Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 380 The Battle of the Four Emperors

The sky was covered in black smoke, and even the sunlight could not penetrate this thick layer of haze made of blood.

On the ground, soldiers lay in a mess on the ground, their bodies tightly adhered to the earth and blood scabs, and the air was filled with an extremely strong smell of gunpowder.

The artillery fire in the distance was still roaring, and every explosion was accompanied by a burst of shaking.

The sound of artillery, gunfire, and screams intertwined into a desolate elegy, echoing in this land ravaged by war.

Not far away, several surviving navy soldiers were crawling hard, their faces full of fear and despair.

No matter how firm your belief in justice is, it seems so fragile in front of that man who is as terrifying as a demon.

They originally lived a peaceful life, going out every day to catch bad guys wandering around the sea. In fact, the risk factor of their work was not particularly high.

Who could have imagined that disaster would strike so suddenly.

The soldiers at the naval base tried to resist, but the pirate who launched the attack alone taught everyone how to write the word despair.

On this battlefield, life seemed so fragile, and the laughter and dreams that had once been destroyed by artillery fire were reduced to nothing.

"." He stretched out his hand to smooth his eyes, which were still staring blankly. The big bear's movements were very gentle, not in line with his title of tyrant.

Although he is a revolutionary soldier, he does not hate these soldiers who maintain order at sea.

Hypocritical justice is also justice. If these people were no longer around, the world would only become worse.

Standing up slowly, Big Bear looked into the distance, and a terrifying aura gradually appeared in his sight.

He looked down and found that there seemed to be a lot of small bumps on the back of his hands. This was a physiological defense triggered by the stress response.

Every cell in his body seemed to remind him not to try to get close to that man.

After a moment of silence, Big Bear chose to face his fear and continue moving forward.

Instead of serving as Marshal of the Warring States Period, he only fought for the justice in his heart.


Easily deflecting the incoming shells, Barrett used his unrivaled power to overwhelm the entire naval base.

The Devil's Descendant's muscles seemed to be made of iron and stone, and every swing carried a thunderous force. As long as the sailors were close to him, they would basically die.

"This is power!!!" The strong man roared and waved his fists, and a group of navy seemed so small in front of him.

The sword scratched across Barrett's muscles, but it couldn't leave even a scratch. On the other hand, this big pirate would immediately turn people upside down as soon as he rushed into the crowd.

The screams of the sailors echoed in the wind, which seemed particularly harsh.

In addition to these soldiers, there are countless warships in the surrounding waters besieging Barrett.

In the eyes of other pirates, warships were almost invincible behemoths, but in front of him these things were as fragile as paper.

"Hahahaha, please be more serious." He jumped onto the deck of a warship and stepped hard with his feet. The whole warship began to shake violently.

The sailors were frightened by the situation that seemed to be about to disintegrate at any time, and many of them were ready to abandon the ship and escape.

But as Barrett waved his fist, he hit the warship at his feet, and the hull instantly fell apart and swallowed everyone inside.

This guy's fighting style is extremely wild, and every attack is full of indomitable momentum. His domineering power seems to be endless, making all the navy feel a little desperate.

"Where do you want to travel?"

A gentle voice sounded from behind, and before Barrett could react, he was slapped on the back by the big bear.

The extremely violent impact broke out in an instant, trying to push the man's body into the ocean.

As a user with fruit abilities, the sea is a natural nemesis. Even if it cannot drown him, it can at least weaken part of his combat effectiveness.

This is Daxiong's method. If the front is too strong, then he will find a way to use some destructive tricks.

But he never expected that Barrett's strength would be so powerful that he could offset the impact of the impact halfway.

Although he also fell into the sea, he quickly jumped up from the sea and returned to the abandoned deck.

Gently patting the sea water on his body, Barrett stared at the big bear in front of him, with obvious sarcasm in his tone: "Shichibukai, lackeys who defected to the navy, you are a group of cowards who cannot survive on the sea."

The man's words did not waver him at all. Big Bear knew who he was and what his mission was.

Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Barrett twisted his neck boredly, and a bloody smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "The game is over, I'm tired of it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the purple-black domineering aura suddenly erupted, forming a terrifying scene like a passing typhoon with Barrett at the center.

In an instant, the entire island was affected, and everyone except Big Bear was stunned by the overlord color on the spot.

"What an amazing guy." Big Bear's heart was filled with emotion.

Having seen how powerful the enemy was, his attitude remained unwavering.

His unwavering belief finally aroused Barrett's interest.

"Interesting, it seems that I underestimated you." Black domineering covered both arms, and he was in front of his opponent in the blink of an eye.

"Come on, let me see if you are qualified to be my opponent!"

He punched out and hit the fleshy ball in the big bear's palm hard.

I thought I could knock the opponent away, but in the end, all the violent force was absorbed by the meat ball.

Barrett was surprised, but as an esper, Big Bear didn't find anything strange at all.

