Chapter 119: Inheritance of the False God!.

New year!!

The bustle has passed, and it is a new experience for the whole Wano Country, they never thought that a new year can be like this, they envy the beauty of Heiankyo and the blooming of flowers, but they also know that under the leadership of the king, they will have a better life one day.

After all!

In the past, at the time of the New Year, even eating an extra piece of meat was already a very difficult life, this is the people of the country of Wano, a poor country, a country that clearly has hailoushi minerals, occupying ninety percent of the world’s hailoushi minerals, but because of the closed country, in the end the poor is almost starved country, and such a country, on the second day of the king’s reign, has undergone earth-shaking changes, their New Year does not dare to say glory and wealth, but has really become a big fish and meat, They are filled with gratitude and respect.

This is ordinary civilians, they are actually the simplest people, one bite to eat, one bite to drink, simple can have all this, this is them ordinary people! Whoever feeds them, they will be thankful to Dade.


As the New Year passes, Wano Country naturally begins to be busy again, and the current Wano Country has not yet reached the time of enjoyment, but to continue to develop step by step, step by step to continue to grow, which is the most important, the entire Wano Country is growing rapidly, which is definitely an extremely important thing for Wano Country.

Syllable! Syllable!

Black Carbon Twilight Cicada, Bei Mihu, Kanjuro and others all came to the study room of the palace, they stepped into the study, and then knelt down in a respectful posture in the posture of a perfect taxi, and said respectfully: “Young master!” ”


Qingming put down the book in his hand and said slowly, “Get up.” ”


“Thank you young master!”

The three people slowly stood up, black carbon twilight cicada, black carbon humble, black carbon Kanjuro, they don’t need to say anything at all, three people are almost the three people with the highest status in the country of 590, as for the people of the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk? Their status is very special and cannot be counted among them.

The black carbon twilight cicada naturally does not need to say more, she can be said to be the pillar of the black carbon family, step by step supporting the real development of the black carbon family to today, so that the black carbon family has grown again.

As for Kurotani Kanjuro, there is no need to say more, after giving up his acting career, Kurotanjoro picked up the black knife that once belonged to Frost Moon Ryoma, he can be said to have become the new guardian god of Wano Country, I dare not say how powerful it is, but he is definitely a qualified general in all aspects of commanding battles, samurai training, and all aspects.

As for the final black carbon Bei Mi Hu, there is no need to say more, as a qualified Onmyoji, Warlock, Mage, and Spell Master, Bei Mi Hu’s growth rate is very fast, even reaching an amazing degree, and this is the speed of Bei Mi Hu’s growth, and now it is a solid strength almost equivalent to that of an ordinary headquarters lieutenant general.

Name: Bemi Hu Yin-Yang Technique: Charm! Magic! Time magic! Inheritance Progress: 25% Nikkei no Jo: Unlocked Domineering: Overlord Color Domineering [Intermediate] Armed Color Domineering [Intermediate] See and Smell Color Domineering [Intermediate] That’s right!

What a short period of two years! Bei Mihu has reached such an amazing level, did not rely on any energy of Qing Ming, but purely relied on his own development, the inheritance progress has been developed to 25%, the three-color domineering is all developed to the intermediate level, the most important thing is that Bei Mi Hu will be the rabbit bowl is also very well governed, such an ability, do you need to say more? No need at all!


Qingming nodded and spoke, “Twilight Cicada Mother-in-law, Humble Mihu, Kanjuro, let’s talk about it separately, the next situation in Wano Country!” ”


The three of them nodded slightly, and Kanjuro was the first to speak: “Young master!” In the next opinion, it is possible to change the samurai who saw the group, and the number of samurai has been maintained at 150,000, however! There are still a large number of samurai, and the samurai who came out of the dojo want to join the army, and if nothing else, the number of samurai will soon exceed 200,000. ”

Qingming thought a little and considered: “Change the name of the Jianhui group to the ghost soldier group, as for the number of people, it is enough to control it at 200,000, and there is no need to continue to grow, but!” Other samurai can also be recruited and taught as trainee samurai, and the current Wano country has money, and if you can’t let these samurai flow into the Wano Country casually, those who have power will cause three major dangers. ”


Kanjuro nodded with a serious expression, 200,000 ghost soldiers! In addition, all the samurai who came out of the 99 dojos were used as reserves, in other words, Qingming let Wano Country support you, and you are like ordinary people in addition to your usual training, and this is enough, anyway, now that Wano Country has money, it is impossible to feed many people.

