Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 348 The sea shook, the determination of the Five Old Stars!

On the island, a huge mammoth is roaring up to the sky.

【Mammoth (violent beast)】

[Attack tendency: strong]

[Attribute tendencies: physique, strength]

[Feature: IQ gene]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

IQ gene: You have obtained a full range of genetic modifications, greatly improving your intelligence and body shape.

The fangs that are three meters long seem to be able to tear anything apart. At first glance, I thought it was a certain ship king.

This is a real giant beast, a bit more terrifying than the leopards and mantises encountered before. It can easily destroy a human town by itself.

Yes, there are many humans living on the island ruled by the Sky Pirates.

In order to cultivate work and be self-sufficient in life, the Golden Lion needs a large amount of labor to maintain.

These humans are considered his subjects, but they seem to be slightly different from ordinary people.

"Ah!" A certain little girl fell to the ground, and the strange flower in her hand accidentally fell among the flowers.

Even though she was trembling with fear, she still gritted her teeth and got up from the ground, not forgetting to reach out and pick up the pink flower on the ground.

At this moment, the mammoth seemed to have discovered her presence, and while breathing heavily from his mouth, he rushed towards the little girl.

It is clear that it has a deep hatred for humans, even to the point of ignoring other threats. .

"I'm going to die." The little girl closed her eyes tightly in fear, still holding tightly the IQ flower she had bought with her life.

She was shivering and didn't notice that at some point, white smoke seemed to appear around her.

The mammoth, which was running wildly, stumbled suddenly, and its huge body fell directly to the ground, causing a loud noise as if the earth was shaking.

When the little girl opened her eyes tremblingly, she found that a very beautiful elder sister appeared in front of her.

Just as her eyes moved downward, she saw a very ferocious large spider head.

"Ah!" After a scream, the little girl fainted happily.

"." The smile on Luoxin's face was slightly stiff. She turned around angrily and glared at the mammoth fiercely.

It was impossible for her to admit that she had frightened the little girl, so she could only point her finger at the giant beast in the distance.

But before turning around, she glanced curiously at the white wings on the little girl's arms.

"If only all my children had wings."

Withdrawing her gaze, the bride looked at the Smokey Spider who was fighting the mammoth.

This little thing can control the thick white smoke and spray out long and flexible chains.

While causing impact damage, it can also restrain the opponent's movements. Its functionality can be said to be very powerful.

As for the enemy's counterattack, the Smokey Spider has the skill "Smoke Phantom", which can split countless spider images around it.

Without a certain level of perception, it is difficult to tell where its body is at the first time.

"The attack power is not strong enough." Fang Bo came over and picked up the unconscious little girl from the ground.

After taking a brief look at the opponent's wings, he knew that this was a resident of Sky Island.

In fact, there are many floating islands in the sky in the pirate world, and the one ruled by Enel is just one of them.

With the ability to float in the air all year round, it seems not surprising that the Golden Lion would encounter one or two empty islands.

As for the flowers in the little girl’s hands

IQ flower: a special prop that can improve the size and intelligence of the beast.

Looking at the flowers in his hand, Fang Bo fell into deep thought.

On the other side, the bride decided to end this battle quickly, so she took out her Book of Zeref from the mark.

Swipe to rewrite (active skill): By consuming the upper limit of mental power, the single attribute of the book summons can be temporarily increased.

With the sharp decline in mental power, the Smokey Spider's mental attributes skyrocketed to as much as 60 points.

"Smoking Ghost Spider, use the heavy smoke and rain quickly!"

I saw the thick fog in the sky moving strangely, and soon many fist-like aggregates fell down.

The mammoth that had just gotten up suddenly suffered an unbearable fatal blow.

More than a hundred attacks per second reduced it to a puddle of mud in less than two seconds.

[The smokey spider's heavy smoke causes 768 points of damage]

The roar in front attracted Fang Bo's attention. When he raised his head, the giant mammoth had been completely hammered to death.

And luckily, an orange treasure chest popped up, which was naturally the bride's trophy.

Opening the plot treasure chest, she gained about 1,200 plot points.

I finally said goodbye to the old life and finally had my own private money.

In addition to a little money, she and Fang Bo also completed a certain achievement task.

[Racist: You killed ten creatures of different races (completed)]

[You gain the title "Exterminator\

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