Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 355 The big bear who was deceived and became lame

[You cause 40 points of burning damage to the target]

"Damn it, why can't I hit him? Is Hina going to die?"

Even if she exerted all her strength, she still couldn't shake the man's body.

In her unwilling murmur, her body was completely engulfed by the purple blue flames.

When Fang Bo finished the baptism of Meng Yue, there was only a handful of ashes and a plot treasure chest glowing with red light.

The expected destiny token did not appear. It seems that Hina is not the one who is favored by fate.

Picking up the box on the ground, Fang Bo turned to look at his worried subordinate.

When he was in the Kingdom of the Qur'an, Paul stayed at home almost every day.

Because he once said that he wanted the other party to improve his level of domineering power, so this guy started practicing without eating or sleeping.

I have to admit that Fang Bo has very good senses for this subordinate.

If you can obtain a powerful enough Devil Fruit, you may not be able to recruit him as your follower.

"It depends on your luck."

After taking a short rest, Fang Bo was ready to return to the battlefield to take a look.

He can't play high-end games if he's not in good condition, so he can still use the Flying Thunder God to blow up people.

At most he would spend some medicine, at least he would never want to see Germa fail.

I opened Hina's treasure chest smoothly. What can I say about the contents inside? It's good or bad.

[You are opening the plot treasure chest (red)]

[You get 700 plot points]

[You get the Superman threshold fruit]

[You gain the domineering power of seeing and hearing]

【You get six types of shaving】

Superman-type threshold fruit: After eating it, you can obtain the characteristic "Superman-type ability user", which can turn any part of the body into a fence, which has a strong binding effect on enemies it comes into contact with.

Observation Color Haki: A-level active skill, which can accurately discern the enemy's aura, consuming 4 points of mental power per second.

Sixth Form·Shaving: C-level active skill, which consumes 4 points of mental power to gain explosive straight-line movement speed.

The superhuman fruit has strong control capabilities and is very suitable for use as an auxiliary route in the agility system.

The only drawback is that it does not provide attribute bonuses, so the price may be slightly lower.

"Considering its auxiliary nature, it shouldn't be a problem to sell it for around 1,500."

The domineering power of seeing and hearing is a rare A-level skill, and it is also a valuable single-target auxiliary ability.

As long as you learn it, it is equivalent to having a pair of invisible Sharingan.

Perhaps in terms of catching the enemy's movements, the ability to see and hear colors is even higher than the Sharingan.

A master who is proficient in this method can even capture movements at the speed of light.

Not to mention, seeing and hearing colors may awaken some special abilities.

However, Fang Bo already has the sense of fighting spirit. Although the effect is far inferior, it can still be used a little bit.

His perception attribute is not even 30 points, and the effect of learning color will not be very strong.

After thinking about it for a while, I finally decided to keep the skills first.

When the plot world is over, if Lao Gao doesn't realize the color of knowledge on his own, then give her this A-level skill.

If she learns it, Fang Bo can sell her skills.

This is an A-level detective skill. If it comes out on difficulty one, it will definitely trigger a frenzy among the reincarnators.

A conservative estimate is that it can be sold for at least five thousand.

"Lao Gao, you have to speak up, otherwise you will waste a lot of plot points."

There's nothing much to say about the Six Styles. Fang Bo and others don't need them at all. They can only wait until the mission is completed before selling them out.

Satisfied, he put the things into the mark. If he could save his A-level skills, he could get at least about 7,000 plot points by killing him in this wave.

Originally, it seemed that Hina was not very strong, and she was worried that the quality of the treasure box would be poor, but now it turns out that is not the case at all.

"Maybe it's because of my solo kill that the quality has improved a lot."

Looking at the fighting in the distance, Fang Bo decided to attack in a different direction to see if he could help other troops open a breakthrough.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly saw his subordinate's palm holding the handle of the knife.

"Head." Paul's tone was slightly trembling.

After a slight pause, Fang Bo slowly turned around and looked at the tall figure who appeared behind him at an unknown time.

It was a burly man with a trapezoidal white hat on his head.

Under Kong Wu's powerful appearance, the two bear ears on his head looked particularly interesting. Unfortunately, the two people present were unable to laugh.

