Open the personal menu, and the achievement tasks of this world will soon appear in front of you.

"Hey, there's a lot of them." Fang Bo looked very happy.

The larger number of tasks means that the titles he can obtain will also increase.

After he has obtained the title of Shichibukai, he needs materials to upgrade. This time he will definitely focus on obtaining the title.

[You can obtain the following achievements in this world:]

[Big Pirate: You become a captain with a hundred crew members]

[Outstanding Navigator: You have sailed a thousand miles in total]

[Racist: You killed ten creatures of different races]

[Government employee: You have obtained formal official status]

[Six-Style User: You have learned a certain Six-Style technique]

[Essence user: You swallowed a devil fruit]

[Master's Ladder: You have mastered the power of domineering]

[Qualification of the King: You have awakened the overlord color and domineering energy]

[Rebellion: You joined the revolutionary army camp]

[Giant Marine: You have obtained a giant crew member]

[Technology Warrior: You have participated in a certain scientific and technological body transformation]

[Historical text: You got a piece of intelligence historical text]

[You know the road signs: you get a historical text of the road signs]

[Poverty is not worthy of praise: You have accumulated a billion beli]

[Famous in the sea: Your bounty has reached 100 million]

[Legal Robbery: You become the seat of the King's Shichibukai]

[Emperor of the Sea: You have won the title of Four Emperors]

[Resounding through the sky: You have achieved the title of the world’s greatest swordsman]

[Big secret treasure: You successfully reached the final island]

[Please continue to increase your military rank and unlock more achievements! 】

From the most basic navigation to reaching the final island and becoming the Pirate King, there are all kinds of achievements.

Since Fang Bo's military rank was promoted to school level, the number of achievement tasks has continued to skyrocket.

Among them, many tasks have subsequent achievements, which can continue to promote the original title.

The upgraded title will have a corresponding increase regardless of its actual effect or the weight of the fusion upgrade.

For example, a level 2 title requires 4 ordinary titles to upgrade. If a level 2 title is used, only two can be used to complete the upgrade.

The effect is basically the same as that of the rare level. The specific choice depends on personal wishes.

Fang Bo had just opened the achievement menu, and before Fang Bo had time to check it carefully, he received a prompt to complete the task.

[Outstanding Navigator: You have sailed a thousand miles in total (completed)]

[You get the title "Navigator\

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