The sky was covered with dark clouds, as if indicating that a terrible disaster was about to come.

A dazzling lightning in the clouds pierced the darkness, and with the deafening thunder, the God of Thunder launched his attack.

Enelu opened his arms, and the thunder and lightning in the sky seemed to be summoned by him and gathered crazily.

There was a cold light in his eyes, as if he had become the master of this world at this moment.

With a punch, manic thunder and lightning instantly acted on the energy shield.

After only struggling for a moment, the energy shield shattered, and the demon airship, which had returned to perfect condition, was almost blown up by the opponent on the spot.

"Ant, feel the power of the gods." Anilu raised his head suddenly and let out a deafening roar to the sky. The thunder and lightning in his hand raged like a wild horse, spreading rapidly to the surroundings.

Two hundred million volts of Thunder God's power exploded instantly, and the entire sky seemed to be torn apart. The intense lightning illuminated the entire world, making it impossible for people to look directly.

In front of this powerful force, everything around him was instantly eclipsed.

The ground was shaking and the air was burning, as if the whole world was trembling with the power of Enelu.

Those objects that were unfortunately struck by lightning were instantly reduced to ashes, and even the air was distorted and distorted by the force.

Enel stood in the center of the thunder and lightning, seemingly becoming the ruler of this world.

His eyes were full of confidence and arrogance, as if telling everyone that this is the power of Thor, and no one can resist it!

Over the years, due to a lack of systematic knowledge, Enel could only choose to develop the power of Devil Fruit to the extreme.

This created his reputation as the God of Thunder, and of course, this also directly led to his defeat to the insulator Luffy in the future.

Of course, no one dares to underestimate the God of the Sky Island now. Even Waldo's face changed drastically, and he felt the terror of the power of God for the first time.

Feeling the terrifying energy contained in the God of Thunder, Goenitz couldn't help but frown slightly. He didn't expect that this guy's power would be so terrifying.

The team had not encountered people with natural abilities before. The Smokey Man and the Admiral were among them, but none of them seemed to have such terrifying power.

"The hard power is obviously very average." Goenitz once again realized the power of Devil Fruit.

Without the blessing of the fruit, she could tear Enelu apart with one hand, as the close fight just now had proved.

"I can't have an advantage in the energy competition. I have to get as close to him as possible."

In order to seize divinity, Goenitz is bound to take some risks.

So what if the power is terrifying?

After all, this guy is not Magellan, and he does not have such strong battlefield dominance.

Once the lightning fails, death is inevitable.

Looking down, Goenitz raised the corners of his mouth slightly, thinking that this idiot had finally played some role.

Previously, the enemy's target was too small and the movement speed was very fast, so Waldo's ability had no effect at all.

It's different now. If such a big thunder god still can't hit, I might as well increase my brain power next time.

One hundred times the gun!

Huge shells roared towards them, reaching a dangerous distance in an instant.

"Huh?" Enel lowered his head, a flash of surprise in his eyes. He had never seen such a big cannonball.

But so what?

After all, it is a mortal's idea, how could this kind of power harm him.


A ray of lightning spread over it, and soon the huge cannonball detonated in the air.

In the end, the attack brought only billows of dust and smoke that spread across the sky.

For Thor, who has a top-notch sense of sight, it doesn't matter whether there is smoke or not.

Before the smoke dissipated, nine fire dragons roared into it. They attacked from different directions towards the God of Thunder, Enelu.

"What a boring approach." The Thunder Giant sneered, not paying attention to these so-called attacks at all.

As a user with the power of the Thunder Fruit, he is not afraid to compete with anyone's energy.

Such an attack does not require him to take action, as long as he simply releases the voltage, he can solve it.

Discharge·100 million volts!

A terrifying scene like a thunderstorm emerged, and electric pythons swarmed in, not only swallowing the nine-headed dragon flash, but also affecting the demon airship in the distance.

Countless ghost spiders that are spraying acid are facing death, but only the Smokey Ghost Spider has the ability to resist a little.

"What a terrifying guy." Fang Bo's eyes condensed, and the Noble Phantasms appeared one after another.

