Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 378 Gathering at the Navy Headquarters

"Hey." Fang Bo greeted shamelessly.

So what if he knew he was lying? Would Daxiong still dare to report him?

If the trouble really comes to a head, the only one who will suffer in the end will be the revolutionary army.

Fang Bo thought he could easily control the other person, but his face changed slightly at his casual words.

"I saw your entourage elsewhere, and he seems to be in a bad state." After saying that, Big Bear walked slowly towards the headquarters conference room.

The bystanders listened in confusion and did not understand what the so-called entourage meant, but Fang Bo knew clearly in his heart that the entourage the other party mentioned was the swordsman Paul, who had not returned for a long time.

I thought that Punk Hassad's actions were foolproof, but there were still mistakes. It seemed that Paul had fallen into the hands of someone.

Considering the identity of Big Bear, the scope was suddenly reduced a lot.

Staring at the other person's back, he knew that Big Bear must be waiting for him to ask.

If he wants to know detailed information, Fang Bo must exchange reciprocal information, such as why he knows so much about the revolutionary army.

"If you can deceive, then deceive. If you can't deceive, then push it to my power of destiny." This is the way he thought of.

Speaking of which, it seems that Fang Bo hasn't pretended to be a magic stick for a long time.

The main reason is that I am afraid of karma. The awesomeness I brag about now will always come to my door one day.

Unless absolutely necessary, he does not want too many people to know the function of the destiny token.

Following leisurely, Fang Bo walked all the way and soon entered the headquarters' office building.

When he passed a corner, an iron door appeared in front of him, and an inexplicably familiar laughter came from behind.

"Hey, look who's here, the terminator of the legendary pirate, the most loyal ally of the Kingdom of Germa."

The ugly laughter came from a man with short blond hair.

When he saw Fang Bo push the door open and come in, his mouth started chattering: "How about it, which country did your airship bomb again?"

The man wears sunglasses and a large cape with pink feathers.

Cropped pants, beanie shoes, if he doesn’t believe in the God of Wealth, he doesn’t believe in evil!

This man who looks like a spirited young man is none other than the Celestial Dragon nicknamed "Ama Yasha", the King of Dressrosa, and the current great pirate of one of the Shichibukai, Donquixote Doflamingo.

As an intermediary in the underground world, he has the code name "Joker" and has been making money by smuggling various contraband for many years.

Without his financial support, Caesar Courant would not have the funds to study so many projects, and the dream of all members of the Beast Pirates to have animal-type fruits would not be born.

This is indeed a hero-like figure, but his strength is slightly inferior. After so many years of hard work, he still cannot reach the peak.

The Thread Fruit is very functional, and Doflamingo has developed it to an unprecedented level.

Unfortunately, there is an upper limit to the fruit's ability, and he is not the chosen one who can use "Overlord Color Coil".

No matter how hard you try, there is no possibility of being able to compete with the Four Emperors.

Not to mention the current four established Four Emperors, when the Cross Guild is established, the Don Quixote family will not dare to stab them in front of them.

So Fang Bo didn't tolerate him at all, and immediately responded: "I have nothing to do recently, maybe I can go to Dressrosa for a while."

When people asked him where he had been bombing again, Fang Bo said he was going to Dressrosa for a walk. The tit-for-tat intention was already very obvious.

In his opinion, although Doflamingo was separated from Mary Joa, he still revealed the arrogance of a Celestial Dragon in his heart.

Do you really think no one can cure him?

He came to the sofa on one side and sat down Shiran. He looked at Brother Ming with calm eyes, as if he was not afraid of colliding with him at all.

The two people's eyes met in the air, and they seemed to be aware of each other's hostility.

Doflamingo's business has been affected, and as an intermediary, he naturally doesn't want Germa's power to interfere.

But Brother Ming doesn't know why this guy is hostile to him?

There seems to be no rift between the two sides.

In fact, Fang Bo just looked at everyone in a hostile relationship.

Treat the other person as an imaginary enemy, and then think about how to get benefits from them, and how to deal with it if they fall out.

If you go to Dressrosa, you can conservatively estimate that you will be able to trigger two or three hidden missions.

