Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 346 Recruitment of the Golden Lion

"Jie hahahaha!"

The signature laughter rang out, and the golden lion slowly landed on the deck of the airship.

He looked around with arrogant eyes and looked very elegant, but the rudder stuck on his head ruined the overall image.

"Is this a new trend in the pirate world?" Lao Gao asked from his soul.

"." Golden Lion didn't answer her, maybe because he thought this question was too impolite.

Despite this big pirate's egotistical demeanor, in fact his mind often goes off-line, and his personality is closer to Luffy's.

After patrolling around for a long time, he finally locked his eyes on Fang Bo.

"Well, it seems you are right." He stretched out his hand to hold the rudder on his head, and the golden lion coughed dryly and said, "I heard recently that there is a newcomer who can fly, so I wanted to come over and have a look."

After explaining his intention to block the road, he walked around the deck twice curiously, seeming to confirm something.

"Jie hahahaha, it seems that I guessed wrong. You are not relying on the ability of the fruit."

Looking at Fang Bo with curious eyes, Shi Ji asked with a smile: "If you don't mind, can I know the secret of your ship?"

There are more than a dozen large ships surrounding it, and there are countless islands floating quietly around it. All of this seems to confirm the strength of the Golden Lion from the side.

"Technology." Fang Bo responded with two words calmly. Under the seemingly calm appearance, there was a brain running at high speed.

He never thought that he would be targeted by Golden Lion Shiji.

This is a guy who has no profit and cannot afford to be early. He has disappeared for twenty years so far. He will never show up easily unless there is something particularly important.

Glancing at the confused little thief cat Nami, Fang Bo quickly thought about what kind of benefits he could get from this.

According to the original plan, the next move of the Ruthless Pirates was to head to Alabasta.

By defeating Crocodile and handing over the historical text tablet, he can exchange the position of Shichibukai with the Five Old Stars.

At the same time, you can also complete the continuous hidden mission that has been pending for a long time.

But judging from the current situation, Fang Bo's plan seems to be slightly changed.

"Technology?" The golden lion looked a little confused.

After disappearing for twenty years, he has already derailed the train of the times and has no idea what the power of technology is.

Perhaps in Shiji's impression, the greatest technology in the world is the navy's warships that can pass through the windless zone.

About twenty years ago, the Pirate King Gol D. Roger was arrested by the Navy. Golden Lion couldn't believe it, so he single-handedly broke into the Navy headquarters and had a shocking battle with Garp and Sengoku.

In the end, he successfully confirmed the news and knew that the Pirate King would be publicly executed by the navy in "Rogg Town".

In fact, the Golden Lion has always believed that the "East China Sea" is the weakest sea area, and Roger's death there is a humiliation to the Pirate King.

Filled with rage, he chose to attack the Navy headquarters, trying to numb his restless heart with killing.

Roger was a strong man whom he recognized. Such a being would be arrested by the navy, which made Shiji think that he could not compete with the navy no matter what.

When faith is shaken, the power of domineering will weaken, and Moonlight Moria is the best proof.

The Golden Lion was at his peak more than 20 years ago and could even push the Roger Pirates into a corner, but this did not mean that he had the ability to capture Marineventor on his own.

With the joint efforts of Warring States and Garp, the Golden Lion was defeated and captured as expected, and was finally sent to the Infinite Hell of Impel Down City LEVEL 6 and imprisoned.

About two years later, Golden Lion cut off his legs that were bound by the Sea Tower Stone, regained the ability to use the Piao Piao Fruit, and became the first prisoner to escape from Impel Down City.

However, two years of painful torture, coupled with the collapse of his inner faith, made this legendary pirate doubt himself.

To put it simply, Shiki has lost himself and even the foundation of his domineering power, just like Moonlight Moriah who was beaten to autistic state by Kaido.

Later, the golden lion found an island called "Vilmeio", where there were many strange plants. After animals eat them, they can evolve into huge and terrifying beasts.

The Golden Lion, who lost himself, used his own ability to lift the island into the sky, trying to use relevant research to achieve his ambition of revenge on the world.

After disappearing for twenty years, Golden Lion was immersed in research all day long.

