Sky Island is a mysterious place hidden above the blue sky and white clouds.

When they came here for the first time, everyone in the ruthless team was shocked.

"An amazing place." Even the well-informed Goenitz was amazed, let alone Bondivaldo, who had never seen much of the world.

Since the trip to the Sky Island was not part of the original plan, Shiliu chose to go to another location alone.

After taking care of Enelu, you can go and join Shiliu.

As for Waldo, he may have finally made new friends, and now he is basically in a state of being unable to chase them away.

He went wherever Fang Bo went, fearing that something might happen to his little friend.

So, Waldo followed everyone to the Sky Island, preparing to see the legendary and mysterious place.

"It looks so magical." Stepping on the soft soil, the world destroyer looked like he was traveling far away for the first time.

Under the blue sky of Sky Island, there are various islands floating in different shapes, some like huge green leaves, and others like schools of silver fish.

The sun shines through the clouds, forming mottled light and shadow, making the entire island look dreamlike.

"Wow, it's really nice here." Luoxin changed into a human form and walked on the land of Sky Island, looking very happy.

She also wanted to call the children together, but Fang Bo seriously refused.

If the ghost spiders were allowed to come ashore, would there be a single living person found on this empty island?

Following the crowd, Fang Bo arrived at the edge of the town.

The beauty of Sky Island is not limited to the clouds, the architecture on the island is also unique.

Most of these houses are made of light materials and have extremely unique designs. He guessed that they are used to resist strong winds that may appear at any time.

At a glance, the sky and the earth are all pure white, which makes people feel a lot more comfortable.

It's a pity that the fear on the faces of local residents ruined everyone's mood to enjoy the scenery.

"Ah, another outsider appears."

"Quickly, go inform the Lord God."

"God, send down thunder to punish the evildoers!"

"Lord Enel, your people are in danger."

When seeing outsiders, the first reaction of the Sky Island residents is to feel fear, which means that the reincarnations who came here probably did not do any good.

"I don't find it strange at all." Goenitz smiled coldly, knowing the virtues of those guys well.

It would be weird if we came to such a good place and didn't act recklessly.

"Everyone, please be careful." Fang Bo walked behind the team, always paying attention to the movements from the sky: "The enemy is a person with natural abilities and has the ability to strike with lightning over a wide range."

Enelu's mental network is very powerful, and it may have already monitored the arrival of everyone, and may issue the so-called "divine punishment" at any time.

"God's punishment." Goenitz murmured, his smile full of cruelty.

The person who is believed by everyone is a god, and the number of believers will determine the level of his divinity.

Anyone with divinity can be killed by her.

Plunder its divinity and turn it into its own power.

On the other side, in a huge canyon on Sky Island, the scene of thunder and lightning had lasted for five days.

The God of Thunder, Enelu, is practicing alone here. Due to the long-term release of thunder, the surrounding quiet valley has been surrounded by lightning for a long time.

At this moment, Enelu closed his eyes and was independent, like a statue shaped by thunder. Arcs of electricity flashed across his body from time to time, as if he was resonating with the heaven and earth.

The reincarnator he captured instilled many novel ideas into Enelu. Before that, he had never thought that he could practice like this.

With the help of the interoperability of thunder and lightning, Enelu is constantly guiding the forces between heaven and earth, using them to continuously baptize the body.

The originally weak domineering cultivation level is rapidly improving with every landing of thunder.

Enelu not only has to endure the baptism of thunder, but also understands its power.

As a god, he will never allow anyone else to surpass himself in power, no one can.

Following the guidance of the reincarnator, Enelu kept trying to adjust his breathing, integrating himself with the thunder between heaven and earth, and feeling the majestic power flowing through his body.

This is an ability called "Breathing Technique", which can quickly increase the energy contained in the body. After a month of learning Anilu, it has been quite fruitful.

With a casual punch, thunder will roar. Previously, similar things could only be accomplished with the help of thunder drums.

