After a long time, when the tide receded, Fang Bo, hiding in the sand-iron sealed ball, reappeared.

Prioritizing other soldiers was not to save Waldo, he just didn't want anyone to secretly tip off.

"Now that there is no obstacle, you will definitely die here today."

Walking towards the battlefield step by step, Fang Bo soon saw Yu Zhiliu who was unable to get up.

As a person with abilities, this was the first time Shiliu was immersed in sea water. The feeling of powerlessness made him slightly panicked.

Seeing the figure walking in the distance, he secretly thought that it was indeed the case, and then he stood up reluctantly.

The two sides met in the Germa Kingdom, and Shiliu knew that this Shichibukai was the controller of the ruthless pirate group.

Many people's actions were inspired by this person, including the interception of warships this time.

Otherwise, how could a woman who stayed in Germa all day know the impel city's course of action? There must be an insider providing information on this matter.

Patting the sea water on his pants, Ame no Shiru took out his cigars, only to find that they were all damp from the attack just now.

Sighing slightly, he then looked at the man walking in front of him: "Aren't you afraid that your identity will be exposed?"

He could think of things that Warring States could not be ignorant of.

If you investigate carefully, you can easily identify the suspected target, but it will not be so easy to clear yourself of the suspicion.

"Don't worry." Fang Bo smiled and shook his head, and said meaningfully: "I can come, so I have prepared a scapegoat in advance."

The scapegoat in his mouth is naturally Nabi.

If he attacks other Shichibukai, this reincarnation will inevitably become a wanted target of the World Government. His reputation is already ruined anyway, so why not take more blame for it?

With Nabi as the scapegoat, Fang Bo can naturally take himself out calmly.

Now, all that remains is to kill Magellan and get the reward.

As for whether it can be done, he and Lao Gao alone will definitely be in vain. The real main force is Shiliu and Waldo.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and threw an information reconnaissance at this guy.

【Hiryuu of Rain (Killing Star)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, physique, strength]

[Characteristics: superhuman ability user, boiling with murderous intent]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

Killing Star Level 5: You are a natural executioner. Every time you plunder life, you will recover 7% of your health.

Superhuman ability user: You can make things you touch lose gravity, constitution +12, agility +5, and the energy consumption of releasing the fruit ability is -70%.

Boiling with murderous intent: Increase combat effectiveness through constant killing.

After swallowing the Piao Piao Fruit, Shiliu's strength has been greatly improved, and he truly has the combat power of the deputy emperor of the Four Emperors.

If you want to fight him, you must at least complete the extreme points of two attributes, and you must also match it with top-notch skills and equipment.

This is just Fang Bo's speculation. The actual situation is still unknown. At least his situation cannot be applied to other reincarnations.


The sound of fighting from the front attracted the two of them, and they rushed there after Shiliu had almost recovered his strength.

In the center of the island, Goenitz, who was using all her strength, was attacking frantically. She wanted to take advantage of the enemy's weakness to kill him.

It was a pity that her idea failed to come true. By the time Konitz found Magellan who was washed away by the current, he had recovered at least 30% of his strength.

Apart from causing some damage at the beginning, basically neither side could do anything to the other.

By the time Fang Bo and others arrived, Magellan's strength had recovered to 70%, and he could basically suppress Lao Gao steadily.

Due to the huge attribute gap between the two sides, Goenitz's strong wind power was unable to disperse the venom at all.

The higher the mental attribute, the higher the quality of energy attacks. Magellan's poisonous dragon does not only rely on poison to hurt the enemy.

"Oops." Goenitz's pupils shrank, knowing that he would never have the chance to kill the opponent.

After dozens of seconds of conditioning, the enemy had basically recovered and was able to completely crush her in a duel of moves.

Seeing the poisonous dragon shattering the violent wind, she had no choice but to activate the devouring power of the dragon's arm, finally avoiding being killed in one blow.

As she retreated, dense green acid suddenly appeared in the sky.

