"You are all going to die here today!"

With the adsorption of countless warships and weapons, Barrett showed the world his Fusion Fruit ability.

Just like the Red Earl said, this power can only be effective in war.

"That bastard." The navy generals all changed their expressions, wondering how terrifyingly powerful that thing was.

If he had been allowed to attack a few more times without Whitebeard taking action, Malinfando would have been knocked directly into the sea.

Seeing that Akainu's attack was unfavorable and failed to cause decisive damage to the giant several times, Sengoku could only temporarily abandon his white beard, transform into a giant Buddha and rush towards Barrett.

Buddha's impact!

Sengoku tried his best to resist the iron fist falling from the sky.

But the overwhelming color like a landslide and tsunami made many soldiers feel breathless.

"Is this the legendary Cross Guild?" Ancient Saint Green stared at the giant with a calm expression as if he didn't care about him at all.

The combined fruit is indeed good, but it is far behind compared to the collection in the Holy Land.

For many years, the world government, as the ruler, has been collecting Devil Fruits, hoping that one day it can completely eliminate the emergence of people with abilities.

Even the sweet fruits of the Pirate Empress were forced to eat by a certain Celestial Dragon, which shows how many precious fruits are hidden in the holy land of Mariejoia.

All members of the Knights of God led by Ancient Saint Green are extremely rare users with special abilities. Although the combined fruit is good, it is actually just average in his eyes.

Turning to look at the silent man, the leader of the Knights smiled slightly and said in a relaxed tone, as if asking you if you had eaten: "Go and shoot down that giant."


The tall and thin man next to Commander Sora is a member of the Knights of God, but he is somewhat taciturn and has not said a word since he appeared.

He pinched his left arm with his palm, and in the shocked eyes of many people, the man forcefully tore his arm off.

The severe pain caused his face to distort, and the aura exuding from his whole body was growing rapidly.

Those with the superhuman type and the ability to sacrifice one's life can obtain super powers through self-mutilation.

The more serious the self-inflicted injury, the more terrifying the increase in strength obtained.

A permanent injury like a broken arm can instantly increase a man's strength many times.

The awakening of the combined fruit?

In front of the man, this sky-holding giant is just a matter of punch.


When Fang Bo came behind Marco, Barrett's combined giant was shattered by the enemy's punch.

"." He was silent for a moment, but decided to fight according to the previously formulated script.

Basically, the wish to destroy the navy cannot be fulfilled. The next step is to gain as much benefit as possible, as much as possible.

Seeing Fang Bo approaching him, Marco immediately increased his vigilance. He knew very well that this guy was an enemy rather than a friend. Ace was personally given to the navy by this person.

"I'll help you save people." Fang Bo's words made Marco freeze on the spot.

He never expected that this guy would actually help him save others.

"Rescue?" Marco frowned deeply and turned to look at Red Earl Redfield, who was attacking crazily.

The meaning revealed by the eyes is very simple. Are you guys trustworthy?

"The reason for capturing Ace is for the Shichibukai. As for those guys, do you really think they will listen to my orders?"

Fang Bo blamed these people's actions on themselves, and did a good job of putting aside his own responsibility.

It didn't matter whether the words were credible or not. The most important thing was that Marco agreed with his plan of action.

"how do you want to do it?"

Seeing the fish taking the bait, Fang Bo immediately said the words he had prepared in advance.

In his story, he deliberately left a spatial coordinate when he captured Ace.

As long as Marco can buy a few seconds, he can bring Ace back intact.

"My abilities are limited and I can only use teleportation a few more times, so I'll leave it to you when I retreat."

Faced with his request, Marco agreed without hesitation.

Both of them were resolute and resolute people. Since they decided to save people, they immediately started taking action.

I saw Marco transforming into a human-animal form, waving the wings of a phoenix and rushing towards the execution platform.

"You really care about eating but not fighting." Ancient Sage Green sighed, his smile full of ridicule for the inferior.

