Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 344 Two Red Treasure Chests

"Kill me and get rid of these bastards."

Samsara took command from the center, constantly instructing the sailors to form formations to face the enemy.

At first, he thought these spiders were just ordinary monsters that could be dismissed casually, but he soon discovered that something was wrong.

Not to mention the weird attack mode, why can't the navy defeat those spiders in hand-to-hand combat?

The man expressed his confusion as to why No. 7 could find such a powerful summoned beast.

Fortunately, the situation is still favorable to them. As long as the pacifist does not collapse, no one can hurt him.

At this moment, the man suddenly noticed someone approaching him.

Turning around, he saw a young man holding a sword rushing towards this side quickly.

He instinctively wanted to call the pacifist, but found that it couldn't get away at all, and Bastard No. 7 was frantically attacking here.

Smoker was unreliable, and the other marines seemed even more useless. He had to personally resist the incoming enemies.

"Damn it, if I had known earlier, I would have asked those two guys to come together." The man felt quite regretful at this moment.

He lifted up the cloak behind him and pretended to step forward to fight with the enemy. In fact, he secretly threw out a high-explosive grenade that had already entered the countdown to explosion.

This is the fighting method of the reincarnations. They never stick to the formality. Killing the enemy efficiently is the only truth they pursue.

Relying on this move, the man killed countless masters, and the young man in front of him was no exception.

He even calculated the running speed of the opponent and triggered the explosion one second before touching the high-explosive grenade.

The little abacus was crackling, but unfortunately the facts would not develop as he expected.

The moment the man was about to throw the grenade, the young swordsman suddenly increased his speed, and at the same time he stretched out his left leg and kicked forward hard.

The result was that the grenade was kicked back to the man before it was completely detonated.



The poor Sound Nest Samsara was directly blown up by this grenade and was unable to take care of himself.

Fortunately, a marine rescued him in time, otherwise he would have died in the hands of swordsman Paul.

This is the power of precognition, and it can play an extremely powerful role anytime and anywhere in battle.

"Son of a bitch." The reincarnation took a few steps back, took out a bottle of merit potion and drank it.

Seeing the huge increase in blood volume, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he usually pays attention to collecting equipment that increases physical fitness, otherwise he would probably die in his own hands today.

If that's the case, wouldn't it be too frustrating?

The man who was secretly rejoicing did not realize at all that due to the impact of the explosion, he was out of the pacifist's protective range.

Upon seeing this, Fang Bo, who was good at seizing opportunities, immediately started to reshape himself, quickly restoring his blood volume and mental strength to their peak.

Since the nightmare form has not yet ended, his attacks are still full of terrifying lethality.

Blessed by the effect of concentrated thoughts, he gained 100% hit, and then launched a violent attack towards the target below.

Even if the special effects of Tian Congyun, Dragon's Fury and other equipment are on cooldown, this sword can still cause terrible killing effects.

Feeling the suffocating pressure, the man's face suddenly changed, and he crossed his arms over his chest, and boundless energy began to gather crazily between his arms.

Must-kill·Bawang Xianghou Fist!

It was definitely too late to hide. The range of the slash was too wide. The only thing he could do was to try to face it head-on.

I don’t know if it was because of Tai Sui today, but as soon as the man’s special move was released, he saw that the slash made a strange turn in the air.

Without waiting for any reaction from him, the terrifying attack directly cut him off and killed him.

[Your Nightmare Evil Light Slash causes 524 points of critical damage to the enemy]

[The damage exceeds the critical value, and the reincarnator dies! 】

[You get the killing chest numbered 10820! 】

When the controller died, the pacifists who were shooting wildly stopped immediately, seemingly triggering some special program.

However, the fight has reached this point, and even the ability to press the bottom of the box has been used. How can Fang Bo let it leave safely?

The Noble Phantasm emerged again and began to launch continuous attacks on the enemies below.

Upon detecting a threat around them, the pacifists immediately gave up the idea of ​​retreat and began to fight back independently.

However, due to the previous rampage of the puppets, the surrounding navy soldiers had been completely defeated. Seeing this situation, Fang Bo had the idea of ​​​​fighting in close combat.

Activating the Flying Thunder God Technique, he moved to a position one step away from the Noble Phantasm. At this moment, he was less than two meters away from the pacifist.

