Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 371 Storm VS Sand Crocodile

Alabasta, a country located in the first half of the Great Waterway, has a total population of over 10 million and a standing army of nearly 600,000.

This is a very terrifying scale. You must know that the Lubuni Kingdom, which has dominated the North Sea for many years, only has tens of thousands of troops stationed.

It's not that they don't want to expand their military strength, but that the world government does not allow the emergence of superpowers.

As for the garrison in Alabasta, it is an extremely rare exception. The first king of this country was one of the twenty saviors who established the world government.

Therefore, they have certain privileges that outsiders cannot understand.

When a country is prosperous, it will naturally attract the prying eyes of careerists. Crocodile, as a Shichibukai, has his eyes on this piece of fat.

It was a horrific drought, with no rain falling for three consecutive years except in the capital.

Under the arrangement of the Baroque Working Society, the people believed that the drought was caused by the king's private use of the rain-inducing agent "dancing powder", which triggered a large-scale civil war.

Seeing that the opportunity was ripe, Sand Crocodile Crocodile appeared as a savior, led his troops to defeat the King's Army, and then gained control of the entire Alabasta.

"This is probably the situation." Fang Bo gave a rough explanation to his two teammates, then shrugged and said: "Due to some coincidence, Ryuuna and I had a conflict with Baroque Works during the mission, and then activated for this continuous hidden mission.”

"That's it." The bride nodded, seemingly listening to his explanation, but in fact, all her attention was focused on the running duck below.

It was obvious that she was very interested in this thing and probably wanted to taste the deliciousness of the roast duck.

Fortunately, Fang Bo didn't have any expectations for her, and these words were more of an explanation to Goenitz.

"Originally, I wanted to kill this Shichibukai, but now I suddenly have a more interesting idea."

After a brief explanation, this interesting idea quickly received Lao Gao's response.

"My current status is inconvenient. It's best for you to come forward and mediate."

"I understand." Goenitz gently pulled up his hair, seeming to be looking forward to what his friend would think.

Maybe just like what he said, only he is suitable to do this.

After discussing the specific course of action, Fang Bo turned his head and looked at the running duck that was caught on the deck.

Speaking of which, he hasn't eaten roast duck for a long time. Today he can taste Alabasta's specialties.

Well, normal people wouldn't eat fast ducks at all, but there really isn't a single human being who can be called a normal person on this airship.

Giving the replaced Moen Big Gold Ring to Luo Xinfu, the ghost mother Yin Ji's spiritual attributes have been slightly improved.

Now she can hatch twenty units of troops and use them all to build the main nest, which is a full two hundred units of ghost spider army.

Two Death Spiders, one Smoker Spider, and eighteen Ghost King Spiders formed the high-end combat power of the army.

The rest are basic units, mainly the Explosive Ghost Spider and the Elite Engineer. The former plays self-destruction style, and the latter relies on group-based acid spitting.

If there was a fight to the death, neither Fang Bo nor Goenitz would be able to defeat the army created by the Ghost Mother.

"Let's split up next."

There are many ways to complete the mission, and it doesn't necessarily mean life or death with Crocodile.

With his familiarity with the plot, Fang Bo was able to end the mission without any bloodshed and deprive Crocodile of his Shichibukai identity.

Without the protection of this identity, he is just a pirate who everyone wants to fight. There is no need for Fang Bo to take action. The navy will be the first to send troops to encircle and suppress him.

Even without its identity as a Celestial Dragon, Alabasta is still a unique country.

Due to emotions and reasons, the Five Old Stars would send troops to show off, but they didn't know whether Crocodile could survive such a pursuit.

"How could he agree to cooperate with me without being forced into a corner?"

Arupana, the capital of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

A few days ago, a rumor suddenly spread rapidly among the people.

Crocodile, regarded as a hero by countless people, is actually a wanted pirate with a bounty on his head by the navy.

Even if he currently has the status of Shichibukai, it cannot cover up the various crimes he has committed.

One thing after another, one thing after another was revealed, and there was no room for quibbles by Sand Crocodile when the evidence was solid.

After reacting, Lao Sha was just preparing for crisis public relations, when another rumor started to rise in the market.

