Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 377 The sympathy between two immortals

I don’t know since when, Redfield seems to have become the top powerhouse on the sea.

The Crimson Earl has possessed powerful knowledge and domination since he was a child, and it became more and more uncontrollable as he grew older, until one day he suddenly had the ability to read people's hearts.

Because of this, he got used to seeing the ugliness of people's hearts, and eventually developed an extremely lonely and weird character.

He thought he would never trust others in this life, but he suddenly discovered an interesting person.

That was a woman. She was quite nervous and didn't have so many bad intentions. She was one of the rare people with a pure heart.

After the two got acquainted, they worked together for two months. It was a rare happy day for Redfield, and it was also from that time that he obtained the Devil Fruit.

According to the woman, if you take her fruit, you will become hers and promise that you can see a wider world.

"I'm telling you, the world out there is so big, and there are so many interesting things you can't even imagine."

The woman promised him that the two of them would leave the sea together the next time they met. As a result, they had to wait for ten years.

Until Redfield defeated Navy Marshal "Sora" but was imprisoned in Impel Down by Garp due to exhaustion, he never saw the woman again.

"That's it, I have been waiting for her." He smiled and shook his head. The super strong man drank the thick blood in the cup, and a sarcastic arc passed through the corner of his mouth: "The ridiculous navy, declared to the outside world I voluntarily gave up my dream of being the Pirate King, do you really think I will be afraid of those two brats Roger and Whitebeard?"

As soon as he finished speaking, red lightning suddenly erupted, and its power was no less powerful than that of Barrett, the descendant of the devil.

In terms of age, Redfield went to sea ten years earlier than Roger. The Pirate King in other people's eyes was just a novice pirate in his eyes.

Of course, he fully recognized the strength of the Pirate King, but he was just angry at the navy's shameless falsification.

After a long time, he stopped releasing his overbearing look, and asked with an evil smile on his lips: "Do you know why the navy did this?"

After not seeing each other for a while, Redfield had his white hair braided into two braids and hung on his shoulders. He also changed into a plum red shirt and blood red trousers.

The gold-rimmed leather shoes on her feet were shiny, and she was also wearing a large blood-red cloak.

Such a look is undoubtedly more in line with his title of Red Earl.

As for the person sitting opposite him, it was Stormy Gornitz who had the grace of salvation.

Through the clues provided by the Golden Emperor, Lao Gao successfully found Redfield.

After the two parties met, she received the highest level of courtesy, not only because of the grace of saving her life, but also because of the unabashed appreciation from this strong man.

Redfield can see through the heart, so he knows that Goenitz is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.

This can't help but make the count with endless lifespan identify with him. In addition, Goenitz's excessively pure evil character is also very popular with him.

The loneliness that all his old friends were gone made Redfield urgently in need of a friend, and Goenitz just met all the qualities of a friend.

Hearing the other party's inquiry, Goenitz also showed a sarcastic smile: "Human beings are like this. They always need to use false names to maintain their image. How can we allow the Navy Grand Marshal to lose to a pirate?"

"I'm glad to see you say that." Putting aside the umbrella with the bat handle in his hand, Redfield looked very happy.

On the other hand, Goenitz expressed great interest in the umbrella, and her intuition told her that it must be a weapon of outstanding quality.

After a short period of getting along, the two people with similar values ​​successfully upgraded to friends.

Ledfield, who had not had a heart-to-heart relationship with anyone for a long time, even took the initiative to talk about things from his youth.

"Brooke, the nose singer, I decided to go to sea with his encouragement. Speaking of which, he is my guide."

Seeing that the clues provided by Fang Bo were used, Goenitz immediately said that Noge Brook was still alive and seemed to be trapped in a certain sea area in the first half of the Grand Line.

"That's it." Redfield sighed with emotion at first, and then unexpectedly refused to search: "I don't want to appear in front of him like this."

Understanding his concerns, Goenitz simply ignored the matter and spoke frankly about the Cross Guild.

