Chapter 118: New Year! New Year!.

Cracking sound!

Cracking sound!

The lively fireworks have completely erupted, and with the outbreak of this brilliant fireworks, everyone involuntarily narrowed their eyes, and everyone couldn’t help but pray with their hands together, because the New Year has arrived!

“Happy New Year!”

“Happy New Year!”


The entire Heian-kyo spread outward, the entire Wano Country entered this New Year’s joy, even the overseers of Wano Country, all the craftsmen rested, and only the people who spit out the quarry and the Kuri Weapons Factory fell into a state of sadness, they could only be forced to bear such pain forever, and there was no strength to fight back.

After all, there are the town guards of the Ghost Soldier Department, even if everyone is on holiday, they can only bear such pain as slaves, especially these original slaves of Wano Country, their anger towards the Mitsuki clan is burning madly, this is human nature, when there is no strength to resist that terrifying existence, they will choose only to hinder hatred on the body of another person, and put it on the body of the person who is not considered powerful.

And obviously, they put their hatred on the Mitsuki clan, in their opinion, if it were not for the Mitsuki clan, such a good day should also have a part of them, not as slaves as they are now, they can only live better than death, this is all the thoughts, they really put all their hatred on the body of the Mitsuki Mita, even if some of them used to be loyal samurai of the Mitsuki clan, and now they have changed their beliefs.

It’s just that!

Their hearts will not change the entire Wano Country, at this moment the Wano Country is very lively, everyone is enjoying the New Year with enthusiasm, even when Mitsuki Suki is burning, there is still no way to enjoy the New Year so much, because it was poor at that time! Now, it is very different, and the entire Wano Country seems to have entered a perfect future.





With the green, red, yellow, and green day of the evil ghost F4’s persuasion, the whole banquet became hot, in the banquet hall of the palace, everyone was gulping wine, without any scruples, everyone did not care about other people’s opinions, because here, it is the most lively time.

Hong and Sang drank against each other, fighting the ghost clan inherited from the Daeshan clan and the sea country of Suzuka Mountain, perhaps, if they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, no one would have dared to believe it.

And it turns out! Under the lively atmosphere of the Devil F4, the atmosphere of the entire banquet hall is very good, and everyone is very happy, because such a lively day is only one day a year! The New Year can bring happiness, but there is no doubt about it!




Everyone is laughing, and everyone’s smile is so joyful, there is no wandering girl, there is no music, it is such a simple banquet, but such a banquet is the most suitable banquet for the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, they don’t need more bells and whistles, but such a simple can feel the warmth of home is the most important.


For the hundred ghosts, they are almost all alone, and it is already very difficult to be able to do so.

The snow girl gently exhaled a cloudy breath, as a cold snow girl, her cheeks were crimson at this moment, and the whole person was about to fall weakly, that’s right! The snow girl drank too much, because a large amount of demonic energy was used to cultivate the flower of immortality, and the result was needless to say, no, the snow girl had completely drunk too much.



The new woman hugged the snow girl, held the smaller snow girl in her arms, laughed loudly, and continued to toast, and under the way the new woman drank, soon, the snow girl had completely fallen in circles with her eyes, completely drank too much, really couldn’t bear it, to the limit! To the limit! It’s really not okay anymore!

“It really is!”

The new woman very calmly spat out the spider silk and trapped the snow girl into a zongzi, and then threw it aside, and her own eyes were fixed on the Tang paper umbrella demon who seemed to be sitting there kneeling as if it was Yamato Fuzi, but was smiling and drinking, and walked over with a smile.

“Tang Paper Umbrella Demon! Drinking?! ”

“Lord Girl….. Concubines are not very good at drinking! ”

“It’s okay!”

“It’s okay!”

In this way, under the persuasion of the bride of the network, the two women have already drunk it, seriously! It may be very difficult to imagine that the network bride will be like this, in fact, the network bride is an alcoholic, and is the kind of big drunkard, although it is only a monster of the network bride family, but the network bride is the owner of the amount of alcohol no less than the ghost family, this amount of alcohol is a very outrageous thing.




