Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 341 The destiny is fulfilled and the future is foreseen!

In the Evil Dragon Realm, in the square at the main entrance of the Murloc Palace.

Covered in blood, Paul was tied to the cross and allowed the scorching sun to burn his skin.

In the distance, a strong fishman with serrated teeth was enjoying the gentle massage of a human beauty.

"Scared hahaha, aren't you still willing to bow your head and submit?" Aaron gently tore the human beauty's buttocks, inadvertently revealing the mark representing the Sun Pirates on his chest.

Because the force on her hand was too heavy, it was like pliers clamping her butt to the woman next to her, but she didn't dare to show a trace of dissatisfaction.

In the realm of evil dragons, no one can resist the fish-men clan, otherwise death will become a very luxurious thing.

Just like that young man, he has been tied there for half a month.

The cruel Aaron refused to let him die or live a good life, saying that he wanted to see human beings take the initiative to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Speaking of which, this guy is really a tough guy. No matter how tortured he is, he never says a word.

"If it were me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hold on for ten minutes." The beauty couldn't help but feel a hint of admiration for him.

"Submit?" Hearing his enemy's laughter, Paul raised his head with difficulty and bumped his chapped lips up and down a few times.

He seems to be smiling?

"Beasts are just beasts, and no human words can come out of their mouths."

If it weren't for his amazing hearing, Aaron might not be able to hear the man's murmur.

Of course, he would rather not hear it now.

After throwing the woman beside him away, the strong Aaron stood up and walked towards the semi-conscious young man step by step.

He grabbed the other person's hair with his hands and forced the human to look at him with weak eyes.

He liked this feeling of bullying the weak, especially those humans who were born with weak constitutions.

Staring into the young man's eyes, Aaron suddenly laughed: "I know you want to die, but I won't let you get rid of it so easily."

As he spoke, he took a syringe from his subordinates and injected it into the human body without any explanation.

"This tube of nutrient solution is worth at least 300,000 Baileys." He slowly turned the needle and let it destroy muscle tissue and blood vessels in the young man's body.

Unfortunately, Paul remained silent from beginning to end, which made Aaron stop moving in boredom.

"Enjoy it, we will continue after you recover."

Similar behavior has been repeated many times. Anyone else would have suffered a nervous breakdown, but Paul did not. He did not even say a word for mercy.

Aaron has killed countless people in his life, and this is the first time he has seen such a tough guy.

In order to make the young man surrender, he decided to have sex with him.

If half a month is not enough, then one month. If one month is not enough, then half a year.

Without letting him kneel down in front of him willingly, Aaron felt like he couldn't sleep well.

Of course, you can't do anything recklessly, and you have to pay attention to the method of torturing people.

Physical injuries can be ignored, so today he will play some mental torture with this guy.

The orderer brought the human girl just now over, and Aaron grabbed her neck in his hands. He could end the woman's life with just a slight force.

"Please, if you beg me, she can survive."

As if to verify his words, Aaron used his palms hard and crushed the woman's hand bones on the spot.

In an instant, extremely shrill screams echoed in the palace.

The effect this time was obvious, Paul's indifferent eyes finally started to fluctuate.

I thought he would say something, but in the end he just glanced at him and lowered his head again.

Seeing this, Aaron burst out laughing: "Very good, that's how the game is fun."

He squeezed the screaming woman to death, threw it aside, and then waved to his men again.

Soon, the fishman soldiers brought in seven or eight children under the age of ten.

Aaron did not rush to take action, but whispered: "Look at that big brother, how dirty his body is, go and wipe his body quickly."

The children didn't know the hidden meaning behind it. They were rewarded with candy in advance. Of course, they had to help the poor big brother now.

When Paul woke up from a daze, he happened to see a little girl clumsily feeding herself water.

He immediately understood the enemy's plan, and his body that had been silent for a long time suddenly burst out with infinite power.

"Ha!" Hearing a loud shout, he broke the chains and rushed towards the fish-man like crazy.

It's just that the person he pounced on was not Aaron, but a red-skinned fishman holding a machete not far away.

Even though he was tortured for a long time, Paul's mind was still clear. He knew that without weapons, he was no match for Aaron.

