Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 356 See the myth again, the knight’s lightning heavy gun!

After killing Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, Goenitz obtained the second red treasure chest in this world.

The process seems easy and enjoyable, but in fact, ordinary level one reincarnators cannot defeat the Lieutenant General even if they form a group.

When the attribute gap widens to a certain extent, the numerical advantage will not be so obvious.

Picking up the dropped box, Goenitz opened it expectantly.

I thought that another 8,000 plot points had been accounted for, but I found that things seemed different from what I imagined.

[You are opening the plot treasure chest (red)]

[You get 700 plot points]

[You get the famous sword flying bird]

[You gain the domineering power of seeing and hearing]

[You get six-style secrets]

The Famous Sword Flying Bird is an epic weapon with mediocre effects and can only be given to friends as gifts.

The six-style secret book was of little use, but after this battle Goenitz suddenly became somewhat interested.

"I have nothing to do. I can think about it alone."

She put the secret book into the seal, and then looked at the most valuable item in the box.

Name: Seeing and hearing domineering


Grade: A

Effect: Increases attribute perception effect by 100% while in effect.

Conditions of use: Consumes 4 points of mental power per second

Learning conditions: Perception 25, Physique 20, Spirit 20

Place of Origin: One Piece

Skill evaluation: People's five senses become sharper, and they can detect changes in the breath, emotions, and moves of surrounding creatures.

Having been in the world of pirates for so long, Goenitz naturally understands the meaning of Haki.

She suddenly gained a new skill, and after a moment's hesitation, she chose to learn it.

Lao Gao's current perception attribute is 29 points. If she activates the Haki of Knowledge, she will gain the equivalent of 58 points of perception attribute during the effective period.

If the skills continue to be upgraded, the attribute bonuses will be even more terrifying, and it may not be long before you can sense information hundreds of kilometers away.

"Very good skill." He chose to learn without hesitation, and now Gonitz had two active skills.

The strength has been enhanced to a certain extent, and the next step is to find someone to try the move.

Looking up at the battle behind him, Goenitz seemed a little eager to take action.

"It would be great if I could get a few more boxes." Her ambition began to expand.

There is no way, no one can prevent the flying squirrel's box from being sold.

Regardless of the improvement in strength, the value of this box is far worse than that of the White Hunter.

He took out a bottle of potion and drank it, which slightly made up for the previous losses. Then Gonitz took the initiative on the battlefield in other areas.

On the other side, Germa's army has arrived at the city, and its sword is pointed at the royal family members of the Lubuni Kingdom.

"Kill for me, don't let anyone go!" Gaji was so excited that his face was distorted.

The day has finally come. His long-cherished wish is about to come true. He can't wait to kill all the enemies in front of him immediately.

But the last bone was always particularly difficult to crack. After trying for a long time, they still couldn't break into Lubuni's palace.

In the end, we still have to rely on the demon airship to open a passage.

A magic energy cannon tore the roof apart instantly, and the modern artillery began pouring ammunition desperately.

The acid spit from the long-range troops makes the mechanized troops on the roof particularly uncomfortable, because the saliva will seriously corrode the mechanical parts on the body.

There was an unlucky guy who got stuck in the cockpit due to the excessive penetration of acid.

Amidst the miserable howls, his entire body was completely corroded by the acid.

Seeing this, many people felt a sense of fear in their hearts. No one wanted to experience the same death.

I don't know who was the first to turn around and run away, and the enemy's rout began suddenly.

"Is it done?" The bride looked down curiously.

She was responsible for taking down Lubni's rebels, and now it seems her mission is about to be accomplished.

Not participating in Vinsmoke's internal affairs, and seeing that there was nothing going on here, the bride gathered her troops and controlled the demon airship to go elsewhere.

Don't forget, there are still a group of violent beasts raging everywhere, and she can't let go of so much flesh and blood.

"Kill, kill, kill!" The bride's saliva began to secrete rapidly.

Riding the demon airship, she kept hovering over the royal capital like a deserted place.

As long as her prey is targeted, it will basically die quickly from the acid spray of the ghost spider.

The killing efficiency ranks first in the game.

Until the sunset, she finally cultivated the second death spider.

"Hehe." Stroking the little guy's head, the bride smiled happily.

