Chapter 370 Seraph-Xiaofan

The man who emerged from the passage was short, with wings on his back and a ferocious one eye on his forehead.


Caesar was so excited that he could not wait for the two sides to start fighting immediately.

However, he was not qualified to order this thing. The real command was in the hands of the long-haired man at the back.

Playing with the strange Rubik's Cube in his hand, the man walked step by step to Seraph's side.

Looking up at the giant dragon in the sky, his tone couldn't help but reveal a hint of emotion: "This thing reminds me of a green dragon."

"Shenron?" Caesar was a little curious, thinking he was talking about the Four Emperors Kaido.

Little did they know, that green dragon had the ability to fulfill any wish.

Yes, this long-haired man is the reincarnation of Yin Nest. He once went to the Dragon Ball world and even participated in a huge battle for the Dragon Balls.

Collecting the seven dragon balls can satisfy one of the reincarnation's wishes, but it does not reach the point where the reincarnation can do whatever it wants. The reincarnation can only choose one from limited options.

He remembered that the wish seemed to include special options such as increasing health by 300, permanently +15 for a single attribute, +1 for followers, gaining 50,000 plot points, resurrecting a teammate, etc.

It is said that every Dragon Ball collector faces different options, and the only common one is the resurrection option.

If a follower or teammate dies, they can be resurrected using the wishing mechanism of Dragon Ball.

The man was very excited about this. Not to mention anything else, just increasing his health by 300 points was enough to make him happy.

"What a pity, that's not something I can touch."

Not only Shenron, but also the trial version of Seraph around him, he only has the right to use it for a short period of time.

After leaving the plot world, this thing will be refrigerated until the next reincarnator with control authority enters.

This is the cleverness of Yinchao. They will not recruit him as a reincarnation, but will seal him in the pirate world in the form of a plot character.

When reincarnations with specific permissions enter, you can get their help immediately.

Using this method, Sound Nest has cultivated batches of reincarnations. Not to mention the actual combat power, at least the number has definitely increased.

Seeing Caesar's plan, the long-haired man patted the three-eyed Seraph on the shoulder, raised his hand and pointed at the giant dragon in the sky: "Go ahead and beat it seriously."

As soon as he finished speaking, Caesar saw the child raise his arm, and a dazzling golden light condensed on his fingertips.

"Hey, is this Kizaru's laser?"

But after feeling it carefully, I found that something was not right. For a while, Caesar couldn't figure out what the move was.

At this time, the giant dragon also noticed the situation below. After taking a closer look, he immediately noticed the source of danger that made his hair stand on end.

Before he could react, the boy's fingertips released a burst of golden energy.

Compared with the dragon's body, this energy attack seems very small, but no one dares to underestimate the terrifying energy contained in it.

"It's over." The long-haired man looked very confident. He was even worried about whether he would instantly kill the little bug in the sky.

Only Caesar, as the creator, knew that the dragon body would possess a special kind of dragon scales, which had a terrifying ability to resist energy attacks.

According to Caesar's calculations, if 100% of the force is hit on it, the actual power that can be exerted will only be 30% at most.

If he was shot down so easily, then all his research efforts would have been in vain.

"This is the legendary phantom beast fruit. It is even rarer than the natural type. How could it be shot down so easily?"

Facts have proved that the judgment of the scientific personnel was more accurate, and the laser did not penetrate the dragon's scales.

Seeing this, the male reincarnator felt a little embarrassed, and immediately gave the order to let go and attack.

Without any auxiliary means, the three-eyed boy flew up out of thin air and killed the giant dragon at extremely fast speeds.

Although the attack just now did not penetrate the body, it caused a lot of damage.

The intense pain caused Paul to become angry instantly, causing widespread celestial changes.

Under the lightning and thunder, it opened its bloody mouth and spit out hundreds of terrifying wind blades.

Bad wind!

This scene made Caesar cheer without knowing it, and he thought that the pink dragon was one of his own.

As for the reincarnator, his expression remained unchanged. The enemy was indeed very strong, but it was a pity that the enemy he faced did not accept this trick at all.

