Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 385 Get the poisonous fruit

Magellan, who was in the air, soon felt the killing intent from below.

"Finally can't hold it any longer?" He raised his hand and released a poisonous dragon out of habit.

Without this guy's intervention, this group of people would have been poisoned to death four or five times by him.

It can be seen from this that the status of a therapist in the team is an important weight for the team to leapfrog challenges.

Magellan wanted to get rid of the other party, but at this time Fang Bo was no longer willing to cover up.

He summoned the Wind Shadow Puppet and used the highly condensed sand iron to perfectly control this poisonous dragon.

Magnetic Escape·Sand Dragon!

The energy value of the puppet is limited and can only be used at the most critical time.

Just like now, the team is using all means to create good attack conditions.

"Smoking Ghost Spider, give it to me." Luo Xinfu took out the Book of Zeref, activated the equipment effect, and blessed the Ghost Spider with her own spiritual power.

With the blessing of attributes, the Smokey Spider's mental attributes have exceeded the fifty mark, making it qualified to challenge Magellan.

It's no match for him in head-on combat, so it's not a problem to use the fruit's ability to harass him a little.

Smoke jets!

Its limbs turned into smoke, and the Smokey Spider quickly rushed into the sky, and then released a large amount of white smoke from its body.

Combined with the puppet's sand iron Shigure, it forms a large-scale attack with no blind spots.

Of course, these attacks won't have much effect, and it's likely that even Magellan's armed domineering power won't be able to break through.

Their real purpose is to cover up and hide deadly moves.

Stepping on the stone stairs made of sand and iron, Waldo rushed towards the sky crazily.

When the smoke in front of him dissipated, he happened to see the enemy's back.

"Hahaha, you are seeking death yourself." Waldo was overjoyed. He did not expect that the enemy would expose his shortcomings so carelessly.

As everyone knows, just a second ago, Magellan was attacked by the puppet of Emperor Guan Sheng.

If he hadn't used all his strength to knock the opponent away, how could it be his turn to pick up the flaw.

A hundred times more powerful!

The strong man roared wildly and punched his opponent hard on the lower back.

In order to get rid of this serious trouble, Waldo didn't care about the venom splashing all over the screen.

Just as Magellan thought, if Fang Bo did not exist, this reckless man would have been killed by him more than ten times.

"Bastard!" Magellan raised his head and spat out a mouthful of blood, and knocked Waldo from the sky to the ground with a backhand punch.

Heavy punch + venom instantly caused Waste Waldo to be seriously injured again.

".Useless thing." Yu Zhiliu rode the wind and waves, without any help, and flew directly towards his old friend.

At the same time, Fang Bo finally struck out with a charged sword, and nine fire dragons made of immortal flames roared towards him.

There were many obstacles along the way, but like real creatures, they all used various ways to get around the obstacles.

Concentrate your thoughts and grant a sure-hit long-range attack.

This is the effect given by the promotion ability, which can forcefully reverse cause and effect regardless of the laws of things.

As long as he swings his sword, Fang Bo's attack will definitely hit the enemy, and his ability to seize the opportunity is not bad. The Nine-Headed Dragon Flash forms perfect coordination with his teammates.

The fire dragon roared and arrived in front of the enemy almost at the same time as Shiliu's sword slash.

Seeing this, Magellan immediately used his strongest ability.

Poison Giant Soldier·Judgement of Hell!

"Come on, let me see what you're capable of."

The poisonous skeleton giant is condensed from the body. This thing is very tough, and any target it comes into contact with will be poisoned.

Either withdraw the sword, or taste the poison entering your body.

Faced with the threat of life and death, Yu Zhiliu, who was so murderous, chose to chop with his sword without hesitation.

In this world, nothing is more important than killing someone, even his own life.

The violent slash was carried out in one fell swoop, splitting the giant poisonous soldier into two.

It's just that the opponent didn't completely collapse, but gathered the giant soldiers together again after a moment of stiffness.