After the water ball attack, it was finally the turn of the Ghost Mother's spider troops to appear.

Under normal circumstances, Magellan may choose to activate the Poison Giant Soldier. This unique attack and defense skill can completely ignore the acid.

However, Waldo had already arrived at the scene, and he did not want to be seriously injured by a hundred times more shells.

If you can't resist head-on, you can only find a way to avoid it.

As an elite from the naval system, Six-Style was his indispensable ability, but Magellan did not hide away, but took the initiative to rush towards the enemy.

Many times, the more people in a battle, the better. Today he will tell the other party this truth.

Arriving in front of the woman in an instant, Magellan's arms were filled with strong armed domineering energy. He wanted to prioritize getting rid of this enemy who would not be weakened by the sea water.

The fight lasted for less than a minute, and he had already seen the opponent's details clearly. If no one else interfered, the battle could be quickly ended in a few seconds.

Under normal circumstances, Magellan's judgment was indeed correct.

In the final analysis, the strength of Haki depends on its attributes. If facing Todoroki head-on, it is not certain whether Gonitz can survive two rounds.

However, Samsara's methods are cunning and secretive, not to mention the experienced combat veteran Xi Chui Lan.

She first pretended to be invincible, and when the enemy stepped into a distance that was absolutely impossible to dodge, red lasers suddenly shot out from her eyes.

The attack of the despair ray is very sudden, but this does not affect the capture of the domineering spirit.

It doesn't matter if you can't dodge, Magellan can activate his weapon color to resist.

"It's useless." A low voice sounded, and Magellan reappeared in front of her the next second.

The Despair Ray, which had repeatedly achieved military exploits, only made him take a few steps back when used on the director.

Because the two stood too close to each other, the ghost spider troops above were somewhat wary and did not dare to attack easily.

Only two death spiders took the opportunity to get close to him and raised their sickle-like forelimbs to slash at the enemy.

Poison gas bomb!

Magellan spit out tear gas bubbles from his mouth, instantly drowning all the attackers around him.

Two seemingly powerful fifth-level ghost spiders suffered heavy damage in an instant, and were then wiped out by Magellan's casual blow.

Without looking at the two pools of blood on the ground, Magellan looked into the distance, where a man was half-hugging the frightened blonde woman.

"Is it you?!" The Demon Director was stunned for a moment, and then quickly recognized this person's true identity.

Even if he stayed at home all day long, he would still know who the members of the Shichibukai were.

I just didn't expect that this guy would actually attack the transport ship.

"Wait a minute." Magellan seemed to have thought of something, and his expression suddenly turned ugly: "If I remember correctly, you and this woman seemed to have been in the same pirate group."

The implication is that you are the mastermind behind the riots in Impel Down City.

Faced with the director's harsh criticism, Fang Bo showed a very indifferent attitude.

Letting go of Goenitz in his arms, golden ripples appeared around him.

The damage Lao Gao had done before was not enough. He had to do as much damage to him as possible, otherwise the box would not be able to be exploded.

Judging from the way the other party was whining, it was obvious that he had sent out a distress signal, and Fang Bo would naturally not let him continue to kill time.

"Do it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, countless Noble Phantasms were fired towards the enemy.

Magellan is the top combat force of the World Government.

His huge figure was extremely oppressive just standing there, his clothes were held up high by his iron-like muscles, and his eyes shone with a cold light.

Poison dragon!

The familiar poisonous dragon strikes again.

Only when he really faced him could Fang Bo feel the terrifying pressure like a violent storm, which made him feel almost suffocated.

Just by choosing to stand there, Magellan's figure was like a mountain, and his powerful momentum was crazily oppressing everything around him.

The poisonous dragon swallowed up Fang Bo's Noble Phantasm, and then continued to attack him unabated. As a last resort, he could only activate the Flying Thunder God to avoid it.

Following the Noble Phantasm to the enemy, Fang Bo contracted all his breath and concentrated everything on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

The Secret of Feitian Yujian Style·Tianxiang Dragon Flash!

