After obtaining the man's treasure chest, Fang Bo chose to open it without hesitation.

The opponent's escape methods are not weak, but when he encounters his true vision, mere illusions have no effect at all.

No matter what, this guy shouldn't be an enemy of Fang Bo.

[You are opening the killing chest number 10633]

[You get 2574 plot points]

[You get a frost dagger]

[You get a trial invitation from the Shinra Warriors]

The reincarnations in the sound nest are all poor. No, the man sent him more than two thousand plot points.

Plot point: 9829 (Dylan owes 20,000)

The money in your pocket is all small, and the real big deal is in the unsold items.

After returning to the space and selling the things, tens of thousands of plot points will be recorded in the account. Maybe, I can also get some arrears from Miss Ninja.

Frost dagger, a very common epic level equipment, nothing special, just a material used to fill the treasure house.

Invitation to the trial of the Shinra Warriors: You can open the plot world of the Final Fantasy Son's Arrival and participate in the final assessment trial of the Shinra Warriors.

This thing is of little use, and Fang Bo is not particularly interested in the world of Final Fantasy.

Unless you meet a buyer with special needs, this invitation is only worth a few hundred plot points at most.

Regardless of the epic dagger, the treasure chest probably provided him with a reward worth three thousand, which was considered a relatively good harvest.

Again, without Yinchao's continuous pursuit, Fang Bo's strength would not have improved so quickly.

"They are all good people."

Putting the weapons away in the treasure house, he drove his motorcycle back to the scene of the battle.

It was completely quiet over there, and the battle was probably over.

Considering how powerful Seraph is, there should be no way to end the battle in such a short period of time.

"It seems that I couldn't stop her."

When he went back and took a look, the faces of everyone present were not very good.

As expected, the miko with the blood of God escaped, but so many people couldn't keep her behind despite their combined efforts.

Seeing him coming, Goenitz explained the reason in one sentence: "I don't dare to get too close. The damage from other people can't break the defense."

Fang Bo knew the horror of Seraph very well, so he naturally understood Goenitz's concerns.

If she were accidentally hit by an arrow, she would be instantly killed with her small body.

Looking at the entire audience, no one except the Golden Emperor could see the flight path of the witch's arrow.

Not to mention, he still has wings and can fly away from the Kingdom of Gulan calmly.

It's nothing if the enemy escapes. What everyone is really worried about is that the situation will be exposed.

If the Five Old Stars knew that the Golden Emperor actually dared to form a pirate alliance, they would definitely send troops to encircle and suppress them immediately.

Considering the risks that are about to be encountered, it is understandable that the atmosphere of silence at the scene is oppressive.

In this regard, Fang Bo did not express much regret.

He is not a god, and not everything can be controlled. Who would have thought that the reincarnation of Sound Nest would appear here.

He wouldn't panic if he was deprived of his status as a Shichibukai. As long as the Cross Guild was established, he wouldn't have to worry about the navy.

Looking at the gloomy Golden Emperor, Fang Bo chuckled in his heart, feeling that this might not be a bad thing.

Without this help, how could Tezzolo surrender to him wholeheartedly?

Life, death and interests are always the strongest relationships.

Of course, on the surface, he still wanted to comfort him, not only to express his sympathy, but also to promise that the Cross Guild would be Gulan's retreat no matter what.

These words are not all comfort. In fact, even if the news is exposed, there will not necessarily be problems.

Judging from the current time period, the control of Seraph is definitely in the hands of Vegapunk, and the Samsaras of Sound Nest have the right to borrow it at most.

When the miko rushes back, the stored information will be seen by Vegapunk or the experimental subject Big Bear immediately.

No matter which one it is, they are happy to see the formation of the Cross Guild and will not report the news to the World Government.

Whether things are as guessed, we only need to wait for a while to find out.

Compared with the influence brought by the Golden Emperor, Fang Bo, the Qiwuhai, is completely insignificant.

If Wulaoxing learns of the situation, he will definitely send troops to encircle Gulan as soon as possible.

At that time, we will know what the situation is.

Thinking of this, Fang Bo extended an invitation to Tezzolo: "If you don't mind, you can join us temporarily. With the Golden Emperor joining us, it will be much easier to convince others."

