Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 359 Continuous hidden missions, leading to war!

The pink cloak of justice swayed violently, as if reflecting the complex emotions in the woman's heart.

Seeing the man slowly landing on the ground, Peach Rabbit couldn't help but glare at him, his eyes filled with obvious anger.

"You bastard!" She reached out and grabbed Fang Bo's collar.

His movements were much faster than those of the previous lieutenant generals he had encountered.

"As expected of a candidate for general, his strength far exceeds that of a general lieutenant general."

Not paying attention to the woman's anger, Fang Bo slowly took out the appointment document issued by the Warring States Period from his pocket.

The existence of the Shichibukai is very special, and their relationship with the navy is also very delicate.

A hasty conflict is likely to trigger a chain reaction.

Therefore, Taotu could only pretend, and she did not dare to pull out the famous sword at her waist.

It is unclear whether her anger was about the banquet or the admiral who died in the Battle of the North Sea.

In other words, Fang Bo had no interest in understanding her heart at all.

Without status, there is no right to speak. As a member of the Shichibukai Group, he can completely ignore the navy at the level of vice admiral.

When necessary, even the lieutenant general has to cooperate with his actions.

Seeing the document he took out, Taotu's movements suddenly froze, and a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"You are no different from other pirates." After saying that, she turned and left the dock.

After a small episode, Fang Bo smiled and comforted the embarrassed naval lieutenant: "Let's go, don't keep Marshal Warring States waiting."

"Uh, okay sir." The lieutenant saluted and turned around to guide him on the road.

Walking in the square of Marineland, Fang Bo looked up, and there seemed to be a grand scene of a confrontation between the two armies in front of him.

The battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy Headquarters is definitely the biggest battle in the early stages of One Piece.

And this war took place on the land beneath his feet.

"At this time, I don't have the ability to influence the war." Fang Bo sighed.

Even if he becomes a Shichibukai, he is still the one at the end of the strength spectrum.

But it doesn't matter. Once promoted to the second difficulty level, Fang Bo's strength will inevitably increase significantly.

Maybe when he enters the world of pirates again, he will have the strength to challenge the top Shichibukai?

By then, perhaps it will be able to truly affect a war.

Ignoring the pointing of the surrounding navy, Fang Bo quickly arrived at the office building of the navy headquarters.

Boom, boom, boom!

After several gentle knocks on the door, he walked into Marshal Warring States' office alone.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the "seagull" behind the desk slowly lifted up.

He still has the familiar sunglasses and braided beard, but unfortunately his distinctive afro is not visible.

Neither party spoke first, and the office fell into an eerie silence.

Seeing the other party looking at him unceremoniously, Fang Bo simply threw an information scan at him.

【Warring States (Wise General)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, constitution]

[Characteristics: Animal-type ability user, the ultimate person with mental and physical skills (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

Everyone Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Big Buddha Form: Transform into a huge Buddha, with strength +12, constitution +10, spirit +8, and gain the effect of Buddha's body dominance.

Buddha's Overlord Body: Immune to special damage effects such as falling to the ground, knocking up, and grappling, and attacks with a shock wave that adds 75% of the strength attribute.

The Ultimate Person of Mind and Body Skills (Legendary): You realize the spiritual realm of Buddha, gain +5 effect on all attributes, and double the effect of activating the fruit's ability bonus.

Seeing the powerful characteristics of the Warring States Period, Fang Bo couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

The phantom beast type is a rarer fruit than the natural type, so it is quite normal for it to have such a strong effect.

The key is that legendary characteristic. If you activate the Buddha form, you can get a terrifying bonus of +10 to all attributes.

Fang Bo even suspected that this characteristic could continue to grow, because the introduction clearly stated that it was obtained because Warring States realized the spiritual realm of Buddha.

If the understanding continues to deepen, will the bonus obtained be increased?

Considering the characteristics of the "Legendary" level, Fang Bo believes that it can definitely try to continue to upgrade.

Of course, even if the effect does not continue to improve, it will still be very scary.

Other strong men will gradually weaken with age, but Warring States is different. His true form of Buddha will only get stronger and stronger.