"I know you won't trust other people, so this is just a loose organization and is not needed on weekdays."

Goenitz was about to explain further, but was interrupted by the Red Earl's hand.

"You don't need to say so much, I understand what you mean." He gently picked up the bat sword next to him and said with a smile: "Isn't it just a false name? Okay, I just think of it as returning a favor to you."

The whole thing went smoothly as expected, which made Konitz feel slightly uncomfortable. She thought the other party would deliberately make things difficult for her.

In fact, without Redfield's favor, someone else would have to defeat him to successfully complete the signing.

At this time, Gugao Zhihong looked like he was thirty-two or thirteen years old at most, and it seemed that his strength had increased a lot.

Want to defeat him?

Reincarnators at level 1 difficulty can't do it at all, no matter what skills and equipment they have.

It can be said that Goenitz's recruitment was entirely a trick.

After swallowing back the words he had prepared, Goenitz was silent for a while, and suddenly asked tentatively: "It's okay for you to stay here anyway, why don't you go out with me for a walk during this time?"

How could she hide her thoughts from the earl, not to mention that the gathering of the Shichibukai had already caused a stir on the sea.

"It's a lie to go out for a walk, but it's true that you want me to help take care of Barrett, right?"

Hearing this, Goenitz nodded unceremoniously, saying that everyone was friends, and shouldn't they treat each other with sincerity?

After spending a long time with Fang Bo, it is inevitable that he will be tainted with a trace of shamelessness. Perhaps even Goenitz himself was not aware of these changes.

"." Faced with his friend's calmness, Redfield choked up for a moment.

After quite a while, he finally choked out a sentence: "It's not impossible. It just so happens that I haven't walked on the sea for many years."

Goenitz remained silent because she knew that the other party must have a "but" that he had not yet said.

Sure enough, the count quickly made his request.

"But you have to prove your strength. The companions of Gugao Hong cannot be weaklings."

The space prompt sounded, and Goenitz triggered an exclusive task.

After browsing it carefully, I found that the tasks provided by Redfield were very interesting, and the two sides had to compete in the field of pure skills.

Don't use Haki, don't rely on equipment, just practice physical skills.

"I can feel your absolute confidence in your skills." Raising his head proudly, Mr. Earl frankly expressed his inner thoughts: "I also want to know what difference thousands of years of combat experience will make."

Glancing at him slightly strangely, Goenitz nodded to express his acceptance of the trial.

Ever since she became a follower, she has been fighting against strong men whose strength far exceeds her own, and it has been a long time since she experienced the joy of fighting.

Now that someone is willing to play, Lao Gao is naturally happy to accompany him.

It has to be said that Redfield is indeed very arrogant. He disdains being crushed by strength, but instead wants to defeat the opponent at his strongest point.

But he forgot one thing, that is, there are people outside the world.

seven minutes later


When the woman's fingers stopped in front of her eyes for the third time, the earl had to admit that he was far behind the opponent when it came to the battle.

At this age, it doesn't really matter whether he loses or not, but there is one thing he doesn't understand: why women always try hard to catch his eyeballs.

He has seen many similar enemies. Some like to roam, some like to sneak attack, and some go to the lower third road to greet them.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he saw a player who liked to impress people.

In the end, it can only be attributed to the quirks of the Immortals.

Rubbing his aching eyes, he smiled and admitted his failure, and at the same time, he officially joined the Cross Guild on behalf of Gugao Hong.

"Let me say it first, I will not be involved in any affairs." Redfield made his attitude clear.

This was a promise made in advance, and Goenitz would naturally not break the promise, and no one could force the Red Earl to do anything.

Of course, the other party also promised to take action if necessary.

After checking the progress of the task, Goenitz smiled and said: "Actually, I really need your help with something."

".You tell me." The count sighed helplessly, knowing that he was definitely not looking for him simply to recruit people into his gang.

It happened that he had nothing to do recently, so he might as well take a trip.

