Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 392 The Cross Guild Appears

The person who came was none other than Navy Admiral Kizaru.

As a Shichibukai, he openly rebelled and allowed his subordinates to commit inhumane massacres against the navy.

This guy will become a serious problem if he is not eliminated today.

Even for the sake of the navy's face, Kizaru had to kill him personally.

"Here comes a troublesome guy."

Order the bride to raise the protective shield, at least this thing can block it a little bit.

As for Fang Bo himself, he immediately activated his nightmare form as soon as he came up, and his mental power instantly increased by a full ten points.

Even so, he had no chance of winning against the admiral, and it would be difficult to even slightly hinder him.

"We can't let him attack the airship at will, otherwise no amount of mental power will be enough to repair it."

Thinking of this, Fang Bo immediately unsealed the S-level passive "Yin Seal", allowing the extra 35 points of mental power to be used as backup energy.

As the Noble Phantasm roared out, he immediately activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, and in an instant he was at Kizaru's side and launched an attack.

The Secret of Feitian Sword Style: Tianxiang Dragon Flash!

Fang Bo's sword light was very fast, but he couldn't escape the domineering force of Jian Wen Se.

Kizaru completed the elementalization in advance, turning part of his body into light, and easily evaded the opponent's swift sword slash.

Then his figure condensed on the other side, and a light-speed kick hit Fang Bo's waist and abdomen, causing him to turn into a golden light and fall to the ground.

[You are attacked by light speed kick, causing 688 points of strike damage]

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 287 health points]

[The absolute defense effect is activated, and all damage is forcibly reduced by 30 points]

[You end up taking 371 points of damage]

Life: 279/650 (+450)

Kizaru's light speed kick is very strong and can probably take away more than half of his health.

From the moment he rebelled, he automatically lost the blessing of the title "Legend of Justice" and his blood volume returned to normal.

If he accidentally receives another kick, his iron rule of avoiding death may not be preserved.

"Ah, you are worthy of being a member of the Shichibukai." A very unbeatable voice sounded, and the next second, a beam of laser flooded the place where Fang Bo was.

Fortunately, he was prepared this time and activated the Flying Thunder God the moment he sensed the attack.

There is no way, the perception attribute has become his disadvantage.

With only thirty points of perception, it was impossible to detect Kizaru's movement trajectory, so he could only rely on intuition to dodge.

When Fang Bo returned to the deck of the airship, he immediately came to the side of the "Flesh Demon Spider" and placed his hand on the mountain of flesh.


[Your health +24 points]

[Your health +24 points]

[Your health +24 points]

While recovering his blood volume, he looked for traces of Kizaru, only to find that the admiral had completely disappeared.

It wasn't until the golden light lit up again that he finally woke up. It turned out that the enemy had arrived directly above the airship.

Eight-foot magatama!

Without waiting for any reaction from the opponent, Kizaru launched the attack simply.

Under the attack of light bombs all over the sky, the durability of the protective shield was rapidly decreasing, and it was completely destroyed in a few seconds.

Without the protection system, everyone will suffer.

In addition to the new woman who was brought into the cabin by the Flying Thunder God, the remaining ghost spiders and various buildings have become targets of attack.

Under the heavy pressure of the admiral, the seemingly powerful ruthless pirate group was simply vulnerable.

Kizaru landed on the bow of the boat very gracefully, with his eyes like a torch and his momentum like a rainbow, which was very different from his usual lazy appearance.

Looking at the airship that was being repaired quickly in front of him, Kizaru did not continue to attack. It was not because he was suddenly kind-hearted, but because he sensed the approach of another threat.

"No way." He raised his head with a solemn expression, and even he couldn't help but become nervous.

In the distance, an island is swaying in the wind, looking like a scene from a dream.

But Kizaru knew that there was a devil fruit that could do the same thing.

At this moment, he wished that he was overthinking it, but when he looked intently, he saw a familiar figure at a glance.

