Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 337 My friend, you are the real hero

Haiyuan calendar year 1520,

The Black Cat Pirates failed in their second challenge to the Grand Line

The identity of the Sinful Bloodline was revealed by the Navy.

Shichibukai Crocodile takes control of Alabasta

The World Conference is about to be held in the Holy Land of Marie Gioia

Rumors about the empty island are getting more and more intense in the surrounding area

This is destined to be a turbulent year.

East China Sea, Moonlight Islands.

Slowly getting up from the beach, Fang Bo looked at the blue sea and sky, and his mood suddenly felt much better.

Compared with the hustle and bustle of the city, he yearns for a free and unstructured life at sea, but unfortunately many things cannot be decided by him.

He shook his head vigorously to get rid of the dizziness. He didn't understand why he had a similar feeling every time he came in.

Is there no way to make the space more comfortable?

I glanced to the side and found that apart from my two followers, the only living thing on the beach was a cute hermit crab that was struggling to move.

She gently picked up the cute little guy, admired it for a moment, and then threw it into the mouth of the big spider head.

After chewing for a while, she smiled and gave an evaluation: "It tastes pretty good."

"Why are you so cruel?" Fang Bo turned his head and glanced at Storm, who was facing the sea.

"It seems that all the reincarnators have been dispersed."

The difficulty of the golden main line is very high, and generally requires everyone's sincere cooperation to pass it.

Because of this, the space will separate everyone, which will virtually increase the difficulty of the task.

"Space is really wicked." After a little emotion, Fang Bo asked curiously: "Can your ghost spider swim?"

If you want to ask what kind of creatures are the most abundant in the pirate world, the answer is definitely not humans, but the many strange creatures living in the ocean.

If the ghost spiders could swim, they could hunt in groups in the deep sea. But would they be afraid that they would not have enough flesh and blood?

"." Luo Xinfu glanced at him and did not choose to answer. Instead, she walked towards the endless sea alone.

Next, the two saw a big spider flapping and struggling in the shallow sea. It looked so helpless, just like a cerebral thrombosis patient walking on a treadmill.

".I understand, you can come back."

When the embarrassed bride returned, Fang Bo began to think about how to hunt in the sea.

The ghost mother Yin Ji is not good at water, so even her little cubs cannot go into the sea.

But it doesn't matter. There are a lot of people in the pirate world who can't go to sea. As long as not all the people on the ship are like this, it will be fine.

"Maybe, I can find other ways to hunt." After thinking about it, Fang Bo couldn't help but look at Lao Gao, who was looking at the sea in the distance.

With the power of this guy's storm, he should be able to easily wash some fish and shrimps to the surface of the sea.

Of course, the hatching of ghost spiders requires a huge amount of energy. Ordinary fish and shrimps will definitely not work. The best choice is the large sea king species.

"It would be great if I could go to the Dragon King's Palace."

[Golden Main Quest: Shantora’s Golden Bell (Released)]

[This world is a cooperative mode, and the damage dealt by reincarnators when attacking each other is reduced by 50%]

[Warning: Killing the reincarnator will reduce the merit value! 】

[Warning: The continuous hidden mission "The Pursuit of Baroque Co., Ltd." has been reactivated! 】

"Cooperate to pass the level." Fang Bo sighed helplessly. He didn't want to see this kind of rule restriction the last thing.

The attack damage is reduced by 50%, which means that it is more difficult to kill other reincarnators, which is very detrimental to his next actions.

The punishment of deducting merit points was even more excessive, making it impossible for him to kill all the reincarnators who entered this world.

That's right, Fang Bo wants to kill the reincarnators who entered this world together.

Even if each person only has 1,800 plot points in his pocket, he can still make a lot of money depending on the quantity.

Why not let others follow in?

In addition to personnel restrictions, there is also the fear that someone will obstruct his actions. In contrast, Goenitz and Luo Xinfu have no such human constraints at all.

As for the pursuit of the Baroque Works, it was very difficult for him who had just entered the reincarnation space. He even needed the cooperation of other reincarnations to deal with the pursuit.

At that time, we lacked the ability to even complete this continuous task, so it has been postponed until now.