At this time, he suddenly heard the prayers of the believers. The voice was so strong that he could even sense the fear of these people through the heart network.

"Are there any other intruders?" Enelu seemed very interested.

Grabbing the Zen staff standing aside, the thunder began to surge rapidly, and soon formed destructive energy in the air.

A lightning bolt full of destruction fell accurately from a distance of dozens of kilometers.


Goenitz, who was knowledgeable and informed, was the first to issue an early warning.

It's just that her skills weren't perfected, and her basic attributes were slightly poor, so it was too late when she discovered it.

The turbulent thunder fell and instantly knocked the bride beside her to the ground.

She was not dead, but she was seriously injured.

At this time, Goenitz finally realized the difficulty of the enemy.

"No wonder the main mission is to ring the golden bell. This guy is indeed very powerful."

On the other side, Fang Bo activated the ice barrier and placed it above everyone's heads.

In this way, we can be prepared for the Thunder's attack, and at least there will be no second injured person in a short period of time.

Before that, the team must find traces of the enemy, otherwise it will be beaten sooner or later.

"Do you want to use coins?" Fang Bo hesitated.

He didn't want to use his precious destiny tokens for such a trivial matter, but if he didn't do this, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to find the other party in a short time.

Just when he was about to risk his life, he heard a burst of hearty laughter from ahead.

"My friend, don't panic, I'm here to find your enemies." The person who spoke was Bondivaldo who left the team.

His Momo Fruit can enhance various abilities, including the body's sensory system.

One hundred times the sound!

With the blessing of his ability, at this moment Waldo also covered the entire sky island with his sight and color.

Within a few seconds, he successfully spotted the figure hidden in the canyon.

"I found you." Waldo smiled coldly, turned around and ran towards the enemy.

One hundred times faster!

His figure turned into afterimages, and he looked a little anxious.

Apparently, Waldo didn't want his enemies to continue attacking for fear of hurting his best friend.

However, in the eyes of others, his behavior was a bit reckless.

"This idiot." Fang Bo glanced at the ghost mother who was struggling to get up, but gave up the idea of ​​catching up immediately.

Giving Lao Gao a look, the latter immediately rode the strong wind and rushed into the sky.

By the time she arrived at the scene, Waldo had already started his own battle.

However, neither his fist nor the amplified bullet could harm the figure surrounded by thunder.

After escaping the enemy's surprise attack, Anilu looked down at the man condescendingly. The sound of cold weapons echoed in the canyon: "Man cannot defeat the gods."

Then, he turned around without looking back and easily dodged the sneak attack from behind.

Then he raised his hand and pointed at the opponent, and the thunder turned into a beam of light and rushed straight towards the target.

Rice wife!

The attack that he thought was a sure thing was actually caught by the woman with her bare hands, which made Eniro very surprised.

But after he felt it carefully, he discovered the power of wind in the woman's palm.

"Oh, the power of harnessing the strong wind." He seemed slightly more interested.

As for the other strong man, a typical brainless reckless man, even if he knew how to be domineering, he wouldn't be able to hurt him at all.

Not to mention, he now has a brand new skill.

"Ha!" With a soft shout, dazzling thunder suddenly appeared on the surface of Enelu's body.

However, they did not attack the enemy, but gradually formed a protective layer like armor on the body surface.

Thor: Thunder Escape Armor!

This is the unique skill that Enelu worked so hard to master.

In order to save his life, the poor reincarnator had no choice but to hand over the high-level skills that he was incapable of learning.

As a result, the things were handed over, but my life was still not saved.

The moment Enero was successfully mastered, the poor guy became the perfect target to try.

The results of the experiment are very satisfactory. This new skill greatly improves cell activation. When used in conjunction with Haki, the defense power can be increased to a terrifying level.

Seeing the woman release a black whirlwind, Enelu did not dodge, but just caught the fierce blow with his chest.

