Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 381 The Cross Guild is established!

"I was careless." Big Bear sighed suddenly.

When Barrett released his awakening technique, he woke up from his coma.

As the most important pacifist machine No. 1, Big Bear is equipped with an early warning device that will immediately send out a signal if it encounters life or death danger.

He didn't know this at first, but by the time he felt the signal fluctuation, it was already too late to stop him.

The enemy's strength is indeed more difficult than expected, otherwise the early warning device in the body would not be triggered.

What he didn't expect was that his companions from the Revolutionary Army would suddenly appear, catching Big Bear somewhat off guard.

"Wow." A very angry voice sounded around, and then Kizaru's figure appeared in the sky.

"It's so scary, you legendary pirates." Kizaru pursed his lips, and Kizaru's eyes behind his lenses showed a slight solemnity.

The effect of Barrett's awakening is too terrifying. It is already a nation-destroying explosive performance.

You must know that he has not absorbed many warships and materials. If combined with a giant under the right environment, it may be even more terrifying.

If left unchecked, this guy could definitely turn the sea upside down.

This time, Kizaru came here to take the big bear away safely. Now, he might try to capture the target.

"Flies always appear one after another." Barrett was angry. He didn't want anyone to interrupt his duel with the old man.

What about the Admiral?

He was able to compete with Sengoku and Garp on his own back then, and the guy in front of him who relied too much on fruits was completely unworthy of attention.

The overbearing color of the roaring mountain and tsunami was once again aroused, and this tyrannical power made even Kizaru unable to bear it.

"What a terrifying overlord. You remnants of the old era should stop showing off."

Photons flew into the air, and Kizaru's hands began to condense a large amount of light.

Eight-foot magatama!

Countless dazzling light bombs came overwhelmingly, and he arrogantly included the two of them into the attack sequence at the same time.

Faced with the power of the Shining Fruit, Barrett showed an extremely ferocious side.

Wrapping his whole body in military colors, he then assumed a posture of bending his arms and resisting.

At first, the golden energy bullets did not cause any damage, but their attack frequency was too high.

Not even once, not ten times, no one can withstand the bombardment of hundreds of times per second.

Not to mention, Barrett's condition at the moment was not good, and the wound on his chest was bleeding all the time.

As for the Red Earl Redfield, he used his powerful sense of sight to dodge around him, and he was able to avoid the attack by a hair's breadth every time.

Kizaru thought that as he grew older, he had lost the vigor of his youth, but he never thought that his combat prowess was not inferior to that of his past.

He was able to dodge Barrett's heavy artillery bombardment, but Kizaru couldn't dodge the bat sword thrust from behind.

Blood Bat·Dawn!

The sword energy passed through his chest, and Kizaru raised his head and spurted out a large mouthful of blood.

The domineering cultivation of the three generals is not weak, but compared with these top strong men in the sea, they are somewhat inferior.

In front of Redfield, his elementalization was meaningless. As long as he got close, he would basically be killed or injured.

When Kizaru tried to attack, but was stabbed by the enemy for the second time in a short period of time, he finally understood the reason why he could not engage in close combat with the Red Earl.

With an evil smile on his lips, Redfield threw out his sword and continued to attack.

The overlord color wrapped around the sword, and its threat was far greater than that of Barrett, who was staring at him below.

At this time, Kizaru could no longer laugh. He could only retreat in embarrassment and condensed a light mirror from his hand.

Yata mirror!

The Shining Fruit can turn him into light, and it is advertised that he can attack and move at the speed of light. In fact, Kizaru's speed is not that fast at all.

To be precise, Kizaru cannot control the speed of light. He can only fly long distances at sub-light speed at most.

If a "car accident" occurs if it is used forcefully, he can seriously injure himself without the enemy taking action.

The emergence of the Yata Mirror is to arrange a light channel in advance and form a safe movement route through the refracted light beam.

That way he won't hit his head somewhere.