The sword drawing technique is faster than the fastest, and it is definitely the peak speed sword technique.

But although the sword is fast, his people have not yet reached the corresponding level.

Under Magellan's perception, Fang Bo's preparations for drawing the sword were clearly seen.

He raised his arm to block, then kicked the target away with a flying kick.

Magellan used actual performance to explain what it means to be truly invincible.

If Fang Bo hadn't reacted quickly and forcibly activated the Flying Thunder God before landing, he would have been swallowed by the poisonous dragon.

The two aces of the ruthless team were defeated one after another in front of the director. It seems that the focus of the battle must still be given to Yu Zhixiu.

The former colleagues stood opposite each other, and their eyes met in the air, as if an invisible lightning flashed across.

Magellan sneered, waved his palm forward vigorously, and a huge poisonous dragon roared towards his opponent.

No matter who he faces, his attack method is always so simple and direct.

Shiru Ame, who had expected this, disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already behind his opponent.

The long sword swung towards him, obviously intending to chop off his head with one strike.

Magellan was surprised by Yuzhiliu's speed. He didn't expect this guy's strength to grow so fast.

"Is it because I ate the Golden Lion's fluttering fruit?" The director's face became even more ugly.

Shiliu's strength was already difficult to deal with, but now it became even more difficult to deal with.

The two fists and swords intersected, and a terrifying surge of air suddenly burst out, and the deafening sound seemed to make the surrounding space tremble.

"Not only the speed, but also the strength has increased a lot."

A poisonous dragon took action to force the entangled enemy back.

Before Magellan could take a breath, a huge cannonball suddenly emerged.

One hundred times the gun!

Waldo finally recovers and the first thing he does is throw the cannonball.

"Damn it." Fang Bo cursed in his heart and could only give up the idea of ​​stepping forward to cooperate.

This guy's attacks don't distinguish between friend and foe, and if he charges forward like this, he's afraid that he won't be able to come back.


A huge mushroom cloud rose, and the entire island seemed overwhelmed.

How can it be so virtuous and powerful that it can allow so many guys to take turns destroying it.

"Don't stop, keep attacking."

After receiving the instructions, Luo Xinfu immediately ordered the ghost spiders to fire in the direction of the smoke.

But with the previous lessons, she didn't dare to release the Smokey Spider, for fear that the enemy would kill her instantly.

"Ghost King Spider, get ready, cum for me!"

As the dark energy roaring bombs were fired one after another, Magellan's roar suddenly came from the smoke.

"I will make you die without a burial place today!!!"

The giant red poisonous soldiers appeared again, killing everyone present.

Magellan was extremely angry. He could not accept that he was being played by these ant-like guys.

The appearance of the giant red soldier made his aura even more terrifying, and then he rushed towards the Destroyer of Worlds behind him.

This person poses the greatest threat to him and must be dealt with as soon as possible.

He knew in his heart that this battle had reached the most critical moment, and if he wanted to win, he had to reduce the opponent's strength.

Shiliu was difficult to handle, and the other two were too cunning, so only this silly big man was easier to deal with.

Seeing a strong enemy rushing towards him, Waldo raised his gun and shot without saying a word. In the end, it did not cause any effective damage.

Taking this opportunity, Magellan flooded the enemy with a poisonous dragon, and poor Waldo couldn't stand up in an instant.

Don't talk about him, Yu Zhixi will have to kneel down even if he comes. The power of the Poison Fruit is so overbearing and unreasonable.

"Go to hell." Magellan was no longer merciful, he would not give this guy a chance to get up again.

As for the reborn Devil Fruit, let the damn Five Old Stars have the headache.

Just when he was about to take action, that damn figure appeared in front of him again.

Before the poisonous dragon landed, he successfully teleported away with the poisoned Waldo.

Arriving at the other side of the island, Fang Bo first looked down at his palms and found that his health was rapidly passing away. He couldn't help but sigh at the terrifying power of the Poison Fruit.


