Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 366 Why doesn’t it hurt when you hit someone?

On a large sailboat, a man was fishing leisurely.

"Humans, you really can't care about temporary gains and losses." Vito looked very proud.

After failing the golden main mission, I unexpectedly joined the Whitebeard Pirates, and now I have received a hidden mission to capture the traitors.

After careful calculation, he seems to have made a lot of money.

The golden main line can be challenged twice, but the hidden tasks are not something that can be seen casually.

Without the support of a powerful intelligence system, the possibility of relying on personal abilities to trigger it is slim.

As for the difficulty of the mission, there are powerful plot characters following him on this trip. With such destructive power, he doesn't believe that any opponent can compete with it.

According to Vito's understanding, this task was originally completed by the team members, but he persuaded the plot characters to participate through "lobbying".

This move undoubtedly greatly reduced the difficulty of the task, so he could catch fish in a leisurely manner.

Soon, the sailboat successfully docked, and Vito and his teammates swayed down.

I thought a battle was about to start next, but things seemed to be gradually developing in a strange direction.

"Boss, that man in the white suit looks familiar."

After hearing his younger brother's reminder, Vito thought carefully and found that the enemy's clothing and appearance were similar to that of the reincarnator.

Due to the lack of detection skills, this team can only rely on appearance to guess the opponent's identity.

Finally realizing that something was wrong with the situation, Vito's expression gradually became serious: "Let's take a look at the situation first. Maybe we are just overthinking."

Until now, they had been lucky, thinking that they would not face off against the person recognized as the strongest in the first difficulty level.

But what the other party said immediately made Vito dumbfounded.

"Hey, I didn't expect to see you here." The man waved to them with a smile and asked frankly: "I thought you were all busy on the empty island."

Hearing this, Ace immediately frowned and turned to look at the newly joined crew member: "Kongdao? Do you know this guy?"

"Well, we're not very familiar with each other." Vito was on the verge of crying, but he didn't expect that the two sides would actually receive a confrontational mission.

But when he thought about it again, his mind couldn't help but come alive again.

We have powerful plot characters following our side, so even if we can't kill the traitor, it's not unacceptable to be able to kill the strongest one on the difficulty level.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, maybe I and others can take advantage of it.

Secretly winking to his teammates, the team has already entered the preparation stage before the war.

But the conversation that happened next was once again beyond Vito's expectations.

Blackbeard Teach, who was the target of the mission, had actually been killed by the fortune teller? !

What is this, is the task completed automatically?

He rubbed his temples a little tiredly, and his intuition told him that things were not as simple as he thought.

As expected, our plot characters soon began to demand the body, and it was naturally impossible for the other party to hand over Blackbeard so easily.

"If it were me, I would definitely take the traitor's body to collect the bounty."

The direction of the guess is correct, but there are slight discrepancies in the details.

The other party did want to collect the reward, but the target was slightly different from what he had guessed.

"You want to arrest me and bring me to justice?" Fire Fist smiled. He even said that for the sake of the other party getting rid of Teach, he could ignore what he just said.

Vito also smiled. He felt that the fortune teller seemed a little confused about him.

It’s true that you are the strongest in the first difficulty, but Fire Fist is also an absurdly strong boss in the second difficulty.

"What an idiot. I really don't know how he survives until now." The younger brother mocked wantonly from the side.

Vito wanted to agree, but he noticed something strange.

Fire Fist, who looked indifferent just now, suddenly became a little ugly.

"It turns out it's you, you bastard."

Before Vito could react, Ace suddenly waved his fist wrapped in blazing flames.

"go to hell!"

fire punch!

The scorching flames devoured everything and completely swallowed up half of the island.

The battle started suddenly, but the good mental awareness of the reincarnations allowed them to react quickly.

"The fight is on, the fight is on." Someone set up their weapons and tried to target enemies who might appear in the flames.

Although he felt that no reincarnation could resist such an attack, what if someone really could?

No matter what, fortune tellers have the reputation of being the strongest, so it’s definitely a good idea to be careful.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a breeze blowing beside him.

