Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 364 Impel Down City never lacks big bosses

Impel the city, endless hell.

Looking at the skill introduction, Goenitz couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

Effect: Use courage to intimidate the opponent, causing the enemy to gain a negative status of -9 in all attributes.

After several days of hard work, she finally raised the level of overlord color to level three.

The mental consumption per second is reduced by one point, and a third-level skill entry is also obtained.

Level 3 effect: Stun, extend the stun of spirit for 10 seconds.

As the name suggests, even if she ends the release of Overlord Color, the target will still be negatively affected for ten seconds.

The practical value of the skill is instantly improved a lot, and it can be used in various scenarios in combat.

If conditions allowed, Goenitz really couldn't bear to leave this group of inmates, but her time was limited and she couldn't survive in this prison forever.

"It's time to start the jailbreak."

Dragon power, activate!

His left arm turned into a dark dragon claw, and black magic began to wrap around his body.

Relying on the skills attached to the equipment, Gonitz successfully entered the Black Dragon King mode.

"Huh?" A confused voice came from the prison.

Everyone is bound by the Sea Tower Stone, and this thing is indestructible and cannot be destroyed by ordinary means.

Otherwise, how could these powerful guys be so honest? They have no solution to the current predicament.

Unexpectedly, this talented newcomer actually wanted to break the handcuffs after being silent for several days.

"Oh, can't you bear the loneliness?" The woman's voice sounded again, and it was not difficult to hear the sarcasm in her tone.

Unfortunately, Goenitz ignored her as always, and just touched the Dragon King's sharp claws to the sea-floor stone handcuffs on his wrists.


The Black Dragon King has the ability to devour all things, and no magic of any kind can escape its encroachment. Ability like this is particularly suitable for dealing with Sea Tower Stone Handcuffs.

At first, everyone didn't pay much attention to it, but as time went by, many people focused their attention on this.

Even if you can't clearly see the situation in the cell, you can accurately understand the situation through subtle perceptions.


There was a crisp cracking sound, and then Goenitz slowly stood up from the stone chair.

"She really succeeded!!!" someone exclaimed.

Ignoring everyone's surprise, Goenitz waved his palm vigorously and instantly tore the iron prison in front of him.

Then she gathered a black whirlwind in her palm and suddenly rushed towards the deepest cage.

The target is none other than the female pirate Nine-Tailed Fox Butterfly Mei whose expression changed drastically.

"Wait, wait a minute." Die Mei obviously did not expect that the first thing this guy did to get out of trouble was to deal with herself.

Shouldn't we try to free others?

You know, this place is monitored by phone bugs 24 hours a day, and the jailers should already be on their way here.

Maybe, even Magellan has set off. If we don't act quickly, this jailbreak will definitely fail.


Smashing the rusty iron prison with one claw, Goenitz stared at the woman coldly, without concealing the murderous intent in his eyes.

In front of her was a relatively androgynous woman. Although she looked a little weird, the woman's clothing taste was exceptionally good.

It's just that he has been imprisoned in the cell for many years, and it is already covered with dust that cannot be washed away.

Seeing that the other party did not take action immediately, Diemei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but the next second, the scarlet laser completely penetrated her head.

No treasure chests were dropped, and the tortured Die Mei was already overwhelmed, and the damage she caused was not enough to open the chest.

"Alas." Sighing with regret, Goenitz turned around and walked outside.

With a strong wave of her palm, a gust of wind suddenly arose in the dark prison, and everyone's cells were shattered by her blow.

Upon seeing this, someone immediately expressed excitement that if she rescued her, she would be given endless gold and silver treasures to enjoy.

Ignoring the shouting people, Goenitz took the lead in reaching the blue fish-man and reached out to help him untie the sea-floor stone handcuffs.

"Thank you." Jinbei nodded solemnly, and then looked at the people behind him: "There are many villains here. Are you sure you want to release them all?"

Hearing this, a sneer flashed across the corner of Goenitz's mouth: "It seems that I have never said that I am a good person."

One sentence silenced Old Jinbei.

If you think about it carefully, it is true. Whose first thing after a good person escapes from trouble is to kill someone?

Walking silently towards the entrance of the prison, Jinbei said in a low tone: "I will defend you against the pursuers, but my physical strength is a little weak now, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long."