Not caring about his physical condition, he took the lead in helping his companions regain their health.

There's nothing we can do, this guy will die if he doesn't get treatment.

[Experience value for sword mastery +876]

[Your sword skill proficiency has been upgraded to LV9]

Looking at the experience points he had gained, Fang Bo smiled with satisfaction, and a certain thought appeared in his mind unconsciously.

"It would be nice if the fight lasted longer."

He casually called a ghost spider, and Fang Bo quickly replenished his health.

"Thank you." Waldo looked at him deeply, turned around and headed straight for the battlefield.

After the previous conversation, he knew that this person planned the riot in Xiongcheng University and indirectly saved his life.

This time he came to rob the prison again, which was equivalent to saving him twice.

Due to the betrayal of his companions, Waldo was full of hostility towards the world, but he discovered that not everyone was bad.

At least the Shichibukai in front of him is a loyal person who likes selfless dedication.

With inexplicable emotions, Waldo returned to the battlefield enthusiastically, but after only a few encounters, he was knocked to the ground again by the poisonous dragon.

"Don't move, I'll save you." Fang Bo looked anxious.

[Sword Mastery Experience Value +863]

The unabashed concern made Waldo's eyes moisten unconsciously.

Especially since the other party kept encouraging him, saying that men should be brave enough to challenge powerful enemies.

With an inspired mood, Waldo once again rushed towards his opponent without thinking.

"Magellan, I must defeat you today."

Taking time out of his busy schedule to look back, the director was a little confused and didn't understand why this guy could recover.

Dodging a punch that was punched at a hundred times speed, Magellan punched Waldo on the back with all his strength, hitting the strong man until he staggered.

But when he turned around, he found that Yuzhiliu, who had finally been forced into a desperate situation, was gone.

[Sword Mastery Experience Value +791]

Helping the new comrades up, Fang Bo urged anxiously: "Go, don't give the enemy a chance to breathe."

"." For some reason, Yu Zhiliu always felt that this guy was a bit strange.

But he didn't think much, turned around and returned to the battlefield.

During this period, Fang Bo remained a bystander and stopped Lao Gao who wanted to go up and give it a try.

Waldo's hundred times speed and his own Sky Soaring Dragon Flash, neither of which can defeat Magellan, so their attacks basically won't have much effect.

Unless you can create a situation where you can't dodge, it will be too difficult to attack the opponent.

He has such means, but Fang Bo needs to wait patiently.

Soon, Waldo was beaten again and again until he could not get up again.

Using the coordinates carved on the opponent's body, he teleported to Waldo's side, and then brought the seriously injured man back.

[Experience value for sword mastery +847]

[Your sword mastery has been upgraded to LV10]

Finally, his sword mastery reached level ten, and he was only one step away from truly "mastering" the skill.

It’s not that Fang Bo is lazy, sometimes it’s really hard to have your cake and eat it too.

He could care less about a head-on fight, but he might not be able to treat others.

Only in this kind of hand-drawn fighting can you calm down and heal your own members.


Looking at the figure drowned by hundreds of self-destructing ghost spiders, Fang Bo's eyes lit up and he thought it was almost time.

There are so many self-destructions and continuous bombardments, even if you have armed body protection, it will definitely be too much for you.

As long as he adds a little bit of damage, it shouldn't be a problem to get the next treasure chest.

Giving Lao Gao a wink, Fang Bo put the long sword into its scabbard and silently began to accumulate power.

All special effects of the equipment are turned on, and the sure-hit feature is also added to it. The next sword will be his strongest attack.

On the other side, almost everyone started to take action. Shiliu used a large-scale levitation, directly lifting the entire land under his feet.

Even with the Moon Steps close by, they are definitely not as flexible in the air as on the ground. This move is to block the enemy's movements as much as possible.

"Very good." Goenitz raised her hands, and the strong wind began to surround her.

"It's time to end the battlefield fighting."

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