I tried sharing it, but found that the other two were unable to accept the task.

As a last resort, Fang Bo could only temporarily postpone the progress of the task.

In today's Baroque Working Group, except for the president Clark Dahl, everyone else is not looked down upon by him.

It is impossible for the Shichibukai to come all the way to hunt him down, so the threat in this area can basically be ignored.

The current top priority is to complete the arming of the bride as soon as possible. When all her children and grandchildren are hatched, the team's combat effectiveness will instantly increase by two levels.

If you can't go to the sea to fish, the best way is to attack the pirate group.

Maybe the naval base can be operated on?

Considering the goals of the Shichibukai, Fang Bo decided to spare the poor naval base.

However, just because he doesn't want to take action doesn't mean that the Navy will let him go.

The "big pirate" with a reward of 10 million is already very rare in the East China Sea. If those guys really come to visit, Fang Bo will definitely not let these fresh ingredients go.

Not only the new bride, but also his legendary characteristics need to be superimposed. 30 points of blood volume is equivalent to 3 points of physical attributes. Why not use it for nothing.

Kicking away the dirt under his feet, Fang Bo decided to look for a sea chart.

No matter what he does next, he first needs to know where he is.

"Hopefully it's not a deserted island."

If there is really no one around, even if there is a demon airship, they will be lost on the sea for many days.

Fang Bo didn't want to waste this time, so finding the sea chart became a top priority.

"Look over there." At this moment, Goenitz suddenly became interested, because at the end of the sea level, a sailboat with a pirate flag was slowly approaching.

This is called sleeping when someone gives you a pillow.

This pirate ship originally planned to dock for a rest and replenish fresh water resources. Unexpectedly, it welcomed three uninvited guests as soon as it docked.

"Who?!" A bearded man wearing a pirate hat and holding a pirate scimitar came to the deck.

As if he sensed the unkind aura of the visitor, the bearded man licked the handle of the knife, showing off a sophisticated air that had been battle-hardened for a long time.

Just looking at his performance, those who didn't know it would have thought he was a figure who came out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Unfortunately, he couldn't hide from the investigation of scanning information.

[Old Jack (Treasure Hunter)]

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, perception]

[Features: danger alarm, treasure smell]

[Threat assessment: extremely weak]

Danger alert: You have a keen enough intuition about things that may threaten you.

Smell for treasures: No treasure can be hidden in front of you.

Old Jack is a treasure hunter, and the pirate flag is just a means for him to protect himself.

It can scare off other pirates at ordinary times, and it can also reveal its identity in advance when encountering the navy.

In fact, if you encounter a tough situation, it will usually be fine if you lose money and avoid disaster.

When I go out to run a boat, I am most afraid of encountering those madmen who kill without batting an eye. I have escaped death several times thanks to these people.

Old Jack could feel that the bloody aura of the three people in front of him was extremely strong, and they must all be the kind of ruthless people who would kill without blinking an eye.

"Damn it, I wouldn't have docked if I had known."

The act of licking the knife did not deter the other party. Old Jack simply put away his coyness and wanted to see if the matter could be resolved through peaceful means.

However, I don't know if he was overly pretentious, which led many of his subordinates to really think that everyone would be afraid of the name of a pirate.

Before the captain could speak, a desperate young man jumped out: "Boy, what kind of place do you think this is? Did you bring two girls up here to entertain the men?"

As soon as he said this, Old Jack wanted to chop him with a knife. Wasn't this forcing others to take action?

Before he could think of a countermeasure, everyone felt a figure flash before their eyes. The young pirate who had just uttered arrogant words was picked up by a woman wearing a priest's uniform with one hand.

"Do you want to have fun?" Her smile was extremely bloodthirsty, as if she was looking forward to the next scene.

With a flick of his finger, the young pirate's arm immediately fell to the deck.

As the blood spurted out, the screams suddenly woke everyone up.


Old Jack took the lead in choosing to open fire, because he knew that things today could no longer be good.

Rather than letting people continue to do whatever they want, it is better to fight with these three guys. At least we still have the numerical advantage.

But a scene that he never expected appeared.