As the leader of the Knights of God, there is no need to question his strength.

Without the commander-in-chief taking action, Ancient Saint Green kicked the Phoenix to the ground again.


Suddenly, the two big men on the execution platform turned their heads and looked at the figure who appeared inexplicably next to the prisoner.

"Hey, hello." Fang Bo waved to the two of them and knocked out the chattering Fire Fist Ace with a slap.

Without waiting for the other party to take action, he immediately activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and returned to Marco, who had just stood up.

"Really successful?!" Xiao Ma was a little in disbelief, always feeling that things seemed to be simply unexpected.

But it's a good thing that people can be rescued, so everyone doesn't have to stay here to continue fighting with the navy.

"Cover me." Fang Bo pretended to be exhausted and could only carry the unconscious Ace and start walking on his legs.

Upon seeing this, Marco immediately rushed forward, using his flesh and blood to open a way for his family's safety.

Whether it was swords, guns, swords or halberds, or countless bullets, the phoenix used its blue flame to catch them steadily.

As long as his physical strength is not exhausted, no one can kill Marco.

Having said that, the two of them broke into the enemy camp alone, and there were densely packed naval forces in all directions.

No one as strong as Marco could contend with so many enemies, so he could only expand the coverage of the green flames to protect the two running people under his wings.

After running less than three hundred meters, Fang Bo could hear the heavy breathing coming from Xiao Ma.

Facing dozens of blows per second, his physical recovery could no longer keep up.

"It's almost time." Fang Bo was certain in his heart, and immediately said loudly: "Take him away from the sky, I can barely teleport out alone."

Hearing this, Marco finally breathed a sigh of relief. If he could run to the sky, he wouldn't have to withstand so many attacks.

Carrying the unconscious Ace on his shoulders, Little Ma stared at him for a few seconds, and finally said in a deep voice: "Thank you."

A total of twenty-two golden ripples slowly emerged, and in addition to the Silver Frost Tower Shield and Anode Lock, all the Noble Phantasms including the puppets emerged.

"No need to thank me." Fang Bo looked at the enemy group in the distance and said in a very calm tone: "Everything I do is for myself."

"Okay, let's meet at the port." As soon as he finished speaking, Marco waved his wings and prepared to take off.

Unexpectedly, something happened inside the venue.

The Noble Phantasms around Fang Bo suddenly turned their guns and floated towards the unconscious Ace like golden drizzles.

Seeing this situation, Marco had no time to react and instinctively used his body to resist the harm to his family.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 216 points of penetrating damage]

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 224 points of penetrating damage]

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 252 points of penetrating damage]

Only then did Fang Bo understand that the green flame of the phoenix was different from the steel of the heart. It only started to repair the wound after the damage had taken effect.

The Heart of Steel is a forced blood lock. As long as it does not exceed the critical value, no matter how much damage is suffered, part of it will be restored first, and then the corresponding blood volume will be deducted.

It's hard to predict which one is better. After all, his Heart Steel doesn't require any consumption, but it can't resist continuous powerful attacks.

The blue flame of the Phoenix is ​​different. Before its physical strength is exhausted, it can recover no matter what kind of damage it suffers.

The two sides were basically at zero distance. In this state, Marco almost took a volley from the Noble Phantasm.

Not counting the puppets who were ready to attack, the total damage caused by this group was at least close to 4,000 points.

Without the recovery effect of Qingyan, such damage would still lead to death even if Kaido of the Beasts came.

Why take the risk to save Ace?

Because Fang Bo understands the other party, as long as his family is in hand, Marco will protect him even if he gives up his life.

Then the target will not be able to escape quickly and must resist Fang Bo's waves of strong attacks.

"Wow!" Marco spat out a mouthful of blood, and his breath suddenly became weak.

Obviously, the damage output of this wave just now was so explosive that it brought him to the verge of collapse.

