Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 374 Flying Thunder God Second Stage

As the golden light shone, several treasures fell from the sky like shooting stars.

The enemy's moment of delay allowed Fang Bo to arrive on the battlefield second.

With the ability of suspension acceleration, he can fly freely in the air, and his speed is definitely better than the two-wheeled motorcycle below.

After realizing the identity of the other party's reincarnation, Fang Bo immediately activated the King's Treasure and attempted to shoot the two men on the spot.

But as the witch in the back seat took action, several arrows easily exploded the noble phantoms one by one.

Seeing this situation, Fang Bo instantly understood how difficult the enemy was. This guy was definitely a powerful plot player with extremely terrifying strength.

When he threw it out and scanned the information for the second time, he discovered that the witch holding a bow and arrow was stronger than imagined.

[S-Miko (Type 01 Seraph)]

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, perception, spirit]

[Characteristics: Green Blood (Legendary), Blood of God (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

Green Blood (Legendary): You are affected by the blood factor and can draw hidden powers from your blood.

Bloodline of God (Legendary): You have the bloodline of the Lunarian tribe, and are immune to 500 points of damage from attacks. Switching between different forms can increase an additional percentage attribute bonus.

"Immune to five hundred points of damage." Fang Bo's eyes darkened, knowing that the guy in front of him was probably the Seraph trained by Sound Nest.

The other party came to Gulan. I don't know whether it was a coincidence or whether he came specifically for him.

Seeing the Samsara Man running away in a hurry, he guessed that it was the former, otherwise they would have launched an attack on him long ago.

No matter which one it is, the fat that falls on Fang Bo's mouth must not escape.

After all, this is the territory of the Golden Emperor. This guy just eavesdropped on the conversation between the two. The one who should really be worried is Tezzolo.

Sure enough, the Golden Emperor's figure soon appeared in the sky.

It was a giant dragon made of gold, and it looked like a real living creature under the control of the Devil Fruit.

"A rat in the gutter." Tezzolo controlled a large amount of gold and soon successfully blocked the road ahead.

Seeing this, Eddie immediately twisted the accelerator crazily, and the motorcycle roared towards the slightly steep golden wall.

With the ability that may be some kind of special effect, it can run freely on the wall and even dodge the second round of attacks from the Noble Phantasm.

"There is a way." Fang Bo was always on guard and did not dare to rush forward easily.

That was a mature version of Seraph. The upper limit of his strength was unknown. If he was accidentally hit by an arrow, he might be unable to eat anything.

As for the identity of the miko archer, if nothing else happens, it should be the famous witch "Bikyou" in Inuyasha's world.

To be precise, she should have the same abilities as Kikyo. She is just a normal human being transformed by blood factors.

Feeling the looming threat, Fang Bo felt his scalp numb, and he didn't want to stand in the direction where the arrow was aimed.

With a bang sound, the witch loosened her bowstring, and the demon-breaking arrow with a purple halo instantly shot into the sky.

When it passed by his ear, Fang Bo's pupils suddenly narrowed, and cold sweat instantly began to fall down his cheeks.

The speed of the demon-breaking arrow was too fast, reaching the point where it exceeded his reflexes.

No matter how fast the Flying Thunder God transfers, Fang Bo still needs to activate the time and space ninjutsu through consciousness.

If even personal consciousness cannot respond, then being empty and not empty actually has no meaning.

"BOSS!!!" Suddenly there was an exclamation from the other side.

Obviously, Tezoro failed to defend himself against the enemy's arrows, and was shot directly from the air by the Demon-Breaking Arrow.

"Don't let her cum again." Fang Bo breathed heavily, focusing entirely on the witch.

When he saw the opponent's fingers resting on the bowstring, he instantly activated the Flying Thunder God and arrived at the roof of a building in the distance.

Fang Boren left, but the newly opened treasure house door still appeared in the air.

The Wind Shadow Puppet took the lead, and the magnetic escape instantly affected the speeding locomotive.

Asking the puppet to brake suddenly on the spot, the two people in the car were immediately thrown away due to the effect of inertia.

Accompanied by the dazzling golden light, Emperor Guan Sheng struck with a broadsword, and the Yanyue Green Dragon struck heavily on the witch's shoulder.