When the enemy's moves are old, he raises his hand and blasts away with a pressure cannon.

Use the fruit's ability to hit the atmosphere and release a powerful bear-paw-shaped shock wave.

This thing can penetrate the human body, ignore the domineering defense, and cause a certain proportion of real damage.

As strong as Barrett, blood could not help but flow out from the corner of his mouth after being hit in the front, but he seemed to be fine, and the smile on his face was even more crazy.

"That's right. The battle of the strong should be accompanied by blood."

After saying that, Barrett rushed forward again.

It's just that this time he learned a lot, and instead of continuing to try to attack head-on, he started trying to attack other parts of the body.

As a last resort, the big bear could only start to swim around and fight, trying to protect every corner of its body with its palms.

Despite their tall stature, their agility attributes are not weak at all. When moving, they can be described as lightning.

Like two shooting stars streaking across the sky, they were radiant and powerful like a rainbow.

The movements of both sides were as fast as lightning, and every collision carried destructive power.

Barrett's eyes were cold and fierce, and his attacks continued to rain down on the enemy like a violent storm.

Most of the time, Big Bear can only resist with difficulty, and there are very few opportunities to launch a decent counterattack.

"Hahahaha." After a fierce battle for a long time, Barrett suddenly burst into laughter with unknown meaning.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that his aura was growing rapidly, and his already extremely powerful domineering spirit was once again greatly improved.

Facing this sudden change, Big Bear's eyes flashed with surprise, but he did not flinch, but chose to face it head-on.

This is a battle between men. There is no possibility of retreat. Only life and death can separate the two entangled people.


The two of them were like two colliding planets, each launching their strongest attacks, triggering a devastating explosion on the island.

When the dust and smoke cleared, only Douglas Barrett's figure still stood there with his head held high.

The opponent, Tyrant Bear, was unconscious at this moment, with sparks flying from his body, and it seemed that the machinery in his body was affected.

"Robot?" Barrett raised his eyebrows strangely, feeling that the guy in front of him seemed a bit mysterious.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't care about these things at all, who would think about a dead man's secret.

Barrett has an extremely arrogant temperament and does not obey anyone except Roger, the Pirate King.

Even Pluto Rayleigh is just mediocre in his eyes now.

Even though the battle just now seemed very tragic, in fact, Barrett had not yet used all his strength, at least he did not use the ability of the Fusion Fruit.

Of course, this is also related to the opponent's ability. The meat ball fruit has strong restraint against larger targets.

If we use all our strength, maybe the battle can end faster.

"Shichibukai, nothing." Barrett picked up the body of his defeated general, preparing to completely destroy this mechanical body.

At this moment, a strong wind suddenly rose in the sky, and several black wind blades slashed across the man's strong body.

This familiar scene made Barrett raise his head strangely.

In the air, Goenitz's figure slowly fell down, just like when he was rescued from the cage.

"Is it you?!" Looking down at the shallow scratches on his arm, Barrett asked with a strange expression on his face: "Are you here to save this Shichibukai?"

It was the guy in front of me who planned the riot in Impel Down City. How could he come to rescue a lackey who had defected to the navy just a short time ago?

Faced with his question, Lao Gao explained the cause and effect in one sentence: "He is also a cadre of the revolutionary army."

"That's it." Barrett understood.

The Revolutionary Army was a force that only became active on the sea after he was imprisoned. To be honest, he didn't take it seriously at first, but after today's battle, he recognized the power of these guys again.

Throwing the unconscious bear over, Barrett said with a smile: "I give it to you as a favor."

Without the appearance of Goenitz, no matter what identity the opponent has, he will not be able to escape death.

A life is worth a life. It really should be regarded as repaying the favor.

Placing the unconscious bear aside, Goenitz sighed in her heart. She had already anticipated the man's answer.

Even so, she still tried to send out invitations, hoping that the Devil Descendants could join the Cross Guild.

After she explained the concept of the guild, Barrett suddenly laughed softly, and the sound became louder and louder, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"invite me?"

The purple-black overlord color swept over, and his power even caused the entire island to tremble violently.

"Have you seen this invincible power in the world? Who is qualified to be my companion?!"

Facing the pressure of the powerful enemy, red and black lightning appeared around Gonitz, and she tried to fight back with her own domineering color.

However, there was a huge difference in physique between the two sides. She had tried her best to maintain her strength, and was simply unable to compete with the enemy's avalanche and tsunami-like domineering force.

"Companion? Teammate? These things can only prove that you are a weakling."

If it were Baofeng in the King of Fighters world, she would probably agree with the man's words, but now she is different.

The more you see, the more you realize the insignificance of your own power.

The other party would say this, but he has never encountered an unmatched power.

Apart from anything else, if the Black Dragon King of the Fairy Tail world appears, he can definitely let him know what true power is.

There is also the mysterious woman who can kill a black dragon instantly. She cannot predict the strength of the opponent at all.