On weekdays, these big guys basically keep their physiological functions to a minimum, except for their overbearing sexual competition.

Otherwise, he would have died under the torture of these jailers.

The big pirates are all very powerful, but they are really hungry. To be able to exert three achievements with one's combat power is considered astonishing willpower.

Some people are worried that with this physical condition, they may not be able to break through the navy's blockade.


After destroying the handcuffs of Big Barrel Choate, Goenitz looked at everyone, and after a moment of silence, he took out a huge squid tentacle from the space mark.

Of course, it's the cooked kind that you can eat with your mouth open.

Since he decided to rob the prison, I wonder why Fang Bo didn't prepare complete measures.

"Eat it, it tastes pretty good."

In fact, without her invitation, these pirates began to eat eagerly. Even the old Jinbei who was fighting at the door could not help but swallow his saliva.

However, he is a vegetarian, so this kind of meat is really impossible to swallow.

Just when he was about to cry, he saw an apple thrown from a distance, which made Old Jinbei extremely happy.

He swallowed the apple into his stomach in just a few mouthfuls, then turned around and knocked away a group of jailers with a fish-man karate move.

Seeing that the enemy was a little timid, Jinbei's old face suddenly turned red, and he turned his head to look at the woman who was helping the others to remove their handcuffs: "Old man, I haven't eaten enough yet."

The next second, a big watermelon was thrown over again.

Glancing at the fish-man who was engrossed in eating, Goenitz turned his head and looked at everyone coldly: "This is the condition. I can provide blessings to those who are willing to join. If you are not willing, I will not force it, but you must agree to join. I take action once.”

This is what it takes to be a savior.

Speaking of which, it’s actually not too harsh.

Someone saves your life, and you help them out once. This is a more reasonable exchange.

After thinking for a while, all the big pirates present basically agreed.

Including those terrifying bosses that everyone is afraid of.

"Interesting." The strong man who looked like a hill sat on the ground, stretched out his hand to tear off a piece of food, and stared at the woman in front of him while chewing: "You are very good, but it's a pity that you can't aspire to the throne of the strongest."

"Remember, a truly strong man doesn't need companions."

As soon as he finished speaking, an unprecedented feeling of dominance suddenly aroused, and all the jailers who were fighting fiercely hundreds of meters away were knocked unconscious almost instantly.

Even the weaker big pirates couldn't withstand his domineering power and fainted on the spot while eating food.

This unparalleled and domineering man is none other than Douglas Barrett, the super strong man of the Roger Pirates and known as the "Descendant of the Devil."

When he was young, he could compete with Pluto Rayleigh, and basically had the same combat power as an emperor-level warrior.

Even in this impel city, Barrett is at the top of the food chain.

It's a pity that he never trusts his companions and thinks that he can dominate the world with his own strength.

After Roger's death, Barrett, who regarded him as his target, fell into madness and began to cause indiscriminate destruction around the world.

The navy's senior combat forces were dispatched collectively, and it took a lot of effort to finally exhaust his energy.

If he understands the importance of building a team, Barrett can definitely become a strong contender for the Pirate King.

Goenitz didn't know his true identity, but she could feel Barrett's terrifying strength.

However, she shook her head slightly to express her non-committal response to the man's words.

Not to mention anything else, if the other party could find one or two masters of the same level, how could they be captured by the navy so easily.

There is no problem in pursuing the strongest, but being as strong as Roger and Whitebeard needs helpers.

It's not that the strong don't need companions, they just don't need trash-like things.

Let me ask, who would dislike the help of experts at the same level?

"If I had stayed with Father God, I wouldn't have been sealed multiple times by the three artifacts."

After a moment of silence, Goenitz continued to take out food from the space mark.

These guys are all big eaters, and the previous octopus tentacles don't work at all.

Fortunately, the space for the mark was large enough, and she had prepared a lot of Neptune-type sashimi in advance.

Forget about filling your stomach, it is not easy to regain some strength.

"Jie hahahaha." The golden lion who also escaped from trouble seemed particularly excited: "They say it is impossible for anyone to escape from prison, but I have to escape from prison twice in a row."

Goenitz ignored him and continued to remove the handcuffs of the others.

Soon, all the big pirates present broke free, and she also saw the second boss-level figure in the infinite hell.