Predicting the opponent's turning movement in advance, Fang Bo ejected from the ground and began to move horizontally in the direction of its back.

Just don't give the enemy a chance to continue firing lasers.

During the movement, Fang Bo first activated "Optimization", swapping the attributes of spirit and agility to increase his running speed as much as possible.

Then he drew out the Kusanagi sword from his waist and struck a fatal blow in mid-air.

Flying Sword Style·Dragon Flying Flash!

The sword edge cut through, but unfortunately it was not able to cut off the enemy's head.

There is no way, the body of steel is too hard, even the Kusanagi sword cannot easily destroy it.

[Your Dragon Flying Flash causes 243 points of slashing damage to the target]

[The ability of the body of steel takes effect, gaining 32% physical damage immunity]

[䱱caused 165 points of damage to the target]

Just as he sighed and wanted to evacuate from here, he suddenly saw a large number of electric sparks coming out of the enemy's neck.

[Your attack causes permanent mechanical damage to the enemy]

[The Pacifist is stuck in a mechanical short-circuit state that lasts for 30 seconds]

Mechanical short circuit: Mobility -45%, there is a certain probability that the attack will fail.

The moment he saw the battle report, Fang Bo immediately gave up the idea of ​​​​escape, brandished his Kusanagi sword and began to launch a crazy counterattack against his opponent.

As for why there was a sudden short circuit, he remembered an inconspicuous equipment special effect of Kusanagi Sword.

Indestructible (passive skill): Greatly increases the damage to the durability of low-level armors and weapons.

Perhaps it was it that damaged a certain part in the enemy's body, causing a systemic mechanical short circuit.

"This is life." Taking advantage of the enemy's laser launch failure, Fang Bo successfully came to close range and reached out to carve a spatial mark on the pacifist's chest.

The battle is over!

After luring the enemy into firing a wave of lasers, he took the opportunity to use Flying Thunder God to get close to him again.

The forced effect reactivated Amancongyun, and the Kusanagi sword wrapped in immortal red flames finally pierced the enemy's energy core.

[You get a plot treasure box (red)]

When the enemy's huge body crashed to the ground, he finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'm so tired." This was Fang Bo's truest thought.

There is no way, the robot is like this, it will not make any mistakes easily.

If there is no particularly effective killing method, then you can only rely on water grinding skills to kill the opponent.

Picking up the red treasure box on the ground, Fang Bo felt a little emotional.

Having completed an unprecedented five-attribute promotion, my strength has now greatly increased, and I can even obtain red-level treasure chests on my own.

He vaguely remembers that the first red treasure box he obtained seemed to be when he and the Demon Slayer Team worked together to surround Muzan.

"Head." Paul walked over, as if he was worried that he would be attacked if he was distracted.

Seeing this, Fang Bo smiled and said: "I performed well before. Without your sudden attack, it would be difficult for that guy to leave his protective umbrella."

"This is what I should do." Paul turned around and charged at the sailor with that epic weapon.

With his current attributes, he could basically deal with ordinary sailors with one sword, and he quickly successfully cleared a large area.

In addition, the ghost spider can feed war with war, constantly breeding new soldiers by devouring flesh and blood.

Even without Fang Bo's intervention, victory would be just a matter of time.

Turning to look at the sky, Goenitz over there had activated the Black Dragon King mode and began to complete the final bloody battle with Smoker.

In terms of basic attributes, she is far from the opponent. Even with the double improvement of dragon power + divine grace, the intensity of the armed color domineering is not comparable to others.

Fortunately, Lao Gao's combat literacy was ridiculously high, and he just relied on his powerful skills to gain the upper hand.

In this regard, Smoker, who is accustomed to relying on fruit abilities, is obviously no match for him.

No, in terms of fighting skills, the abilities of both sides are not at the same level at all.

If it weren't for the weapon color that can resist damage and the smoke fruit that can be elementalized to dodge attacks, Smoker might have been defeated in this confrontation.

After swallowing a piece of medicine to replenish his blood volume, Goenitz rode the strong wind and rushed forward quickly, condensing a violent black whirlwind with his left arm.

Seeing this, Smoker, whose face was stained with blood, knew that the battle was about to be decided.