"Damn it, I still can't defeat him." Injured by the fierce poison, Shiliu of the Rain fell downwards in a free fall.

Magellan wanted to pursue him, but nine fire dragons surrounded him.

Magellan, who focused all his attention on Shiliu, had no time to resist and could only use his armed domineering energy to completely cover his body.

[Your nightmare Nine-Headed Dragon Flash causes 230 points of penetrating damage to the target]

This is Fang Bo's full blow, and the "energy gathering" gives about a 20% damage bonus.

Even so, after the double weakening of giant soldiers and armed colors, it only caused a mere two hundred points of damage in the end.

The reason is simple. The blessing effect of gathering energy may not be as domineering as Magellan's top weapon color.

Armed color domineering Level 12 effect: Super level, every point of spiritual power invested will increase the attack and resistance ability by an additional 1%.

In order to resist his sword slash, Magellan did not hesitate to use the "Super Class" effect, compressing the damage received to the limit.

For a strong person like him, more than 200 points of damage are nothing to fear.

Even the useless rookie Waldo has a physical attribute of at least 80+, let alone the already powerful Director of Impel Down.

The strongest attack was easily neutralized by the enemy, and Fang Bo could only sigh helplessly: "There is nothing we can do."

The blow just now consumed all his mental energy. If he didn't want to leave the battlefield, he had to activate his final trump card.

Pressing his palms against his chest, the hazy halo quickly enveloped him completely.

Level 9 effect: Reshape yourself and restore your life, spirit, and skill cooldown to peak state, with a cooldown time of 120 hours.

"Armed Haki is such a troublesome skill." Looking at the enemies being harassed by the self-destructing ghost spiders, Fang Bo activated the suspension acceleration and quickly rushed towards the enemies above.

Facing the poisonous giant soldiers that everyone feared like tigers, he seemed unusually calm and calm.

In Magellan's surprised eyes, Fang Bo plunged into the venom.

[You are affected by the poisonous effect, your health is -75]

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 28 points of health]

[The absolute defense ability is activated, and all damage received is forcibly reduced by 30 points]

The red venom of the Poison Giant Soldier can cause 70+ poison damage every second. It is no wonder that the Blackbeard Pirates were wiped out by Magellan in one blow.

However, Fang Bo has double damage reduction, and he is least afraid of this kind of continuous damage.

Every time the damage value jumps, it will be reduced accordingly. If you are lucky, you may even be immune to the damage.

Others fear him like a tiger, but he can roam freely in the body of the giant poisonous soldier.

Facing the enemy's disbelieving eyes, Fang Bo held the hilt of the sword at his waist, his whole body exuding a sharp aura.

The arc of time was used to refresh the weapon skills, the Tiancongyun effect was reactivated, and in an instant, the scorching fire began to condense in the scabbard.

The Secret of Feitian Yujian Style·Tianxiang Dragon Flash!

Seeing that he actually dared to use the same move, Magellan laughed angrily, thinking that he was really a kid who only cared about eating and not fighting.

How dare you use a move that failed once in front of you?

With the help of his excellent skills in knowledge, knowledge and color, Magellan predicted the landing point of the attack in advance.

He crossed his hands in front of his body and resisted the blow firmly.

It was true that the attack was blocked, but he never expected that this sword would actually produce extremely powerful kinetic energy.

Magellan, who was in the air, had nowhere to rely on, so he was struck down by a sword in the air.

"Lao Gao!"

"give it to me."

By the time Magellan realized something was wrong, Goenitz's hand was already touching his back.

Facing the crazy combos of the Eight Girls, Magellan, who had already suffered heavy losses, could no longer resist.

Like the three generals, he paid too much attention to the ability of fruits. Although the cultivation of Dual Color Haki was acceptable, he could not compete with the emperor-level experts.

In other words, their ability to resist attacks cannot support continuous battles one after another.

The moment Magellan was knocked out of the poisonous giant, his final fate was already sealed.

Soon, a set of eight girls was completed, and the previously majestic director had turned into a bloody man.

