The walls of the banquet hall shattered, and the two of them were severely knocked out of the door by the golden slash.

The combined attacks were able to barely offset the golden lion's "chopping wave".

"So strong." Fang Bo looked solemn and realized that he seemed to have underestimated the other party.

As far as the power of this sword is concerned, Golden Lion still retains at least 60% of its peak swordsmanship level.

All I can say is that the way you swing the sword with your feet will still have an impact.

After cutting the attack into pieces, Fang Bo and Goenitz stood side by side, and the two planned to join forces to challenge the legendary big pirate.

"Sure enough, the performance in the theatrical version cannot be used as a reference."

In the main plot, he was brutalized by pacifists, but in the theater version, even after Rocks was resurrected, he had to toast Wang Lufei.

Fang Bo kept reminding himself that if he met a ruthless person in the theater version in the future, he must not let the performance of the protagonist group affect his judgment.

Although the Golden Lion's threat assessment is very dangerous, based on his personal experience, it is actually not that far from "extremely lethal".

In other words, it is difficult for him to challenge the opponent alone at this stage.

"Jie hahahaha, you two are really strong." With the crisp sound of the sword touching the ground, the figure of the golden lion slowly appeared outside the door.

Looking at the two people who were waiting for them, he liked them more and more.

Once a member of the Rocks Pirates, several of the main backbones came out to start their own businesses. Whitebeard, Kaido, Charlotte Lingling and others had many talented people under them, but he was always alone.

Although there are many younger brothers under his command, none of them can fight. Otherwise, he would not have been easily captured by the navy in the first place.

Originally, he was interested in airship technology and talented navigators, but Golden Lion now changed his mind.

He had to decide on the first two things, and he had to take these two outstanding newcomers under his wing.

"Indygo!" Shiki called to his little brother.

Soon, a strange man who made a popping sound when walking came to the deck.

After dancing and gesticulating for a long time, seeing that no one understood what he meant, the man could only sigh, pointed to the island next to him and said, "Let's go down and fight."

".So you bastard can talk?!"

Ignoring the antics of the Flying Pirates, Fang Bo stared at the strange-looking guy and recalled the information about this guy in his mind.

This man is Indigo, the main combatant of the Sky Pirates, a ship's doctor and a researcher. He has been studying a plant called "IQ" with Golden Lion for more than 20 years.

I like to express my emotions with movements similar to mime performances, but unfortunately my acting skills are terrible, as the performance just now is the best proof.

Just then, a chimpanzee dressed like an old woman walked out.

This is the product of the Golden Lion's research. He gives the animal extremely high IQ and combat power, and can even replace humans as the main combat member of the Sky Pirates.

Just throw it out and scan it, and you will find that the two people have equal evaluations.

However, the level of attributes cannot measure the true combat effectiveness. With the strength of the two of us, it should not be difficult to kill the other party.

Turning to look at each other, the two decided to follow each other's suggestion.

As a result, the battlefield was moved from the deck to the island diagonally behind.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he landed on the island, Fang Bo heard a tremor from the ground.

Turning around, I saw a leopard more than five meters long running towards this side.

"Jie hahahaha, this is my research, go and experience it for yourself." The golden lion laughed, his tone full of pride and pride.

Let's not talk about whether his mentality has collapsed, at least he still has the vision of being a top powerhouse.

The technology that Shi Ji regards as hope must have its own uniqueness. Fang Bo just took this opportunity to learn about it and see what the strength of these violent behemoths is.

Golden ripples appeared, and the Shadow Moon Fork quietly approached the giant beast.

But just when it was about to hit, the leopard suddenly jumped up high and avoided the attack just in time.

The instinct of the beast allowed it to successfully avoid the tragic end of being penetrated through the head.

However, by jumping into the air so rashly and exposing its most vulnerable belly to the enemy, the leopard only delayed its death slightly.

A golden sword appeared beside him, and Fang Bo didn't even raise his head as the precious phantom penetrated the violent beast's body.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 345 points of critical damage to the target]

boom! The leopard's body hit the ground heavily, but unfortunately it was unable to give any form of reward.

