Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 388 The top war triggered in advance

"What's wrong?" Seeing his strange expression, the pocket-sized bride came running over.

Bending down and reaching out for her to jump up, Fang Bo poked the little spider head with his finger, and then put her on his shoulder.

"Nothing, the task of gathering the Shichibukai has been completed."

"By the way, how long are you going to stay like this?"

After tilting her head and thinking for a while, the little ghost mother gave an imperfect answer: "I don't know, it's her first time too."

"Okay, then be careful and don't get stepped on by anyone."

After saying that, Fang Bo flicked her away like dust.

When no one was around to disturb him, he calmed down and looked up the information on the completion of the task.

[Hidden Mission: Shichibukai Gathering (Completed)]

[Results are being calculated. Rewards are being generated]

[Based on your contribution, you can choose any two rewards from the following options! 】

[Option 1: You get 1,000 plot points]

[Option 2: You get 3 attribute points]

[Option 3: You get 6 merit points]

[Option 4: You get warship design drawings (rare)]

[Option 5: You get the pacifist design diagram 7 (rare)]

Three attribute points and six merit points, this is the reward Fang Bo received.

Warship design drawings are knowledge items that can continuously create large warships, which may have miraculous effects in some special plot worlds.

For example, in the world of pirates, Fang Bo can completely sell his technology. I believe that many pirates want to have the ability to freely pass through the windless zone.

However, the payback period for this thing was too long, so Fang Bo gave up on the warship design.

The value of the pacifist's design can be deduced through the Seraph. It is basically worthless except for deceiving people.

Considering the remaining time, Fang Bo was naturally unwilling to get a reward that he couldn't get rid of.

Merits: 90

Plot points: 6829 (Dalun owes 20,000)

Attribute points: 66

Every time he saw the plot points, he couldn't help but miss his other friends, and he didn't know how their mission journey was going.

When Fang Bo was picking out rewards, the airship was following the marks on the map, heading straight for the legendary Golden Land.

Not long after, his vision was filled with golden light, and at the end of the ancient ruins, the golden clock required by the mission loomed large.

Under Fang Bo's instructions, the remaining ghost spiders began to walk off the deck one after another and began to build basic defenses around them.

Next, this group of ghost spiders will stay here, guarding the golden bell while waiting for the signal from the ghost mother.

Once he thinks it's OK, the ancient bell will ring immediately, and the team can return to space safely and soundly.

If he encounters danger, he can easily avoid it in this way, which is regarded as an insurance he has reserved for himself.

If the enemy is playing dirty tricks, he must have corresponding means to deal with it.

"This is the Golden Clock." Goenitz's eyes were a little blurry, and she found that she gradually fell in love with her current life.

You can see new scenery every time and fight against various powerful enemies.

Regardless of whether it is dangerous or not, at least it is much more interesting than doing business in the King of Fighters world all day long.

Gently clenching his fists, Baofeng kept telling himself that after completing the golden main line, he would regain the power he had at his peak.

"No, with the blessing of equipment, my attributes will be stronger than at their peak."

By then, she won't be as helpless in the face of battle as she is now.

Goenitz was full of ambitions and Fang Bo was full of calculations, but only the bride looked at the gold around her.

"I said, should we move it a little bit?" she asked.

After hearing this, Fang Bo finally focused on the gold around him.

With the demon airship here, he can indeed complete the transportation of gold. If nothing else, at least he can continue to cultivate his own ruthless fleet.

When the number of people exceeds 10,000, he can also join in the war and get a little involved.

"Move it." Fang Bo nodded, indicating that the ghost spiders could start working.

Watching boxes of gold being carried into the cabin, Fang Bo couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"The Ghost Spider is really easy to use. It's like a group of workers who don't get paid and don't complain."

If he had such a group of people in his previous life, he would have made a lot of money delivering food every day.


The phone's ringtone suddenly rang. Fang Bo turned around and saw that something seemed to have happened over Gonitz's side.

According to his hearing, there is no difference between being hundreds of meters away and standing next to the microphone. He can easily hear the sound coming from there.

But the more he listened, the more strange he felt, and a thoughtful look gradually appeared on his face.

There are two main things conveyed on the other end of the phone.

First, people have been harassing the Cross Guild frequently recently, and they seem to be wearing navy-like uniforms.

Second, Stussy, Queen of Happy Street in the Dark World, hopes to visit the president of the Cross Guild.

The first thing is not a big deal, those guys should be the "New Navy" created by former Navy Admiral Zefa.

What is truly noteworthy is the arrival of the Queen of Joy Street.

This three-faced spy is no ordinary person. Her arrival is enough to illustrate one thing. The Cross Guild has really attracted the attention of those who are interested.

Even if only the tip of the iceberg's power is revealed, it is still enough to make many people wary.

Especially Stussy. On the surface, she is the emperor of the dark world, but secretly she is a member of CP0 serving the Draco. Her true identity is actually the first-generation Seraph created by Dr. Vegapunk.