Then I felt a pain in my neck, and I unconsciously fell to the side.


Just as the teammate next to him was about to come to the rescue, the enemy raised his sword with his backhand and quickly completed the second kill.

There was no time to feel sad, Vito took a scroll on himself, and his whole body was immediately divided into more than a dozen indistinguishable clones.

Shadow Clone Technique!

Mature reincarnations all have the ability to save their lives, and so do the two teammates who died tragically, but they underestimated the enemy's speed and lethality.

Only then did Vito realize that the fortune teller was just a bait, and this pink and tender female swordsman was the killer.

"It's true that the pinker the color, the harder it is to kill someone."

Vito was on the verge of tears and felt sorry for his teammates.

It's hard to hold on until today. We shouldn't have died here.

Moving step by step away from the woman, Vito was sure that the other party could not see through his shadow clone.

However, Taotu glanced around carefully and immediately locked his eyes on the man's body.

It's not that she can see through the shadow clone technique, but she senses through seeing, hearing, and color that all the shadow clones are moving towards her, and only this individual is trying to stay away from her.

In this way, it is easy to locate the enemy's true form.

"I'm finished." Vito's heart tightened, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal a slight hint of despair.

Fortunately, Ace reacted quickly enough and quickly appeared in front of Peach Rabbit.

"Navy?" He looked disdainful, obviously not very fond of the navy, which prided itself on being just people.

Apart from Grandpa Garp, Ace has never seen many qualified marines.

In his opinion, these guys are not much different from pirates. The only difference is that they do everything under the banner of "justice".

His body ignited with raging flames, and Ace looked at his opponent with a serious face, ready for a battle in his heart.

Perhaps even he himself has not noticed that there are factors involved in his hatred for the navy and that damn old man.

Even if he was aware of it, he might not admit it, let alone sympathize with his biological father who was executed.

"My father is Whitebeard."

With the same punch of flames, the battle between Ace and Peach Rabbit officially begins!

On the other side, Vito retreated far to the coast, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when his soles touched the cold water.

The fire fist's fruit ability is very terrifying, and its attack range is very wide. If he is not careful, he can easily be hit by Chi Yu.

In order to avoid the worst situation, Vito consciously stayed away.

Then he saw the fortune teller's figure slowly appear from the other side of the island.

"He's not dead?!" Vito clenched his fists, his whole body in an extremely tense state.

The shadow of a man's famous tree, he has been hanging out in the first difficulty for so long, how could he not know the truth that there are no empty warriors under the great reputation.

At least in the reincarnation space, there are absolutely no fools trying to gain fame.

Even if there were, such people would never survive the golden main quest.

"I must attack with all my strength and not give him any chance to counterattack." Vito lowered his body, his eyes flashing with danger.

Being able to join the Whitebeard Pirates shows how amazing his strength is.

At least he can be called an elite reincarnator in the first difficulty world.

A certain blood inheritance limit obtained from the world of Naruto helped him kill powerful enemies one after another, and I believe this time will be no exception.

He skillfully converts mental power into chakra, and by stimulating cells throughout his body, he can instantly perform at a speed far beyond his own capabilities.

The art of instantaneity!

There are many rumors about this fortune teller.

Some people say he is a puppet master, some say he specializes in summoning routes, and some think this guy's unarmed attack ability is terrifying.

But no matter which point, it seems that it has nothing to do with the word speed.

Therefore, he concluded that the agility attribute was the fortune teller's weakness.

There is no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation. If you want to win, you can only make full use of your speed advantage.

"All-round development is never as good as a strong person who improves one attribute to the extreme."

"I will teach you this today."

Arriving in front of the enemy at lightning speed, Vito did not stop at all, but used the momentum of speed to slash hard.

He named it "a flash", which means that when you see a flash of light, you are basically facing death.

The refined attack hit the enemy firmly, everything was exactly as he imagined.

There is only one slight difference, and that is the information coming from the battle report system.

[Your dodge causes 186 points of slashing damage to the enemy]

[The enemy activates an unknown ability and restores 102 health points]

[The enemy activates an unknown ability, and the damage received is reduced by 30 points]

[䱱ultimately caused 54 points of damage]

Seeing the damage shown in the battle report, Vito was somewhat dumbfounded.