"Unless this old man suddenly becomes a materialist warrior and rejects feudal superstition."

As if sensing his malice, Warring States frowned slightly and seemed to have something to say.

However, he swallowed his words in the end. He was one of his own after all, and pursuing past behavior was meaningless.

The most important thing is that Wu Laoxing seems to be very optimistic about him, and Warring States can't figure out what is going on behind the scenes.

Taking out the Shichibukai's identity certificate and a large stack of documents, he pushed them all in front of the other party.

"These are necessary official procedures. You don't have to look at them. It's just a formality anyway." Warring States' words were full of helplessness.

It can be heard that he hates this kind of thing deeply, but as a marshal, he has to do it.

Again, what this navy marshal did was really frustrating.

Putting the document away, Fang Bo asked casually: "Okay, is there anything else I can do?"

I didn't have high hopes at first, but it turned out that the old man from the Warring States Period actually seemed to have delegated tasks.

In this regard, Fang Bo can be said to not reject anyone who comes.

He doesn't understand the dignity of a pirate. As long as he can get benefits, he doesn't care who he works for.

After receiving the application form from the Warring States Period, Fang Bo raised his eyebrows and unconsciously showed a smile.

I thought I was doing some dirty work, but I didn't expect that this old guy actually gave me a big deal.

Seeing that Fang Bo didn't express his position, Warring States thought he was afraid, so he couldn't help but explain his intention: "Not long ago, he just joined the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Due to the special nature of the Yonko, the navy is not able to take action in a big way for the time being, and it would be perfect for you to handle this matter."

"After all, it was you who revealed the identity of the Pirate King's bloodline in the first place."

Okay, okay, you still depend on me, right?

Fang Bo was very greedy for this task, but he would not agree easily, otherwise how could he continue to ask for more benefits.

"Oh, this matter is difficult to handle." A very social sigh came from his mouth.

Warring States is a veteran, how can you not understand what he means.

"Tell me, what do you want?" he asked.

"I want complete Seraph technology." Of course, Fang Bo would not say this, otherwise Warring States would slap him to death in the next second.

After thinking for a long time, Fang Bo said frankly: "Two conditions."

"First, I need to use the navy's technology to transform the ship."

"Second, I need Peach Rabbit to be my helper."

Vinsmoke can also help modify the airship, but the price is too expensive, and Fang Bo has no intention of paying for it out of his own pocket.

Now that the Warring States Period wanted something from him, it was just a good opportunity to blackmail him.

As for Taotu, this woman is very powerful and can definitely be a good helper for him.

In any case, Ace is the captain of the Four Emperors, and he must have many strong men under his command. Now that Lao Gao is gone, Fang Bo is in urgent need of a teammate who can help him resist damage.

Peach Rabbit's reputation is unknown to the outside world, so he can disguise himself as one of his crew members and join the battle.

It doesn't matter even if Whitebeard recognizes it, as long as the navy does not enter the new world with great fanfare, it will not cause a chain effect to other pirate groups.

No one among the four emperors alone has the ability to compete with the navy.

After thinking quietly for a moment, Warring States decisively agreed to the request and said that he could immediately arrange for the scientific research and development department to help him upgrade the warship.

The power of the demon airship mainly lies in the magical blessing of the Fairy Tail world.

In terms of its material, it may not be as good as a large warship.

There are three main focuses of this transformation.

First, increase the sturdiness of the hull so that it won't be beaten to pieces easily.

Second, replace the high-level energy engine, otherwise it would be a bit uncomfortable to be forced to land while flying.

Third, install a laser transmitter on the side of the ship to try to enhance the mid- to long-range killing capability.

Once the airship transformation is completed, it will basically be equivalent to a small war fortress.

Even if you go to the technological side of the world, you can still spar with those mechanical monsters.

It can't compare to the Archangel, so it shouldn't be a problem against ordinary small battleships.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Fang Bo's smile was bright.

Being able to obtain hidden tasks and make a big hit at the same time is such a great feeling.