Using the light track to move, Kizaru finally got rid of Redfield's entanglement.

It's just that the admiral at this time has long lost his usual majesty and looks like a deserter who finally managed to save his life.

"Oops." Goenitz's mentality jumped sharply, and then he activated the dragon power without hesitation.

Her rich fighting experience told her that the enemy was probably coming for her.

Facing the admiral, she is now as fragile as a baby. Even so, Goenitz can only find a way to save herself.

"God's grace!" She provided the bonus to her physique to ensure that she would not be instantly killed by the enemy's random blow.

As soon as her left arm turned into the black dragon's claw, she waved her palm vigorously towards the empty front.

The next second, golden light appeared out of thin air in mid-air and landed right in front of her paw.

"Ah?" Kizaru looked in disbelief, not believing that someone could react to himself in Yata's mirror state.

In fact, Goenitz relied entirely on experience to predict the wave limit.

The admiral has a high self-esteem, and when faced with an enemy of her level, he will definitely charge from the front, because this is also the most time-saving approach.

If he slows down for even a second, the Count's bat sword may open another hole for him.

Fortunately, Goenitz's bet was right, and Kizaru really appeared in front.

Unfortunately, the strength gap between the enemy and ourselves was too huge. Even if she released the black dragon's devouring power, she could not completely resist Kizaru's light-speed kick.

[You are attacked by light speed kick, causing 223 points of light attribute damage]

Counting the energy consumed, Kizaru's light speed kick caused at least more than 600 points of damage.

Goenitz fell downwards and hit the ground with a loud bang.

Life: 97/320

If it weren't for the 20% attribute bonus provided by Divine Grace, she would have easily been killed instantly by Kizaru's kick.

This is the terror of the admiral, who can cause 600+ damage with just one kick. It's no wonder that Barrett's domineering power was broken.

No matter who it was, they couldn't resist attacks while standing still, not even Phoenix's Marco.

If you really want to name one person, maybe Kaido in his half-animal form can give it a try.

Swallowing the air in big mouthfuls, when Konitz's blood volume was restored, there was no enemy figure in the sky.

After rescuing the man, Kizaru didn't dare to stay for long. The two swords just made him seriously injured. If he didn't leave, he might really be unable to leave.

"Run away." Goenitz stood up and looked at the two big pirates who were looking at each other silently in the field.

The admiral retreated in embarrassment, and Barrett also lost interest in continuing to fight.

He is not stupid, he understands the gap between himself and Redfield, and continuing to fight is nothing more than humiliating himself.

As the saying goes, you are willing to admit defeat. Now that you lose, you will join the Cross Guild as agreed.

His skills are not as good as others, so there is nothing to say. Let’s wait until he defeats the Red Earl before considering being called the strongest in the world.

[Task requirement: Recruit at least three powerful people at the Shichibukai level]

Goenitz recruited two super masters, and Fang Bo found a God of Wealth. It seems that the task has almost been completed.

However, considering the mission rewards, Goenitz decided to continue recruiting others.

The more powerful people who join the Cross Guild in the end, the more generous rewards they will receive.

However, Redfield will no longer accompany her. After completing the agreement, he will leave alone. No one knows where Mr. Earl will go.

As mentioned at the beginning, the Cross Guild is a loose organization and does not require members to be stationed in a fixed place.

Unless something big happens, they don't get together easily.

"Take care." He waved his hand coolly, and Redfield's figure quickly disappeared from sight.

On the other hand, Barrett is now more interested in the Cross Guild and wants to see what kind of strong people there are in it.

"Is the base in Beihai?" After thinking for a while, he decided to take a walk there.

While recuperating, continue to look for ways to become stronger.

Before successfully mastering the Overlord Color Coil, he simply did not have the strength to fight Redfield.

The two strong men left one after another, leaving Goenitz alone in the ruins.

Taking out the map she had prepared in advance, she found the direction and flew high into the sky in the strong wind.