It’s best not to have contact with such a troublesome person as much as possible.

As for the former navy admiral, he was at best a filler in the blank period.

The most famous incident was when Whitebeard II killed all the men on the ship.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Bo decisively refused to meet with each other.

"Tell Lao Sha the identity of that woman and let him deal with it casually. Don't expose the guild's details."

"As for the former general, he is just a clown, so there is no need to pay too much attention to him."

Maybe some hidden tasks can be triggered, but Fang Bo is no longer willing to drag it on any longer.

First, we need to get the sound nest’s base, and then go see what’s going on with Paul.

If the person is still alive, then rescue him. If it is too late, there will be nothing you can do.

Even if he really rescued Paul, Fang Bo was still hesitating whether he should bring that guy into the reincarnation space.

Judging from the current situation, the Cross Guild has basically taken shape, but subsequent operations and maintenance are a big trouble.

Crocodile is a total hero. If the ruthless team leaves the plot world, this guy will definitely take the opportunity to kick them out.

Next time he enters the world of pirates, if he doesn't have a large enough force to support him, what can Fang Bo do to compete for the seat of the Pirate King?

Building the Cross Guild is the foundation, and seizing the text of the road sign in the hands of the Four Emperors is the ultimate goal.

In order to achieve this ambition, there must be trustworthy people staying in the pirate world.

This person must be absolutely loyal, must have certain skills and ambitions, and most importantly, must be able to suppress Lao Sha and others in terms of strength.

Otherwise, could he rely on Gaji or Yuzuki Shiru?

If he said this out loud, the bride would probably laugh at his naivety.

Therefore, there really was no one else suitable except Paul.

It's just that Fang Bo doesn't know what kind of condition this guy is currently in, so many things need to be further investigated.

If Paul is gone, then he must prepare other replacements.

Maybe Waldo, maybe, although this guy is a bit stupid, he is still much easier to control than Crocodile.

Taking out the phone bug in his pocket, Fang Bo was about to notify others when a notification sound suddenly came from his ears that made his expression suddenly change.

A little earlier, the New World Sea.

"Dad!" A man dressed as a pirate kept roaring with a newspaper in his hand: "Ace is about to be executed. We must not sit back and wait for death. We cannot let the world think that the Whitebeard Pirates are all cowards."

"Shut up." Marco glared fiercely, trying to stop this man from stirring up trouble.

It's a pity that he was still a step too slow, and these highly inflammatory words had already been heard by others.

In an instant, everyone began to feel indignant.

"He's right, there are no cowards in the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Dad, let's fight those bastards."

"Isn't it the Navy Headquarters? What if we just go and have a look?"

"To rescue Ace, no one of us can be missing."

"Dad, please give the order!"


The crowd was so excited that they could not wait to rush to the navy headquarters and fight to the death with the enemy in the next second.

However, they are too young after all and do not know how strong the navy really is.

Even the invincible Whitebeard cannot overthrow the entire Malinfando by himself.

Young people don't understand this truth, but no one understands it better than Whitebeard. But looking at those lovely faces, Newgate really couldn't say no.

"Gulu la la la, what a bunch of careless children." After drinking a large bowl of wine, Newgate's laughter clearly echoed in everyone's ears: "Then come on, let those damn navy know, What are the consequences of angering my family."

"Oh!!!" The pirates started cheering violently.

Listening to the task prompts coming from his ears, the man who had just been scolded suddenly showed a strange smile.


At the risk of angering the Four Emperors, he also wanted to forcefully start the "War on Top". There was only one reason for doing so, and that was to complete the golden main line with the help of plot characters.

This is already the second time he has participated in the golden main line. If he fails again, the difficulty of the following tasks will skyrocket, and even the income will be cut to only one-third.

In other words, if he is lucky enough to complete a hidden mission, he can only get about 300 plot points and one attribute point.

Facing the rapidly increasing difficulty of the mission world, this situation has basically declared death in advance.

Therefore, men must take a gamble, even if they have to build on the power and reputation they have accumulated so hard before.

Fortunately, he succeeded. As long as he completed the hidden mission that was accidentally triggered, he could invite plot experts to deal with the Sky Island God.

"It's worth taking a gamble to gain wealth through danger."

The man who was secretly happy did not know that Enel, who frightened him so much, was already dead.

In fact, he doesn't have to do anything. He will be able to complete this golden main line lying down soon.

It's just that after such a commotion, it's unclear what direction the future will develop in.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, Fang Bo looked at the task prompt bar with a frown.

[Step Three: Participate in the War on Top (Activated)]

For some unknown reason, the task that was supposed to be put on hold was completely activated.

The only thing he could think of was that other reincarnators had received the mission and then activated the mission without any certainty.

"Don't let me know who you are." Fang Bo's face was filled with a kind smile.

The unexpected triggering of the Dingding War meant that many of his subsequent plans had to be temporarily put on hold.

I definitely won’t be able to go to Danjian Island. I simply don’t have the time.