"Ame no Shiru." Kizaru pouted, his eyes showing coldness.

Even a person with his personality doesn't like this murderous guy.

"Kizaru." Shiliu jumped down from the island, drew his sword in his hand, and pointed the sword's edge directly at the admiral's vitals.

A fierce battle broke out in an instant, and Kizaru's figure disappeared in a flash, turning into spots of light and floating into the distance.

He couldn't stay here to fight, because in addition to Shiliu of the Rain, there were still several auras on the island that frightened him.

If faced alone, even a strong man at the general level would hate this.

"I didn't expect that these monsters running out of Impel Down City would actually unite together."

Not far after he ran out, Kizaru's expression suddenly changed. Behind him, an island was rapidly falling towards the Navy headquarters.

Seeing that he chose to avoid fighting, the enemy actually threw an island directly downwards.

If no one stops it, the one hundred thousand navy below will be in danger.

"It's so heartbreaking." In an instant, he arrived directly under the island. Kizaru fired lasers in his hand, and dozens of bombs per second resounded throughout Marineland.

This was the longest seven seconds that Kizaru had ever experienced. Under the expectation of countless eyes, he finally blasted the island into pieces.

After passing through the smoke and dust in the sky, Porusalino returned to the airship deck and looked at Shiliu of the Rain with a joking smile on his face.

The other person's eyes seemed to say, as long as you leave, the islands will continue to fall one after another.

He was saved once, but it is impossible for him to succeed every time.

If anyone interferes, Kizaru will have no time to blow up the entire island.

". It seems that you are well prepared." The admiral looked around and found that several figures had surrounded him.

But Kizaru is not worried. As long as he wants to leave, no one in the world can stop him.

The only difference is whether he wants it or not. If it comes to a life-or-death situation, Kizaru will never stay even if he threatens the lives of 100,000 marines.

Yuzhiliu knew this very well, he just wanted to trap a naval admiral.

If both sides have concerns, then this battle can go on endlessly.

".So can you go to the island to fight?" Fang Bo drove people away without politeness.

Even if they show off, the battle between the two will cause a lot of damage, and the ruthless team will still be contained here.

He can't deal with the strong ones at the general level, but the weaker ones might be able to think of a way.

The two listened to his advice and quickly moved the battlefield to an island.

As soon as they arrived at their destination, the two sides started a fierce battle. Regardless of the outcome, the light and shadow effects were absolutely superb.

Anyone who sees this can't help but sigh, General Kizaru worked really hard to save Marinefando.

Even if Yu Zhiliu failed to be solved in the end, at least no one could blame this guy.

"Are you paddling openly?" Fang Bo expressed deep admiration.

Abandon the island-falling combat method, and then it will be your turn to appear on the stage of the great pirates.

"Whitebeard!" With a cry, the aloof red spread his bat wings and ran straight towards the opponent like a sharp sword.

Rather than destroying the Navy Headquarters, Redfield wanted to personally remove the head of his old rival.

Besides, isn't there someone else here?

"Gla la la la, look who this is." Newgate fought one against two without losing, and even had time to ridicule the red bat in the sky: "It seems that life in Impel Down is not very good, and you are actually... Became a capable person."

"Your speech is still ugly." Redfield held the bat sword with a regal color wrapped around it, making everyone who saw him feel terrified.

It was another confrontation between the overlords, and the noise this time was even more terrifying than the one against Hawkeye.

These two former rivals have returned to their peak fighting strength due to various coincidences.

In comparison, Sengoku and Garp were a bit lacking in stamina, and they actually felt slightly palpitating when viewed up close.

"What two old monsters." Warring States activated the Buddha's true body and blasted out a terrifying shock wave dozens of meters away.

With countless pairs of eyes staring here at this moment, he must not show any cowardice, otherwise the Navy's faith will probably collapse.

I'm definitely not afraid of the fight, but Seng Guo is a little worried about other people.