Seeing that he did not refuse, Goenitz immediately made his request: "I want to invite another person, but it may be more difficult for him."

Redfield's aloofness is that he can see through people's hearts, so he doesn't want to get close to anyone with ulterior motives.

In fact, the count has been trying to find companions for many years since he went to sea.

The reason why he joined the team so easily this time is actually related to Goenitz's personal experience and personality.

If it had been Fang Bo, he would have been kicked out long ago.

But the other invitee was completely different.

The descendant of the devil who believes that the strong should walk alone is difficult to convince with any form of excuse. The only way to go is to defeat him.

In terms of strength, even the five Goenitz tied together are no match for that guy.

Only by asking Gu Gao Zhihong to take action can there be any chance of winning.

When he heard that Douglas Barrett was going to be invited, the Earl sighed and rubbed his eyebrows with a headache: "I knew you were not a calm person. I believe you know that guy's character very well."

"I know."

Seeing the woman's calm expression, Redfield was silent for a moment, then suddenly a devilish smile appeared on his lips: "That's fine, I haven't moved my muscles for many years, so I can use him to practice a little bit."

"Let's see what Roger's little boy is capable of."

Having said that, Redfield's condition has not returned to its peak, and his strength is at most about 60% of what it was in the past.

It is difficult for the blood of ordinary people to have any effect, and it is necessary to suck the blood of the strong to further enhance the strength.

This was also Redfield's request. He could not be allowed to return to 80% of his strength. To cause trouble for Douglas would be to seek death.

"The blood of the strong." Gonitz didn't know what he thought of, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The so-called strong person does not necessarily have to be the top master who dominates the world, as long as he has a certain level of strength.

Such people are not easy to find, mainly because the world of pirates is too vast and there is no time to find so many qualified candidates.

But there is one place that will definitely satisfy Redfield's wish, and that is the science laboratory in the Kingdom of Germa.

There are enough modified people there to bathe him in the blood of strong people.

As for how to get Gaji to help, she could trade the Six-Style Cultivation Manual in her hand.

With it, the modified person can obtain six moves, which will undoubtedly improve the group's combat power.

As for Goenitz, she lost at most a few hundred plot points, which is nothing to her now.

As long as the task completion rate can be improved, the money spent now can be earned back dozens of times in the future.

After briefly describing his idea, Redfield seemed a bit noncommittal.

Like Golden Lion, he had been imprisoned in Impel Down City for many years, and his understanding of "technology" was obviously still limited to electric lights.

As the saying goes, facts speak louder than words, Goenitz was too lazy to explain to him. After the two of them were ready, they rode the strong wind towards the North Sea.

On the other side, the demon airship quickly arrived at the Navy headquarters.

But before Fang Bo even got off the boat, he felt a sense of an approaching storm.

Every passing navy officer had a serious look on his face, and those who didn't know thought that the Warring States Marshal had given up and passed away.

In fact, Fang Bo knew better than anyone else that this was because some Tianlong people were attacked.

No matter who the attacker is, the Navy, as the most violent group, needs to be responsible for this. If nothing else, the Warring States Period has long been scolded by the five old stars.

"I feel sorry for him when I think about it." Fang Bo walked towards the familiar road with a mysterious smile.

Soon after, a lieutenant general came over to give guidance, which shows that the navy now attaches great importance to the Shichibukai.

It's just that the other party looked at him with a somewhat unfriendly look. The reason may lie in the naval generals who died in Fang Bo's hands.

At this moment, a violent sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from the sky.

Before he could turn around to check, there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground next to him.

When the smoke cleared, the figure of Tyrant Bear appeared in front of everyone.

In today's Shichibukai camp, Big Bear is the one closest to the World Government, so the Navy's defense against him is very low.

Anyone else would never dare to land in the square so arrogantly.

"Long time no see." Big Bear looked at him with a strange look in his eyes.

Obviously, he had secretly contacted the revolutionary army and had seen through the previous lie.

One of Da Xiong's purposes for coming here this time is to find out this person's true identity.

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