However, he still had the strength to breathe, and even thought about dragging the woman in front of him to hell with him.

"Come with me, you scum!"

The poisonous dragon took action and suddenly attacked Goenitz, who was in a state of recuperation.

If the attack hit, Lao Gao would probably be killed on the spot given his small body.

At the critical moment, that figure once again stood in front of her.

He set up a cloak barrier and firmly blocked the enemy's dying counterattack.

Golden ripples rippled, twenty points of mental power dissipated like a tide, and the Noble Phantasm that activated many special effects rushed towards the enemy.

In the end, Magellan was hit through the chest by the "explosion blow" of the lightning heavy gun.

[The damage exceeds the critical value and Magellan dies! 】

[You get a plot treasure chest (Platinum)]

[You have greatly changed the destiny of the pirate world]

[You get a destiny token]

Seeing the prompt coming from the space, Fang Bo couldn't help but feel relieved, and his whole body fell downwards like a fallen leaf.

Every time he faced such a powerful enemy, he had to exert all his energy to deal with it.

If you are not careful, the team may suffer attrition, which is why Fang Bo feels tired.

"." Konitz couldn't bear to watch him fall, so he had no choice but to rush forward, grab him by the collar and send him back to the ground safely.

After standing upright for two minutes, Fang Bo got up. He first sealed Magellan's body, and then treated the seriously injured allies one by one.

Fortunately for others, Waldo was so enthusiastic about him.

No need for Fang Bo's persuasion, he bluntly stated that he wanted to join the ruthless pirates.

"I finally found a companion." He seemed particularly excited.

With the addition of this man, the Ruthless Pirates have the power to threaten the world.

Even if his identity is exposed, Fang Bo still has enough confidence to face the world government.

"Get on the ship first, and be careful about the support the navy may send."

Soon, everyone boarded the demon airship one by one and left the island that had long been polluted by toxins.

Not long after, a golden light appeared in the sky, but after searching for a long time, I could not detect the existence of any life.

"No way." Kizaru fell to the ground, his face no longer careless as before.

He had a premonition of the seriousness of the situation.

When this matter is reported, we don’t know what kind of commotion it will cause.

Back on the ship, the three reincarnators gathered together to open the box.

"If Yaoyao were here, she would definitely be very excited." The bride returned to her human form, but she was still used to sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Mentioning that little Douding, everyone couldn't help but smile. Speaking of which, it had been a long time since they had seen her.

With emotion, Fang Bo opened Magellan's box.

[You are opening the story treasure chest (Platinum)]

[You get 1000 plot points]

[You get giant soldier gloves]

[You get the poisonous fruit]

[You get the Poison Dragon Scroll]

Name: Giant Soldier Gloves

Level: Myth

Category: Boxing Gloves

Attack power: 26-30

Durability: 280/280

Attribute enhancement: Strength +10, Constitution +2

Conditions of use: Strength 40, Constitution 30

Equipment effect: Giant blow, infinite power

Place of Origin: One Piece

Equipment evaluation: A must-have weapon for fierce warriors, it can make you invincible in tough battles.

Giant Strike (Active Skill): Consumes 4 points of mental power to perform an attack with 150% strength attribute.

Infinite Strength (passive skill): Reduces the strength attribute requirements of all equipment by 5 points.

This thing is more suitable for Goenitz to adapt to. Among the three, she is the only one who specializes in unarmed attacks.

However, from an attribute point of view, the bloody hand that increases the shooting speed is more suitable. There is a high probability that this thing will be sold.

Poisonous Fruit: A superhuman devil fruit that can produce highly toxic substances, with +12 constitution and 70% reduction in poison attack damage.

This is the most valuable item, and its selling price should be higher than Piaopiao Fruit.

Fang Bo pocketed it unceremoniously. This thing could slightly make up for his previous losses.

Poisonous Dragon Scroll: B-level skill, consumes 4 points of mental power to release a poisonous dragon.

The Poison Dragon Scroll and a thousand plot points were given to Luoxin, which finally enriched her little treasury.