Looking at the flesh and blood being carried onto the deck, she suddenly realized that her personal attributes had seriously slowed down the number of units.

"We have to improve it as soon as possible."

While she was thinking about it, she received a reminder that the hidden mission was completed.

First she chose attribute points, and then she picked something that looked pretty good.

Design drawing of mechanized self-defense armor. This thing can produce the kind of individual armor of the Lubuni Kingdom.

The ruthless team may not need it, but it can be sold for a high price outside, at least worth about three thousand plot points.

Just when she was happy about this, she saw an exhausted Fang Bo falling onto the deck.

"Let's go meet our captain."


The mission of conquering Beihai was completed, and now it was time to settle accounts with the Golden Lion.

Forcing himself to join the Flying Pirates and stealing his personal maid, Fang Bo would not treat these things like they never happened.

Looking at the battlefield in the distance, he ordered the demon airship to dock in the sky. While observing the situation below, he selected the reward for the hidden mission.

[Hidden Mission: Landing in Beihai (Completed)]

[Results are being calculated. Rewards are being generated]

[Based on your contribution, you can choose any three rewards from the following options! 】

[Option 1: You get 1,000 plot points]

[Option 2: You get 3 attribute points]

[Option 3: You get an exoskeleton individual armor (rare)]

[Option 4: You get 12 merit points (rare)]

[Option 5: You get the Knight Lightning Heavy Gun (rare)]

Perhaps due to the high difficulty of the task, he single-handedly led the construction of his own forces.

This mission actually generated three rare rewards. It seems that he can become a little rich.

"I wonder what kind of rewards there will be from Lao Gao."

First, he chose three attributes, and now Fang Bo is not far from the second extreme value.

Exoskeleton individual armor, this is a piece of individual armor with strong firepower, but poor defensive capabilities.

Maybe it can be sold at a good price, but Fang Bo needs other things now.

"Twelve merit points." Considering Paul's whereabouts, he felt that the current savings in his pocket were not enough.

What if after eating a devil fruit, the value that needs to be converted increases?

Being more prepared is never a problem.

The last piece is a mythical piece of equipment.

Name: Knight Lightning Heavy Gun

Level: Myth

Category: Two-handed weapons

Attack power: 25-32

Durability: 450/450

Attribute enhancement: Strength +12

Conditions of use: Strength 46, Constitution 30

Equipment effects: Explosive blow, lightning and thunder, ruthless piercing

Place of Origin: One Piece

Equipment evaluation: Be careful, you cannot wave this thing in your hand.

Explosive Blow (Active Skill): Consumes 5 points of mental power to strike with a full blow of 180% strength attribute.

Lightning and Thunder (Active Skill): Consumes 8 points of mental power to add an additional 70 points of thunder damage to the weapon, lasting ten minutes.

Ruthless Pierce (passive skill): Hitting multiple targets at the same time will increase the incremental damage by 10% for each target.

This is not a spear in the ordinary sense, but a heavy war gun set up by the knight when charging.

Apart from thrusting, its only function is to swing it and hit people.

Fortunately, Fang Bo didn't use it as a weapon, so it didn't matter if it was inconvenient.

In other words, weapons that focus on puncture are more suitable for him to use. After all, most of the uses of Noble Phantasms are to stab people.

As for skills, the strongest thing about this thing is not the first two active skills, but the only passive ability "Ruthless Pierce".

Each additional person increases the damage by 10%, which means that piercing three people at the same time can increase the damage by 30% out of thin air.

If Explosive Strike is activated, the damage it causes alone will be hundreds of points.

Ever since he picked up the Kusanagi Sword, to be honest, Fang Bo didn't have a final Noble Phantasm in his hand.

Although the average damage of 200+ is very impressive, it is not enough to inflict heavy damage to the enemy at once.

It can be said that this knight's lightning heavy gun came at the right time.

Putting the newly acquired mythical equipment into the treasure house and watching the golden light dissipate in front of him, Fang Bo had the urge to try it out.

Name: Fang Bo

No.: 14552

Rank: Major

Merits: 66

Plot points: 4660 (Dallan owes 20000)

Attribute points: 48

Story world: 5

Destiny Tokens: 11

Affiliated team: Ruthless Team

Title: Fortune Teller, Chunin LV3 (strength +3, agility +3, reputation accumulation speed increased by 30%)

"With only 10 attribute points missing, I can directly complete the dual attribute extreme value."