Smoke spewed out from under his feet, causing him to quickly rush towards the woman who was attacking fiercely.

"Accept the Navy's sanctions, pirate!"

The battle between the two sides is a matter of life and death. At this critical moment, Smoker still trusts his own fruit ability.

So he changed his moves midway and used the Smoke Iron Fist, which can attack enemies from a distance.

However, all this had been expected by Lao Gao.

She has seen many strong people who rely on abilities. Kusanagi Kyo was like this in 1995, thinking that he could run rampant if he mastered the power of red flames.

When they lose that power, they immediately become vulnerable.

She had made a mistake once before, and that was to let Kusanagi Kyo go, but she would never let him go again this time.

Withdrawing the energy from his arm, Goenitz stretched out the Black Dragon King's left arm forward.

Energy swallowing!

The black dragon possesses terrifying devouring magic. Its fallen arm can naturally devoure any form of energy.

She doesn't usually use it because she regards it as a hidden trump card.

At this moment, he suddenly used it and successfully absorbed the smoker's attack.

Without the obstruction of the smoke, Goenitz's hands were like hooks, and the black luster seemed to indicate the arrival of death.

MAX2 Super Special Moves·True Eight Girls·Reality Knife!

With one claw, it immediately tore a large piece of flesh and blood on the enemy's chest.

In a daze, a figure seemed to appear in front of Smoker's eyes.

That flowing pink hair made him unforgettable for a long time. Unfortunately, he would never see it again.

[Your Shinpachi Girl causes 764 points of tear damage to the target]

[The damage exceeds the critical value, Smoker dies! 】

[You get a plot treasure box (red)]

The battlefield in mid-air, Storm Gonitz VS White Hunter Smoker, the winner.


Seeing Lao Gao succeed in winning, Fang Bo couldn't help but laugh happily.

In addition to the red treasure chest that was bound to fall, he also had an unexpected gain.

[You have greatly changed Luffy's destiny]

[You get a destiny token]

He obviously killed Smoker, but ended up changing the fate of the protagonist Luffy.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem strange.

The relationship between Luffy and Smoker is like the relationship between Roger and Garp.

No matter how strong the former becomes, the latter can always catch up behind it.

Well, at least that's the case from the setting, and the actual situation seems to need to be studied.

To Luffy, Smoker's existence is completely different from that of ordinary marines.

As his follower, Lao Gao took action to kill the white hunter. Naturally, it was Fang Bo who changed the fate of the plot protagonist.

A precious destiny token was successfully acquired.

"Today is such a good day."

Not long after, the battle was completely over, and no one in the navy who came to pursue them could survive.

It's just that Fang Bo didn't see Dasqi's figure. It seems that Smoker didn't lead his navy to dispatch.

"It's a pity, otherwise it might be another coin."

After the battle is over, the next step is to clean up the battlefield.

The remaining elite engineers began to carry the corpses. After their gestation, the value of the flesh and blood will increase by about 30% compared with the original basis.

Soon, two Ghost King Spiders appeared on the deck in succession.

Compared with the astonishingly fast Big Snake Spider, Fang Bo preferred this big guy. The power of the Dark Energy Roaring Bullet was always fresh in his memory.

"Here, don't let this body go to waste." As he said that, he threw Smoker's body in front of the first Ghost King Spider.

It relies on the accumulation of flesh and blood to evolve, and now that it has obtained the corpse of a strong man, it can naturally make further progress.

Devouring the white hunter in one bite, the ghost spider soon began to evolve independently again.

At this moment, the bride's figure suddenly appeared, and she looked at the little guy with eyes full of surprise.

Seeing this, Fang Bo's heart moved, and a bold guess immediately emerged.

As early as in the King of Fighters world, he had seen the appearance of a new woman giving birth to a giant snake spider.

It is known that at certain special moments, the ghost spider can evolve into a new form by devouring the corpse of a strong person.

If nothing else, this Ghost King Spider might give him a big surprise.

The movement here attracted a lot of people, and all the pirates who were not working gathered around. Everyone was paying attention to the little guy's every move.

Soon, the mutation was completed, and a brand new ghost spider appeared in front of everyone.

[Evolution completed, you successfully unlocked the fifth-level Smokey Spider]

The previous chapter was written incorrectly. Smoker's threat level is "dangerous"

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