The Alone Red, Baloric Redfield.

The legendary great pirate, a powerful figure who could rival Roger and Whitebeard on his own.

Even Barrett doesn't dare to look down on the other party. This is one of the few people in the city that he can like.

"Hey, little girl." Baloric, wearing a tuxedo, raised his arm and pointed at a fork in the darkness with a dead breath: "I remember there seems to be someone over there. You can release him together."

If you want to make a fuss, make it louder. Who cares who is imprisoned there?

"Okay." Goenitz turned around and entered the path.

Soon, she saw an ice sculpture at the end of the road and a man frozen inside.

【World Destroyer, Bundy Waldo】

This is what is standard on the nameplate.

The time he had been imprisoned was also recorded on it. Calculating, it was almost thirty years ago.

"Having been frozen for so many years, the world government must be very afraid of this guy's existence."

In this case, what reason does she have for not releasing it.

Bundy Waldo, the great pirate with a bounty of 500 million.

Even though the bounty was not high, it was because he was betrayed by his companions not long after he went to sea.

If he was allowed to display his destructive power, the bounty might be increased seven to eight times.

This person is a user with the Momo Fruit ability. He can amplify his own speed, the speed and volume of objects he touches by 1 to 100 times.

What is this concept?

The headquarters square that the Whitebeard Pirates have been unable to capture for a long time, maybe Waldo can blow it up with a cannonball.

Such is the potential threat of world destroyers.

Easily shattering the ice, Goenitz did not stay long and turned around to leave the frost path.

Outside, with the big pirates working together, the jailer was as vulnerable as paper.

This time, unlike the riot caused by Blackbeard, the pirates no longer killed each other, and the number of pirates was much higher than Fang Bo expected.

Let alone resistance, the incoming jailers were simply not enough for these people to divide.

"It's so boring, these guys are not enough to beat." Someone roared and tore the jailer's body in half.

It seems that the Impel City side has no ability to resist at all, not to mention that the big pirates have not taken action yet.

After beating the others away, Barrett was enjoying the remaining squid tentacles alone.

When he was truly full, he stood up with satisfaction and walked step by step to the front of the team.

At this moment, everyone's eyes in the prison were focused on him, and even the newly arrived jailer did not dare to act rashly.

"Little girl, I will remember this matter. If you need me to take action, just come to me."

After saying that, Barrett suddenly activated his fruit ability.

The Superman Fusion Fruit has the ability to reorganize and fuse all objects. Not only can it be fused with itself, but it can also combine inorganic objects to create weapons, even submarines and other things.

With this ability in hand, no matter whether it is pushing the city or the windless belt, he cannot be trapped at all.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the solid stone wall began to merge with him quickly, and Barrett soon transformed into a terrifying stone giant.

The most terrible thing is that this guy's armed color can actually cover the entire giant.

With one punch, cracks appeared in the sea-tower stone wall outside the city.

The overbearing color like a roaring mountain and a tsunami made the entire Impel City shake.

Obviously, Barrett is not willing to break through the barriers layer by layer. He wants to use the most direct way to create a passage.

"What a scary guy." Goenitz took a few steps back. She didn't want to be affected by such a terrifying attack.

Soon, the solid sea tower stone wall was blasted with a gap by the stone giant.

Barrett deactivated his abilities and used materials on site to build a simple submarine.

Seeing this, a pirate said carelessly that he wanted to ride with him, but he was punched by Barrett until his brains exploded.

"A bunch of trash." He left a sentence coldly, and then he jumped on the homemade submarine and sank into the sea.

"Jie hahahaha." The golden lion opened his arms, seeming to lament the long-lost sunshine, but the expression on his face was always full of gloom.

"I must deal with that traitor with my own hands." This is Shi Ji's only expectation at the moment.

After leaving Impel City, he will choose to regroup with his old team.

First it was the traitor, then the Germa Kingdom, and finally it was the World Government's turn. Anyone who dared to betray him or harm him would not be spared.

The golden lion, who was immersed in fantasy, did not notice at all that a figure appeared quietly behind him.

By the time he realized something was wrong, the dragon's claw had penetrated his chest hard.

"You?!" Shiji turned his head with difficulty and stared at the woman with murderous eyes.

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