Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 342 Nami: He gave too much

Looking at the girl who was taken into custody, Fang Bo's eyes suddenly lit up.

How could I have forgotten her when I was so busy looking for Paul?

[Nami (Little Thieving Cat)]

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: perception, agility]

[Characteristics: Excessive demands, money-obsessed]

[Threat Assessment: Vulnerable]

Excessive demands: It’s hard to satisfy her with regular rewards, so be careful with your wallet.

Money-obsessed: A woman who is easily driven by money and falls into the eyes of money.

The woman is the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, the little thief cat Nami.

At first, the woman was still struggling hard, but when she saw the scene around her, she was stunned.

Especially when she saw a ghost spider eating Aaron's body, she immediately opened her mouth wide and showed off her talent to the man in front of her.

"That, that seems to be Aaron." After the shock, a trace of ecstasy flashed in Nami's eyes.

She and Aaron's gang had a deep hatred. She originally thought there was no hope of revenge, but she didn't expect to see the end of these guys today.

Her eyes gradually shifted to the man, and she asked nonsense: "Did you do it?"

In response, Fang Bo did not answer directly, but looked at the woman with indifferent eyes: "Give me a reason not to kill you."

The words of gratitude were swallowed back in her stomach, and Nami realized at this moment that she had just emerged from the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den.

The sound of spiders eating corpses kept echoing in her ears, and there were many malicious pirates watching her around, who could cut her into pieces with just one order.

"I, I" stammered and opened her mouth. After struggling for a long time, Nami still concealed her talent for sneaking around.

At this time, she suddenly noticed the demon airship floating in the sky.

After the shock, Nami immediately raised her hand and replied: "I am an excellent navigator and can help you avoid the dangers of nature."

Faced with a life-and-death crisis, the little thieving cat's mind spins seven or eight times faster than usual.

For a moment, she thought of the dangers that might occur during the flight.

Seeing that the man seemed a little disapproving, Nami straightened her expression and took on a very professional attitude: "I remind you, never underestimate the dangers of nature, especially for such a huge ship like yours, the consequences of encountering a thunderstorm are almost It’s catastrophic.”

Fang Bo wanted to say that his airship had a protective cover, but after thinking about it, it seemed that the thing couldn't be turned on for a long time.

".Good, you convinced me."

In fact, he had no intention of killing Nami at all.

If you kill her, the value of the box will be basically equal to nothing. At most, it will reveal some knowledge about navigation.

If he kept Nami, at least he could find a lot of fun in his boring life.

Drawing his sword and cutting off the iron chain on her wrist, Fang Bo said in an indifferent tone: "From today on, you are the navigator of the Ruthless Pirates, and you also work part-time as my personal maid."


"Except for the route issue, I leave my personal life to you."

"Wait a minute, Navigator is fine, but I"

When Nami heard that she was going to be a maid for a man, she pinched her waist with both hands and immediately wanted to show her dignity.

I am a beautiful little girl in her prime, wouldn't it be a waste to be your maid?


A bag full of gold was thrown on the ground, and Nami's original serious expression suddenly became a little unbearable.

"I will pay extra for the maid's work. This is your first month's commission."

After struggling for a few tenths of a second, Nami's tense face suddenly burst into a bright smile: "Ara, you are such a generous employer. Your chief maid Nami is always at your disposal."

In this way, Fang Bo got his first little maid.

[You have greatly changed Nami’s destiny]

[You get a destiny token]

Destiny Token: 10

"Sure enough." Fang Bo smiled and stretched out his hand in front of the little maid.

"Come on, it's time for us to go home."

When her little hand came up, Fang Bo immediately used the Flying Thunder God technique.

As for the other trash pirates, they don't have full-time drivers, so they can only crawl back slowly from the rope that was lowered.

"Wow." Looking at the scene around her, Nami couldn't hide her shock.

Originally, she was still thinking about who could defeat Aaron and his gang, but when she saw the nineteen huge main nests on the deck, she suddenly felt that the fishmen were not scary at all.

"Don't worry, they won't hurt you." The bride came out and comforted her softly.

But looking at the big spider head under her seat, Nami felt that these words were not convincing at all.

"Take her to visit the surrounding area and explain some information about airships."

Looking at Nami's shocked expression, Fang Bo reminded lightly: "Next, we will have a thrilling journey. I hope you can be prepared."

"Uh, okay."

After the two girls left, Fang Bo turned to look at Paul, who was full of excitement: "You're fine."

"Head." Paul stared at him blankly for a few seconds, then suddenly knelt down on one knee and hit his heart hard with his fist: "From now on, my life is yours."

[Complete the destiny mission and you can spend 60 merit to convert Paul into a follower]

Merits: 54

He doesn't have sixty merit points in his pocket yet, so converting followers can only wait for the time being.

Even if he really wants to transform, it will be at the end of the plot world, otherwise Paul's attributes will decrease along with it.

In addition, he also needs to examine the person's ability.

There was no need for it in terms of character. He could barely bear the pain. The fact that he could survive until now shows how amazing Paul's willpower is.

What really needs to be considered is strength.

After completing the mission of destiny, Paul's strength has been greatly improved, especially the automatic awakening of the cognition color. According to the introduction, it can predict the future.

In other words, he is now equivalent to a smaller Katakuri.

These three generals are nearly fifty years old, while Paul is in his early twenties at most, and there is still great potential that can be tapped in the future.

However, just relying on an insight into the future may not qualify you to become a follower of Fang Bo.

After simply fighting with him, I found that Paul could predict his attacks in advance.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the ability to elementalize. Even if he predicts it in advance, it doesn't mean he can avoid it 100%.

In less than a minute, the Kusanagi sword was placed on Paul's neck.

"It would be great if he had a natural fruit."

Not knowing what he thought of, Fang Bo walked aside and fell into deep thought alone.

After successfully receiving Paul and destroying the Dragon Realm, his mission in the world was basically over.

Soon, the airship set off for the Grand Line. Based on its speed, it was estimated that the entire voyage would not take long.

Even if the flying ability is not used, the normal sailing speed is not comparable to that of an ordinary sailing ship.

On the way, Fang Bo kept telling his younger brother to pay attention to what was going on around him.

As long as it's a human being, it doesn't matter who the other party is, just move the boat over and grab a wave first.

In this way, at noon the next day, he successfully completed a new achievement task.

[Path of Sin: Complete 5/5 raids (completed)]

[You gain the title "Bandit\

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