Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 376 Don’t use Tianlong people to insult fools

On the sea level below, a flower boat comparable to a large warship was sailing slowly.

As a vehicle for the Tianlong people to travel, there are many sailing ships around it, all of which are frigates loaded with large amounts of ammunition.

In addition to the members of CP0, there are also a large number of navies accompanying them. The escort work will not be handed over to other navies until they reach the next sea area.

In order to ensure the safety of the Tianlong people, it can be said that great pains were taken.

The deck was filled with the laughter of Saint Sbelby. Kneeling in front of him was a row of newly captured slaves, including even a princess from a small country.

In order to please the Celestial Dragon, the people under his command will constantly come up with new tricks, most of which are various torture tricks.

There is no way, who makes Sibelbi Sheng like to hear the screams of the slaves.

Especially the grief of people losing their loved ones always made him intoxicated, just like the screams of the king before he left.

The cruel and bloody scenes made many navy clenched their fists.

"Damn it." A young naval officer put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Witnessing all this with one's own eyes, anyone with a little bit of conscience can't help but feel angry, not to mention that people who choose to join the navy tend to have a sense of justice.

Even the Ax King Mengka was a heroic young man before he encountered the black cat.

As for why many navies are gradually degenerating, the scene in front of them seems to give the answer.

Not to mention the hot-blooded young people, many experienced veterans wanted to curse.

But they don't dare. Family, work, and life are all turned into shackles that tightly trap them.

If you are unable to resist in the face of injustice, you can only continue to degrade in pain, and eventually become insensitive, and there is no longer any justice in your heart.

"Hey, you don't want your life?!" An old man held down the young sailor's wrist.

Not to mention drawing a sword to resist, just showing hostility is a form of disrespect to the world's nobility.

Fortunately, no one discovered it, otherwise the young sailor's life would have come to an end.

"Senior." The young man woke up with a start, and loosened his palms with some pain, and his words made the surrounding navy couldn't help but close their eyes.

"Are we really fighting for justice?"

He lowered his head, not wanting to see the princess being insulted, which would make him feel like a beast.

"Alas." Patting the young man on the shoulder, the veteran said in a low tone: "Just get used to it. Sometimes it's not difficult for us to change anything. At least we can protect our families."

These two words seemed to trigger some kind of switch. The young sailor nodded numbly and kept repeating the word family.

When he raised his head again, the light in his eyes had completely disappeared, and his numb expression was exactly the same as that of many of his colleagues around him.

He accepted the cruelty of reality and convinced himself that the situation before him was allowed to exist.

"I'm just an ordinary person, what can I do?"

All these changes were seen by a man in a white suit.

"He knows what's going on." The CP0 officer put on his mask again and gradually lost the murderous intent in his eyes.

From the moment the young man grasped the hilt of the sword, he had already noticed the other person.

How should I put it? In fact, this kind of thing is very common. Every time you go on patrol, you will encounter the new generation of navy.

It belongs to the category of dealing with it in any way. He happens to be in a good mood today, so he just thinks of sparing the other party's life.

If he is in a bad mood, not only will the young man who shows hostility die, but his family will also become slaves.

If we don’t do this, how can we deter other people with evil intentions?

Again, the majesty of the Celestial Dragons cannot be challenged.

No matter how ridiculous something seems, once everyone can accept it, it can be formalized.

Such as the gold in the sky, such as the various privileges of the Celestial Dragons.

Otherwise, why would there be rumors at sea that as long as the Celestial Dragons are harmed, admirals will be dispatched.

Many people think it is an exaggeration. In fact, the general is not defending a certain Celestial Dragon, but the dominance of the world government over the world.

However, the sea is not all dirty and nasty, there are also many romantic things that may happen at any time.

When a blond woman stood high in the sky, whipping up thousands of storms with her wave of hands, the young sailor's cloudy eyes seemed to be filled with a little starlight.

The next second, his neck was cut by the wind blade, and hot blood began to spray freely.

In the last second of his life, he was not thinking about his family or his girlfriend, but struggling to raise his head to see if that damn guy was like him.

