Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 365 Kill the golden lion, the bat fruit phantom beast species!

The person who took action was Goenitz, who had been planning for a long time.

Knowing that this guy had bad intentions, how could she let him leave freely.

"It's better for you to die here, Shiki."

Special move·Elegy of Destruction!

The black whirlwind wrapped it up, and the sharp blade cuts dozens of times per second made the golden lion miserable.

His condition was not good to begin with, and he had not received good care over the past few days.

Suddenly attacked by a sneak attack, he was unable to break free from the shackles of the strong wind for a while.

"Ah!" Just five seconds seemed as long as a century. Finally, the golden lion punched away the woman in front of him.

At this moment, Shi Ji was covered in blood and looked extremely miserable. There was no trace of what a legendary pirate should look like.

Seeing a fight break out between the two, some people wanted to stop it because the power of the Piao Piao Fruit might take everyone away together.

Barrett left to his own devices, so the hope of escape could only be pinned on the Golden Lion.

Otherwise, even if they can break out of the Impel City, how can everyone break through the blockade of the Navy Headquarters?

This is the only way to the outside world. As long as you leave by water, you will definitely pass through Marineland.

At that time, everyone will have a head-on battle with tens of thousands of navies.

Didn't you see that Barrett ran away?

Because he knew in his heart that breaking into the Navy headquarters like this would only lead to death.

On the surface, the only way to escape is to rely on the golden lion.

The idea was good, but Goenitz's words made everyone give up the idea of ​​dissuading him.

"Did he take anyone with him last time he escaped from prison?"

You know, Golden Lion's last escape from prison made very little noise. He could have taken others with him to escape if he wanted to.

But not only did he not take anyone with him, he also made wanton ridicule to the pirates in the prison.

It was the same this time. If it weren't for Goenitz's obstruction, the golden lion would have flown into the sky long ago.

There is really no need to count on such a guy.

After understanding this, everyone stopped paying attention to the fighting here.

"Ha." The smile on Goenitz's face was full of ridicule. She knew very well that no one wanted the guy in front of her to return to the sea.

If that was the case, it would be better to let her take the life of the golden lion with her own hands, and her hard work would not be in vain.

The pupils shrank slightly, and the scarlet laser suddenly shot out.

Shi Ji, who had been wary for a long time, managed to dodge in a somewhat embarrassed manner. However, he was now covered in scars, and he started to bleed all over even if he moved a little.

"Don't you want to be willing to die?" Goenitz smiled slightly and stepped on the ground with his right foot ten times in a row.


Her whole body turned into an afterimage and approached the opponent. She raised her hand and made a feint, but in fact, she used the strong wind to lift the guy's body behind her.

Special skill·Back whisk!

The moment he was about to land, the golden lion activated the ability of the fluttering fruit and successfully floated in mid-air.

Just as he was about to counterattack, he saw a gorgeous magic circle appearing in front of the woman.

God-destroying magic·The roar of the gods!

The black whirlwind hits the enemy's body.

[Your God's Howl causes 317 points of tear damage]

When the golden lion's body hit the ground, he was already covered in blood and had no strength to resist anymore.

However, looking at his expression, the golden lion seems to be quite unwilling.

If there weren't sea tower stones all around, the ability of Piao Piao Fruit would be greatly reduced.

If his swords were not confiscated by the navy, he would not be able to exert his abilities as a swordsman.

If he hadn't suffered severe physical injuries, how could he be defeated so easily by his opponent?

If he hadn't lost himself, how could he have ended up where he is today.

"Roger, maybe you're right."

A black wind blade passed by and cut off the golden lion's head.

[You successfully killed the golden lion Shiji]

[You get a plot treasure box (red)]

This big pirate who was personally sent into the Impel Down City by the ruthless team could not escape the fate of death in the end.

Speaking of which, they really made the best use of everything and almost maximized the use value of the golden lion.

Only when the meaning of survival was completely lost did Goenitz kill him.

When a person dies, a red-level treasure chest must be donated to her.

It's a pity that she doesn't know the sealing technique, otherwise the golden lion's corpse might still be used.