The technological breakthrough he had made was not small, but the price was that his strength was declining step by step, until he completely lost the qualification to use Haki.

Failure is not terrible, losing the courage to stand up again is the most fatal.

So what if his research achieves a breakthrough?

The Golden Lion has finally reached his twilight years. Like Whitebeard, he is a product about to be abandoned by the times.

Of course, this cannot deny the terrifying nature of the legendary pirate.

If the Navy were asked to make a list of threats, the Golden Lion would definitely be at the top, because he is the only enemy that can directly threaten the Holy Land Marie Joya.

Large tracts of islands and land fell from an altitude of 10,000 meters, enough to completely destroy the living places of the Tianlong people.

Based on this alone, the life of a Golden Lion is very valuable.

"If he can be caught and brought to justice, the Shichibukai will be a sure thing."

Thinking of this, Fang Bo was sure that he already had a clear plan.

Seeing the puzzled look on Golden Lion's face, Fang Bo began to introduce the changes that technology can bring.

"Of course, there are some things where technology alone isn't enough, like those damn natural disasters."

Hearing what he said, Shi Ji nodded in agreement.

He controls an extremely vast territory, and there are floating islands everywhere he can see, so he is even more afraid of the harm caused by natural disasters.

Seeing the confident look of this new pirate, Golden Lion couldn't help but curiously asked: "You often fly in the sky, you should encounter threats from natural disasters."

Hearing this, Fang Bo waved to his side and pulled Nami, who looked puzzled, in front of him.

"I have an excellent navigator who can understand the sky. She can predict any changes in the weather."

Hearing his words that didn't seem to be hypocritical, the golden lion suddenly looked at the woman in front of him, as if he was seeing the most precious treasure in the world.

After a moment of silence, Shi Ji suddenly smiled and extended an invitation: "Jie hahahaha, meeting you is fate. How about I take you to visit my fleet."

Fang Bo would naturally not refuse this, and Goenitz was also quite curious about the strong man in front of him.

Only Nami didn't want to go, but she felt the captain's unquestionable attitude.

Pouting her lips slightly, she could only follow helplessly, and together they visited the Golden Lion's Flying Pirates.

From a distance, I couldn't feel anything. When everyone stepped on the deck, I finally realized why the World Government had been guarding against Shi Ji.

"So big." Nami was fascinated.

The territory of the Flying Pirates is indeed very large. Islands are flying around, and occasionally a few huge beasts with extremely exaggerated sizes can be seen.

"Fortunately, the bride didn't come, otherwise she would have been drooling." Lao Gao smiled slightly and gave his friend a knowing look.

If you can attack this place, feed all the beasts on those islands to the ghost spiders.

Not to mention the overall evolution to the fourth or fifth level, it should not be a problem to give birth to at least eight death spiders.

Just think about it, if there are 1,780 powerful elite engineers, who can withstand a round of their acid spray?

If there is such a terrifying force, Fang Bo still wants to give up the Shichibukai, and simply sweep all the bases set up by the navy outside.

If everyone could evolve into the Ghost King Spider and bomb more than a hundred dark energy roar bombs, he would dare to go to the Navy Headquarters and take a walk.

Of course, it's just a stroll, because people with natural abilities don't care whether you are flying in the sky or not.

If you encounter Kizaru, the demon airship is just a large target.

Continuing to admire the state of the Sky Pirates, Shiji brought everyone to an extremely luxurious restaurant after a while.

All the cadres of the Sky Pirates were present, and it was absolutely perfect in terms of ostentation.

However, this old guy is not just for a simple banquet, he wants to seek the technology of the ruthless pirates, and also wants to snatch the outstanding navigator lady.

For this reason, there is only one way to help him achieve his wish.

"Come on, join the Flying Pirates, and together we will accomplish the great cause of world domination." Golden Lion issued an invitation to join the group.

The banquet fell silent, and countless eyes focused on the two supernovas, including many with malicious sneers.

Many people are ready for battle, because most of these newcomers who have just gone to sea cannot recognize the true appearance of the world.

To put it bluntly, it’s a lack of social beatings.

Only when they are completely convinced can they really calm down and talk.

Some good people even secretly made a bet on how long the two newcomers could last in front of the majesty of the golden lion.