Even if you can't hit the enemy, you still have to bring some harassment to him.

The Noble Phantasm was fleeting like a shooting star, arriving in front of the enemy in the blink of an eye.

In desperation, Thor Enel had to release the voltage again, using hundreds of millions of volts of plasma to scorch all the attacks.

His idea succeeded, but also failed.

Although all the Noble Phantasms were destroyed, the puppets that were immune to lightning were not affected in any way.

Martial Saint Hegemony, open!

Facing the dazzling thunderstorm, the golden Emperor Guan Sheng rushed towards the God of Thunder resolutely.

Yanyue Qinglong slashed hard, suddenly breaking open the energy gathering in front of him. In Enilu's horrified eyes, the blade hit him hard on the chest.

The severe pain hit him, almost making him unable to maintain his thunder god body.

Even if he finally adjusted his condition, he no longer had the domineering aura he had just now.

"Bastard!" Enelu wanted to fight back, but his lightning failed again.

Emperor Guan Sheng's dragging slash hit both knees, and then he struck Anilu's left shoulder with a turning slash.

If he hadn't mastered some domineering power, this knife would probably cut off his arm directly.

The Sky Island God was dumbfounded and didn't understand why his ability failed.

Just as he was about to counterattack, there was another noise from behind.

Yuan Yi-Zero, holding a pair of swords, rushed in, and without saying a word, he hit him with the unique skill of Breath of the Sun.

Enel was hit hard again, and again in a very critical area of ​​the neck.

With fear in his heart, Thor shrank once again, looking as if he was about to collapse.

At this moment, Enelu made the right choice.

He ignored the two puppets beside him, but concentrated a large amount of lightning and went straight towards the enemy.

Discharge·200 million volts!

The lightning struck so fast that as soon as Fang Bo realized the enemy's intention, the lightning had already arrived in front of him.

"Be careful!!!" The bride next to her subconsciously blocked her way.

Fang Bo's attention was focused on the puppet, while she was always paying attention to the enemy itself, so she took action the moment the opponent raised his hand.

The poor Luoxin woman was turned into charcoal by the attack almost instantly, not even a complete body was left.

Then the thunderstorm continued to move forward, submerging Fang Bo's body in it as well.

[You are attacked by 200 million volts, causing 872 points of electric shock damage]

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 466 health points]

[The absolute defense effect is activated, and all damage is forcibly reduced by 30 points]

[You end up taking 376 points of damage]

He fell on the deck and rolled around in embarrassment. Fang Bo, who was completely charred, stood up staggeringly, secretly thinking that he was in danger.

If Luo Bride hadn't blocked it, he would have been instantly killed by the enemy's special move.

Of course, death is definitely not possible. He still has a death-free gold medal in his pocket that he has not used.

"Are you okay?" Fang Bo turned to look at the corner.

There, a ghost spider was twitching strangely, and soon gave birth to a small and cute half-length spider.

"No, it's okay." The pocket-sized version of the bride made her debut.

Flesh and Flesh Ascension: Obtain super recovery, and can be resurrected through the body of his offspring after death (cooling time is one plot world).

She wasn't afraid of death, let alone getting hurt, that's why she stepped forward so bravely just now.

Speaking of which, this is the first time that the flesh and blood ascending effect has been triggered.

After looking at the little ghost mother running around on the ground, Fang Bo sighed and said, "Stay away. It's best to stay out of the enemy's attack range."


After watching the demon airship leave, Fang Bo turned his head and looked at the God of Thunder, Enelu, whose body was gradually collapsing.

This guy obviously miscalculated. Attacking himself will not cause the puppet to stop moving.

When Anilu released the volt voltage, Emperor Guan Sheng took the opportunity to chop him several times.

As the damage gradually accumulated, the God of Sky Island could no longer hold on.

"You bastards." Enelu staggered back and subconsciously activated the Thunder God's armor, which he was not yet proficient at.

If he didn't do this, he felt like he would die at any time.

After his body was re-wrapped by the lightning, Enelu finally regained some composure.

Activating the Heart Network with all his strength, he focused his attention on the two puppets.