Just considering the current situation, Fang Bo seemed to have no time to go for a stroll, which was really a pity when he thought about it.

After looking at each other silently for a long time, Brother Ming took the lead to end this boring behavior: "Hey, he is a real thug."

Seeing that the other party did not continue to jump, Fang Bo couldn't help but shift his gaze and looked at the other Qibukai in the room.

Since he needed to escort Goenitz, the speed to the rendezvous was much slower.

Although he obviously has the ability to fly, Fang Bo is the last one to come to join the Shichibukai.

The man sitting next to Brother Ming with a playful face is none other than Moonlight Moria, one of the Shichibukai.

The beautiful woman sitting alone in the distance is the king of the Amazon Kingdom, Empress Boya Hancock.

The last one was the man standing by the window. He had sharp eyes and had been looking at the Kusanagi sword on Fang Bo's waist since he entered the room.

This person is none other than the world's greatest swordsman, Jorakor Mihawk, known as "Hawkeye".

Fang Bo took Jinbe's place, while Crocodile was stripped of his title due to previous atrocities.

It's called the Shichibukai, but it actually only has seats for six people.

If Fang Bo could be given more time, the number of people might continue to decrease.

Of course, he can only deal with players like Moria at best, and he doesn't have the strength to deal with other Shichibukai yet.

Unless the Cross Guild can be established as soon as possible, it will at best be a hidden mission for some faction forces.

Silently looking around, Fang Bo ignored the others. What Fang Bo was most curious about was Hawkeye Mihawk, who had never made a full-strength attack.

As the saying goes, the later you appear, the stronger your strength. As the well-deserved world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye definitely has the top combat power on the sea, otherwise he would be unworthy of such an awesome title.

Just as someone was observing him, Fang Bo unceremoniously threw him over to investigate.

[Joracol Mihawk (Hawkeye)]

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, constitution, perception]

[Characteristics: Great Swordsman (Legendary), Sword Heart Clear (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

Great Swordsman (Legendary): As the world's greatest swordsman, you can suppress all attributes of any swordsman by 10%, and you can easily see through the flaws in sword moves.

Sword Heart Transparent (Legendary): You are a natural swordsman, possessing top swordsmanship comprehension, swordsmanship lethality +200%, and the effect of huge slashes.

The two legendary bosses, and both have powerful traits that can help in combat.

The great swordsman can effectively suppress swordsman enemies.

The stronger one's own strength, the more terrifying the 10% attribute suppression becomes. Naturally, no swordsman can defeat Hawkeye.

As for the clear sword heart, it is probably the reason why Mihawk can truly reach the top.

Fang Bo has always had a question, why Hawkeye always attacks with flat A, even when facing Whitebeard, he didn't hear him say the name of the move.

Is it possible that he failed the cultural class?

Now he finally knows that with such a talent, Hawkeye doesn't need so many bells and whistles.

His flat slash is equivalent to other people's ultimate move.

Compared with Hawkeye's legendary characteristics, Fang Bo's swordsmanship seems so poor.

"It would be great if the characteristics could be revealed."

This is just a good wish, and it has no practicality at present.

Fortunately, Hawkeye is relatively free of desires, so it will not affect his plan in any way.

If the Shichibukai will be banned one day, maybe Mihawk will become a member of the Cross Guild.

Fang Bo was observing other people, and others were also observing him.

But frankly speaking, except for Brother Ming and Daxiong, the others basically didn't take him seriously.

Everyone has top-level perception of sight, hearing, and color, and can roughly understand the target's strength through breath observation.

In terms of book attributes, Fang Bo is not even as good as a vice admiral, so he will naturally not be taken seriously by this group of unruly pirates.

Of course, if it were known that he planned the riot in Impel City, planned to form the Cross Guild, hunted the Celestial Dragons, etc., it would probably have a great impact on his senses.

In the conference room, everyone looked at each other in silence, waiting for the arrival of the Warring States Marshal.

But what everyone didn't expect was that a strange young man walked outside the door soon.

This person has two wings on his back and a single eye on his forehead that is constantly shaking. He looks full of a very strange aura.