It seemed that Fang Bo had gained the least. After all, he had to pay a Piaopiao fruit for Xi Liu to help.

But if he calculated carefully, he was actually not at a loss, because Seraph's body was currently lying in the mark.

Once the things are handed over to Gaji, the hidden mission "Mechanical Art" can be completed.

This is a task that only he can receive. Speaking of which, everyone else is just working for him.

Moreover, Yuzhiliu is also his crew member, and he will also play a big role in the sound nest base and Danjian Island in the future.

After a long stretch, Fang Bo, who had successfully robbed the prison, was ready to return to Beihai first.

After submitting the mission, the next focus is to destroy the Sound Nest Base.

However, considering the danger of the mission, he decided to do another thing first, which was to take a short walk on the empty island.

First, he subdued the god Enel and took control of the Golden Land.

If you find that something cannot be done, then have someone ring the golden bell immediately, and then you can use the task mechanism to return to the reincarnation space.

This can also be regarded as the escape route he is looking for for the team.

Contracts are not omnipotent. Fang Bo usually likes to scheme with people, so he always looks at the reincarnator with a certain color.

Until the dust settles, he will regard the other party as a potential enemy.

Not long after, the airship successfully returned to the North Sea.

The moment he saw Seraph's body, Gaji was so excited that he almost rushed to kiss him.

"With this thing, my research can be completed quickly."


How fast can it go?

Pushing away the greasy Lao Deng, Fang Bo turned around and went to look for his little wife.

On the way, he conveniently selected the reward for this mission.

Mechanical art is a very difficult task, and every pacifist is not a strong enemy that can be dealt with at the same level of difficulty.

Not to mention, he directly obtained the complete body of Seraph.

It is equivalent to overfulfilling the task, so the reward will naturally be extremely generous.

[Hidden Mission: The Art of Machinery (Completed)]

[Results are being calculated. Rewards are being generated]

[Based on your contribution, you can choose any three rewards from the following options! 】

[Option 1: You get 1,000 plot points]

[Option 2: You get 3 attribute points]

[Option 3: You get 6 merit points]

[Option 4: You get a pacifist (rare)]

[Option 5: You get equipment modification (selected)]

[Option 6: You get Germa Memory Armor (rare)]

[Option 7: You obtain the bloodline factor theoretical map (rare)]

Among the three rewards, Fang Bo gave priority to attribute points, which was a must-have option.

Secondly, the equipment modification was a reward decided at the beginning, and he had been wearing the finished product for a long time.

As for the third reward, Fang Bo hesitated slightly.

The Pacifist is a complete droid that will be available to him as a follower.

In other words, if he chooses, he will immediately get a robot equivalent to the top level 2 difficulty reincarnator.

It's a pity that Fang Bo doesn't like this thing at all. Even if he is a blazing angel, he is not a bullshit pacifist.

Germa Memory Armor, this thing is very good, it is basically the same type of equipment as what he wears, but the additional effects are different.

If there are no other better options, it would be a good idea to get it, at least you can sell it for a very good price.

However, Fang Bo thought carefully and finally chose the blood factor theory.

This thing belongs to the team technology category and can definitely be of great help in the future.

When Gaji deciphers the secret of Seraph, maybe the ruthless team will be able to produce Seraph themselves in the future.

After receiving all three rewards, Fang Bo felt much relieved.

He hugged the ragged Leijiu and let the little perverted girl toss around alone.

Sky Island, Palace of Gods.


In the empty square, a figure was waving a Zen staff.

This person is Enelu, the God of Sky Island.

After a battle with the reincarnators, he realized that there was a power to restrain himself in the sea.

The fact that his body can be injured means that he may be defeated by the enemy.

In order to preserve the majesty of the god, Enelu tried the so-called cultivation for the first time.

In nearly two months, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

While the Heart Network became stronger, he also understood the basic use of Armament Haki.

In addition, the little servant he captured was also very interesting and taught him many novel abilities.

"You mean, there are still people who will come to attack me, right?"

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