You know, the old count was never the only one who escaped from Impel Down City.


The purple-black overlord color was like a typhoon passing by, sweeping across the entire Marineland in an instant.

At this moment, at least more than 3,000 people were knocked unconscious.

"Douglas Barrett." Seng Guo's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect these guys to actually join forces.

He really couldn't figure out why these arrogant and arrogant people united together.

Even if he has a grudge against the navy, judging from his past deeds, these guys should come to him one by one.

There must be something going on here that he doesn't know about.

"Thankfully we were prepared."

The CP organization is aware of the existence of the Cross Guild and will inevitably take certain countermeasures.

Why is he not afraid at all when facing the white-bearded Sengoku at his peak?

The reason is simple. The World Government has deployed enough power to deal with everything. No matter how many people come, they will be beaten back.

After making a gesture towards the back, Lieutenant General He immediately took out the phone bug after receiving the instruction: "It's time to start."

Soon, figures appeared in the distance, which were the pacifist legions from the Scientific Combat Force.

Dozens of pacifists gather together, and a single laser salvo can sweep away a large swath of pirates.

Maybe they can't compete with the strongest ones, but their deterrence to ordinary pirates is so strong that no one can rush up to fight with them.

This is the source of Sengoku's confidence. Today, it is inevitable to keep all these pirates in the headquarters.


Before he could be happy for long, a huge cannonball fell out of the air, instantly destroying seven or eight pacifists.

Looking up in confusion, Zeng Guo saw the familiar figure at a glance.

Destroyer of Worlds, Bundivaldo!

"Boring robots, your navy will make these messy things all day long." Waldo looked very excited.

After keeping people frozen for so many years, this time I finally have the opportunity to carry out revenge.

Today we will sink Marinevando first, and tomorrow we will go to the Red Earth Continent to find trouble in the Holy Land Mary Joa.

Everyone calls him the Destroyer of Worlds. If he didn't destroy the world, wouldn't he be living up to his famous name?

Single-handedly, Waldo successfully contained the Pacifist Legion.

General Akainu is fighting Barret, and only he can resist this terrifying guy.

Kizaru was paddling in the sky, and Sengoku and Garp couldn't get away at all, otherwise Whitebeard alone could defeat the entire navy.

At present, the only combat power left in the navy may be that man.

"Ah la la, here comes another group of troublesome guys."

Waldo was throwing cannonballs one after another, without noticing the figure appearing behind him.

By the time Aoki Pheasant swayed past him, the world destroyer had already been frozen into an ice sculpture.

He wanted to kill him, but Qingzhi gave up the idea after a while.

The power of Momo Fruit is too strong. Once it falls into the hands of a strong person, the consequences will be disastrous.

It's better to leave it to Waldo, at least this guy is strong enough.

"Huh?" Qingzhi suddenly turned his head and looked at the figure who was quickly rushing towards the execution platform.

Everyone was fighting on their own, and for a moment they seemed to have forgotten that the execution of Ace was the main theme of this war.

The guy wrapped in cyan flames obviously wanted to take the opportunity to save the other party.

"This can't be done, little brother." Just as Qing Zhi was about to take action, billowing yellow sand suddenly appeared around him.

Crocodile appeared and while attacking the admiral, he also used the yellow sand to rescue the frozen waste.

"It was given to you."

"Thank you."

Putting their hands on the big ice block and activating the Flying Thunder God Technique, the two of them returned to the deck of the airship in an instant.

Looking at Waldo who looked like an ice sculpture, Fang Bo sighed and said, "Hey, how do you want me to say hello to you?"


[Basic footwork experience value +656]

After restoring his health, I believe it won't be long before he can break free on his own.

Below, the uncontrolled pacifist army began to wreak havoc again, making the Whitebeard Pirates miserable.

In desperation, the pirates could only use their lives to fill the gap, hoping to buy enough time for rescue.