"Too weak." He opened his hands in a fearless posture, and Enelu really brought the word arrogance to the extreme: "Now you understand, the difference between gods and mortals."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared in the sky.

Enelu looked up and saw a figure holding a big knife descending towards him.

Since there was a certain distance between them, he did not choose to resist forcefully this time, but planned to use thunder and lightning to turn the opponent into charcoal.

Hitting the taiko drum on his right shoulder, a phoenix-shaped thunderbird flew towards the target at high speed.

30 million volt thunderbirds!

No one can survive this blow, let alone escape the pursuit of lightning.

Before the attack could hit the target, Enelu turned around gracefully, preparing to talk to the woman who controlled the strong wind.

When the bright sword light bloomed in front of him, he suddenly woke up. Unfortunately, it was too late to activate his defense ability.

[Guan Sheng Emperor’s Dou Shen Rock slash caused 427 points of critical damage]

There was no elementalization, and the Haki and Thunder Armor were not activated. The overconfident Enel suffered a wave of critical damage.

Holding his bloody chest, his whole body turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed into the distance.

But before he could run far, a huge cannonball exploded right in front of him.


"Hey, now you know how powerful grandpa is." A ferocious smile appeared on Waldo's lips, how he longed for his enemy to be blown to pieces.

Unfortunately, Enelu, who had suffered a big loss, suddenly became cautious and fully maximized his defense, so this shell did not cause much damage.

"Bastard." The damage was not high, but Enelu, who regarded himself as a god, could not bear the humiliation.

After a moment of adjustment, the panic just now receded from my heart, replaced by a sense of shame.

How could the majestic God of Sky Island be harmed by two mortals in a row?

Hitting the taiko drum on his shoulder again, the thunder and lightning formed into a wolf beast-shaped thunder wolf.

30 million volt monster!

"Go to hell!" The attack came instantly. It seemed that Enelu disliked this rough-looking man very much.

The Thunder Beast covers a wide area and moves extremely fast. Waldo, who is so powerful, has no way to avoid it.

Fortunately, he didn't have to hide at all, because a barrier made of sand and iron had already wrapped him up.

When the two great tricks were entangled with each other, Waldo had already left the place, which meant that Enel's "Divine Punishment" failed again.

Looking around carefully, he finally found the target through the powerful mental network. It was a strange-looking puppet, which controlled the sand iron.

As for the manipulator behind it?

Easily dodging the attack of the two men, Enelu raised his head and stared at the sky, with a huge airship gradually appearing in his eyes.

"It turned out to be hiding there."

Ignoring Storm Konitz who continued to attack, Thor activated his elemental transformation and instantly rushed up to an altitude of 10,000 meters like a bolt of lightning.

"It's so fast." Just as Fang Bo was about to release his Noble Phantasm, he had already reached a level parallel to his own.

The Thunder Fruit is definitely the most advanced natural type, with impeccable attacks and movements. The only drawback is that it is afraid of opponents who are immune to thunder and lightning.

For example, his puppet can ignore thunder and lightning, otherwise Guan Sheng Emperor would not be able to hit the opponent so easily.

"Ant." Enelu greeted him unfriendlyly.

Fang Bo said he didn't care about this, he just released all his Noble Phantasms in one go.

Unfortunately, the result was unsatisfactory. They didn't even move, so they used active elementalization to render all attacks ineffective.

Facing the man's gaze, Eniru struck the taiko drums on both shoulders hard, creating a huge brontosaurus.

60 million Volt Dragon!

"Open the protective shield!"

In fact, without Fang Bo's orders, Luo Xinfu was already ready for all battles.

After a violent tremor, the demon airship's protective cover was not shattered, and its durability was reduced to a little more than half.

Seeing that this thing was as hard as a turtle shell, Enelu raised his hand and released three thunder dragons.

Fang Bo tried to fight back, but the problem was that he didn't dare to get close to the opponent at all, otherwise he would be easily killed by the continuous lightning attacks.

