Soon the pacifist message came into view.

【PX-1 (Pacifist)】

[Attack tendency: strong]

[Attribute tendencies: physique, spirit, perception]

[Characteristics: Body of Steel, Obey Commands]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

Body of Steel: You have a body made of steel, immune to critical strikes, and have a +32% physical damage immunity.

Follow orders: You are always meticulous in following orders from your commander.

To pirates who have not entered the new world, pacifists are those invincible beings.

The damage of the laser attack is astonishing, and the mechanical body is immune to most damage. It is powerful at the dominance level on both offense and defense.

The Straw Hat Pirates were able to defeat two Shichibukai, but they couldn't survive the Shampoo Islands.

In terms of basic strength, this Pacifist far exceeds the three inferior Seraphs in the King of Fighters world.

Fortunately, Fang Bo's strength is increasing day by day, and he no longer has the powerlessness he had in the King of Fighters world.

Even if he faced the double pursuit of the navy and the reincarnators, he could still face it calmly.

Unfortunately, this calmness did not last long.

The orphanage suffered heavy losses at his hands several times, and even the top masters of the second difficulty level failed. I wonder how they could appear in front of them this time.

When he saw a naval admiral with short silver hair and goggles hanging around his neck, Fang Bo's expression finally turned serious.

"I didn't expect that he would even be found."

White Hunter Smoker is a natural smoke fruit user.

He was once a student of Navy Admiral Zefa, but unfortunately his personality was too independent, so he was eventually assigned to a remote area like the East China Sea to hone his skills.

The last time we entered the plot world, Fang Bo and other reincarnations were hunted by white hunters. At that time, he had no ability to resist except jumping into the sea to escape.

As for now.

【Smorg (White Hunter)】

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendency: physique, spirit]

[Characteristics: Natural ability user, heavy smoker]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

Natural ability user: You can temporarily transform your body into elements, increase your spirit by 12, and reduce the damage of the same type of elements by 70%.

Heavy smoker: You are a heavy smoker. Not smoking for a long time will cause your attributes to decrease overall.

The elementalization of the natural system is indeed very strong, but relatively speaking, the development of the body is not that good.

According to Fang Bo's understanding, elementalization is divided into two different modes: passive and active.

Not to mention passive elementalization, non-Haki users cannot be harmed in the slightest by any attack.

However, when facing enemies with restraint abilities, such as masters who are proficient in Haki, they can accurately hit the body of the natural type user.

As for active elementalization, it relies on predicting the enemy's attack in advance and temporarily elementalizing a certain area of ​​the body in advance, so as to avoid the upcoming damage.

The most classic one is the battle between Katakuri and Luffy.

Using the ability to predict the future, Katakuri can predict Luffy's attacks in advance every time and elementalize parts of his body. Even dozens of "gun hits" per second cannot cause any damage.

Smoker can also complete similar operations, but unfortunately he does not have such a strong talent for seeing and seeing.

Mental power can simulate all energy. It can kill evil ghosts in the demon slayer world, and it can cause damage to strong natural elements here.

Of course, this battle will still be difficult, and our side does not seem to have an advantage in any aspect.

Looking away from Bai Hunter, Fang Bo looked at the medium-sized destroyer made of steel.

This thing is obviously a modern weapon. The advantage is that it has powerful firepower and has terrifying artillery fire that far exceeds the current era. However, the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it lacks the ability to fight against the mysterious side.

As if sensing his worries, a thin and withered reincarnation came to Smoker's side.

"Isn't it weird?" Looking at him with playful eyes, the man bowed slightly pretending to be elegant, but in fact the excitement on his face could hardly be suppressed.

"I said, we will meet again. Do you regret your arrogant behavior that day now?"

Seeing that he didn't answer, the man raised his arm in a very arrogant manner, and then introduced to him the modern ship under his feet.

"Shikiha Destroyer, from Neon Genesis Evangelion, of course, you may not have heard of this world."

The man's tone was full of superiority, but he didn't know that the guy in front of him knew the world invaded by the apostles better than he did.

After a long silence, Fang Bo suddenly asked: "Are you the only one here?"

Others couldn't understand, but the man understood that this guy was asking about the whereabouts of the other two reincarnations.

To this, he responded with a cold smile: "To deal with you, there is no need to dispatch so many people."

"Do it!"