"Excuse me, where do you want to travel?" The man was wearing brown gloves and holding a book with "BIBLE" on the cover.

After taking off his gloves, there were fleshy balls on his palms that looked like bear paws.

The man who appeared behind him was none other than Bartholomew Big Bear, one of the Shichibukai and known as the tyrant.

Fang Bo was still wondering who led the pacifist army, but he didn't expect that it was Daxiong himself who came over.

"It seems that Wulaoxing is very concerned about the situation here."

The other party didn't say anything, but slowly took off his gloves.

Fang Bo knew in his heart that he was not Wang Lufei, and he was not qualified to be merciful.

In fact, the tyrant bear's gentleness is only for his own people and treats his enemies. I am afraid only the person involved can understand that kind of cruel method.

However, Fang Bo still looked very calm, which even made his opponents feel a little strange.

"I'm from the Revolutionary Army." This sentence instantly stopped the man in place.

Xiong never expected that he would pick up a random supernova and encounter one of his own.

However, he was not fooled that easily, and he quickly regained his posture to attack.

As a last resort, Fang Bo could only continue to talk nonsense: "Sabo sensed the threat of the Golden Lion, so he asked me to pretend to surrender to see if I could find an opportunity to send him back to Impel Down City."

In order to win the trust of the other party, he also brought out the deal with the Warring States Period.

"As long as I can capture the Golden Lion, I can get a seat in the Shichibukai. Then many things will be much more convenient."

Hearing that he could accurately call Sabo's name, Big Bear probably believed seven percent of this man's words.

After a moment of silence, the tyrant slowly said, "So, where did you hear about me?"

Fang Bo, who was well prepared, immediately replied with emotion: "One time when we were drinking, Sabo talked about you and your original intention of volunteering to become Vegapunk's experimental subject."

Hearing Vegapunk's name, Big Bear's trust in him increased.

It is impossible for ordinary people to know Vegapunk's name, let alone know that he became an experimental subject.

For this reason, Daxiong believed that he should not continue to doubt the other party.

After confirming his identity, Big Bear's tone immediately softened a lot: "I see, it seems that Sabo has already made arrangements."

"Yes, the golden lion is doomed today."

Seeing that he finally believed in himself, Fang Bo couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

No matter what happens next, at least the current difficulty is over.

It is true that he can use the flying thunder god's technique to escape, but it is difficult for Germa to resist the impact of the Tyrant Bear.

You must find an excuse to convince him, otherwise Fang Bo's hidden mission will fail.

As Vegapunk's experimental subject, Big Bear's actions will be closely monitored by the world government.

Under normal circumstances, I am afraid that there is no way to contact the outside world, let alone secretly exchange information with members of the revolutionary army.

Now that Daxiong has believed his identity, the possibility of verifying it afterwards is not high. Fang Bo is also betting that the other party will not be able to find out his identity quickly.

Staring at the fleshy ball in the man's palm, a wonderful idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Mr. Big Bear, I heard that your ability can help people travel quickly?"

"Yes." Seeing his eager eyes, Big Bear couldn't help but smile softly: "No matter where you want to go, I can send you there directly."

"It's not me who's leaving, it's him." Fang Bo looked at Paul who was standing aside.


Without answering his questions, Fang Bo took out a note and started writing it, and finally stuffed it into his subordinate's arms.

"When you get to the place, do as the note says."

"But..." Paul wanted to refuse, but when he touched Fang Bo's firm eyes, he immediately nodded solemnly: "I understand, and I will definitely complete the task with all my strength."

After explaining everything, Fang Bo walked to Da Xiong's side.

"Please give him a ride."

"Okay." Daxiong looked at Paul with a serious face, and then asked curiously: "Where are you going to send him?"

"I don't know, have you ever heard of Punk Hassard?"


Another gigantic Explosive Ghost Spider exploded in the air.

Fang Bo disappeared, leaving Luo Xinfu to fight alone.

When the Exploding Ghost Spiders were almost exhausted, she shifted the focus of the battle to the two high-level ghost spiders.

Take out the Book of Zeref and increase the movement speed of the Death Spider by consuming the upper limit of mental power.

With fifty points of agility, coupled with its small size and skills, it can definitely shuttle around the battlefield with ease.