Quickly arriving in front of the fishman, he used his arm as a weapon and hit the fishman's arm hard.

Wu Dao style·Cross cut and reverse brush!

After successfully obtaining the machete, Paul stood upright despite his weakness, turned around and stared at the sneering fishman Aaron.

With the weapon in hand, Paul's momentum began to gradually become more fierce.

I have to say that Shigetsuki Koushiro is really a good teacher.

He can't teach many unique swordsmanship skills, but he can lay the solid foundation for every disciple.

If it were not for the guidance of a famous teacher, Paul would never have transformed so quickly in just two years.

For a long time in the past, he alone caused chaos in the Dragon Realm.

During this period, he played against Aaron several times, but unfortunately the two sides could never decide the winner.

If he hadn't fallen into the enemy's trick, how could he have ended up in this situation.

Seeing that he was a little unsteady on his feet, the fish-man next to him who suffered a loss wanted to take the opportunity to regain his position, but he was met with a flash of murderous sword light.

It wasn't until his head was chopped off with a knife that he realized how sharp his long knife could be.

An enemy was killed in an instant, but this also exhausted Paul's hard-earned physical strength.

Seeing the fish-man Aaron approaching step by step, he didn't even have the strength to hold the knife.

Although Paul's eyes were still full of unyieldingness, he seemed to know that he might never be able to recover.

What else could he do? He could only accuse the injustice of fate in his heart.

"At least I can decide my own death."

If he doesn't commit suicide now, those children will die tragically because of him.

Even if he couldn't save them, at least Paul could choose not to let these bastards succeed.

Just when he was about to commit suicide, the young man suddenly saw the brightest golden light.

It was a spear shining with golden light, falling from the sky like a meteor.

The fish-man Aaron was too focused and did not notice the approaching danger at all. He still thought about rushing forward to stop the man's suicide.

Phew! The spear pierced his chest, and the force of the fall drove Aaron to slide forward for more than ten meters before stopping.

Immediately afterwards, more than ten rays of golden light came one after another, killing all the surrounding murloc guards.

The shocking scene made Paul feel as absurd as if he was in a dream.

"Did I lose too much blood and have hallucinations?"

Before he could slap himself, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

As the surging breath of life poured into his body, Paul was surprised to find that his physical injuries were recovering quickly.

[Swordsmanship experience value +556]

[Your sword mastery has been upgraded to LV6]

Feeling the pain that was enough to make him collapse, Fang Bo grinned and said hello to him: "Hey, long time no see."

Automatically ignoring the twisted expression, Paul gave him a big hug full of surprise.

"Boss, you are finally back."

After two years of waiting, I finally met that person today.

[Paul (Pirate Hunter)]

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: physique, strength, agility]

[Characteristics: Eyes of Mind, Iron Will]

[Threat assessment: slightly inferior]

Eye of Mind: You prefer to observe everything with your heart, critical hit rate +30%, critical hit damage +10%.

Iron Will: You possess an indomitable will.

"The physique is over 30 points, which is very good. Maybe his strength attributes are also not low." Fang Bo was very satisfied with this guy's attributes.

The Mind Eye trait is a good thing. It can increase the critical hit rate of all moves, making it easier for Paul to deal extraordinary damage.

As for that iron will, without it, Paul would probably have suffered a nervous breakdown from the endless torture.

"Very good, you did not disappoint me."

Patting his younger brother on the shoulder, Fang Bo turned to look at the fishman Aaron who was struggling to get up from the ground.

Among the bosses in the entire East China Sea, he was the most annoying guy, but Fang Bo did not take action directly, but left the opportunity to the swordsman Paul who was eager to take revenge with his own hands.

After suffering a blow from the sonic gun, Aaron's health volume was less than half of his peak.

If it really comes down to a one-on-one battle, he may not be my younger brother's opponent.

"Pay attention to his murloc karate." Fang Bo turned to look at the other murlocs, with a sinister tone in his voice: "If you want to avenge your family, use your long knife to chop off his head."

"I know." Paul glared angrily and rushed towards his enemy like crazy.

A big battle soon broke out between the two sides, and Aaron, the fish-man who was seriously injured, was at a complete disadvantage from the beginning.

