Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 358 Awakening, domineering and domineering!

Impel Down City, a windless zone located in the first half of the Grand Line, houses all the most vicious criminals.

This prison is a tall tower submerged entirely in the sea, surrounded by giant sea kings of terrifying size.

There is only one way to escape, and that is to defeat all the guards layer by layer, and break through the garrison at the Gate of Justice to reach the Marine headquarters, Marineland.

The difficulty can be imagined. Basically no one can escape from such an iron wall.

However, no matter how tightly guarded a prison is, there are always loopholes that can be broken through.

Many years ago, the Golden Lion used his Piaopiao Fruit to successfully leave here.

This incident was regarded as a shame by the prison guards. Fortunately, someone finally caught the escaped prisoner.

"Hurry up!" The jailer's attitude was very rough, and he kept punching and kicking the golden lion along the way.

Due to the restrictions of Hailou Stone, Shi Ji was unable to fight back, but judging from his appearance, he was too lazy to argue with a pawn.

In his eyes, such a small character is like dust floating in front of him. Nothing he does or says affects him at all.

"Jie hahahaha, I didn't expect that I would come back here."

There are various cells and torture chambers for prisoners on both sides of the road. On weekdays, this place is either filled with screams or the crazy curses of the pirates.

But today's situation is different. The legendary pirate is back, and all the prisoners are looking at the lion-like man.

"Oh, welcome home, Mr. Golden Lion."

"Hahaha, look who's back."

"You are our hero, Shiki!!!"

"When are you going to break out of prison with me?"

"Yeah, I've had enough of this damn place."

Compared with the high-standard treatment of Golden Lion, the woman following him seems a bit inconspicuous.

Perhaps in normal times, pirates would be happy to see beauties appear, but in front of such heroes, any beauty would pale in comparison.

"It's really popular." A chuckle sounded from the woman's mouth, which seemed to be full of some irony.

The happy Golden Lion didn't bother to argue with the woman. In his eyes, this woman was just a poor guy who was betrayed by the captain.

Seeing that Shiji ignored her, the blond woman continued: "For that bullshit Shichibukai, he betrayed both of you and me to the World Government. Can you really swallow this?"

Hearing this, the smile on Golden Lion's face could no longer be maintained.

Glancing lightly at the guy behind him, Shiji turned his head and advised, "Take care of yourself first. Those guys from Infernal Hell are not as easy to talk to as I am."

The Impel City is divided into six levels, namely: the first level of Red Lotus Hell, the second level of Beast Hell, the third level of Hungry Hell, the fourth level of Scorching Hell, the fifth level of Extreme Cold Hell, and the sixth level of Infinite Hell.

There is also the legendary 5.5-story "New Transvestite Paradise" that only exists.

These constitute a large prison that scares countless pirates, especially the Infinite Hell, where all the most vicious people are imprisoned, and the old golden lion is nothing in it.

"Of course I know it's scary inside, otherwise I wouldn't have come." Goenitz smiled slightly, recalling the previous encounter.

After completing the mission issued by the Revolutionary Army, she unexpectedly got the opportunity to join the hidden camp "Revolutionary Army".

Under Fang Bo's persuasion, Lao Gao joined the revolutionary army.

The first mission she received was to sneak into Impel Down City and wait for an opportunity to rescue the revolutionary army cadre Ivankov the Demon King inside.

[Number 17224 triggers a hidden mission to save revolutionary army cadres! 】

[Mission Introduction: The superiors want you to rescue the revolutionary army cadre Ivankov. To do this, you need to risk going deep into the Impel City]

[Task requirement: Take Ivankov out of Impel City]

[Tip: Never try to be reckless]

In the Battle of the North Sea, Goenitz killed countless marines and was definitely qualified to get a ticket to Impel Down.

As for the identity of the Shichibukai crew member, it's even simpler. Just smear her as a pirate loyal to the Golden Lion.

If you expel the ruthless pirates, you will naturally not be protected by the rules.

Of course, all this sounds simple, but you can imagine how difficult it is in actual operation.