[Number 14552 triggers continuous hidden missions, leading to war! 】

[Mission Introduction: The Warring States Period requires you to hunt down the evil bloodline, and allows you to find a lieutenant general as your partner]

[Step one: Find the bloodline left by the Pirate King]

[Tip: This mission can be completed by entering the plot world multiple times]

"The transformation will take a few days. I can give you a suitable list." With that, Sengoku reached for the drawer below.

Seeing this, Fang Bo shook his head and refused: "I already have a suitable candidate."

"That's it." After thinking for a moment, Warring States knew who the person he was talking about was.

He glanced at him with a slightly strange look, and then the navy marshal waved his hand and said, "That's it, I wish you a safe journey."

When the Shichibukai left, he suddenly sighed with a tired look and looked at the sailors running around outside.

"Perhaps it won't be long before Malinvando becomes a battlefield."

As a lifelong rival, Sengoku knew Whitebeard's character too well.

As long as Ace is successfully apprehended, the world's strongest man will definitely work hard to save him.

At that time, we can take the opportunity to defeat the Whitebeard Pirates and completely break the four emperors' monopoly on the new world.

The seemingly calm sea is about to experience unprecedented rough waves.

Naval Headquarters, the square to the west.

"Wow, look at it."

"What a scary spider."

"This is the new Shichibukai, Thug Jason!"

"What a scary guy."

Since the airship needed modifications, the bride and her children had to move temporarily.

Hence this scene.

Judging from the looks of the marines, if it weren't for his identity, he would definitely want to come forward and communicate with these spiders.

As for what Fang Bo had done before, some people hated it, while others were more disapproving of it, and some even secretly applauded him in their hearts.

It can only be said that the navy, which is full of factions, has never been monolithic.

"Huh, what's so big about this?!" A loud roar suddenly sounded among the murmur of discussion.

Turning around, he saw that the person coming was a rare giant lieutenant general.

It was obvious that his attitude towards Fang Bo was very unfriendly and had reached the point where he could not hide it.

Even the identity of Shichibukai could not dispel the anger of this giant lieutenant general.

"Shut up!" After scolding a group of unknown sailors, the Giant Vice Admiral came to him and stared down with the eyes of ants: "This is Marinefando, take care of your stinky spiders, pirates. "

This sentence was already very rude, and the sailors around him were so frightened that their expressions changed.

You know, pirates are a bunch of unruly people, and such a provocation is likely to have serious consequences, not to mention that he also called out the Shichibukai's true identity as "a pirate."

Everyone knows this, but no one can tell it.

You are a pirate and you want to join the navy, so I ask you if it feels uncomfortable?

We claim to be a righteous navy, but we need to win over pirates to maintain peace. Is it embarrassing for you?

That's the thing, but once it's said, the meaning is completely different.

If a fight really breaks out, no matter what the outcome is, the Giant Lieutenant General will definitely be punished in the end.

No matter how righteous his reasons may be, this action is contrary to the decrees of the World Government.

Dismissal is considered the lightest punishment.

Even if he has a giant background, he will not be sent to Impel Down at most, but he may not be able to stay in the navy.

What others could figure out, Fang Bo naturally quickly figured out the twists and turns inside.

A cruel smile flashed across the corner of his mouth, golden ripples appeared in front of him, and the words in his mouth were even more heart-wrenching: "You need to rely on me as a pirate to apprehend important criminals. It seems that the navy has really fallen."

As soon as these words came out, the giant Lieutenant General, who was already furious, immediately raised his fist.

"Asshole, who do you think you are?!"

The huge size may be oppressive to others, but to Fang Bo, it is a living target.

With just two or three Noble Phantasms, he could instantly kill this stupid big man.

However, this is the navy headquarters after all, and it is impossible for Fang Bo to kill a lieutenant general in front of so many people.

"It shouldn't be a problem if you're disabled, right?"

The moment the golden stream of light appeared, a figure suddenly appeared between the two.

The famous sword Jinbiluo unsheathed it and instantly knocked away the incoming noble phantom.

"Have you had enough trouble?" Taotu's face was gloomy, and he turned to glare at the tall lieutenant general.

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