During this period, she tried to get in touch with Fang Bo, but unfortunately the other party never responded.

I don't know if I am in a special location or if I am fighting an enemy.

"Forget it, ignore him for now."

One of them wants to recruit members, and the other wants to help the navy catch criminals.

Although they seem to conflict with each other, they can exchange information with each other.

This group of big pirates who escaped from the Impel City suddenly became the most eye-catching existence on the sea.

"Finally done."

After throwing San Juan Wolf to the Navy branch, Fang Bo and Hawkeye completed a capture mission.

Compared with his actions, the recruitment of the Cross Guild was more important.

In other words, Fang Bo will never act too violently.

By doing things slowly here, he can keep the strongest combat power of the Shichibukai here.

Anyway, Hawkeye is very Buddhist and doesn't want to interfere with the navy's affairs. Everyone just paddles silently and tacitly understands.

After the navy responsible for escorting left, Fang Bo took out the information given by the Warring States Period and began to study it in a decent manner.

The famous pirates will be handed over to others, and he will select the sixth-floor prisoners who have not appeared in the original work.

Due to Goenitz's intervention, the chaos in the Infinite Hell did not occur, and many pirates who were supposed to die also escaped together.

There are a lot of these guys, and they can be used for business, at least not for Warring States to find any faults.

As for catching those big pirates?

He's tried his best, but the problem is that he can't find anyone at all, so he can't be allowed to grab a ball of air and come back.

I thought that the rest of the journey would be smooth sailing, but who knew, Lao Gao basically hit a wall one after another.

Some people are unwilling to join the Cross Guild, and some people can't find any trace at all. The most high-profile world destroyer can't be found at all.

"Damn it." Goenitz was angry.

This guy also said that he would repay her if he had the chance. Now he can't even find anyone. Even if she is really in trouble, who can come to help.

After searching around, he only found a few unknown criminals. Seeing that there was not much hope, Goenitz simply chose to submit the task.

[Hidden Mission: Cross Guild (Completed)]

[Results are being calculated. Rewards are being generated]

[Based on your contribution, you can choose any three rewards from the following options! 】

[Option 1: You get 1,000 plot points]

[Option 2: You get 3 attribute points]

[Option 3: You get 6 merit points]

[Option 4: You get 2000 plot points (rare)]

[Option 5: You get the president’s seat (rare)]

Due to his excellent completion, Goenitz received three selection opportunities.

Priority was given to attribute points and plot points, which made her family fortune a bit richer.

Plot points: 15,068 (owes Yaoyao 10,000 plot points)

Attribute points: 31

"I finally reached thirty points. I can directly increase my mental attributes to the extreme value."

After much consideration, Goenitz decided to give priority to improving his mental attributes.

There is no way, because her physical fitness and agility attributes are too low. She can't gain an advantage in close combat just by being strong.

Instead of being on tenterhooks every time you fight, fearing that your enemy will be killed instantly if you are not careful, it is better to improve your mid- and long-range attack capabilities first.

When you accumulate more in the future, you can increase the strength attribute to the extreme value.

If I have to describe it, in the next period of time, Goenitz will be more like a person with abilities like Fire Fist Ace, mainly using medium and long-range wind output.

President's Seat: You can become the honorary president of the Cross Guild and have the authority to issue tasks (with limited authority).

This is an interesting reward, as it allows Goenitz to become the honorary president of the Guild of the Cross.

There are no other functions, only one permission to publish tasks.

Lao Gao can attract plot experts in the guild to complete tasks by paying plot points and setting up reward items.

As for whether others will accept it, it depends on the difficulty of the task and the richness of the reward.

"This is a total waste of money."

After thinking for a moment, Goenitz chose to become the honorary president of the Cross Guild.

In the next period of time, she will be busy with work in this area. If possible, she might even try to release some tasks.

For example, hunting down members of a hostile force.

This couldn't help but remind her of the enemy reincarnator who controlled Seraph.