Cluster of Phantoms: Your movement will spawn phantoms.

As it started to move, countless spider phantoms suddenly appeared in the field.

While the enemy's attention was diverted, it was finally the Smokey Spider's turn to take action.

After spitting out the cigar in his mouth, the Smokey Spider began to release a large amount of white smoke, which instantly enveloped everything within a radius of several kilometers.

When the enemy realized that something was wrong, the smoke turned into chains, binding all the enemies together with all their strength.

Almost at the moment it took action, the Death Spider brandished its scythe and rushed towards the enemy, starting its crazy harvesting operation.

The agility attribute is fifty points, and the strength attribute has also reached forty, which means that it can easily slaughter every soldier in front of it.

Except for some thick-skinned guys, the death spider basically maintained the efficiency of killing three people in one second while mowing the grass.

By the time Smoker's control skill ended, the death spider's body was soaked in blood and looked filled with an indescribable sense of oppression.

Death Harvest: Each soul equal to approximately an adult will increase your final damage value (current bonus: 261)

In this battle, the Death Spider harvested a large number of souls, causing its current damage to be close to 400 points per attack.

Unless it encounters a powerful person with domineering power, it will basically catch anyone in seconds.

Of course, the premise is that the Death Spider's attack can hit, otherwise no matter how high the attack power is, it will be in vain.

Fifty points of agility is indeed very high, but it depends on who you are comparing it to. It is still not enough in front of strong people who are proficient in seeing, hearing, color and domineering.

Luo Xinfu understands this very well, so she never takes the initiative to provoke the strong ones, unlike another partner who almost targets the strongest ones to fight.

In the sky, the battle between the golden lion and the lieutenants continued.

In order to arrest this twilight lion, in addition to dispatching scientific troops, the Navy Headquarters dispatched five lieutenant generals at once.

They are Huo Shaoshan, Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Stoloberg, and Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel who is having an aerial battle with Goenitz.

Perhaps because of Smog's bonus, Lao Gao obviously wanted to kill another navy general.

It's a pity that Flying Squirrel is not a person with abilities. He is a solid hard-core lieutenant general, proficient in six types of skills and two-color domineering.

I thought the battle would end soon, but it turned out that the enemy was much stronger than Goenitz imagined.

As a last resort, she could only take out her trump card in advance.

Activate the power of the dragon and successfully enter the Black Dragon King mode.

The black magic power continued to rise around the body, causing Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel's face to change slightly.

He seemed to underestimate this woman.

This wasn't the end yet, Goenitz then raised her hand to the sky, and soon a white light enveloped her body.

[Your strength attribute increases by 20%]

The strength attribute approaching 70 points is already in a very explosive range.

Used in conjunction with Armed Color Haki, the lethality can be increased to a very terrifying level.

Even the White Hunter Smoker couldn't resist her, and the Flying Squirrel Lieutenant General would also be no match for her.

Ignoring the sharp sword, Goenitz waved his claws and attacked frequently, showing his domineering attitude.

With her unparalleled brute force, she overpowered the enemy and beat him hard, almost beating the flying squirrel to the point where he was unable to fight back.

"Damn it!" the lieutenant general was angry and began to desperately try to launch a counterattack.

As a result, the action was too radical, causing the door in his chest to open wide. Seeing this, Gonitz unceremoniously activated the ray of despair.

[Your despair ray causes 324 points of weakness damage to the enemy]

The scarlet laser penetrated the man's chest, causing the battle-hardened lieutenant general to kneel on the ground.

Holding the bloody wound, Flying Squirrel looked at her with a very unwilling look: "Pirate, you can't escape today no matter what."

It doesn't matter if he dies, others will arrest all these pirates, and that's enough.

Hearing this, Goenitz swung out the wind of night, directly letting the lieutenant general feel the pain of Lingchi's sword.

"Have you finally become honest?" Seeing that he was silent, Goenitz stopped the abuse.

Looking up at the battle above, she wondered where these losers got their confidence.

"Forget it, you won't be able to see it anyway."

MAX2's super special move: Blow for eternity!

The black whirlwind enveloped the two of them, and blood sprayed on the surrounding land.

When the strong wind dissipated, only the flying squirrel's mangled body remained in front of him.

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