Hearing the commanding tone of the reincarnator, Smoker's face flashed with anger, but he was unable to fight against the senior agents from the World Government.

It doesn't matter to him. The problem is that there are so many soldiers under his command. He can't let everyone accompany him to suffer at the grassroots level.

Holding the seastone weapon behind his back, Smoker suddenly ejected a large amount of smoke from his feet, pushing his body towards the airship.

At the same time, the thirty-two artillery pieces on the destroyer fired in unison, and countless shells instantly exploded on the energy cover of the demon airship.

The navy took the lead in launching the attack.

Seeing this situation, Fang Bo calmly and calmly issued the combat order: "The airship takes off and floats directly above the enemy ship."

He has carefully observed that the cannons of modern destroyers are all set on the side of the ship, making it difficult to launch effective attacks on objects directly above.

By moving above the enemy's head, you can avoid being destroyed to the greatest extent.

The key to this battle is who can take the lead in defeating the opponent's foothold.

"Leave the smoker to me." Goenitz jumped off the deck without saying a word, condensing armed domineering energy in his hands, and quickly rushed towards the enemy against the background of the strong wind.

Upon seeing this, Fang Bo handed over the command to Luo Xinfu, and he alone found the pacifist who was shooting lasers.

Golden ripples floated, and the Noble Phantasms turned into rain falling from the sky, trying to annihilate the robots below.

However, the full form of the pacifist is stronger than he imagined.

Their heads are equipped with scanning devices that can capture fast-moving targets.

Even the second-speed shave can't escape the lock, and the current flying speed of the Noble Phantasm is naturally even worse.

Dozens of lasers were fired continuously, directly blowing up the incoming weapons into fireworks.

It wasn't until the appearance of the Kazekage puppet that the pacifists' rampage was finally contained.

The ultimate weapon from Dr. Vegapunk is naturally not affected by magnetism, but it seems to have no good way to deal with the overwhelming sand and iron.

What's even worse is that many of the cannonballs were detonated in mid-air by the Wind Shadow Puppet before they were even launched.

For a moment, the destroyer was filled with fireworks.

"Magic cannon, fire!"

Taking this opportunity, Luoxinwu launched a counterattack and shattered the destroyer's bow with one shot.

Except for the reincarnators who were more alert and completed their avoidance in advance, even the pacifists were not able to escape the bombardment of the airship.

"Damn it." Seeing that the development of the situation was different from what he imagined, Samsara immediately changed the target of attack: "Blow down that damn airship first."

After receiving the new instructions, the pacifists immediately changed their attack targets.

The same laser as Kizaru is so powerful, it can cause 400+ damage with just one shot.

Especially the continuous launch after charging, its power is simply outrageous, and it completely shattered the energy shield of the demon airship in just two seconds.

This time, it will be nakedly exposed in front of the enemy.


[Warning, the demon airship is under attack and its durability is reduced to 87%]

[Warning, the demon airship is under attack and its durability is reduced to 66%]

[Warning, the demon airship is under attack and its durability is reduced to 43%]

In a moment, artillery fire completely invaded the entire airship. Even if the ghost spiders came out in full force, they could not stop the enemy's laser.

Seeing this, Fang Bo immediately activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and returned directly to the airship's cab.

Slowly placing his hands under his feet, a hazy halo soon enveloped the entire ship.

Arc of Time·Reversal!

After spending five seconds and a total of 14 points of mental power, he successfully restored the airship to its original state.

In addition to the damaged hull returning to normal, even the energy shield that had just been defeated also recovered.

With him around, it would be difficult for the demon airship to be sunk.

Looking at the several precious phantoms that were blown to pieces by lasers, Fang Bo sighed, knowing that it would be difficult for his side to determine the winner in a short time.

The Pacifist is like a machine that cannot make mistakes, and his Noble Phantasm cannot threaten the opponent at all.

As for close combat, it is surrounded by densely packed sea soldiers. Not to mention Fang Bo, even if the Guan Sheng Emperor with his hegemonic body enters, he will be hacked to death in a matter of minutes.

Thinking of this, Fang Bo began to deliberately change the target of attack, using the cover of sand iron to continuously attack the reincarnators.

Can't you control pacifists?

Well, let's kill you first. Robots without a command will be much easier to deal with.