As for the figure flying towards the execution platform, it is naturally the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco the Phoenix.

"Ace!" Looking at the execution platform that was gradually approaching, a happy smile appeared on Marco's face.

Just when he thought he would succeed, a very strong-looking old man with white hair and a beard in the shape of a "mountain" suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Junior, this is not a place for you to be arrogant."

With one punch, Phoenix Marco was shot down abruptly.

"Gu la la la, old acquaintances are really appearing one after another."

"Who says it isn't?"

Whitebeard and the Earl looked at each other, each looking a little dazed.

Because the man who appeared on the execution platform was Sora, the former marshal of the Navy Headquarters and the current commander-in-chief of the World Government's military.

What is the commander-in-chief of the entire army?

Including the Navy, CP organization, King Shichibukai, Knights of God, Naval Science Force, Navy Titan Force, Impel City Prison Guards and other institutions, they are the "whole army" of the World Government.

His appearance undoubtedly demonstrated the determination of the Five Old Stars.

No matter what the price is, Whitebeard must not be allowed to leave alive.

"I always feel like things are gradually going beyond expectations." Fang Bo sighed, understanding that this was an automatic correction of the plot.

The Cross Guild's combat power is too strong. Without the intervention of external forces, the Navy Headquarters will only be destroyed in the end.

As the most important armed organization of the world government, the navy's role on the sea is irreplaceable. If these guys are destroyed, the plot of the pirate world will completely collapse.

That's why the commander-in-chief of the army appeared in Malinfando.

Fang Bo was even sure that it was not just Kong who came, there must be other forces behind this guy.

Because the commander-in-chief alone has no ability to change the entire situation of the war.

Under Fang Bo's gaze, two figures appeared on both sides of Kong's body.

"What a nostalgic sight." The speaker was an old man with a pointed nose.

The long light-colored hair forms a pair of unbent side spikes on the head, which looks strange and weird.

Ancient Saint Fegalando Green, the supreme commander of the Knights of God, participated in the Aboriginal Killing Competition in the Canyon of the West Sea God with other Celestial Dragons 38 years ago.

Recognizing the man's identity, Fang Bo's brows almost knitted together.

He never expected that the Knights of God would also appear in Marinevando. It seemed that the ability to correct the plot was really scary.

Isn't this forcing Whitebeard to die at the Navy Headquarters?

Just as he was sighing, Fang Bo suddenly noticed the movement in the distance.

Over there, a man with a machete is killing the navy, and when he notices the other man, the guy is bending down to pick up the fallen story chest.

"I found you." He waved his hand and called Lao Gao over. Fang Bo pointed at the man in the distance and said, "That guy is a reincarnation, and he should have a lot of money."

"I know." Goenitz's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately rushed towards the other party.

After arriving at the battlefield, she didn't get a single box. She was worried about where to get some benefits, but unexpectedly, a reincarnation jumped in front of her.

It's hard to kill a strong plot person, but it's easy to kill a reincarnation person.

On the other side, Fang Bo knew that he might not be able to destroy the navy headquarters this time.

With the presence of the Knights of God, the strength of the naval camp instantly increased significantly, and the number of strong men should exceed ours.

Rather than continuing to waste time waiting and watching, it is better to seize the time to reap a little benefit.

For him now, it doesn't mean much to kill ordinary strong men. If he wants to kill, he should kill those masters with sufficient weight.

Either the Navy or the Whitebeard Pirates are fine.

Don't forget, he was the one who arrested Ace and brought him to justice, so he wouldn't be grateful even if he joins forces temporarily.

Not to mention, the count has been desperately attacking Whitebeard since he appeared.

Anyway, both sides have hatred, so why not make the hatred deeper.


Phoenix's Marco was knocked away for the second time, and was slashed by the Celestial Dragon while he was going backwards.

The Phoenix Fruit can protect him from death, but the physical exertion cannot make up for it.

Just when he was frowning, a figure quietly approached.

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