Oh, the flesh and blood can be left behind. I feel that the nutritional value of this thing is higher than that of Neptune. It must be very popular among ghost spiders.

Just when Fang Bo was about to seal it, he suddenly felt a creepy shudder.

Subconsciously activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, and immediately saw many giant ants the size of mice emerging from the ground.

In the blink of an eye, they devoured the leopard's body, leaving only a lifelike white skeleton.

Activating the suspension acceleration and standing in the air, Fang Bo summoned the wind shadow puppet, and the black sand iron quickly covered the surrounding area.

These giant ants do very high damage and can easily kill any creature. Correspondingly, they are not that powerful in terms of defense.

It only takes one round of cleaning of the iron sand, and the ants that were showing off their power just now will explode and die.

Standing on the sand-iron platform, Fang Bo turned his head and looked at Goenitz, who was fighting one against two.

With her strong tactical skills, she successfully suppressed the opponent even though her attributes were not dominant.

If Fang Bo had not said that he should try not to kill the opponent, the winner might have been decided long ago.

Unless a method of restraint can be found, or a crushing force can be achieved on the level of hard power, the result of a bare-handed fight with Lao Gao is generally not very good.

Thousands of years of accumulated combat experience have already surpassed many people's understanding. Even if the power level is not high, the fighting experience is definitely first-rate and powerful.

After a few simple encounters, the powerful chimpanzee was gutted and disembowelled, leaving behind a golden treasure chest and then passed away.

"Don't tell me, try not to kill it." Fang Bo turned his head and was relieved to find that the golden lion's expression remained as usual.

Speaking of which, Shi Ji is also a person with a cold personality, and all his previous funny performances were just disguises.

The more someone tries to be approachable, the more indifferent they tend to be.


Another violent vibration was heard below the forest, and soon a large number of violent behemoths appeared, including various flying units.

Seeing this, Fang Bo summoned all the treasures without hesitation, and started to harvest life in conjunction with Sha Tie's large-scale attack.

The strength of individuals means that many organisms cannot form large-scale groups.

As long as there are not overwhelming numbers, killing these giant beasts is just a matter of time.

Seeing a flying mantis rushing toward him, Fang Bo immediately drew out his Kusanagi sword.

Feitian Yujian Style·Dragon Nest Flash!

Seven swords in one second directly cut the mantis' body into several pieces.

After shaking off the blood on the sword, Fang Bo frowned slightly and looked down at the blood mark on his chest.

Even though he was superb in swordsmanship, he still couldn't completely avoid the damage. His chest was still scratched and pulled by the flying mantis.

"Swordsmen generally focus more on perception, even more than physical attributes." Fang Bo knew very well that it was other weak attributes that were dragging him down.

Not to mention others, if his perception could reach 30+, he would have been able to perfectly avoid the damage from the mantis just now.

"Jie hahahaha." Still with the familiar laughter, the golden lion slowly landed next to him: "Your reaction needs to be strengthened. The enemies are not targets for you to attack. They are just like those wild beasts. It will bite."

Looking at the giant beasts that were in chaos and fighting, Fang Bo remained silent and ignored this big pirate who was showing off his knowledge.

How could he not know the importance of perceptual attributes?

The problem is that everyone must find their own strengths, and even he must first aim in one direction to develop.

Only when attributes such as spirit and strength are raised to their extreme values ​​will they consider adding points to other attributes.

Fang Bo has a clear vision of how to become stronger. He can just listen to what others say and it won't affect his decision at all.

"No fight?" he asked.

"No need, you have proven yourselves." Gently swinging the famous sword on his feet, the golden lion looked at him with sharp eyes: "Or do you want to try my skills?"

Silently shaking his head, Fang Bo had no intention of continuing the fight. He now wanted more to move the main nest of the Ghost Spider as soon as possible.

This is simply a natural hunting ground, very suitable for ghost spiders to use to develop their troops.

In a daze, a scene of one hundred and eighty Ghost King Spiders spitting out roaring bombs seemed to appear in front of him.

This level of attack is enough to destroy most species, and no amount of armed domineering can withstand the endless roaring bullets of terror.