When he saw the Celestial Dragons being stepped on like dogs, a smile appeared on the corners of the young sailor's lips.

On the deck, Storm Gornitz made a shocking appearance and trampled the Tianlong people under their feet before anyone could react.

"This is the legendary world noble?" Lao Gao looked around, his eyes gradually focusing on the dying princess: "Sure enough, humans should not exist in the world."

She has not forgotten her plan to destroy the world.

It is difficult to destroy the world, but it is easy to find a way to kill the Celestial Dragon in front of you.

All it takes is one gentle step and the filthy pig's head will fall apart.

"Stop!" Two members of CP0 stood up, but at this moment they no longer had the arrogance.

The lives of the Celestial Dragons are in the hands of the enemy, and they will be trampled to pieces if they are not careful.

It doesn't matter if someone dies, but they must not die while they are on duty. Once the "director" of CP0 takes the blame, their lives may be in danger.

Ignoring the enemy's clamor, Goenitz remained silent and made no next move.

According to the prior agreement, Saint Siberbi's life will be handed over to Tezzolo. It can be predicted that that guy will never let the Tianlong people die too easily.

She was waiting now to see if there was any hidden big shot on the ship.

If there is a certain big boss, Goenitz can immediately jump into the sea to escape. The main thing is to move forward and retreat freely.

After waiting for about a minute and a half, seeing that the Tianlong people's lives were threatened but still no one showed up, it can be confirmed that these two CP0 members are all masters.

"Then you will definitely die today!"

At this moment, something unexpected happened.

Sbelby Saint, who was taken hostage, actually took out his pistol with an arrogant look and pulled the trigger fiercely at the woman.

Naturally, he couldn't hit the target, but his actions shocked everyone.

"Is he a fool?" You Haijun accidentally said the wrong thing.

"Don't insult the fool." Goenitz actually answered the sailor's question.

Then he saw her lift her foot and step hard on the Tianlong's right hand holding the gun.

A howl like a slaughtering pig rang out, and Sbelby's feces and urine flowed out in pain, and even snot accidentally flowed into his mouth.

Feeling disgusted, Konitz did not continue to torture the other party, but raised his hand and pointed upward, sending some kind of signal that represented safety.

Soon, a roar that had been suppressed for twenty years came from the sky.

"I want your life!!!"

The beautiful golden drizzle slowly fell, instantly contaminating all the surrounding sailors.

"I, my body can't move."

"Damn it, what on earth are these things?!"

"Ah, my palms turned to gold!"

Golden splash!

Spray the gold powder down like water. As long as the gold powder enters the body, no matter how strong it is, it will be controlled by Tezoro.

Except for the masked CP0, not even the Vice Admiral was spared.

"Die!" The first thing Tezzolo did when he landed on the deck was to stab the navy's heart with gold powder.

In the blink of an eye, there were only three living people left on our side, including the idiot with a snot-nosed face on the ground.

For the sake of safety, Fang Bo did not show up. Anyway, with Tezolo in front of the enemy, there was no way to survive.

After waiting for about five minutes, the battle below was declared over.

The Golden Emperor, who was in an abnormal mood, easily suppressed his opponents with one against two.

If Goenitz hadn't been shrewd enough to take action to grab key heads, she might not even have been able to get a treasure chest.

The golden box gave out 500 plot points, as well as six-style training cheats and a white CP0 windbreaker, with a total value of more than two thousand plot points.

Of course, the biggest gain is definitely Sbelby Saint.

Capturing him means that all three members of the ruthless team can complete a hidden mission.

Back on the deck of the airship, Fang Bo began to browse the mission rewards while listening to the pig's screams.

[Hidden Mission: Endless Hatred (Completed)]

[Results are being calculated. Rewards are being generated]

[Based on your contribution, you can choose any three rewards from the following options! 】

[Option 1: You get 1,000 plot points]

[Option 2: You get 3 attribute points]

[Option 3: You get 12 merit points (rare)]

[Option 4: You get the Justice Enforcer (rare)]

[Option 5: You get the golden fruit (rare)]

Because the task was too difficult and the completion score was almost perfect, all members of the team received three precious rewards.