She knew very well what this meant, which was that the strength gap between the two sides had widened to a terrifying dimension.

Because of this, even though it was difficult for her to stand, Goenitz coldly commented: "The frog in the well."

"well said."

The crimson overlord color appeared out of thin air, knocking back the enemy's overlord color from the front.

The appearance of this scene finally piqued Barrett's interest.

He was very familiar with this power. When he was still in the Roger Pirates, he and the captain had lots of dealings with each other.

"Baroric Redfield." After ending the meaningless competition of dominance, Barrett stared at the figure that suddenly appeared, his eyes filled with obvious excitement.

The opponent is a legendary pirate, a strong man who could compete with the Roger Pirates alone at his peak.

In his mind, the Red Earl and Captain Roger were about the same strength.

If he could defeat the opponent, wouldn't it prove that he had truly surpassed the captain.

When he thought of this, Barrett felt that all the cells in his body began to get excited.

Ignoring the brat's screams, Mr. Count turned his head and motioned her to stay away a little with his eyes.

Once the two of them fight, it will definitely be shocking, even if they stay on the island, they will be easily affected.

"Okay." Gonnitz did not show off, but picked up the unconscious bear and flew high into the sky.

After she had retreated a few kilometers away, Redfield turned around, with the familiar evil smile still hanging on his lips: "Roger's kid, what, don't you have to hide behind your captain now?"

"Humph, you know how to use your words." Barrett was too lazy to talk to him, okay, let's see what the real deal is.

Activating Armament Haki, turning his entire body into steel, he rushed towards the enemy in the next second.

"You are still so reckless." The earl's smile did not diminish, he raised the bat sword in his hand and faced him.

The attacks from both sides seemed disproportionate, but as soon as they touched, a terrifying surge of air burst out.

It can be seen that Redfield's domineering cultivation is not weaker than that of his opponent.

Without these two brushes, how could he compete with Roger and Whitebeard?

"Very good, very good." Barrett's offensive was blocked, but the expression on his face became more and more excited.

Punching his chest hard, he threw his head back and roared angrily.

When he rushed forward again, this guy's strength actually increased a bit again.

However, such an attack still had no effect on Redfield.

With his unparalleled knowledge, knowledge, and color cultivation, he can clearly understand every attack intention of his opponent.

Even if he deliberately empties his mind, it is useless. The enemy's body instinct can still tell him the "answer".

Not to mention Barrett, Roger at his peak will be suppressed by the Red Earl in close combat.

The bat sword cut across the space strangely, leaving a bloodstain on Barrett's chest.

The two sides were temporarily separated, and Barrett suffered another frustrating loss in this round of confrontation.

Even if he trained his body to the extreme, he was still far away from being truly invincible after twenty years of hard training in Jin City.

Redfield, who had returned to his peak level, told him this truth with just a few sword strikes.

"." Barrett was silent for a moment, and his eyes returned to their former determination.

He thought of the previously defeated Shichibukai. The opponent was inferior to him in all aspects of strength, but they still fought until the last second. How could he give up his faith so easily.

"I am the strongest!!!"

He slammed his hands on the ground, and the purple-black energy began to spread rapidly towards the entire island.

Broken warships, collapsed houses, as well as weapons scattered around and iron sand buried deep in the ground, all these things became the materials to make up the Iron Giant.

In the blink of an eye, a thousand-meter-high giant appeared out of thin air. The most terrible thing was that it was also covered with Barrett's armed domineering energy.

Looking up at this behemoth, Redfield's expression couldn't help but change slightly.

He found that he seemed to have underestimated the other party.

He is worthy of being called the strongest man. This guy does have the possibility of reaching the top.

"But not now."

The palm that covered the sky fell instantly, and the strong wind it set off swept across dozens of miles.

However, facing the earl who was astonishingly fast and could read minds, such an attack would not be able to hit him a hundred times.

The awakening ability of the Fusion Fruit is more suitable for use in large-scale wars.

Facing a speed master like him, it's actually not very effective.

Like a bolt of red lightning that shot straight into the sky, Redfield ran freely on the arms of the combined giant.

Whenever the enemy intends to attack, he can always dodge first. Even Barrett's most powerful "ultimate cannon" failed to hit the target.

"That's almost it." Redfield moved around nimbly and saw the opportunity to climb onto the giant's body again.

Dodging the oncoming blow, he flipped the bat sword over, and red lightning began to wrap around the sword.

That is the unique external appearance of Overlord Color Tangle.

Through the giant's vision, Barrett noticed this scene, and in a daze, he seemed to see the man holding "Ace".

Blood bat!

The blood-colored slash slashed across the giant's body, and the next second, the thousand-meter giant was broken into two pieces in the middle.

Barrett's figure reappeared, with blood still pouring from his chest.

But it seems that he still has plans to fight hard.

"What a tenacious guy." Just as Redfield was about to take action, he suddenly felt something and turned his head to look at the rough sea.

Over there, a golden light was falling rapidly.

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