After waving his wings twice, he had a terrible feeling of being unable to take off.

"You bastard!" Marco was angry, wanting to turn his head and give the other party a Phoenix Seal.

Unfortunately, he was still carrying the unconscious Ace in his hands, which gave him no chance to risk his life.

If Xiao Ma is not stupid, how could he not think that all this is the enemy's conspiracy. From the beginning to the end, the opponent just wants to catch them all.

Looking down at his unconscious family, Marco recalled every moment of their relationship, and the hesitation in his heart finally turned into determination.

"No matter what happens, I will definitely rescue you."

"The future of the Whitebeard Pirates is in your hands."

After saying that, Marco squeezed his strength to the limit and finally allowed himself to fly into the sky.

But that demonic figure always followed him, giving them no chance to escape.

Evil Light Slash!

The huge crescent slash struck instantly, as if it was about to split the phoenix flying in front of him in half.

[Your Evil Light Slash causes 287 points of slashing damage]

Without using any additional skills, it is already very good to have this damage.

The most important thing is that Marco didn't even use the Armament Haki, which shows that he is indeed weak to a certain limit.

"That's easy to handle. We're just worried that you'll still be alive and kicking after a round of damage."

There are still two seconds before the Noble Phantasm is refreshed. It seems short, but it is actually enough for Marco to cross the entire inland square.

Finally, he saw those familiar figures, which meant that he was out of the navy's encirclement.

But at this moment, golden ripples appeared around again.

The breath of death enveloped him, but Marco showed a very happy smile: "At least we successfully rescued Ace."

"The Whitebeard Pirates did not lose."

As he threw the unconscious Ace out with all his strength, golden light suddenly penetrated his body.

This time, the Phoenix's flames were completely extinguished.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 468 points of critical damage]

[The damage exceeds the critical value, Marco dies! 】

[You get a plot treasure chest (Platinum)]

[You have greatly changed the destiny of the pirate world]

[You get a destiny token]

You can get destiny tokens by killing Marco, which means that this guy will play many important roles in the subsequent plot.

It's a pity that the phoenix's blue flame can no longer burn.

Picking up the plot treasure box on the ground, Fang Bo showed a satisfied smile on his lips.

He won this battle extremely easily, it was a victory of sheer wit, and he encountered basically no resistance during the whole process.

Having an insight into the personalities of the characters in the plot and cleverly using the surrounding environment to lay out the plot can create miraculous results.

Fang Bo, who had escaped the navy's shooting and was in the air, was looking around: "So, who should be the next target?"

Just as he was looking around, he suddenly felt a sense of urgency that the sky was falling and the earth was falling.

Knowing that the situation was not good, Fang Bo immediately prepared to activate the Flying Thunder God to evacuate the place. He never thought that his connection with the space coordinates would be cut off.

It felt as if he had entered an isolated world and could not interact with anything around him.

He raised his head blankly and looked into a pair of eyes full of anger.

[You are affected by the domineering power of the Overlord, and all attributes are -27 points]

[You are affected by the overlord's domineering energy, attack damage -10%]

[You are affected by the overlord's domineering energy, and the damage will be increased by +10%]

The moment he was hit by the Overlord Color, Fang Bo's perception attributes were compressed to the point where he was inferior to even ordinary people.

He could no longer feel everything around him, and all that was left in his eyes was the world that suddenly shattered.

[You are attacked by space shock, causing 1448 points of tearing damage]

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 651 health points]

[The absolute defense effect is activated, and all damage is forcibly reduced by 30 points]

[You finally received 766 points of damage]

As the world shattered, Fang Bo's broken body was slowly falling from the sky.

In the distance, Whitebeard retracted his arm, the grief in his eyes almost overflowing.

He didn't expect that his son, who was the first to follow him, would die here.

Fortunately, he took revenge with his own hands, and he could finally comfort Marco's spirit in heaven.

". Bastard." The red earl's eyes darkened, and his bat sword opened two bloody holes in his old opponent's body.