As soon as the bullet rushed out of the gun barrel, it was cut into two pieces by a long sword that cut across the gun.

That was a bullet. An object whose movement trajectory could not be seen in ordinary people's eyes was actually chopped down in the air with a long sword.

At this moment, Old Jack finally understood that he had hit a brick wall.

"Wait a minute, actually we are not pirates, I just..." As he spoke, he suddenly stopped because there was no one alive on the deck except himself.

He was the only commander who died on the ship, so why should he care if others continued to attack him?

[Legendary characteristic (Heart of Steel) is activated, HP +1]

[Legendary characteristic (Heart of Steel) is activated, HP +2]

[Legendary characteristic (Heart of Steel) is activated, HP +1]

Goenitz's attack speed was too fast. Even if Fang Bo attacked with all his strength, he could only capture three heads.

Every time he enters the plot world, he always wants to quickly fill his heart with steel.

Watching the upper limit of his health increase little by little gave him a very strong sense of security.

Shaking off the blood on Kusanagi's sword, Fang Bo came to the bearded man and asked softly: "Excuse me, old gentleman, do you have a chart in your hand? Where are we now?"

If it weren't for the corpses on the ground around him, he would have mistakenly thought that the other party was a gentleman of noble origin.

"This, this is the Moonlight Islands. I brought a copy of the chart with me." Old Jack stretched out his hand tremblingly and handed the chart to the man in front of him.

Moonlight Islands?

Fang Bo thought carefully for a while and seemed to have no impression, which meant that this was not the place where the main plot took place.

Maybe, but he just couldn't remember it all.

"Thank you." Throwing the chart to Luoxin, Fang Bo politely patted the old man's shoulder: "Don't go sailing outside at such an old age. It's so dangerous."

"Yes, yes, I won't do it when I get back."

"No, no, no, I mean, I admire people like you who dare to work hard for their dreams."

Looking at the huge airship that suddenly appeared on the sea, Fang Bo turned his head and said to Old Jack very seriously: "We are just busy with external affairs, and you, my friend, are the real hero."

Before the smile on Old Jack's lips bloomed, Fang Bo's sword flashed from his waist, and the old man's head fell to the beach with a clatter.

[Legendary characteristic (Heart of Steel) is activated, HP +2]

The appearance of this scene did not affect the two people on the deck at all, and Goenitz even yawned to remind him to deal with it quickly.

As for Luoxin, she looked down at the old man and drooled. Seeing that Fang Bo was about to leave, she hurriedly waved: "Hey, don't forget to take my lunch."


After eating and drinking, the airship officially set sail and rose to an altitude of 10,000 meters in a short time.

The seven hatched first-order ghost spiders are busy cleaning the deck. These little things work hard and don't have to pay five insurances and one housing fund. They are really the best free labor force.

Picking up Old Jack's chart, Fang Bo decided on the team's next move.

He does have a lot of things to be busy with, but everything must be done step by step. First, he needs to go to Shuangyue Village to visit his little brother.

Swordsman Paul, a plot character who was impressed by his charisma the last time he entered the world of pirates.

This guy's strength is average, but the young man knows how to make progress.

Before Fang Bo left, he asked him to go to the gym in Shuangyue Village to become a disciple. He didn't know how he was doing with his studies now.

"Hatred and protection are the driving forces that can make people stronger. I hope you won't waste your talents."

Thinking of this little brother, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have a sailboat named Dauntless.

But looking at the demon airship at his feet, Fang Bo felt that it was the same thing whether it was or not.

After flying in the sky for about thirty minutes, the airship was forced to land on the sea. He needed to retain some energy at all times, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with an emergency.

The sea may seem calm, but in fact it may become rough at any time.

Fang Bo, who does not have much sailing experience, can only be cautious in everything, and must not try to pull the boat over if he sees someone.

Even so, in half an hour's journey, the devil airship still sailed more than 200 kilometers.

At the end of the horizon, the outline of the land can be vaguely seen.

"This is the sea." Goenitz suddenly sighed with emotion, not knowing what was going on in her mind.

Fang Bo was about to ask when he suddenly heard a prompt from the space.

This means that the space has released information about achievement tasks in this world.

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