I saw the three-eyed boy touching the fingertips of his hands with his thumbs touching each other, forming a frame in front of him.

Since he was a little further away, he easily enclosed most of the dragon's body within the frame.

Paul, who was spitting wind blades wantonly, narrowed his golden vertical pupils slightly, and some kind of picture of the future seemed to appear in front of his eyes.


He seemed to want to avoid it, but the dragon's huge body made it difficult for him to move. In the end, he reproduced the scene he saw in the future.

Qigong cannon!

The violent energy bombarded the body, causing the scales to burst in an instant and blood to flow freely. The giant dragon's huge body was blasted hundreds of meters away before it began to fall to the ground.

In a daze, Paul remembered the instructions of Master Shigetsuki Koushiro.

"Peering into the future is not an invincible ability. There are some things you can't change even if you know them."

At this moment he finally understood the meaning of this sentence.


After a violent shock, Paul's dragon body made a deep pit on the ground.

When Caesar and others arrived, they found that he had already passed out and returned to his original human form.

After taking a few glances, he found that it was someone he didn't recognize. Caesar didn't think much about it, but prepared to use this guy to start a new round of experiments.

He believed that he would be able to obtain valuable experimental data on men, which might make his research a step further.

"Maybe my subordinate accidentally ate the discarded fruit while cleaning the room." Caesar gave what he thought was a reasonable answer.

But just after he finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that something seemed wrong in the other person's eyes.

Before he could stop him, the three-eyed boy with wings stepped forward and carried the seriously injured and unconscious esper on his shoulders.


Turning his head silently, the long-haired reincarnation man's eyes flashed with danger: "What's wrong with me? Do I need your consent to pick up my own trophies?"

Seeing Seraph's cold expression, Caesar swallowed, and suddenly his attitude changed and he unconsciously rubbed his palms together: "Wherever, of course you can use your loot as you like."

"That's good."

How could he not see this guy's little thoughts? Everyone must want good things, but it is generally not easy to get the things in the hands of reincarnators.

Looking at the unconscious young man, the long-haired reincarnation man now has two options to implement.

First, wait for it to recover and find a way to kill it.

Seraph doesn't count as a follower, so if you kill him now, you won't be able to explode the box.

If you want to achieve the minimum damage requirement, you must first wait for others to recover.

This process is very troublesome, and it can easily cause additional accidents if you are not careful.

The second is to make him a new Seraph.

Within the Sound Nest organization, reincarnators who are successfully promoted to the second difficulty world have the right to use the organization's resources to tailor-make a follower for themselves.

In his opinion, this young man who transformed into a dragon is very suitable.

With a complete body, the workload of making Seraph will be greatly reduced, and maybe he will get a powerful helper soon.

Compared with treasure chests of uncertain value, loyal followers are more worthy of attention.

He took out the sea-floor stone handcuffs purchased through the camp store and handcuffed the unconscious young man to prevent possible riots after he woke up.

When you return to the base, you can have a good talk with the other party first.

If you are willing, the transformation process will be much smoother. If you are not willing to follow yourself, then you can only spend a little effort to break the other party's consciousness.

Picking up the weapon that fell on the ground, he unexpectedly discovered that it was actually a famous sword-level plot equipment.

"Swordsman, that's great. I like you more and more."

In the process of transforming Seraph, different types of abilities can be added as needed.

The man is a legal DPS, so he naturally tends to be a follower who specializes in melee combat.

Among all types of professions, the attack power of swordsmen is definitely at the forefront.

"If I remember correctly, Cake Island seems to have retained a lot of data on powerful people."

In terms of abilities, due to the existence of the Blue Dragon Fruit, there is no way to continue to add other types of abilities to him.

But it doesn't matter. Move experience and the like can be crammed into you.

In particular, the swordsman's experience and insights will be of great help to the youth's improvement in strength.

In addition, the most important thing is the blood transplantation of the Lunaria clan.

Through the technology provided by Vegapunk, the Devil Fruit can be perfectly fused with the blood of God.

A long time ago, there was a "Kingdom of Gods" in the Red Earth Continent, and the Lunaria tribe was called "gods" by the people there.