Crocodile not only has the identity of a pirate, he is also the manipulator behind Baroque Co., that is, the infamous president.

Stacks of documents were scattered everywhere with the strong wind, and they were all full of conclusive evidence. They recorded in detail the misdeeds of the Baroque Works, as well as evidence that they served the Sand Crocodile.

"Who the hell did this?!" Crocodile was angry.

He is not a fool, of course he knows that someone is deliberately messing with him behind his back, but it is still unclear who this person is.

When he found the other party, he vowed to tear it into pieces with his own hands.

After calming down, Lao Sha began to fight back. The first step was to reverse the one-sided public opinion.

The people are all ignorant, and as long as you guide them deliberately, there will always be people who believe you are innocent.

What Lao Sha has to do is to expand this number of people as much as possible.

He thought there would be a turnaround soon, but the appearance of a person completely plunged him into an abyss.

This person is Nephet D. Vivi, the princess of Alabasta.

She walked around the streets and told everyone what she saw and heard while lurking in the Baroque Working Society.

The people have always had a deep hatred for the previous king, but everyone understands Princess Weiwei and is willing to believe what she says.

Under such circumstances, the possibility of Crocodile being able to reverse public opinion is very slim.

Arupana, the capital of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

"Everyone listen to me."

In the bustling square, Weiwei was giving a speech, and she wanted to personally expose Crocodile's atrocities.

It’s just that she seems to have forgotten that it’s not just the people who can influence a country, but also violent organizations called the military.

After controlling Alabasta for so many years, Crocodile has trained many soldiers loyal to him, and now these people have surrounded the impassioned Princess Vivi.

"Nefit D. Vivi, you colluded with foreign enemies and intended to subvert the kingdom. You are now stripped of your princess status and arrested."

"If anyone resists, he will be killed without mercy!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding people immediately became angry and began to angrily curse the soldiers as lackeys of the pirates.

But when the butcher's knife was swung down and the person who shouted the loudest was chopped to death, the people's anger was instantly replaced by fear.

"Asshole, how dare you?!" Princess Weiwei was so angry that she was shaking all over.

However, the anger of the weak cannot change anything, just like the unstoppable blades of those soldiers.

As the swords struck down, the people of Arupana began to fall in pieces.

Weiwei tried to fight these traitors, but unfortunately her strength was not enough to compete with the regular army.

Seeing that Her Royal Highness the Princess was about to die, at the critical moment, a figure surrounded by strong wind appeared on the field.

The one who came was none other than Storm Gornitz.

Special move: The God-Destroying Night Wind!

Several black whirlwinds appeared out of thin air, clearing away the surrounding soldiers in the blink of an eye.

Holding the girl's shoulders, Lao Gao shook his head slowly and forcefully and said, "It's useless, they can't hear your cry anymore."

After saying that, she ignored the girl's tears, lifted up Weiwei's collar and flew into the sky.

Shortly after the two left, a line of yellow sand suddenly spread across the sky.

"Finally I caught you."

In the sky, a sandstorm swept across, like a huge beast that was extremely violent.

This pursuer was none other than Crocodile. He activated the elementalization of his half body and used the floating sand to fly freely.

As he moves, pillars of sand will appear around him, and their terrifying power seems to submerge everything in the sand.

He knew very well who Princess Weiwei was, and there was no way this girl could do this alone.

If you want to break the situation, you must first find out the mastermind who is against you, so there is a scene where soldiers surround and kill Weiwei.

Crocodile was betting that the other party would not want to see the princess die.

Once the person behind the scenes takes action, he will completely target the opponent, just like what is happening now.

Soon, Crocodile pursued him into a certain ruins.

This place used to be an abandoned city. The city wall was looming under the wind and sand, like a lonely fortress, tenaciously guarding this ancient land.

Within the city walls, the ancient buildings appear more and more vicissitudes of life under the erosion of yellow sand.

They use stone as bones and earth as flesh. Under the baptism of time, they exude a unique charm.

"I like it here." A female voice suddenly sounded.

Goenitz walked out slowly and looked at the surrounding ancient buildings with a sigh: "This kind of building with the atmosphere of time always reminds me of the past."

Her emotion was genuine, but it was a pity that Crocodile was not interested in it.