Three attributes must be selected. For the second reward, he chose the Golden Fruit. The value of this thing is equal to that of the Shasha Fruit, and both can be sold for a very high price.

As for the last item, he was going back and forth between the suit called the Justice Enforcer and the 12 points of merit points.

Considering that this trip was very rewarding, he finally chose to be rewarded with merit points.

After transforming Paul into a follower, Fang Bo wanted to upgrade his rank to general as soon as possible.

By then, he wouldn't have to worry about anyone chasing him.

It is said that the rank of general can block tracking. No one can know the specific whereabouts of a general-level reincarnation unless he is actively exposed.

In addition, it seems that there are many powerful functions that can be used.

Not counting other rewards, just a golden fruit and thousands of plot points are worth the price.

As for the other two followers, Lao Gao chose attribute points and plot points as rewards, and other than that was the Justice Enforcer suit.

Her choice direction is very simple, she always only buys the expensive ones and not the right ones.

Getting a new wife is much easier. If Fang Bo is around, ask for his opinion. If not, just make a blind choice.

Following Fang Bo's guidance, she chose a white mask with attribute points and CP0, as well as the same style Justice Enforcer cloak.

The mask was sold, and the cloak was put on her body.

Name: Justice Executor

Level: Myth

Category: Cloak

Durability: 120/120

Attribute enhancement: Spirit +4, Perception +2

Conditions of use: Spirit 30, Constitution 20, Strength 15

Equipment effects: Justice execution, no sneak attacks

Place of Origin: One Piece

Equipment evaluation: Maybe it's not as flimsy as it looks.

Justice execution (passive skill): When attacking evil units, the final damage is increased by 20 points.

Sneak attack prohibited (active skill): Gain 30% back damage reduction.

She stretched out her hand to shake her cloak, and the bride looked very happy.

The mental attribute increased by 4 points, which meant that she could summon two more main nests, which meant that the airship's combat units increased by 20 out of thin air.

From a purely value perspective, the ghost mother Yin Ji is the biggest winner of this mission.

After waiting for the team to select rewards, they saw Tezzolo, covered in blood, pushing open the door.

"You said you could treat it?" he asked.

The enemy he had been thinking about for twenty years was right in front of him, and he couldn't let him die so easily.

In order to help him, Fang Bo decided to use a wave of recovery techniques.

Giving kindness at such moments always makes people remember it more.

After a night of torture, Sbelby Saint completely fell into insanity. He could only howl without any objection and could not communicate at all.

Seeing this, Tezzolo took action to end the stupid pig's life.

After washing up happily, about two hours later, the Golden Emperor reappeared after adjusting his emotional state.

"I can join the Cross Guild." First he fulfilled his promise, and then Tezzolo said frankly: "This matter is not as simple as you think, even with the help of Sand Crocodile."

"I know, that's why I want to invite you to join."

After a moment of silence, Tezzolo gave him a promise: "I will take the initiative to contact Crocodile. Don't worry about money. He can give him as much as he wants, but I can't give you much support on the surface."

"Understood." Fang Bo nodded. It was already very difficult for things to reach this level.

With the Golden Emperor joining, the Cross Guild will surely flourish.

The most important thing is that when placing a reverse bounty on the navy, you don't have to worry about being unable to pay the reward.

Regardless of the power in any party, the importance of the God of Wealth is self-evident.

Not to mention, they are engaged in rebellion.

When they came to an island that was convenient for travel, the airship dropped Tezzolo.

The Golden Emperor is about to start providing support, while Goenitz is about to visit the first great pirate and one of the most terrifying beings in Impel Down.

The Alone Red, Baloric Redfield.

With his joining, it will definitely attract the interest of many pirates. Who doesn't want to be protected by a super strong person?

To be honest, Fang Bo didn't know much about this "Red Earl", but he vaguely remembered that he seemed to admire Brooke very much.

"You can start from this point." Fang Bo gave his suggestion.

Soon, Lao Gao rode away in the strong wind, and he also had to rush to attend the meeting of the Shichibukai.

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