It provided shelter for the other party and fully took care of this guy's face.

If he didn't agree to this situation, Tezzolo wouldn't be able to survive now.

As for the issue of foundation, as long as others are still there, it won't take long for them to make a comeback.

So what if you really join the Cross Guild?

Maybe, he can also take the opportunity to rule the entire underground kingdom.

Stretching out his palms and holding Fang Bo tightly, the two parties became temporary allies.

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

"These bastards!" Zhan Guo was so angry that he almost had a brain hemorrhage.

Just as he feared, the pirates in Impel Down City had just returned to the sea and committed unforgivable and heinous crimes one after another.

If possible, Sengoku really wanted to shoot all these guys, but this idea can only be used for lustful purposes.

Doing this is simply treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. The person dies, but the Devil Fruit will reappear somewhere in the ocean.

If anyone eats it, they will be in the same situation again soon, maybe even worse than now.

Every time I think of this, Warring States Period feels pain in my teeth.

There was a long list on the desk in front of him, and all the crimes recorded on it were the crimes committed by the pirates.

Douglas Barrett, shortly after escaping, attacked a naval branch and killed all the sailors, including the lieutenant general.

Afterwards, the navy tried to send troops to encircle and suppress the enemy, but unfortunately General Kizaru returned without success, and a group of innocent sailors were killed.

As a last resort, the navy could only suspend the roundup of the devil's descendants.

This guy who was too aggressive couldn't be arrested, and the others didn't seem to be economical either.

The aloof red Redfield destroyed a small town alone, and it seemed that he was frantically searching for something.

Bundy Waldo disappeared, and the last time he appeared was on an island, he also wiped out a large group of pirates.

Each one of them is provoking the majesty of the navy. If it is not stopped, the prestige that has been finally established will be lost in an instant.


The phone bug woke up Seng Guo, who was deep in thought. When he turned around, he saw that it was the contact number representing the highest level of power.

With a wry smile on his lips, the Marshal answered the phone.

A reprimand came quickly from the other end of the phone, which basically said how unsatisfactory the Navy was.

After enough scolding, Wu Laoxing finally issued a new order.

"Let the Shichibukai assemble, we cannot let these prisoners continue to roam freely."

"I will send CP0 to assist you. If this matter fails, you will get out of the position of marshal."

With a click, the other party hung up the phone first.

When Garp wandered in while eating senbei, he saw Sengoku's dark face at a glance.

"Hahaha, you weren't scolded, were you?" As expected of a bad friend for many years, Garp saw the root of the problem at a glance.

But when he heard that the Shichibukai were going to be gathered, he finally got serious.

After thinking for a while, Garp asked tentatively: "Why don't you let me go and catch one or two first."

"Hmph, Garp, how old do you think you are?!" Warring States looked like he was scolding, but in fact his words revealed full of care: "I don't want to send troops to rescue you again in the future."

"Then what should we do? We can't just watch, right?" Garp put down the senbei in his hand, his eyes always turning to the side unconsciously.

To be honest, he didn't really believe in those so-called Shichibukai.

All of these guys are unruly people. At most, they are obedient on the surface, and some of them don't even bother to do anything to save face.

Gathering the Shichibukai is easy to say, but God knows what will happen when the time comes.

As for the bullshit CP0, let alone that, you can't count on it at all. Those officials even have eyes on their foreheads.

"Alas." Warring States suddenly let out a long sigh, and then began to immerse himself in writing the latest order.

Seeing this, Garp staggered away. He didn't want to see the embarrassment of his old friend.

"Maybe I should do something."

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the airship was quickly shuttled between the clouds.

"Keep moving forward." Nami sat at the aerospace command podium and calmly directed the airship forward.

His standing posture is a little strange, and there are two less obvious bruises on his knees.

On the deck, Tezzolo opened his arms against the strong wind and enjoyed the indulgent ride at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

He found that he seemed to fall in love with this feeling.

Turning to look at his silent companion, the Golden Emperor waved his hand boldly: "One billion Baileys, how about selling this airship to me?"

Ignoring this rich idiot, Fang Bo stared at the thick clouds and was considering the next work arrangements in his mind.