If you are not careful, you will have to wait until you return to the reincarnation space if you want to see her again.

For others, Impel Down City, like the Sea Tower Stone Handcuffs, is an absolutely inescapable shackles.

So what if it’s a golden lion?

He has already cut off his legs. Is it possible that he will cut off his hands this time? Then don't go to the sea to fight for hegemony and find a higher-end sanatorium to spend the rest of his life.

However, in Goenitz's eyes, the sea-floor stone handcuffs are not unsolvable. Just activate the Black Dragon King mode and the devouring magic of the Dragon King's arm can destroy the handcuffs.

It is easy to escape from the bondage, but how to escape from the impel city is a big problem.

Looking at the back of the golden lion, Goenitz knew that he would probably need to rely on this guy's power.

Fang Bo did provide a detailed escape plan, and even came up with three feasible plans, but how to do it depends on Goenitz's choice.

When he was hesitating what to do, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of the passage.

The prison, which had been noisy just now, suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes were focused on that person.

"Golden lion." The man's eyes were very dangerous, like a beast staring at its prey.

As proud as Shi Ji, his expression could not help but change slightly at this moment.

The man who stopped in front of everyone was Magellan, the director of Impel Down City and a superhuman Poison Fruit user.

This guy is an out-and-out poisonous person, and even the gas exhaled from his mouth and nose contains highly toxic substances.

What's even more terrible is that the poisoned person will not die on the spot, but will slowly die after being tortured for a long time.

It can be said that Magellan's whole body was full of poison. Even his subordinates did not dare to get too close to him. Even if there were visitors, they had to wear gas masks in advance.

This guy is very tall and looks a bit like the devil Satan. Maybe Magellan is the real devil king in Impel Down City.

Because he had the power to execute prisoners on the spot, he could kill even a golden lion, but Magellan would not do that.

It's easy to kill people, but it's extremely difficult to recover Devil Fruits. If you don't do it well, you can easily create a guy crazier than a golden lion.

Considering the main premise of maintaining stability, these extremely vicious guys can survive forever.

Recalling the information in her mind, Goenitz subconsciously held her breath, but she soon felt slightly dizzy.

"What a terrifying poison." Her eyes darkened, knowing that this person must be the biggest obstacle to escaping Impel Down City.

Just standing still can make her feel a sense of oppression, which shows how powerful the other party is.

"Jie hahahaha, Magellan, long time no see." The golden lion adjusted his mood and immediately began to sarcastically say: "Speaking of which, you should thank me. Without my escape, how could you have become the director so quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, purple venom suddenly appeared on the man's body.

Obviously, the Golden Lion's words made him feel angry. Fortunately, Magellan quickly readjusted his mentality.

Ignoring the clumsy provocation, he took over the task of escorting the prisoners from the jailer.

Next we have to go to Hell, where the criminals are not very friendly.

Even if he is bound by the Sea Tower Stone and his body suffers inhuman torture day and night, it is still not a place that ordinary people can set foot on.

If you're not careful, someone could really die.

Soon, the two were escorted by Magellan to the sixth level of Hell.

Different from the previous floors, this place is filled with extreme darkness, as if even light will be swallowed up by inexplicable terror.

As soon as he stepped inside, Goenitz immediately felt the gaze coming from the darkness.

"Hey, Golden Lion, why did you bring a little follower here?" A hoarse voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

Even when facing a legendary pirate, the speaker did not show any awe.

"Huh, you're still alive." Shi Ji walked into the cell first, his actions seemed to reveal a sense of impatience.

Goenitz is a little confused, why is it so positive to be in jail?

However, she soon found out exactly why.

Another voice sounded from the cell, this time full of unabashed malice: "Forget it Shiji, but the newcomer still has to go through the motions."

"Hey, I just like seeing new people coming in."

"The girl has tender skin and tender flesh. You guys, please don't be too harsh."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of her."

Before Gohnitz could understand the meaning of his words, several black and red lightning bolts suddenly exploded out of thin air.

That was a fierce clash of domineering colors and domineering looks!