"Jhin", the big signboard of the Beast Pirates, is one of the survivors. If Zoro hadn't awakened the Overlord Color Coil, it would be nearly impossible to defeat the opponent.

According to the digitization concept of the reincarnation, the blood of God has a terrifying ability to avoid damage.

The same goes for the three-eyed Seraph next to him.

Bloodline of God (Legendary): You have the bloodline of the Lunarian tribe, and are immune to 500 points of damage from attacks. Switching between different forms can increase an additional percentage attribute bonus.

Immune to damage below 500 points, even if the attack exceeds this limit, you may still face additional damage reduction status.

For example, the three-eyed young man's "qigong body protection", and another example is the dragon scales of this giant dragon ability user.

The more he thought about it carefully, the more he fell in love with it. Now he just hoped that this guy was a smart man who knew the current affairs.

Because in the reincarnation space, fools can never go far.

Just like that, Paul was taken away from Punk Hassad.

When he wakes up again, he should appear on that future island.

Jerma Kingdom, in the princess's bedroom.

Fang Bo was lying on the bed with his beautiful wife in his arms, and the little maid Nami next to him was feeding grapes one by one with her own hands.

She had no choice but to feed him. She didn't want to face the horror of burning fire sticks again.

Compared with the hellish torture, it seems that the little maid's job is not unacceptable, at least the salary given by this bastard is very high.

"Well, not bad." Fang Bo didn't forget to compliment him while eating.

Of course, he was not completely immersed in the gentle land.

Goenitz has just arrived and is coordinating the arrangements for Yuzhiliu.

After hearing about her exciting experience, Fang Bo regretted that he was not able to participate in it personally.

If he takes action, will Gao and Lu not be able to fool two more people?

However, considering the current strength, it is impossible for that kind of top powerhouse to rely on him.

If it weren't for the freedom to kill people at will, Ame no Shiru would not have chosen to join the ruthless pirates.

"Sigh, I wonder what's going on with Paul."

If you steal Momonosuke's fruit, you will be blessed with abilities equivalent to those of the phantom beast Blue Dragon.

This kind of top phantom beast species has ridiculously high bonuses to attributes, especially physical fitness, which needs to be improved by ten or twenty points at least.

Paired with Paul's precognitive color, except for the overlord color, this guy is almost equivalent to a mini version of Kaido of the Beasts.

As long as he is given some time to develop and add points, it is basically a certainty that he will surpass Kaido in the future.

Maybe next time he enters, Paul may actually overturn Wano with his own hands.

"Counting the time, it's almost time for him to come back."

The danger factor of Punk Hassard is relatively small. Caesar Courant is just a tough guy, and he doesn't have anyone who is very capable of fighting.

The possibility of an accident is very small, so there is basically no need to worry about this.

The current time is still a bit tight, and Fang Bo needs to speed up his pace, at least to complete the long-awaited continuous hidden mission "The Pursuit of Baroque Works".

Get rid of Crocodile and see if Lao Sha can be included. Perhaps a cross guild can be formed in advance?

"Maybe we can try to win over those big pirates who are wandering around."

During the Battle of Impel Down, many powerful pirates were released.

Many people prefer to act alone, but the danger inside is very high, and there is a risk of being hunted down and killed by the navy at every turn.

If an organization similar to the Revolutionary Army can be established and the combat power is integrated, there will be no problem of being single and weak.

The Cross Guild is not a pirate group. Everyone does not need to gather together all the time, and they are not even companions.

All you need to do is put your name on it and take action at certain special times.

Just like the admiral, external deterrence is the fundamental meaning.

As a result, even the navy would not dare to act rashly.

Of course, if Lao Sha refuses to cooperate, it would be nice to kill him and explode a fruit. At least you can get a lot of plot points as rewards.

"That's it."

His heart moved and he acted immediately. Fang Bo picked up his pants and left, not caring about Lei Jiu's dissatisfied eyes.

"Lao Gao, let's go, go to Alabasta."

He sent someone to say hello to Gaji, and then he saw the demon airship taking off and flying to the first half of the Grand Route.

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