Yingcao shrunk there, and said with a cute shivering sorrow: “The new woman is really terrifying!” Everyone has been tied up, and the new woman won’t want to eat everyone, right? ”


The white wolf and the demon knife Ji on the side were chatting casually, and when they raised their heads, they were surprised to find that the people who were hot above the banquet had basically been tied up by the bride at this moment, including the snow girl, the beaver, the Tang paper umbrella demon, the lantern fire, and only the Heavenly Evil Ghost F4 was still fighting with the bride in the Seven People Gorge, while the others were trapped by the white spider silk into rice dumplings and thrown aside, a picture waiting to become a delicacy.


The white wolf said secretly, “It shouldn’t be, right?” The network bride should not be such a person! It is impossible for the bride to eat everyone at the banquet! ”

The next moment!

The bride has already put the green too, so far! The perfect end of the Heavenly Evil Ghost F4, one by one, was lying on the table completely honest, the new woman staggered and looked around, saw the demon knife Ji, the white wolf and Yingcao, and walked towards the three people with a smile.


The corners of the three people’s mouths twitched slightly, how to say it! I’m not afraid, but the state of the bride at this moment is too strange, especially the skillful action of tying up the Heavenly Evil Ghost F4 and throwing it aside, this action is really too shocking, right?

Of course!

No matter what, the current situation is quite good, the new woman came over with a smile and said with a drunken face: “Do you want to drink?” ”


The three women fell into silence.



Hua Bird Roll looked at the new woman to kill and kill, and couldn’t help but shake her head all the way: “Really, can the bride be so drinkable?” This is really a situation that people did not expect! However, this is also a good thing, the concubine body feels that as everything is over, see who dares to drink with the bride of the network? ”

“Huh, hehe”

Humble Mihu, who was kneeling on the side, chuckled and said, “In such a joyful day, no matter what you do, it is indeed a great joy!” ”


Hanamaki and Humble Song Quietly Tasting, the personalities of the two women belong to the kind of mature and stable with a touch of belly blackness, naturally, the two women have become a friend, and the relationship between them is very good…


The black carbon twilight cicada smiled, a smile opened at the corner of her mouth, and said interestingly: “It’s really good!” Everything is like this, it’s amazing! ”


Black Carbon Cicada Maru rarely spoke, and Kanjuro said softly: “Everything has changed drastically, and such a change is the most joyful thing!” ”

A smile appeared at the corner of Kanjuro’s mouth, he was really very happy, it may not be anything for ordinary people, but for Kanjuro, it was really the most joyful thing, he was very happy and very relaxed, because! His future has changed drastically, completely changed, which is the most important thing for Kanjuro, no need to act, but as a real person, this is really very important for Kanjuro.

Black Carbon Twilight Cicada smiled and said, “Let’s enjoy this banquet!” A new year, a new beginning, and a new beginning for Wano Country. ”


Quietly looking at the lively banquet in front of him, as well as the bride of the network who was killing all directions, Qingming chuckled: “The child of the new woman, I didn’t expect that it would become like this in the end!” ”


Suzuka Gozen also nodded and said, “The final result turned out to be like this, which is indeed unexpected, it is really very interesting!” But…”

Suzuka Gozen looked at the Yagi Snake who was sitting on the side smiling and drinking, seriously! If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s really hard to imagine that the Yagi Great Snake would sit here, and this evil god would sit here to participate in the New Year’s banquet.


The fact is that the Yagi Great Snake is indeed sitting here, even full of indifference and calmness, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he is very interested in all this, and this is the change of the Yagi Great Snake! After everything that has happened, everyone has changed, and it is not easy for them to continue to sit here today.

In that case, is it necessary to be so entangled in everything that was once done? In fact, there is no need anymore! This is the core idea of everyone, everything that was once is in the past, in this case, then go down step by step, in a new way, in a new future, step by step.

“Hmm County”

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Qingming watched all this quietly, very gentle! Very gentle! Perhaps, Suzuka Gozen and Yagi Great Snake do not deal with each other, but both of them gradually let go of everything they once had, but gradually sat here like this again, this feeling is already very good, everything that used to be has passed, and everything is now the real beginning!

Qingming quietly looked at the lively and very interesting banquet in front of him, and whispered softly: “New Year! The new year, and everything that follows, will be a new beginning, and for Wano Country, it will also be a new future! ”

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