Fate Guidance (2): Let fate guide the direction of your mission.

Using the power of the Destiny Token, he can find the mission target without knowing it.

That was the Tianlong who kidnapped his first girlfriend.

The difficulty of this task lies mainly in how to find traces of the Celestial Dragons.

Fortunately, the other party's location was not in Mariejoia, which meant that the Celestial Dragon was once again on a private tour.

"You are seeking death yourself."

As for combat, the furious Tezoro can definitely tear the enemy into pieces, perhaps without the need for the Ruthless Pirates to take action.

After solving Tezzolo's mission, you can start looking for the escaped prisoners.

This process will not be easy. Those guys are all unruly people. Maybe they can only use their fists to explain the truth.

So according to Fang Bo's idea, let's start with simple things.

Only by accumulating strength little by little and having sufficient confidence can we better recruit talents.

To put it bluntly, if you can't beat yourself, then everyone should fight together.

Either join the Cross Guild, or turn it into a plot treasure chest for me.

Therefore, this first battle was crucial. Fang Bo set his sights on the "World Destroyer" Bondi Waldo.

This person is strong in fruit ability, but his own combat power can only be considered average.

If you use the right method, it is actually not difficult to convince the other party.


The phone rang, instantly drawing Fang Bo's attention back.

There were not many telephone bugs in his pocket, and no matter which one rang, it was bound to be a sign of trouble, or maybe something good was coming to his door.

When he saw the appearance of the phone bug, his eyebrows instantly raised, and he turned his head and looked at Tezzolo with a half-smile: "This is Marshal Sengoku's phone number."

"...I know." Of course the Golden Emperor knew, because he also had a phone bug with a dedicated line for contact.

However, it was basically some behavior he used to reprimand the navy.

Considering this, his relationship with Sengoku is really not harmonious.

Tezzolo had reason to suspect that the call at this time was about the Cross Guild.

While Fang Bo was answering the phone, Golden Emperor had been feeling uneasy. He had not felt this way for many years.

"Damn it, if it doesn't work out, I'll join the Cross Guild completely."

After a change in his thinking, he really began to actively think about the benefits of joining the Cross Guild.

When Tezzolo had almost made up his mind, he got a slightly unexpected answer.

"Sengoku wants to gather the Shichibukai on standby."

Hearing this, Tezoro's face suddenly turned as dark as ink. He thought that the bastard Sengoku wanted the Shichibukai to attack him together.

Fortunately, Fang Bo's words successfully appeased the richest pirate.

"It is true that I want to deal with others, but the target is not you."

Sengoku made it clear on the phone that the Shichibukai were gathering to catch the pirates who had escaped from prison.

The moment he agreed, the task reminder sounded.

[Number 14552 triggers a hidden mission, the Shichibukai gather! 】

[Mission Introduction: Warring States requires you to go to the Navy Headquarters to discuss the tasks that need to be carried out]

[Task requirements: Respond to the assembly order and complete the task requirements assigned by the navy]

[Tip: If you refuse to perform the execution, you may be deprived of your status]

With the mission released from space, there is no need to worry about the Navy's intentions. At least it is not a call just to lure him into a trap.

Just like Fang Bo analyzed, Bega Punk will not pass the news of the Cross Guild to the Five Old Stars.

Staring at the task prompts on the menu, Fang Bo knew that his next action needed to change.

It is equivalent to saying that he is eating both ends now.

While he needs to recruit members for the Cross Guild, he also has to capture prisoners as a Shichibukai.

It’s just a heartbeat to play with.

He definitely can't play two roles, so the recruitment task can only be left to Goenitz.

Anyway, it was the person she saved, so I believe those pirates would be able to give him some face.

If you don't want to give face, then Fang Bo, as the Shichibukai, will come to persuade you.

The main thing in this matter is the time difference.

The demon airship Lao Gao must be unusable. Fortunately, she can fly freely and can fully use the power of wind control to cross the sea.

Maybe it will be faster than taking an airship.

Looking at the clouds below, Fang Bo chuckled and said, "The division of troops will be discussed again. Tezzolo, your enemy is down there."

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