"Forget it, I'll let you rest in peace."

As he spoke, Goenitz raised his kick and kicked away the golden lion's body, causing him to fall into the sea along the gap made by Barrett.

Although the process is a bit inelegant, it can be regarded as a different kind of burial at sea.

After doing all this, Goenitz opened the red box.

There was no need for her to intervene in the battle ahead. With so many big pirates gathered together, there simply weren't enough guards in the impel city to watch.

[You are opening the plot treasure chest (red)]

[You get 700 plot points]

[You get the famous sword Sakura Ju]

[You get the Lion Power·Royal Palace Scroll]

[You get Lion·Senkiriya]

The attributes of a legendary-level sword cannot be said to be good or bad. Anyway, this thing will be sent to the king's treasure house in the end.

Gosho Jimaki and Senkiri Valley, two B-level offensive skills, are relatively low-end, but selling more than a thousand plot points shouldn't be a problem.

Plot points: 10,568 (owes Yaoyao 10,000 plot points)

After fighting all the way till now, Goenitz can finally pay off Xiaodouding's debt.

Without the pressure of foreign debt, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

As for the several pre-sale items in my pocket, all of them together can probably be sold for more than 10,000 points.

For other reincarnations, this is an unprecedented success, but in Goenitz's opinion, these plot points are not enough at the moment.

Her current capital hole is very big, and she has no choice but who asked her to learn three A-level skills.

The strong will return to the strong, but the cost of upgrading is too much.

If you want to upgrade them all to the MAX level, the current funds are really not enough.

Thinking of this, Goenitz couldn't help but rekindled his motivation, and even forgot about what he had just planned to stand aside.

No matter how small the mosquitoes are, they are still meat. If they can burst out of one or two boxes, her efforts will be in vain.

With the addition of Lao Gao, the jailbreak team's progress is a little faster.

Arriving at the fifth floor, everyone began to release all the prisoners they met along the way.

In terms of madness, Goenitz is far better than Blackbeard, Luffy and others.

They just want to escape on their own, and she has no problem releasing all the prisoners together.

Even if these people are all extremely evil, going to the sea will cause unimaginable harm to ordinary people.

But what do these problems have to do with her?

Without making a big fuss, how could he successfully rescue the target?

Others don't have many opinions. Anyway, more people have more strength. Even if you are unlucky, there will always be someone to share it with you.

Only Jinbei complained about this. He didn't want to see so many villains pouring into the sea together.

It's just that someone just saved his life, and Jinbei really couldn't do anything to stop him, so in the end he had no choice but to stay out of sight.

After advancing like crazy, they finally encountered a truly powerful obstacle.

The deputy director of the prison, the powerful Yuzhiliu.

"Sorry, this road is blocked." Xiliu's face seemed calm, but his eyes were full of enthusiasm that was difficult for others to understand.

With so many people escaping from prison together, he can finally kill everyone today.

At the thought of being able to kill so many people, Shiliu couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

He has no other hobbies, the only thing that excites him is killing people.

The reason why I came to Impel Down City was to benefit from the public good and have the opportunity to secretly torture and kill prisoners.

It can be said that among the official forces in Impel Down City, only Ame no Hiryu hopes to see prisoners escape.

It's just that he seems to have forgotten that there has never been such a thing in the world that you can kill others, but others cannot kill you.

"It's better to leave this battle to the old man." A slightly older voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Everyone turned their heads and discovered that the person coming was none other than the lonely red, Baloric Redfield.

It's just that his appearance now is completely different from that at the beginning. He suddenly looks at least twenty years younger.

From an old man in his sixties or seventies, he became a middle-aged man in his forties.

"This is." Goenitz tried to activate the color of seeing and hearing to sense the energy in the other party's body.

As a result, she discovered that not only the appearance, but also the aura exuding from this person had changed.

It felt like a completely different person, exuding a powerful aura from the inside out.

"Probably another weird devil fruit," she thought.

Bat Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Vampire Form!

This is Redfield's Devil Fruit. He can increase his lifespan by sucking the blood of others, and even restore his old appearance to a youthful state, including of course his body functions.