As long as they are solved, the others are just fish on the chopping board.

Relying on his strong sense of knowledge, Enelu, who calmed down, quickly gained the upper hand.

Not only did he repel the two puppets, he also detonated the second huge cannonball that came from a few hundred meters away.

He finally figured out that transforming into a thunder god was his biggest mistake.

Otherwise, how could these smelly toys hurt him?

Just as he was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue the victory, he first eliminated the actual controller of the puppet, but he found a large white smoke suddenly rising around him.

The Smokey Spider is condescending and uses the fruit's ability to continuously create barriers.

This move is not only to trap the opponent, but also to interfere to a certain extent.

There are figures gathering in the smoke everywhere, and Enelu must be careful at all times, otherwise he will be attacked by Lao Liu who is hiding among them.

At this moment, a sound broke through the air.

Another group of golden Noble Phantasms quickly approached Enelu.

Before he could activate the power of thunder and lightning, Fang Bo's figure suddenly appeared, holding a huge exploding ghost spider in his hand.

Gigantamax: Exploding Ghost Spider!

"Accept the influence of art."


As the white smoke swelled, Enelu continued to spin like a top and quickly fell towards the empty island below.

Obviously, the elemental form could not withstand the damage of the explosion, and even the armor was completely broken by the Exploding Ghost Spider.

Enelu, who was gradually approaching his limit, had no extra energy to fight back.

Barely able to control his body, he immediately turned his head and looked down.

There, there was a person who had been waiting for him for a long time.

"God's grace!"

Releasing the blessing skill as his trump card, Goenitz activated the Broken Arm of the Dragon King and dug out the enemy's heart with one claw.

"Don't even think about it." Enelu was seriously injured, but he could still forcibly activate the ability of the Thunder Fruit.

30 million volt thunderbirds!

However, this time, Lao Gao did not dodge, but chose to activate his ability to the greatest extent.

The whole person turned into a black whirlwind and struck directly at the thunderbird in front of him.

MAX2's super special move: Blow for eternity!

The two stunts collided in the air, and the surging energy entangled each other endlessly. There was a brief stalemate for a while.

In the end, Goenitz's ultimate move to press the bottom of the box was superior.

First, he used the devouring power of his arm to weaken the Thunderbird, and then defeated it in one fell swoop. His palm was like a sharp blade and pierced the heart of the God of Sky Island.

[You successfully killed Enelu]

[You get a plot treasure chest (Platinum)]

[The God-Destroying Lan takes away a little bit of divinity]

God-Destroying Arashi (Legendary): You have successfully mastered the power of killing gods, and your mental attributes will be permanently increased by 15 points. Killing divine creatures will increase the bonus (currently: 3).

After a long time of improving his characteristics, Goenitz accumulated three points of mental power.

Such slow efficiency made her feel deeply dissatisfied.

If possible, she would like to go to a story world with more divine creatures, but such places are generally too difficult and are not something she can reach now.

Throwing the box to his companions, Goenitz fell downwards in a free fall while thinking about one thing in his mind.

"Maybe I should return to the King of Fighters world."

As a plot character who was born in The King of Fighters, Goenitz has the right to return to the world over there to rest.

She was thinking that Father God would not be able to revive for a while anyway, so wouldn't such a huge amount of divine power be wasted?

"I only take a little bit, and I believe Father God will not blame me."

On the other side, Fang Bo also landed on the ground, first sealed Enilu's body, and then started to open the treasure box with great interest.

He originally thought it would be a top-level red treasure chest, but he didn't expect that it would actually give a platinum level reward.

If you think about it carefully, maybe it has something to do with Enel learning too many abilities.

Normally, it is impossible for the opponent to master Armament Haki, let alone the Thunder God Armor from the Naruto world.

If there were no armor and thunder armor, Lao Gao would be able to send the opponent to the west with his first hit.

Although it caused a lot of trouble in the process, the result was very good.

No matter how you look at it, even the lowest level platinum chest is much better than the red chest.

If it is a red treasure chest, the most it can contain is a Thunder Fruit, and the value of the other two items is basically negligible.

As for this box.