Due to limited movement, these big pirates can only pass the time in this way.

Every time a new person comes in, they will receive a special welcome.

Those who are extremely courageous will be fine after being hit by the overlord color for a few days. If they are timid, they may be frightened by the collision of several waves of overlord color and become insane.


Black and red lightning continued to explode, forcing Goenitz to bend her back.

"God's grace!"

Using the special ability of the equipment, the mental attributes were greatly increased out of thin air, and he finally managed to withstand the overbearing collision of these villains.

But if he continues, Goenitz still won't be able to hold on for long.

The blessing of divine grace only slightly delayed her fall to the ground.

"Damn it." Gonitz put his hands on his knees and tried his best to keep his body from falling.

She was the son of the Orochi and the head of the Eight Elites. How could she be subdued by the oppressive force of a group of ordinary people?

Without using his wind control ability, Goenitz decided to resist the enemy's pressure.

By doing this, she didn't want to alert others, and she wanted to take the opportunity to hone her will.

Although he didn't know the existence of Bawang color, as a strong man who was proficient in two-color Baqi, Lao Gao intuitively thought that he should do this.

If she backed down now, she would probably lose something valuable.

"Huh?" A surprised murmur came from the darkness, as if he didn't expect that she could persist in front of everyone for so long.

"Hahaha, shame on you bastards." Some people seemed to be gloating.

Upon seeing this, the few powerful men who took action immediately increased their domineering output.

In an instant, the power of the black and red lightning increased by two levels, and the big guys began to use their real power.

The woman's understatement of provocation doubled the pressure on Goenitz.

It seems that he is speaking for her, but in fact women are the most vicious existence.

"I must kill her." Veins popped up on Gonitz's forehead, and even his eyeballs began to become heavily bloodshot.

If she hadn't had a strong will that had been honed for thousands of years, it would have been impossible for her to persist in front of so many bosses based on her current strength.

For a navy of Smoker's level, he would probably be knocked unconscious by the momentum of the big guys in just one encounter.

Even so, Goenitz was already at her physical limit, and it only took a little extra effort to knock her unconscious on the spot.

But the big guys in the darkness soon discovered that things seemed to be getting interesting.

Not only was the blonde woman not exhausted, her spine that had just been bent became straight again.

From a distance, Goenitz stood there like a big gun, and no matter how hard she tried to activate the Overlord Color, she could not make her surrender.

"Hmph, you are a bunch of people, you are not worthy of me surrendering."

She raised her hand to push the hair away from her forehead, and the next second, black and red lightning suddenly burst out from her body.

At such a critical moment, Goenitz actually realized the overlord's domineering energy on his own.

Because they were too surprised, everyone forgot to continue taking action.

By the time everyone reacted, Goenitz had been sent to prison by Magellan.

"When you've had enough trouble, calm down." Magellan was not used to these people.

No matter what kind of strong bones they are, they will collapse in front of his venom.

If he is really anxious, it is not difficult to cut off a few arms and legs at will.

Everyone understood this, so they were sensible and did not continue to provoke Magellan.

Seeing this situation, the director gave everyone a cold look, left a few words, and then turned around and left the Infinite Hell.

"You just stay here and rot slowly."

Until long after he left, no one in Infernal Hell was willing to speak.

There is no way, the situation is stronger than the person. Everyone was once a powerful figure in the world, but now they are being scolded by a rising star one after another.

It's a bit hard to save face, especially in front of a newcomer.

In fact, Goenitz has no interest in dealing with these people. She is still exploring the truth of that power.

"The power just now was very strong, and its potential may be even higher than that of Armed Color Haki."

Her intuition told her that if she could skillfully use this power, her strength would definitely make a huge leap forward.

Staring at the darkness around him, Goenitz suddenly didn't want to leave so quickly.

Maybe, these guys can help her realize power faster.

On the other side, the demon airship passed through the Windless Zone, passed through the Gate of Justice, and successfully arrived at the Marine Headquarters, Marinevando.

As a result, just as he jumped from the air, Fang Bo met an old acquaintance.

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