To a certain extent, this is also an ability that can directly lead to eternal life.

When everyone was eating just now, only Redfield acted very calmly, because what he needed was not the octopus tentacles, but a living body.

The higher the energy contained, the more his strength can be increased.

The golden lion's blood was sucked by Redfield, and he regained about 20 years of strength.

This is the lonely red, a strong man who can compete with the legendary pirate group by himself.

Ame no Shiru is very strong, but she is as fragile as a newborn baby in front of him.

After just a few rounds of fighting, a wound was stabbed in the chest by Redfield's sword.

Some blood flowed out, but the situation didn't seem fatal.

"Stop it, young man." Redfield smiled like a devil, and his tone was full of strong bewitching power: "I can see through your heart. That desire to kill must make you uncomfortable."

"Liberate your heart, face it honestly, accept it, and try to control this desire."

In just a few words, Yu Zhiliu's heart began to waver, and in the end, he hacked a jailer beside him to death with a sword.

This move meant that he was officially cut off from the past, and he would no longer be the disguised deputy director of Impel Down.

"Very good." The corners of Redfield's mouth curved in a strange arc, and he turned to look at Goenitz behind him: "Consider him a gift from me."

The Ruthless Pirates need to replenish their manpower, especially the powerful pirates.

Shiryu of the Rain definitely meets expectations, and only after seeing through this did Redfield use words to shake his mind.

This aloof red was born with the awakening of sight and color. Throughout the history of the pirate world, his attainments in sight and color are absolutely top-notch.

With an almost god-given ability, he can see into people's hearts through contact and even peek into the other person's past memories.

Because of this, Redfield was able to know the truth that Hiryuu of the Rain was hiding.

As for Goenitz, she would naturally not refuse such a terrifying strong man.

Xiliu is not a parallel import like the Golden Lion. He is in his prime, and his two-color domineering has reached a very powerful level. He was once known as the "Iron Wall" of Impel Down City together with Magellan.

He probably has three generals and a big-board level of combat power. In other words, this person is not a character that the Ruthless Pirates can currently deal with.

Shiliu of Rain can be temporarily placed in the Kingdom of Germa, which is the refuge that Goenitz promised.

Isn't he willing to kill people?

There are plenty of opportunities to kill people in Germa, and Gaji doesn't care about those who transform people's lives.

After briefly describing the future scene, Ame no Shiru immediately decided to join the ruthless pirate group.

"You'd better not lie to me." After leaving a threat, he turned around and started a bloody killing.

Even when facing his former colleagues, he did not hesitate at all.

His cold-bloodedness is evident.

But Goenitz admires this kind of person. In contrast, that kind of defender is not suitable to be her teammate.

As for the strength gap between them, for the time being, the Ruthless Pirates can't tell him what to do.

When you enter the pirate world next time, the situation will probably be different then.

To be honest, Gonitz didn't know what that guy wanted to do. He always felt that many things seemed to be connected one after another.

"It can't be that you want to destroy the Navy Headquarters, right?"

While she was immersed in various conjectures, the team had already broken through to the fifth floor of the prison.

Here, there is a road leading to the transvestite paradise, and then Gonitz needs to complete his mission.

Except for Ame no Shiru who agreed to join, the other pirates expressed their unwillingness to stay here any longer.

If it drags on for too long, it will easily attract the attention of the Navy Headquarters.

Although they don't know how to escape now, it is definitely the right choice to find a way to escape from Impel Down City first.

In this way, the prison escape team was divided into two groups. Some tried to escape to the outside world, while others chose to stay with Storm Konitz.

Unexpectedly, the aloof Redfield did not leave either.

"I believe you." This was his explanation.

Under the sight of this legendary pirate, there is nothing left to hide.

Not long after, everyone found the way to the transvestite paradise and successfully found the target transvestite king Ivankov.

It looks like her hidden mission is almost complete.

On the other side, the Whitebeard Pirates' pursuit team was gradually approaching their target.

In addition to Fire Fist Ace, there seemed to be others coming with him.

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