Faced with Fang Bo's surprise attack, the man was obviously unable to resist, so he had no choice but to force the pacifist in front of him.

In this way, it successfully limits its space for action.

"Very good." Fang Bo thought, and Feng Ying Puppet immediately released his special skill.

Magnetic Release·Sand Iron Gyro!

Condensate the sand and iron into the shape of a triangular pyramid, control it to fall on the deck, and then start to spin and cut crazily around like a top.

The purpose of restricting the movement of pacifists is to create opportunities for the Wind Shadow puppets to kill.

With the Sand Iron Top opening the way, he can summon the strongest puppet to appear.

Golden ripples flickered, and Emperor Guan Sheng, holding the Crescent Moon Green Dragon, suddenly fell downwards.

Emperor Guan is about to attack Can Guang!

It fell hard from a high altitude to the deck, setting off a strong shock wave around it. Then it activated its Martial Saint Hegemony and began to crazily harvest the chaotic soldiers around it.

Under Fang Bo's command, the two puppets caused damage while beginning to approach the enemy's reincarnation.

Feeling the tearing sensation coming from his head, Fang Bo knew that his mental power was about to be exhausted.

He held his hands slightly, and the diamond-shaped mark on his forehead suddenly turned into a beautiful pattern, covering half of his face.

Yin seal, untie it!

Thirty points of stored mental power were released, filling the empty square slowly in an instant.

Trying to move to the battlefield, he was met with a laser fired by the enemy.

[You are attacked by the pacifist's laser, causing 425 points of penetrating damage. 】

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 264 points of health]

[The absolute defensive ability takes effect, and the damage you suffer is reduced by 30 points]

The Heart Steel this time was very powerful, directly restoring more than 60% of the health.

Including the mandatory deduction of 30 damage-free points, Fang Bo's blood volume was only reduced by more than 130 points in the end.

The terrifying attack that was supposed to seriously injure him in one fell swoop, through layers of weakened status, caused less than a third of the damage.

Although the damage was not high, this incident immediately aroused Fang Bo's strong vigilance.

Seeing that the second laser was about to hit, he had no choice but to move to another location.

He launched the attack at the moment before, not because the pacifists reacted quickly, but because the enemy had predicted his foothold in advance.

"It seems that the secret of Flying Thunder God has been completely exposed."

With an ominous fluorescence lingering around his body, Fang Bo entered nightmare mode, which meant that he was about to fight with all his strength.

Tiancongyun, start!

Dragon's Wrath, start!

As the immortal red flames began to rise, Fang Bo turned on the special effects to gather energy and began to continuously instill spiritual power into the sword.

The Pacifist is immune to critical damage, so no matter how much power he accumulates, he cannot kill his opponent with one hit.

But now that the matter has come to this, there is no other way but to be tough.

Whether it works or not, try playing a game first.

Holding the Kusanagi sword burning with blazing flames, Fang Bo exuded an awe-inspiring aura, and even Smoker, who was having a fierce fight in the distance, couldn't help but look over.

He wanted to rush over for rescue, but was stopped by Goenitz.

What about the Smoke Fruit?

Not counting the special state of elementalization, Lao Gao's wind control is actually a type of natural ability.

"Where to go." He used the strong wind to gather the smoke, and while the enemy was distracted, he slashed his claws across the man's chest.

The battle between the two basically consisted of flying around in the sky, with few opportunities for them to compete.

After finally catching the flaw, Goenitz would not let his opponent leave easily.

"Suffer death!"

On the other side, Fang Bo completed his momentum and quickly slashed out nine swords against the enemy below.

Hidden sword-style secret: Nine-headed dragon flash!

The enemy tried to use laser to resist, but unexpectedly his Nine-Headed Dragon Flash attacked from different directions.

It was too late to dodge, and the pacifist simply took all his damage.

[Your Nine-Headed Dragon Flash causes 565 points of slashing damage to the target]

[The ability of the body of steel takes effect, gaining 32% physical damage immunity]

[You caused 385 points of damage to the target]


The sword hit the enemy, and Fang Bo was severely knocked away by the laser.

The two sides fought hard to determine the outcome.


Goenitz and Smoker are fighting fiercely, the Samsaras are dealing with the incoming puppets, and the remaining marines are resisting the attack of the ghost spiders.

No one noticed that a certain figure appeared silently on the deck, approaching the core battlefield step by step.

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