From Sand Crocodile's point of view, this girl must be in her early twenties at most, which is more than a round younger than him. How can she pretend to be serious here when she has nothing to do?

Feeling the biting cold wind around him, Lao Sha seemed to have thought of something, and asked tentatively: "If I guessed correctly, you should be the one who planned the big riot in Impel Down City."

Gornitz of the Storm has a bounty of 560 million beli.

A former member of the Ruthless Pirates, he single-handedly planned the collective prison break in Impel Down City, which was the biggest loss suffered by the Navy in the past ten years.

The day after the incident ended, Goenitz's reward skyrocketed to 500 million, which shows how much the Navy hates her.

If she can be caught and brought to justice, it doesn't matter if Alabasta's affairs are exposed. I believe that Seng will forgive his small mistake.

Thinking of this, Crocodile immediately decided to take action with all his strength, but he suddenly noticed something abnormal under his feet.

"There's a trap!"

In a flash of thought, Lao Sha understood the cause and effect. It turned out that the enemy's real purpose was to lure him out.

It's a pity that he understood it too late.


After a violent explosion, more than a dozen dark golden energy bombs hit.

Magnetic Release·Sand Iron Knot Attack!

The sealed iron wall rose from the ground, and the acid fell like rain, successfully drenching the elemental Crocodile into a drowned rat.

Lao Sha tried to escape, but unfortunately he couldn't escape the double blockade of sand, iron and smoke, not to mention the strong wind of Goenitz restricting him.

"Another poor guy." Fang Bo couldn't help but sigh.

Moria was beaten to autistic state by Kaido, Golden Lion was beaten to autistic state by Garp and Sengoku, and Crocodile was beaten to the point of mental breakdown by Whitebeard.

What the three of them have in common is that they don't believe that they can defeat each other with their own strength, so they desperately seek outside help.

As long as he mastered the restraint method, Crocodile's threat was not as high as Fire Fist Ace, at least he couldn't break through the blockade of the ruthless team.

Fang Bo even felt that this guy might not be as strong as Gaara.

"That's unreasonable!" Sand Crocodile was angry.

Use the power of the fruit to condense a small whirlwind, and when it is released, it immediately turns into a huge sandstorm with a diameter of a hundred meters.


This is Lao Sha's strongest AOE skill, and he is obviously preparing to use it to break the enemy's encirclement.

It was a good idea, but he didn't know who the enemy was.

"Use the wind to attack me?" Goenitz's eyes revealed something strange.

Under Lao Sha's puzzled gaze, she took the initiative to rush into the storm, looking as if she was actively seeking death.

Before he could say anything sarcastic, he saw the woman breaking through the sandstorm unharmed and rushing towards him like a hungry beast.

Crescent-shaped sand dunes!

Turning his arms into crescent-shaped sand blades, Crocodile wanted to turn the woman into an ugly mummy.

The attack effect was very strong, but he couldn't break through Gonitz's armed domineering force.

He performed a wonderful show of grabbing the blade with his bare hands, and then squeezed it hard with both hands, and Crocodile's sand blade was completely shattered.

"Save him alive." At this time, Fang Bo's voice sounded from the side, obviously afraid that Lao Gao would get angry.

If the sand crocodile is killed, what will be the next task?

It turns out that Goenitz did not hear his reminder.

After breaking two of the enemy's moves in succession, the opponent had no ability to resist. Taking this opportunity, she simply activated the spiritual super kill.

MAX2's super special move: Blow for eternity!

He turned into a strong wind and swept the enemy in instantly. At this moment, Lao Sha finally understood why the sandstorm was broken.

The two sides' control over the strong wind is not at the same level at all.

By the time all the dust settled, Crocodile had already been beaten until he vomited blood and fell into a coma.

Just as Fang Bo thought, this guy was really weak, and a large part of the reason was that Lao Sha had been hanging around in the first half of the Grand Route all year round.

A group of guys who have not even mastered domineering will naturally be unable to cause any harm to the natural ability user, which will make him feel arrogant and arrogant over time.

"We have lived in peace for so long that we have forgotten how to fight against strong men."

The task completion reminder rang in his ears, making the smile on Fang Bo's face even brighter.

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