one-hit-killing slashes at the same time, this is an absolute sword skill that no opponent can defend against.

Due to the special nature of the move, Nine-Headed Dragon Flash is more like a mid-range sword attack.

Fang Bo has the sword master's ultimate intention in his hand, which can expand the original narrow slash. Perhaps this secret is more suitable for him.

At this moment, the phantom was simulating the Nine-Headed Dragon Flash, and it looked so ready to go that Fang Bo couldn't help but become nervous.

In an instant, the sword flashed, and it slashed nine wild dragon-like slashes.

The wooden figure three meters away shattered into pieces. It was not cut by huge force, but was attacked by nine powerful sword energy.

Seeing this scene, Fang Bo knew that he had bought the secret book of Feitian Yujian style correctly.

Compared with Nine-Headed Dragon Flash, Evil Light Slash is more like a pure application of power, and the swordsmanship skills contained in it are actually very shallow.

"There's only two days left and I don't know if I can learn it."

Compared with illusions and time and space abilities, Fang Bo's understanding of swordsmanship, fists and kicks is particularly strong.

Coupled with the memory blessing of Phantom Space, his learning efficiency has been increased many times.

In order to master this sword skill as soon as possible, Fang Bo even temporarily put aside the study of the flying thunder god technique, and began to attack the flying sword style in the remaining two days.

Huangtian paid off his hard work, and on the eve of leaving for the next plot world, Fang Bo finally successfully understood this secret.

"Ha!" He heard a low shout from his mouth, and the Kusanagi sword flashed like a divine light, instantly slashing out nine violent sword energy in the shape of a golden fire dragon.

With the blessing of the swordsman's will, the nine golden fire dragons roared like real creatures and completely engulfed the dummy as a test subject.

This was the effect of activating Tian Congyun. Fang Bo wanted to know how effective his full blow was.

[Your Nine-Headed Dragon Flash causes 522 points of slashing damage to the target]

"Very good." He seemed satisfied.

There is nearly 500 points of damage without causing a critical hit. If it is successfully triggered, the damage will basically go straight to over 1,000 points.

Besides, he didn't use "Gathered Energy" just now. If he invested ten or twenty points of mental power, the final killing effect might be even more astonishing.

"This looks cool." Fang Bo put away the Kusanagi sword, turned around and left the training space.

When he came to the square, he found that a large number of reincarnators gathered at the release point of the golden main line mission.

These people are struggling because no one knows the specific content of the task, so they can only see if any masters will take the initiative to participate.

If the difficulty of the tasks is similar, the higher the strength of the followers around them, the greater the probability that they can pass the golden main line.

If the challenge fails, the income from the subsequent plot world will be directly halved, which is equivalent to killing many people.

Based on this alone, you can’t be too careful now.

"Hey, have you heard? It seems that someone in Dark Wings has taken action."

"I know that they are targeting the Four Sacred Beasts of Yu Yu Hakusho's world."

"Damn, we are still thinking about how to get through the mission, but someone actually has the idea of ​​​​the final BOSS."

"Bullshit, what kind of final BOSS? The Four Sacred Beasts are just minions. Let me tell you secretly, the name of the strongest character in Yu Yu Hakusho's world is Toguru."

"That's it. Thanks a lot, buddy."

"I heard that the people at Sound Nest have been very active recently. They seem to have been inquiring about a certain team."

"Haha, who doesn't know that their home has been raided? They might have had a myocardial infarction from anger."

After hearing the discussion of these guys, Fang Bo knew that the information about the ruthless team had been completely exposed.

It doesn't matter to him, but other teammates may not be able to handle the pursuit properly.

Everyone has great potential, but it takes a certain amount of time to realize their talents.

After a moment of silence, Fang Bo suddenly jumped lightly and jumped directly to the stone steps in front of the portal.

Such an out-of-the-box behavior instantly attracted a lot of attention.

Many reincarnations who had mastered the detection skills immediately obtained some basic information about him.

"No. 14552?"

"My God, this guy is a famous fortune teller."

"The one who is recognized as the strongest reincarnator in the first difficulty level?!"

"Why did he jump out suddenly?"

Seeing that he had successfully attracted everyone's attention, Fang Bo cleared his throat and said, "Now that you know me, many things will be much easier."

"I will participate in the Golden Bell mission soon. Anyone who is confident in following me should come along."

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

At least in the first difficulty world, the man in front of me has the thickest and thickest thigh.

Now that the god-level thigh has publicly announced that he is going to the pirate world, why should others not follow him?

In order to win the trust of everyone, Fang Bo deliberately showed the golden thread he had taken. Now everyone had no doubts and chose to join the journey of the pirate world.

They were just happy, but they didn't even think about what it meant to support the fortune teller's behavior.

It wasn't until the appearance of a certain figure that the warm atmosphere around them was interrupted.

"You finally showed up, No. 7." It was a man whose face couldn't be seen clearly, but it could be seen from the other person's words and deeds that this was a guy who was deeply hostile to him.

If you can call him by his stage name, his origin is already obvious.

"Why, haven't you learned your lesson yet?" Faced with the threat, Fang Bo chose to respond in the toughest way: "Or do you want me to destroy your foundation in the pirate world?"

Hearing this, the man's face instantly turned ugly.

The failure of the King of Fighters world greatly reduced the power of the orphanage, and the situation in the second difficulty world began to become difficult.

Nothing can be seen in a short period of time, but without logistical support, the gap with other top forces will gradually widen over time.

Fortunately, there is still support from the Pirate World, otherwise everyone would be able to find another way out now.