[Guan Sheng Emperor’s Dou Shen Rock slash caused 448 points of critical damage]

[The characteristic "Bloodline of God" is activated, and the damage-free effect is obtained (500)]

[The enemy receives 0 points of damage]

The attack that could cut many people in half failed to cause any harm to the miko.

He shot an arrow with his backhand, directly blowing up the head of Emperor Guan Sheng, and sent it back to the treasure house space to slowly recover its durability.

"What a terrifying attack power." Fang Bo hesitated, but after a moment he suddenly made up his mind.

Large golden ripples emerged, and he used all his Noble Phantasms to rush toward his opponent like shooting stars.

"Huh?" Eddie was just about to dodge when he suddenly realized that these attacks were not directed at him at all.

At such a critical moment, the opponent actually missed the attack.

Eddie wanted to laugh, but the man who suddenly appeared in front of him made him unable to laugh at all.

He didn't understand why the opponent was so fast. Facing the attack, he could only try his best to thrust out the weapon in his hand.

As a result, the next second, he teleported to the other side of his body and assumed a posture of drawing a sword.

Continuous teleportation is difficult to prevent, and Eddie's ineffective perception attribute is completely unable to deal with it.

If Seraph hadn't taken action at the critical moment and forced the man back with one arrow, he might have been hacked to death by now.

With golden treasures and powerful puppets, the opponent's true identity has been revealed.

He really didn't expect that No. 7, who was the target, would actually appear here.

"God is really helping me." Thinking of the reward for killing the opponent, Eddie couldn't help but get excited.

"Hey, shoot him with all your strength." Eddie, as the temporary commander, updated the command entry.

That is to use No. 7 as the first attack sequence.

As soon as the order was given, the golden Noble Phantasm meteor swarm struck again.

Number Seven's figure kept flashing, giving the enemy no chance to lock on to him.

After unremitting efforts, he finally mastered the skills of using the second stage of Flying Thunder God, and he could follow the moving coordinates for space transfer.

As long as he feels locked, Fang Bo will switch to the other side, never giving Seraph a chance to target him.

Although it consumes a lot of mental energy, it can hold the opponent in check very well.

If Fang Bo were alone, he would be mentally exhausted within twenty seconds of flashing at such a high frequency. Fortunately, there were other helpers around him.

The strong man holding a giant ax struck head-on, trying to chop the miko who was concentrating on archery into two sections.

Under the cover of armed domineering, the giant ax looks decent.

However, Seraph didn't even try to dodge, he just used his head to resist the blow of the giant axe, trying to catch his opponent throughout the whole process.

With her excellent knowledge and domination, she quickly figured out Fang Bo's movement patterns.

When the Noble Phantasm attacks again, it first uses the Demon-Destroying Arrow to attract attention, and then shoots a special splitting arrow.

As soon as it left the string, it suddenly split into countless small arrows.

Fang Bo was hit as expected, and the enemy's arrows actually had debuff effects.

[You are attacked by splitting arrows, causing 369 points of piercing damage]

[The sealing arrow effect is activated, and you will not be able to use skills in the next 30 seconds]

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 141 points of health]

[The absolute defense effect is activated, and all damage is forcibly reduced by 30 points]

[You take 198 points of damage]

Being injured is nothing, and the consumption of health points is not worth caring about at all.

The problem is that he will not be able to use his skills next, which naturally includes the Flying Thunder God Technique.

This is the effect of the miko's sealing arrow, and it is also the powerful ability that Kikyo possesses.

"Hahaha, hurry up, give me an arrow to kill him." Eddie looked excited.

Once hit by the sealing arrow, the enemy will be unable to move around.

Even if he can't get the treasure chest, the bounty reward for killing No. 7 is enough for him to take off completely.

With the powerful demon-breaking arrows of the witch, it is impossible for the reincarnations of difficulty level 1 to resist.

He seemed to have seen the scene where No. 7 was killed instantly with one arrow.

However, Fang Bo's expression was always so calm and composed, with no hint of imminent disaster.

When the woman aimed at him, his body slipped and disappeared from the two of them in an instant.


The sealing skill does not say that you cannot use the effects attached to the equipment.

The modified memory armor can accommodate three skills, one of which is used to store Arrancar's inherent skill "Sound Turn".

Attack, defense, movement, he stored different skills in the three slots of the memory armor.

What I was afraid of was that for some reason, Flying Thunder God would be unable to use it, so I prepared a mobile skill in advance.