As for the attack from the treasure house, there is nothing that can be done about the enemy's active elementalization.


The protective shield was instantly breached, and the airship's hull began to shatter under the thunderous bombardment.

A large number of ghost spiders died, and even three main nests were destroyed by the thunder dragon. It can be said that the losses were heavy.

Seeing this situation, Fang Bo immediately used his ability.

Arc of Time·Repair!

With the help of time retrieval, the airship continued to repeat the process of repair and destruction, and it took seven seconds to finally withstand the continuous attack of the Brontosaurus.

Fang Bo discovered that the Thunder Fruit was more powerful than imagined.

Unless you can find the ability to restrain yourself, approaching the other party at will is a very dangerous behavior.

He moved his hand from the deck, and before he could relax, a bolt of lightning instantly pierced his body.

Its speed was so fast that it completely exceeded Fang Bo's detection nerves.

[You are attacked by Inazuma, causing 588 points of penetrating damage]

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 245 health points]

[The absolute defense effect is activated, and all damage is forcibly reduced by 30 points]

[You take 313 points of damage]

His body paused suddenly as he gradually fell down. Fang Bo used the Flying Thunder God technique to distance himself far away from the enemy.

Many noble phantoms appeared around him, and he planned to use the flying thunder god's technique to deal with the enemy.

"Oh, if I had known earlier, I would have brought Xiliu with me."

Damn Waldo is okay against large targets, but if his opponent is a strong sea warrior, he will be like a waste and will not be of any use.

Especially in this kind of high-altitude battle, only he and Goenitz can play a role.

Having said that, Enelu's sense of oppression is actually far worse than Magellan's. At least Fang Bo is not afraid of a head-on confrontation with him.

Put the long sword back into the scabbard, use all your strength to sense fighting energy, and then aim at the enemy and slash out with nine extremely swift swords.

Hidden sword-style secret: Nine-headed dragon flash!

He knew that such an attack would be of no use to his opponent, and Enelu's mental network had already seen all the landing points of the attack.

Facing the enemy's contemptuous gaze, Fang Bo smiled and said, "If I can't hurt you, why can't I distract you?"

Goenitz's figure appeared behind him, and his palms full of armed domineering began to tear at the Thunder Escape Armor desperately.

With seven claws in a row, she finally succeeded in crushing the immature defensive skills, and it seemed that she could soon tear the enemy's throat into pieces as well.

Suddenly, Goenitz stopped without warning, and then put a long distance away from the enemy.

The next second, terrifying thunder and lightning bloomed. If she hesitated for a moment, she would be seriously injured even if she did not die.

Seeing that Lao Gao was not carried away, Fang Bo also gave up the plan of rescuing. Originally, he was ready to teleport to save people.

The Yin seal on his forehead was unlocked, and the stored spiritual power began to feed back, and then he summoned three more puppets.

It is difficult for a mortal body to compete with the God of Thunder. Only puppets that are immune to thunder and lightning can restrain the enemy.

"The success or failure of this battle depends on them."

Stroking the damaged armor on his chest, Enelu's face showed unprecedented anger.

"Do you like to piss me off so much?"

Violent thunder and lightning began to emerge, and soon they all wrapped around him.

When the light slowed down, a tall thunder giant appeared in the sky.

Two hundred million volts of thunder!

This is Eniru's most powerful move. He releases all the "200 million volts of lightning" from his body, thereby transforming into the form of a giant thunder god.

In this state, Thor's attacks can easily kill any enemy instantly.

Naturally, this includes the ants in front of us.

Fang Bo, who had expected this, immediately activated all the special effects of his equipment, preparing to take this opportunity to kill the opponent in one fell swoop.

Enelu, who has turned on the Thunder God state, cannot continue to use elemental transformation, so his attack will definitely hit the target.

Now let's see who has the stronger ability to withstand a beating.

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