The Sound Nest base must not be let go. If it doesn't work, let Goenitz go there in person.

As a Shichibukai, he had to rush to the navy headquarters to meet up.

But in this way, the combat power would be too scattered, and he was afraid that he would not be able to take care of any aspect.

"Wait a minute, who did you say was coming to visit?" Fang Bo's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have thought of the perfect way to break the situation.

Going to Danjian Island to take someone away was as difficult as climbing to the sky. His original idea was to use "return" to forcibly avoid risks.

Now, maybe this job can be left to Stussy.

As a Seraph created by Vegapunk, she must have a way to communicate with the Doctor.

If he couldn't do this, Stussy would pretend to be the emperor of the dark world.

As for the other person’s reason for helping.

Is it enough to give her a huge credit?

Members of the Sound Nest disobeyed the orders of the world government and secretly established external research institutes to continuously clone and create Seraphs.

One simple thing is enough for Wulaoxing to issue a killing order.

Some things are available for you to use, but you can't ask for them, let alone steal them. Sound Nest is a taboo against Wulaoxing.

Using this matter as bait can completely drive Stussy to serve his side.

Use one difficulty to solve another difficulty, and he only needs a little explanation in the process.

This is Fang Bo's greatest talent and trump card, and no other reincarnation can compare with it.

Even if unexpected changes occur, he can react quickly and use the cards in his hand to rearrange the combination and turn the original crisis into an advantage.

After speaking out his thoughts, Lao Gao immediately aroused a little exclamation.

Looking at the slightly opened mouth of the blond priest, Fang Bo's heart skipped a beat, and a bold idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Vegapunk's technology is so powerful, can he send Lao Gao there to transform it as well?

No need for anything else, just add the ability of the Lunaria family.

If that doesn't work, it would be okay to upgrade her talent, God-Destroying Lan, to the mythical level.

After careful consideration for a while, he found that the risk of doing so was too great, so Fang Bo gave up the plan.


The phone bug's voice rang, it was the contact number from the Warring States Marshal.

Obviously, the Shichibukai are gathering again.

Regardless of the fact that in the battle above, the Shichibukai were basically swimming on their own, but without them stopping a group of strong men, the casualties in the naval camp would have at least doubled.

Therefore, when the war mission was forcibly triggered, the first thing Sengoku did was to immediately summon the Shichibukai.

In addition, there are the elite naval generals of each branch.

Everyone must be gathered together to have enough confidence to defeat the Whitebeard Pirates.

"The war was triggered two years earlier, and the research and development of the pacifists has not yet been completely completed."

"It's okay to deal with us, but it's a bit incompetent in front of the Four Emperors."

There is another point that may affect the situation of the battle, and that is the physical condition of Edward Newgate the Whitebeard.

He didn't know the specific situation, but Whitebeard's body was definitely stronger than it would be two years later.

The more strength you can use, the more damage you can do to your enemies.

I just don’t know if there are any other hidden changes.

Putting away the phone bug, Fang Bo watched Goenitz riding the strong wind and leaving.

She would return to the Cross Guild to take charge of affairs and let Stussy complete the deal Fang Bo had set.

Afterwards, the men of the guild must be summoned.

With such a huge scene like a war on top, how could this group of unruly pirates miss it?

When Waldo heard the news, the ferocious smile on his face never changed. It seemed that he could finally complete his dream of bombarding Malinfando.

Driving the airship slowly into the sky, Fang Bo quietly stared at the calm sea.

He really didn't expect that the war on top would be accidentally triggered by others.

It seems that this carnival feast is destined to be brought forward.

But it doesn't matter. He understands that the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish. Wealth needs to be gained through danger.

Without such a big scene, how to seek higher quality trophies.

"Okay, let me go as wild as I want before entering the second level of difficulty."

There are too many reincarnators with extremely high attributes stuck there in the world of strong players in the second difficulty.

The individual attributes of these guys often exceed 70 points, and the elites can reach 80+.

As for the top ones, with the support of a variety of equipment and skills, it is entirely possible for a single attribute to exceed 100.

Goenitz is a good example.

The equipment on her body is very powerful, almost unique in the first difficulty world, but this is not necessarily the case in the second difficulty world.

Lao Gao can complete a single event to break 100, but it may not be impossible for others.

In this regard, Fang Bo will never underestimate others.

Otherwise, sister Yaoyao would not have to raise the idea of ​​asylum.

Because she knew that no matter how talented the ruthless team was, they would not have the strength to compete with top teams in a short period of time.

The absolute attribute gap can make all skills and talents disappear.

What's more, among the reincarnators who can reach that far, how many of them are less talented?

Fang Bo, who understands this, will not over-expand due to dual attribute extreme values.

Maybe, when he first steps into the second difficulty world, there will be a large group of reincarnations waiting for him with attributes no worse than his.

A scene where you can instantly kill someone of the same level with just one strike is basically unlikely to happen there.

When Fang Bo rushed to the navy headquarters, the smoke of war had already spread to the entire sea.

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