"Huh." Goenitz raised his eyebrows, and murderous intent instantly filled his eyes.

She hated the looks in these guys' eyes and wanted to take them off with her own hands if possible.

As for Fang Bo himself, seeing that Golden Lion had spoken out, he no longer had any scruples, raised his hand and threw an information scan at the other party.

【Shiji (Legendary Pirate)】

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: spirit, perception, strength]

[Characteristics: Golden Lion (legendary), superhuman ability user]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

Staring at Shi Ji's threat assessment, Fang Bo secretly said that it was indeed the case.

After twenty years of silence, the once powerful pirate has lost his former glory and has completely reduced himself to an old man who can only rely on his fruit abilities.

Fang Bo even suspected that Shi Ji might not be a match for the pacifists in hand-to-hand combat without using the Piao Piao Fruit.

"Unless he can regain himself."

But when he saw Shiji's broken legs and the rudder stuck on his head, he knew that this guy might never return to his peak.

[Number 14552 triggers the side mission, the test of the golden lion! 】

[Mission introduction: Shiji wants you to join the pirate group. Whether you accept it or not, you must show your abilities. 】

[Task requirement: Remain undefeated under the siege of pirates. 】

[Tip: Never try to escape. It is impossible for you to escape from the range of the fluttering fruit. 】

Not only him, Goenitz also received a mission prompt from space.

Gently moving his wrist, Fang Bo looked directly into the golden lion's eyes and said, "If you want me to join, I don't know if you, the legendary great pirate, are worthy enough."

He can join the Sky Pirates, just like he once attached to the Black Cat Pirates, there is no difference between the two.

With the help of the Golden Lion, he can try to accomplish many things.

Maybe, you can get richer harvest than expected.

The premise is that Fang Bo must obtain a high enough voice, otherwise it will be of no use.

As for the battle, except for a golden lion, the rest of the Flying Pirates are nothing more than a bunch of losers.

"As expected, we still have to fight."

Golden ripples appeared around him, and Fang Bo showed no mercy in this battle.

You can kill as many as you want, these ordinary pirates are worthless anyway.

If the Golden Lion falls one day, he can take it over as well, and maybe he can also complete the achievement mission of the pirate fleet.

The Noble Phantasm turned into a meteor and rushed into the enemy group, causing a bloody storm in an instant.

Today's King's Treasure is no longer what it was on the space battlefield.

Every treasure phantom is extremely destructive. Let alone others, Fang Bo himself does not want to bear the harm caused by them.

In terms of lethality, he has already become a top-notch existence. As for the enemy's counterattack, it is resisted by a beautiful ice barrier.

The sound of bullets hitting the ice wall was particularly pleasant, but unfortunately, it still couldn't suppress the screams from the crowd.

In contrast to Fang Bo's elegance, Goenitz's battles are always full of blood.

The black wind suddenly rose and turned into a blade-like existence, cutting the enemy wantonly.

Wherever she passed, blood paved a red carpet for her, and her killing efficiency was even higher than that of Fang Bo.

The roar of the gods!

The black storm broke through the partition and directly penetrated the Golden Lion's flagship. Now, the legendary pirate could no longer sit still.

If he doesn't take action, his ship will be sunk by this woman.

"Very well, you are better than I thought."

Lifting his left foot, he used the fixed famous sword to kick out a huge slash.

In an instant, the golden sword energy arrived in front of Gonitz.

Baofeng, who was well prepared, immediately unlocked the power of the dragon and successfully entered the Black Dragon King mode.

It was obvious that she was trying to take the enemy's blows with her bare hands, and the Black Dragon King's arms never let her down in this regard.

But this time Lao Gao miscalculated.

Even though his ability has been greatly reduced, the Golden Lion is still the powerful man who once shocked the world.

How could his slash be so easy to follow?

Sensing that something was wrong with the situation, Goenitz immediately concentrated all his strength on the God-Destroying Magic, as if a substantial black whirlwind was condensing in the palm of his hand.

However, she still couldn't resist the golden slash in front of her.

At the critical moment, Fang Bo used the flying thunder god technique to come to her, and the Kusanagi sword wrapped in immortal red flames slashed towards the attack.

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