"It's a pity that all members of the fourth level are just a dream." He was somewhat lacking in confidence.

[Side mission: The test of the golden lion (completed)]

[You get 200 plot points]

[You obtain a passive skill upgrade scroll]

After completing the side mission and being lucky enough to get a passive skill upgrade scroll, Fang Bo chose to upgrade the Yin Seal without hesitation.

Yin Seal LV6: Can store an additional 35 points of mental power.

The seemingly inconspicuous scroll directly saved Fang Bo six thousand plot points, and the price/performance ratio was simply ridiculously high.

To reach level seven, he would need to consume a full seven thousand plot points. He would definitely not be able to level up by himself, so he could only pray for a few more upgrade scrolls in the next mission.

As for Lao Gao, she also stopped and gently threw the unconscious researcher to the ground.

Just kill the animals. Anyway, the golden lion never lacks similar fighting power, but the researcher cannot die easily.

Otherwise, what do you really think Shi Ji is doing in the sky?

Isn't it just to prevent Lao Gao from killing him?

Fang Bo got the upgrade scroll for passive skills, and Goeniz got the basic skill upgrade. She upgraded the fighting master to Lv2 without hesitation.

Master-level basic skills are said to be rare in the three-difficulty world. Not everyone can focus on improving basic abilities.

The second difficulty focuses more on the blessing of basic abilities to combat power, but in a higher-dimensional world, it seems that the way to measure strength has changed again.

Fang Bo didn't know exactly what it was, he just heard the Arrancar sister talk about it a few times.

[You successfully joined the Sky Pirates]

Ignoring the prompts in their ears, Fang Bo and the Golden Lion returned to the ship.

Now that we are all a family, we naturally want to go back and continue enjoying the banquet.

During the dinner, Fang Bo pretended to be curious and asked about the past. He showed his strong yearning for the top experts.

Seeing this, the Golden Lion took advantage of the wine and began to talk about his past glorious achievements.

"I'm not bragging, I'm telling you."

Without describing what happened when he was young, Shiki was just talking about his experiences after forming the Sky Pirates.

It is said that he once assembled a huge fleet of tens of thousands of people, hoping to attack Mariejoia, the Holy Land of the Celestial Dragons.

It's a pity that the ambition was not fulfilled, and a terrible thunderstorm destroyed the fleet.

The existence of Nami can help the pirate group avoid risks in advance, but it does not mean that they can sit back and relax from now on.

She is not a god and cannot avoid every storm perfectly. What the Golden Lion really wants is to solve the troubles at the root.

"So, hiccup~ can you use the power of technology to, um, help me?"

After hearing that he finally expressed his request, Fang Bo immediately said righteously: "Of course, I am now a member of the Flying Pirates, so I naturally have to contribute my own strength."

Perhaps this statement won Shiji's favor, and the drunken lion immediately promoted him to the vice-captain of the Sky Pirates.

Enjoy a status below one person.

The powerful Goenitz became the chief combatant, responsible for commanding and training all combatants on the ship.

The effect of this simple and direct method of win-over remains to be estimated, but the tasks given by Shi Ji are still very popular with the two reincarnators.

[Number 14552 triggers a hidden mission, the awakening lion! 】

[Mission Introduction: The Golden Lion wants to completely solve the problem of natural disasters, and he hopes you can use the power of technology to help. 】

[Task requirement: Help Golden Lion solve his troubles. 】

[Tip: Maybe you should seek help from some plot forces. 】

"Finally triggered." Fang Bo looked excited.

This task is neither difficult nor easy.

If you want to avoid the invasion of nature, just build a defense system for all spaceships and land.

The technical issues are easy to solve. Just copy the settings on the Demon Airship. Funding is not a big problem. It can be seen from the specifications of the banquet that the Golden Lion is not short of money at all.

The most important issue now is to find a team that can complete this project.

Also, how to get people to help is also a question worth thinking about.

"I have an interesting idea about this matter." Fang Bo smiled slightly and gave a proposal unhurriedly.

"Mr. Shiji, I wonder if you have heard of Germa?"

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