In any case, that young man was the founder of the Cross Guild, the person behind the planning of the Impel Down riots, and he was considered a benefactor.

He never expected that Whitebeard would dare to kill someone in front of him.

"Get away!" Whitebeard, who had been hit hard, was still majestic and hit his opponent hard on the waist with one punch.

So what if you can understand people's hearts?

In such a short distance, no one can escape his concussive force.

After Barrett, the Red Earl was also severely injured by his opponent. It seemed that the two strongest combat powers of the Cross Guild could no longer hold on.

Lao Sha is fighting against Ming Ge, and Waldo relies on the Ghost Spider Self-Defense Tower to protect himself from harm.

Shiru of the Rain and Goenitz join forces to fight against the general Kizaru.

Paul was targeted by the freed-up Warring States, and the situation looked equally precarious.

The most important thing is that after rescuing Fire Fist Ace, the Whitebeard Pirates no longer intend to continue fighting.

Once these people retreat, the Cross Guild will inevitably be unable to compete with the enemy.

"Alas, I was too naive after all."

Accompanied by a sigh, Fang Bo, who was supposed to be dead, actually fell to the ground intact.

[The damage reaches the critical value, and the iron law effect of avoiding death is activated! 】

[You gain invincibility for 3 seconds, and 10% of your health will be restored immediately after the effect ends. 】

After consuming precious life-saving items, he finally survived Whitebeard's angry blow.

Immediately afterwards, he used the Arc of Time without hesitation, restoring his health and mental strength to their peak state.

After this incident, Fang Bo once again felt the horror of this war.

If you act too aggressively, you may be subject to an irresistible terrorist attack at any time.

Thinking of this, Fang Bo gradually had the idea of ​​​​retreating.

Activate the Flying Thunder God Technique and use the last second of invincibility to perfectly resist the attack of the member of the Knights of God.

Then he grabbed Barrett's shoulders and led the big, bloody man away.

"." Barrett rarely tried to show off, but expressed his agreement with a silent attitude.

Since losing to Mr. Earl, his mentality has quietly undergone many changes.

Now that we encounter the strongest combat power of the Tianlong people, failure does not seem to be unacceptable.

In the next half minute, Fang Bo frequently used the Flying Thunder God technique, relying on the coordinate stones given in advance to bring all the members of the Cross Guild to one place.

"Everyone has had enough trouble, it's time to say goodbye to Malinfando."

On this trip, everyone just wanted to vent their anger.

The best years are spent in a dark prison, and anyone else can't help but feel resentful.

It's okay to vent your anger a little, but if you really fight to the death, you might even risk your life.

After looking at the messy battlefield, Fang Bo activated the Flying Thunder God technique again, sending everyone directly back to the airship at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

In the distance, Kizaru was still suppressing the two of them easily.

But when he saw the lineup here, he was so frightened that he immediately distanced himself from each other.

"Shiliu, lift the restrictions."


As the power of the Piao Piao Fruit was released, the huge land mass began to fall downwards.

Not only the Navy Headquarters, but also the Whitebeard Pirates were not spared.

It seemed that the two superpowers would soon be annihilated in one fell swoop.

At the critical moment, Whitebeard and others tacitly stopped fighting. Powerful men from all walks of life, including the Shichibukai, gathered their full strength to fight against the island that landed in the sky.

At the end of the horizon, a figure rushed over quickly, and an unparalleled powerful and overbearing color instantly swept the entire audience.

God avoids!

The famous sword launched a powerful attack and chopped up the largest piece of land in one fell swoop.

Another Yonko "Red Hair" officially appears!

The war on top is over.

Fire Fist Ace was rescued by the Whitebeard Pirates, but the man known as the strongest man in the world died of a serious illness after the war.

In addition, the existence of the Cross Guild is also known to the sea.

With the fall of Whitebeard, the new world ushered in another sea emperor.

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