Hibiki is an ability that only a small number of the Arrancar group can master.

The ability to turn around is not extremely fast. Its real function is to avoid detection nerves during movement.

The speed is definitely not as fast as the Flying Thunder God, but you can't use your perception ability to capture the landing point.

It is not used in combat scenarios, but is an ability that is only used when escaping.

Just like now, the witch knew that the enemy had moved behind her, but when she turned around, she didn't know which house the enemy had gotten into.

As a last resort, she could only adjust the direction of the arrow and aim at the puppet controlling the sand iron in the air.

Affected by the spiritual rosary, it immediately made defensive movements. However, the arrow flew too fast and penetrated the puppet's energy core in the blink of an eye.

[The Wind Shadow Puppet received 976 points of penetrating damage]

Not to mention its current disabled state, even in the hands of the Crimson Sand Scorpion, this arrow is enough to blow it up.

Looking at the streets and alleys with some regret, Eddie picked up the motorcycle and prepared to run away immediately.

At this moment, thick smoke suddenly appeared around, which was the unique effect of the smoke fruit.

Eddie didn't try to break in because he didn't know what the consequences would be.

In the sky, the Smokey Ghost Spider was staring down with eagerness, its eyes filled with the desire to kill.

It's a pity that the appearance of a defensive barrier prevented it from launching an attack for the time being.

A small-scale defensive barrier is the usual method of the miko Kikyo. It has strong protective power and can resist the damage from the big demon.

This thing is a continuous-casting barrier that can be maintained as long as the user is not exhausted.

"It's terrible." Eddie's heart gradually sank, and he found that many enemies had gathered around him.

The big-headed man I encountered before was a strong man holding a giant axe, and a sexy dark-skinned beauty holding a wine glass.

It's hard to see what's looming above, but I know there seems to be a lot of aura there.

There really is no way to heaven and no way to earth.

As an elite in the first-difficulty world, Eddie is as vulnerable as a baby here.

If you are not careful, the attack caused by the enemy can kill him.

"There is nothing we can do." He took out a scroll from his arms with some distress, and then told Seraph to remove the protective barrier.

Seraph has the blood of God and is not afraid of siege at all. The barrier is raised just to protect him.

Considering the fact that he was dragging the oil bottle, Eddie decided to use the scroll to save his life.

As long as he can escape, the probability that the enemy will keep the witch is low.

"Damn, it's really a big loss."

After tearing open the scroll in his hand, the surrounding space suddenly began to distort irregularly, as if reality instantly turned into a world like an oil painting.

This is a group illusion. After activation, all surrounding creatures will enter the perception judgment.

If the perception attribute is not high enough, they will be temporarily trapped. Of course, Seraph is no exception. This thing does not have any identification function of friend or foe.

Taking this opportunity, Eddie turned into an afterimage and flew into the distance, successfully escaping from the battlefield in less than a second.

By the time everyone recovered, he had already run five kilometers away and would soon reach the city wall on the other side of Gulan.

If he crosses it, there will be an endless sea, and no one can hurt him anymore.

"Maybe I can wait a while, maybe the miko can kill all those people."

Just as he was about to stop, Eddie suddenly raised his head and looked at the dozens of golden meteors that were rapidly sliding down above.

He didn't even have time to be surprised, and instinctively started to move around wildly.

Relying on the excellent body skills of those who are experts in the agility system, most of the Noble Phantasms were avoided one by one with great danger.

It's just that the invisible Shadow Moon Fork didn't allow him to completely avoid it.

[You are attacked by the Noble Phantasm, causing 78 points of penetrating damage]

Due to the intervention of space laws, the damage caused was only one-third of the normal state, so it was not possible to kill the man instantly with one blow.

But when he finally breathed a sigh of relief, he found that a man with a sword drawn appeared beside him.


A brilliant sword light appeared, instantly piercing Eddie's heart.

He didn't realize he was being attacked until a sharp pain shot through his nerves.

He wanted to launch a counterattack, but his hands and feet no longer obeyed his orders, and even his personal consciousness began to blur.

All this seems to indicate one thing, he seems to be dying.

[Your Tianxiang Dragon Flash causes 128 points of slashing damage to the target]

[The damage exceeded the critical value, and the reincarnation number 10633 died! 】

[You get a killing treasure chest! 】

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