Being able to enter this room is enough to show the identity of the other party, but it is not known when the new Shichibukai was recruited.

Only Fang Bo's expression changed slightly, and he recognized the young man's appearance through his appearance.

There is no doubt that this is a member of Seraph, and it was written by the Sound Nest Organization. Otherwise, how could he have the appearance of a Tianjin fan?

"Did you finally come to your door?"

The controller of S-Miko was killed by him, and now he is the only one left.

Unfortunately, the other party did not show up, probably because he was afraid that Fang Bo would behead him.

He sat up slightly. Although the possibility was very small, there was still the possibility of Seraph making a sudden move.

After passing through a piece of information for investigation, I found that she was no different from the previous witch.

[S-Xiaofan (Type 01 Seraph)]

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, agility, spirit]

[Characteristics: Green Blood (Legendary), Blood of God (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

The other party wanted to avoid him, but Fang Bo refused to let this guy succeed.

Didn't you give orders to Seraph?

Well, I want to see if this thing can be beaten and not fight back.

Golden ripples appeared without warning, and it was not until this moment that everyone suddenly realized that the situation was not good.


After a loud noise, the floor of the conference room collapsed, and Seraph fell into the lower floor along with the Noble Phantasm.

"Hehehehe, what a bold guy." Moriah danced excitedly, seeming to be very happy to see this scene in front of him.

None of these big pirates care about the navy, and everyone hopes that the chaos in Impel Down will continue to expand.

It would be best if these two guys were arrested together, that way there would be two fewer opponents in the future.

Moria was not the only one who had similar thoughts. Doflamingo stepped on the transparent silk thread and murmured to himself with a weird laugh: "Bah, bah, bah, bah, what a madman."

It is strictly forbidden for the Shichibukai to attack each other, but this guy just did it without any scruples.

To be honest, Brother Ming couldn't see where his confidence lay.

In fact, Fang Bo was just testing the enemy. He had never thought about killing Seraph, and he had no ability to kill this clone with amazing combat power.

Was the raid just now fast enough?

The result was that he didn't get hurt at all, and he destroyed all the Noble Phantasms with simple punches and kicks.

Despite Fang Bo's impressive power, he was actually ready to run away at any time.

The reincarnator did not show up, so the current situation seemed to be left to Seraph to judge alone.

This guy doesn't understand the situation, so it wouldn't be surprising if he fires a Qigong cannon the next second.

Sure enough, the threatened Seraph immediately triggered the emergency avoidance system, and he began to try to fight back independently.

"Stop!!!" Warring States' voice suddenly came from the ruins.

After receiving the order from the Navy Marshal, Seraph immediately turned off the fire and reappeared in front of everyone as if nothing was wrong.

He walked in angrily, and before Warring States could ask questions, Fang Bo, an extremely shameless villain, came to complain first.

"An enemy broke into the Shichibukai gathering. Let's stop him together."

Anyway, the Navy has not announced the new list of Shichibukai, so he can regard them as enemies.

This is what it is, as long as the reasons make sense, who cares what you think?

"Have you had enough trouble?!" Warring States automatically ignored his remarks and simply introduced Seraph's identity to finalize the matter.

"It's all a misunderstanding. Let's change the conference room first."

Before leaving, Warring States glared at him fiercely, his eyes full of warning.

Fang Bo pretended not to see it and quickly followed the others to the second conference room.

What followed was a burst of meaningless nonsense, the general idea being that those escaped convicts were causing serious harm and must be apprehended as soon as possible.

The Warring States Period assigned a fatal task. Each Shichibukai must capture two big pirates with a bounty of over 100 million, otherwise they will be imprisoned in the Impel Down City together with those guys.

The death of the Celestial Dragon made the Five Old Stars furious, and even the Warring States Period was scolded, otherwise they would not have agreed to the proposal to let the Seraphs participate.

In addition to quantity, the Warring States Period also strictly required mission time limits.

"All the criminals must be apprehended before more damage is caused."

With Big Bear around, everyone can be quickly sent to the designated location, which greatly saves time on the road.

The rest is nothing more than a matter of grouping.

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