On the other side, Goenitz descended from the sky, his hands covered in dark armed domineering aura.

The seemingly strong fishman guards were as fragile as paper in front of her.

[Your claw attack causes 129 points of tear damage to the target]

[Your claw attack causes 174 points of tear damage to the target]

The divine blood hand on the left hand has extremely fast attack speed, and the black dragon arm on the right hand has powerful attack power.

Used with the weapon color, every flat A hit can cause terrible damage.

Dodging the fish-man's knife, Goenitz pierced the enemy's chest with his hand, and forcefully dug out his heart.

Such a bloody and violent scene made the murlocs feel chills in their hearts when they saw it.

At this moment, the demon airship landed from the sky, and the elite engineers were lined up in two rows and began to spit acid at the fishmen below.

Due to the characteristics of the race, murlocs' wrist strength and physique are generally superior to humans, and it often takes two shots of acid to kill a murloc.

Fortunately, there are a large number of ghost spiders. In addition to long-range troops, there are also a lot of melee troops on the ship.


As explosions sounded, many fishmen were killed on the spot by the Exploding Ghost Spider.

The flesh and blood protein of these guys is very high, and any one of them can successfully hatch 3-5 first-order ghost spiders, so there is no loss in using self-destruction troops.

Occasionally, a magic energy cannon fired would make the enemy troops on the battlefield tremble with fear.

The seemingly powerful Dragon Realm is completely vulnerable to today's ruthless pirates.

"Uh." Xiaoba waved the blade and tried to resist, but unfortunately his head was crushed by Goenitz in less than two rounds.

Mastering the armed domineering force, Lao Gao's combat effectiveness has reached a higher level. It is easy to deal with this kind of rookie.

Soon, more than 80% of the fishmen were killed in the battle, and the remaining ones got into the water and fled to the outside world.

The only fish-man on the field who was still resisting was Aaron, who was dripping with blood.

"Tch, it's rubbish." He opened Xiaoba's story treasure chest, but he didn't get anything very useful.

Goenitz, who was a little angry, couldn't help but set his sights on the strongest Aaron.

There was no way she could do it, she was really poor and had incurred a huge amount of foreign debt just to learn how to be domineering.

Therefore, excessive consumption is harmful. If Fang Bo knew about it, he would definitely warn her to be wary of consumption traps.

Just as Lao Gao was about to take action, he was stopped by Fang Bo on the side.

"This is his battle for revenge."

Hearing the word revenge, Goenitz gave up the idea of ​​taking action.

After looking at the ghost spiders carrying flesh and blood around her, she rode the strong wind back to the deck.

As for the pirates who were members of the atmosphere group, they began to go deep into the evil dragon realm to search for the wealth that Aaron had gained over the years.

Perhaps feeling that his death was imminent, Aaron, who was originally well-organized in offense and defense, suddenly lost his order.

By accident, his chest was struck by his opponent's sword.

If he had held the original weapon, Paul would have dealt with the opponent long ago, but it is not too late now, Aaron no longer has the ability to resist.

two minutes later

"Repent of your sins."

Yidao Liu·Ye Crow!

The bodies of each other passed each other, Paul flicked the long knife, and a small blood mark slowly appeared on Aaron's neck.

With a plop, the fishman's head fell to the enemy, which ended his sinful life.

[You have completed Paul’s destiny mission]

Under the influence of the unknown, the young swordsman suddenly felt a very powerful force surge inside his body.

He didn't think much about it and just regarded it as a natural reaction after getting revenge.

Little did they know that in just a short period of time, Paul's attributes had completely changed.

【Paul (Avenger)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, agility, constitution]

[Characteristics: Kagura's eyes, iron will, innate knowledge and color]

[Threat Assessment: Evenly matched]

Kagura's Eye of Mind: You can easily penetrate the enemy's fatal weakness, with a critical hit rate +45% and critical hit damage +20%.

Innate sense of sight: You have an extraordinary ability to understand the color of sight, and you can briefly glimpse the future.

After browsing Paul's attributes again, Fang Bo couldn't help but take a breath.

Unexpectedly, this boy gave himself a surprise.

Before he could test her, his men suddenly reported that they had found a woman while searching the dungeon.

A very beautiful woman.

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