[You are opening the story treasure chest (Platinum)]

[You get 1000 plot points]

[You get the Thunder Fruit]

[You get the Thunder God’s Tin Staff]

[You get four thunder drums]

Thunder Fruit: A natural devil fruit that can temporarily transform the body into elements, with spirit +12, agility +5, and damage from the same type of elements -70%.

As far as Eniro's performance is concerned, this fruit will definitely not be sold without 10,000 plot points.

Even if it is sold, it must be sold to someone close to it, and it is best to be able to digest it within the team.

This thing was naturally pocketed by Fang Bo. Considering the difference in value, he allocated an additional 3,000 plot points to the two teammates.

The next piece is the familiar mythical equipment.

Name: Thunder God's Tin Staff

Level: Myth

Category: Two-handed weapons

Attack power: 26-28

Durability: 320/320

Attribute enhancement: Spirit +6, Perception +4

Conditions of use: Strength 38, Spirit 30, Constitution 30

Equipment effects: Thunder Fury, Thunder Amplification

Place of Origin: One Piece

Equipment evaluation: A sharp weapon for legal attackers. Of course, it can also be swung to hit people.

Wrath of Thunder (Active Skill): Consumes 6 points of mental power to release a lightning attack that penetrates the sky and the earth.

Thunder Amplification (passive skill): Damage caused by thunder skills +30%.

This thing is not bad and could be a backup weapon at some point.

Fang Bo, who had other considerations, did not put it into the King's Treasure House, but gave the Thunder God's tin staff to Luo Xinfu along with three thousand plot points.

As for Goenitz, she holds a more suitable mythical cloak and a thousand plot points in the box.

Lao Gao has no doubts about the distribution plan. She is still thinking about the 10,000 plot points she received when she first entered the space.

She had no way of repaying the money, and she always had no confidence to speak in front of money.

Name: Four-section Thunder Drum

Level: Myth

Category: Cloak

Durability: 120/120

Attribute enhancement: Spirit +8, Physique +2

Conditions of use: Spirit 30, Constitution 25

Equipment effects: Beat like thunder, electrical defense

Place of Origin: One Piece

Equipment evaluation: The symbol of the Sky Island God, it will give you super explosive ability.

Beat like thunder (active skill): Consume 4 points of mental power to release a special thunder attack by hitting the thunder drum (accumulated up to four times).

Electrical Defense (passive skill): It will automatically form an electrical barrier to weaken the damage from attacks from behind.

To be honest, the best place for this thing is with the Thunder Fruit.

It's just that Lao Gao doesn't have a cloak yet, so it's impossible for her to give her things away.

Let's not talk about Lei Bulei. After seizing Enelu's divinity and putting on this thunder drum cloak, her spiritual attributes suddenly increased a lot.

Life: 290/290 (+100)

Status: healthy

Strength: 46 (+27)

Constitution: 29 (+10)

Agility: 26 (+7)

Spirit: 63 (+44)

Perception: 29 (+10)

Equipment: God's Grace, Prosthetic Eye of Despair, God's Bloody Hand, Dragon King's Broken Arm, Armguard of Panic, Ring of Energy, Prayer of Faith, Hill's Alchemy Ring, Four-section Thunder Drum

Before being officially promoted, the single attribute has reached 63 points.

After completing the mission and adding points, the attributes will instantly soar to a terrifying 93 points. This attribute is even more terrifying than the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings at his peak.

If you activate Dragon King's Broken Arm + Divine Favor, a single attribute will break through 100 points on the spot.

It can be said that the moment he completes the golden main line, Goenitz will become one of the top reincarnations in the second difficulty.

Unlike Fang Bo, she has always followed a single-point explosion route.

There are pros and cons to doing this.

Just like the previous battles, no matter how big the gap in strength between them was, Fang Bo was able to participate in the battle and even caused decisive damage to the enemy.

As for Lao Gao, he was basically in a state of being unable to intervene, and did not make a fatal attack until the last moment.

The routes they took were different and they could complement each other, so some battles were left to her.

While everyone was resting, Fang Bo suddenly received a prompt from the space.

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