When he heard the other party mentioning things about the King of Fighters world, the man immediately responded in a gloomy tone: "Don't be complacent, you will definitely not survive this golden plot."

If they go to other worlds, with No. 7's powerful strength, it is estimated that many people they go will just die.

But don’t forget, Pirates is a key development project of Sound Nest.

Being able to obtain the basic technology of Seraph shows how closely they are connected with the world government.

Although the technology they master is very crude, and the finished Seraph is inferior to even the basic model of Pacifist, this does not prevent them from achieving a high status in the world government.

Every time a new person joins, the orphanage will select suitable people among them to continue to deepen and expand the relationship with the plot forces.

The purpose is to increase individual reputation and mobilize the power of plot forces at certain special moments.

Number Seven's choice to join One Piece is almost the same as throwing himself into a trap.

He will tell the other party with facts that if the orphanage is prepared in advance, you newcomers will not be able to make any waves.

Making a gesture of wiping his neck towards the other party, the man turned around and left the space square.

Once you receive the golden mission, you can't give up. He is not afraid that No. 7 will escape.

The next time the two parties meet, it will probably be on an island in the pirate world.

"Very good." Fang Bo stared at the other party expressionlessly, but he seemed very happy in his heart.

His purpose is to attract enemies, and he will be disappointed if this guy doesn't come.

As for the threat from the sound nest, he even dared to break into the opponent's home base of the King of Fighters world, let alone an area as vast as One Piece.

What about surrendering to the world government?

They are not a sound nest, and they do not have the power to sweep everything, otherwise there would not be an era of great pirates.

At that time, it is not certain who will use the stronger plot power.

What's more, without the appearance of these pursuers, how could Fang Bo obtain a large number of plot points.

Others are afraid of reincarnations in large organizations, but he is looking forward to meeting these people.

It wasn't until the man disappeared from sight that Fang Bo reluctantly looked back.

After waiting silently for a long time, it was a pity that the Wings of Darkness did not appear at all.

Didn't you pay attention to the main quest of the Golden Line, or did you mean that you didn't realize your behavior in the Fairy Tail world?

Fang Bo felt a little regretful. You know, the summoners are a bunch of very rich guys.

If they enter the world of One Piece together, the harvest may be unexpectedly rich.

"How about I take the initiative to find them?"

Smiling and shaking his head, Fang Bo put an end to this slightly absurd idea.

Seeing that no one continued to punish him, he wandered back to the team space.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a familiar guest.

Xiao Douding's sister, Tina, the super master with the ability to break the face.

"Long time no see." Tina greeted him.

This woman has always acted resolutely. After saying hello, she went straight to the point: "I know you are about to challenge the main gold mission. I am here to tell you that you don't have to worry about the attitude of Yinchao."

Her meaning is very simple. When the ruthless team advances to the second difficulty world, she and the forces behind them will provide certain protection.

As for the specific form, Team Cheng temporarily became one of her reincarnation teams.

In this way, any enemy who wants to move them needs to think carefully.

Until they are able to deal with the threat, they can break away from the organization behind her at any time.

"We will not provide any form of material help unless you are willing to really join in." Tina smiled slightly, not hiding her true intention.

As long as you are not an idiot, you can basically see the potential of the ruthless team.

Completing world missions twice before and after can make Dangtang Yinnesi fall into ruins many times. Ordinary people cannot do these things.

If she didn't want to recruit such a genius, she would just wipe her neck with a knife.


Looking at her sister holding her little face in her hands, Tina sighed in her heart, knowing that the success rate of her persuasion was actually not high.

In fact, if her sister didn't exist, she could use more radical methods to force the other party.

However, no matter what, she is her sister's companion, and she has protected Yaoyao from harm many times, so she cannot do anything too extreme.

In the end, we can only come up with the current plan.

Not the best, but very suitable for the current relationship between the two parties.

The person in charge of the ruthless team is Dai Lun, but everyone knows that Fang Bo is the important link that maintains everyone.

Such a big thing still needs him to handle it.

After thinking for a while, Fang Bo nodded in agreement: "If this happens, I will trouble you."

Before Tina could speak, Yaoyao jumped up excitedly.

"Okay, I can go on the mission with my sister." He put one hand around his sister's neck, and the other hand tried to reach his eldest brother's arm.

Seeing this, Fang Bo smiled bitterly and took two steps forward, allowing the little guy to hug them both at once.

Looking at the cheering little girl, the two looked at each other and understood many things.

Fang Bo wants to use the opponent's strength to resist the threat, and the woman will definitely continue to look for suitable opportunities to annex the ruthless team.

As for who can succeed, it depends on each other's methods.

No matter what the outcome is, with Yaoyao's relationship, the two sides can at least be regarded as an invisible ally.

Tomorrow is the day to go to the mission world. On this day, everyone did not continue to train, but gathered together to eat, drink and chat casually.

Everyone added some friends, including members of the Demon Slayer Corps, and he finally met the talented boy Tokitoru Muichiro.

But before Fang Bo could ask too much, he was pulled away by Butterfly Ninja.

Seeing this situation, everyone else smiled and said nothing. Only Dai Lun looked a little ugly and sat alone and ignored everyone.

"Hey, eldest brother escaped again, should we go and have a look?"



Yaoyao's peeping plan was destroyed by her sister's brainstorm before it even started.

The next day, with the arrival of the doctor, the ruthless team was divided into three, preparing to perform tasks in different worlds ahead.

Before departure, Fang Bo filled ten large buckets in the mark.

"What are you doing?"

Facing the questions from other teammates, he just smiled and said nothing, and soon everyone disappeared in the light of the portal.

"See you all soon."

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