Why can the sure-kill move that I have practiced so hard for a long time only cause fifty points of damage?

In this case, wouldn't it take four or five hits to kill the enemy?

"Well, I have known for a long time that he is extraordinary, so it is not surprising that he is in this situation now."

After drinking a bottle of potion that increased his status, Vito regained his energy and was about to kill this guy today.

"The momentum is quite strong." Fang Bo looked into the distance with some regret.

She originally planned to let Peach Rabbit attack Ace secretly, but she ended up being lucky and killed the two Samsaras with her attack.

Fang Bo felt like there was a dull pain in the pit of his stomach after just missing out on two plot treasure chests.

Because of this, he couldn't let go of anything the guy in front of him said.

Life: 846/900

After taking a look at his remaining health, Fang Bo thought it would be better to be a little more serious.

No matter how you say it, your opponent is a master of challenging the golden main line. One draw with A will kill one-eighteenth of his health. God knows what kind of trump card he has hidden.

He didn't know that what he just did was already the most powerful killing move created by his opponent.

Let alone fighting, even if he stood still, the opponent would not be able to use the same attack seventeen times.

He slowly pulled out the Kusanagi sword from his waist and made a tentative slash.

When the Crescent Slash slashed across the enemy's body, he thought that the opponent might have made some kind of mistake, or he might have taken this opportunity to deliberately lure him into the bait.

But when he saw the reincarnator hurriedly stuffing medicine into his mouth, he seemed to finally understand something.

Throwing out the second slash, Vito tried his best to resist it.

The violent impact of the sword energy pushed his body back seven or eight meters before finally stopping.

Feeling the soreness in his arm, there was a trace of despair in his eyes.

Only now did Vito understand that the gap between them was far wider than imagined.

When the third slash struck, he could only fly to the side with all his strength.

Unfortunately, before his body hit the ground, the fourth slash cut him in half on the spot.

Vito died and was killed by Fang Bo without any resistance.

He didn't even use any skills, he just used the long-distance slash created by the swordsman's ultimate intention.

Even so, it still formed a terrifying attack that the enemy could not resist.

With a few casual swings of his sword, a top reincarnator was killed on the spot.

[You are opening the killing chest numbered 10659]

[You get 1650 plot points]

[You get an elite kunai]

[You gain the skill of instantaneous body]

The value of the treasure chest is neither high nor low. If two items are sold, the total value will be about three thousand points.

Meets the status of a reincarnation person at the peak of difficulty level one.

But the more this happened, the more heartache Fang Bo felt.

If Taotu hadn't meddle in his own business, he would already have three treasure chests in his hands.

Sitting down on a rock alone, Fang Bo took out a bag of potato chips from the mark and ate it while quietly enjoying the fight in front of him.

Today's Ace is not very mature yet, so it can be said that he completely relies on the fruit's ability.

It might be okay in the first half of the Grand Line, but it would be dwarfed by a strong man who is proficient in two-color Haki.

Taking advantage of speed, Peach Rabbit continued to avoid the attacks of the flames.

Really unable to dodge, she activated her full body armor to resist a wave of attacks.

It is difficult to hit a long-distance attack, but a person with advanced domineering skills will easily not fall to the ground. This battle between the two sides was a good one.

The moment he saw Ace, the first step of the continuous hiding mission was declared completed.

[Step Two: Apprehend Ace]

The mission was clearly to capture people alive, so he didn't want to think about plot treasure chests or anything like that.

But it's not bad, the rewards provided by Blackbeard are enough to make up for all losses.

What Fang Bo should consider now is mainly what kind of new bloodline he should look for.

Time passed by minute by minute, and before they knew it, the two of them had been fighting for a long time.

As a natural ability user, Ace still has a lot of energy left, but looking at Peach Rabbit, he may not be able to hold on for too long.

As a last resort, Fang Bo could only pat his butt and stand up from the stone.

"If you surrender to the enemy Ai, you still have to let me deal with you."

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