If he succeeds, he will definitely give the friends of Sound Nest a surprise.

When these guys came to me aggressively, only to find that they stepped on a nail, their expressions would be very exciting.

The airship climbed to a high altitude, where he could calmly overlook the battle below.

"Awesome." Fang Bo suddenly felt emotional.

Even without his domineering power, the Golden Lion is still the great pirate who looks down upon the world.

He single-handedly challenged four lieutenant generals and defeated them one by one with his skillful manipulation of fruits.

Lion Power·Earth Scroll!

Pressing the ground with one hand, a wild smile appeared on Shiji's face, and then huge sand lions appeared around him.

The body that was tens of meters high made the lieutenant generals change their expressions.

Someone wanted to use the Moon Step to leave, but unfortunately they couldn't escape from the golden lion's hand. In the blink of an eye, their arm was scratched by a golden slash.

The use of Haki has a time limit, or in other words, the total amount of Haki is different for everyone. There is a saying that this thing is "exhausted".

After fighting for most of the day, the physical strength of the lieutenant generals could no longer be sustained.

Not to mention the armament and haki, now they can hardly even use the six styles.

What is a lieutenant general?

To put it in a nice way, this is a group of strong men who are proficient in two-color domineering. To put it in a bad way, the lieutenant generals are actually a group of people who cannot continue to improve their combat power.

The inability to become a "general candidate" means that their strength has basically reached the upper limit, and it is difficult to improve at all.

"No matter how many wild wolves there are, they can't compete with the lions." Fang Boy said.

As he said, the lieutenant generals who have lost their domineering power are no match at all.

After finally surviving a round of attacks, several large lion heads made of snowstorms suddenly appeared in the sky.

Lion Power·Royal Palace Scroll!

Using the ability of the Piao Piao Fruit to control the blizzard, Shi Ji fully demonstrated the power of an esper.

However, there are so many strong people in the world, and the Piao Piao Fruit is not the kind of devil fruit that specializes in fighting.

Some people happen to be able to restrain his ability, such as a tall figure suddenly appearing below.

"Where do you want to travel?"

Tyrant Bear appears!

He used a bear attack that had been charged for a long time and immediately defeated all the attacks of the golden lion.

Stepping on the six-position moon step, the big bear arrived in front of the big pirate in the blink of an eye.

"How brave!" Shi Ji slashed out the golden light, trying to cut the man rushing in front of him into two.

But he didn't know that the person in front of him was the famous King Shichibukai.

He has closed himself off for too many years, but little does he know that the sea is no longer what he is familiar with.

When he saw the slash bounced off by the fleshy ball in his palm, the golden lion froze there suddenly.

His heart, which was already riddled with holes, was shattered with a bang, and he suddenly didn't want to continue fighting.

He just withstood the impact of the big bear and began to fly upward with all his strength.

Its speed is so fast that Big Bear's Moon Steps simply can't catch up.

"Jie hahahaha, you guys want to defeat me?!" The golden lion's signature laughter came from afar.

Only this time, his voice was less domineering and more embarrassment-like.

Perhaps Shiji himself didn't realize that he was now dominated by a force called "fear".

Just like when he faced the Navy Headquarters, he deeply felt his own powerlessness.

Some things are difficult to reverse with human power alone. This is an important reason for the collapse of the heart of the strong Golden Lion.

Roger actually understood this, but the two people's choices were completely different.

The Pirate King used his life to open the era of great pirates, and used his own way to fight against the injustice in the world.

As for the golden lion?

Landing on the deck of the demon airship, Shiji raised his head and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

"Damn kid." Obviously, the big bear's attack is not so easy to resist.

It's already very difficult to fly up, but if he slows down even half a beat, he probably won't be able to leave.

"Ahem, hurry up, let's sail the ship, let's go back and regroup." Golden Lion gave the order to his vice-captain.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Ji suddenly noticed the Ghost Spider Self-Defense Tower on the side.

On the living spider sculpture at the top of the tower, dark golden energy is gathering crazily.

Before he could react, the energy bomb that was suddenly activated blew the golden lion away.

"Wake up, Shiki!"

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