If you can find traces of the opponent, you can hire strong men from the Cross Guild to complete the hunt.

If we could get Seraph's body, we might be able to speed up Vinsmoke's research work.

As for the cadre group of the Cross Guild, they are all famous figures in the sea.

The cadres on the surface are: Goenitz, Shiliu of the Rain, Crocodile, Redfield, and Barrett.

The hidden cadres are: Tezoro, Fang Bo, Luo Xinfu, and Jiazhi.

To put it bluntly, this lineup is enough to rival the Four Emperors.

It's a pity that everyone is not united, otherwise Goenitz could become the fifth emperor of the sea.

Considering the current situation, everyone decided to temporarily conceal the existence of the Cross Guild.

Otherwise, the navy will definitely target them, and the Kingdom of Germa will be under unnecessary pressure.

The best way is to hide one's strength and bide one's time, at least until the war on top is over.

By that time, the navy's combat power will have declined to a certain extent, and it may not have time to take into account the existence of the Cross Guild.

When the world conscription is over, it will not be certain who will call the shots in the sea.

The most important thing is that the ruthless team has not yet been able to influence the situation, so Fang Bo does not want to become everyone's target at this time.

So far, although he has changed a lot of things, in fact many things are just minor changes and will not have a decisive impact on the structure of the Yonko and the Navy.

If you want to change the world situation, war is the perfect stage.

In terms of combat power ratio, the two White Beard regiments may not be able to defeat the Navy Headquarters, but what if the Cross Guild can intervene?

Under the circumstances where everyone is watching, announcing your existence to the world, I believe it will be even more dazzling than if you make it public now.

[Fang Bo: Then it’s decided, you go back to Beihai first. 】

After ending the communication, Fang Bo chose the mission reward casually.

Although he triggered the mission, all the specific execution work was completed by Goenitz, so the rewards for him and the bride were actually very low.

First, he got three points of attributes, and then he only had a pitiful 6 points of merit points and a few broken skills.

He decisively chose merit points and didn't pay too much attention to Luo Xinfu's gains.

Merits: 84

Plot point: 9829 (Dylan owes 20,000)

Attribute points: 60

The two extreme values ​​are basically no problem. Strength and spirit both reach 49 points, and it may be even higher if the bonuses from equipment are included.

It may not be possible to directly reach as many as 80 or 90 points. Fortunately, Fang Bo's development is balanced, and the current configuration is enough to deal with various types of enemies.

I just don’t know how those reincarnations who are at the top of the second difficulty level fight.

"The second difficulty level has no limit on the number of worlds. The attributes of top players will definitely be stacked to a very high level."

"The increase in task difficulty is not a problem at all for the top group of people."

"The situation of the strong always becomes more serious."

Fang Bo smiled slightly, looking forward to the challenge from the second difficulty world.

At that time, he will have to battle wits and courage with a group of reincarnations again, unlike now, there are no reincarnations that can pose a threat to him.

[You have greatly changed the destiny of the pirate world]

[You get a destiny token]

In addition to the basic reward, he finally got another destiny token, which was finally able to make up for the losses caused by successive uses.

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Fang Bo began to look into the distance.

The situation on the Cross Guild's side is considered stable, but his mission has not yet been completed.

The gathering of the Qiwuhai is a hidden mission for Fang Bo alone, so he can only complete it bit by bit personally.

The number of people arrested so far is enough, but Fang Bo still has no intention of stopping.

He was not trying to arrest people now, but thinking about how to rescue Paul.

Big Bear told him that Paul was captured and taken to Eggjian Island for experiments.

If he wanted to keep this would-be follower, he had to find a way to rescue him.

The Cross Guild made a surprise attack on Danjian Island?

The idea is good, but it is simply unrealistic. No one will be willing to follow his command.

"Everyone knows that Paul is my man, so this matter cannot be resolved by me."

Then you can only think of solutions from other places.

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