“Other than that!”

Qingming said solemnly: “Mother-in-law Twilight, for the craftsmen and swordsmiths of the Wano Country, all of them are seriously cultivated, if you can cultivate that kind of master craftsman, it is suitable!” ”

Black Carbon Twilight Cicada smiled and said, “Young Master!” You can rest assured that the old woman knows this very well, under the arrangement of the old woman and me, the status of the current Wano Country, craftsman, samurai, and ninja is juxtaposed, and there is no need to doubt, it is completely enough craftsman! ”

Warrior! Ninja!

These three are the fundamental core of Wano Country, and craftsmen are the core of the core of Wano Country, if there are no craftsmen, then the problem is also very troublesome, no! The whole country of Wano is fundamentally lost.

After thinking about all the questions a little, Qingming continued: “In addition, Mother-in-law Twilight, recruiting scientists externally, any scientist can recruit, have the weapons created by scientists, combined with the skills of craftsmen, so as to ensure that we and the country have always possessed powerful weapons to be able to sell them externally.” ”


The black carbon twilight cicada nodded respectfully, and then said softly, “Young master!” Everything is calm on the concubine’s side, the development of the rabbit bowl is very smooth, and the rabbit bowl prison… With the protection of the ghost soldier group, there will be no problems at all. ”


Qingming also drew cards slightly during this year, and of course it was the old rule, the number of ghost soldiers increased to the number of 3,000, and other than that? It’s really embarrassing! It can be said that there has been no progress at all.

Next, after the four of them carefully discussed, everything new was about to begin, and Qingming seemed to have thought of something, and said, “Mother-in-law Twilight, call the black carbon pseudo that child over.” ”


Black Carbon Twilight Cicada nodded, and then left, and Qingming said softly: “Yagi Great Snake, are you sure there will be no problem?” For these kids, I don’t want them to have any problems. ”

The figure of the Yagi Great Snake emerged with the darkness, and with the thorough awakening of the Yagi Great Snake + full destruction, the strength has been improved again, and it is a very terrifying promotion, very indifferent Dao;

“Qingming, rest assured, I have prepared everything, all grievances have been removed, what is left is the purest demonic energy, just transform this pseudo child, you can treat her as if she accepted the inheritance like humble mihu.”


Qingming also nodded when he heard this, for these people of the Black Carbon clan, he didn’t want them to have any accidents, they had a huge accident because of their parents, and now, naturally, everything is hoping that they can live well and don’t want any problems.

“That’s right!”

The Yagi Great Snake suddenly remembered something and said, “I found a soul, I will find this soul, Qingming!” This soul has a huge relationship with you, but it takes time, and I’m not sure, after all, there is no hell in this world, and souls are wandering at will, which is prone to problems. ”

Qingming asked, “Whose soul?” ”

Yagi Great Snake shook his head and said, “A soul that is very special to you, maybe!” When you see that soul, you will understand a lot of things, and before that, you have to activate your bloodline. ”

“I see.”

Qingming didn’t ask too much, just nodded quietly, since that’s the case, then it’s so good, although the Yagi Great Snake didn’t say it clearly, but it will definitely not do that kind of inappropriate thing.

For Yagi Great Snake, a happy person, or Suzuka Gozen, a seafarer, Haruaki believes very much, and as their own gods, they are also their own relatives, and it is absolutely impossible to betray themselves.

Since I didn’t tell myself for the time being, then I didn’t say it! You don’t need to think too much, when it’s time to know, you naturally know, and you know that maybe your system is not so simple, but now you are still too weak, and you need to become stronger step by step.

“Young master!”

As the door opened, the pseudo, who was a little smaller than the one that had been, walked in, knelt respectfully on the ground, and said;

“You called me?”

Qingming asked gently;

“Pseudo, are you willing to accept the power I gave you like a humble voice?”

He was stunned for a moment, and then asked softly: “Young Master, can I also help Young Master you like Sister Humi Hu?” ”

Qingming smiled and nodded, and Pseudo immediately nodded without hesitation: “Young master!” I am willing, I am willing, I am willing to accept such a inheritance, I am willing to help the young master! ”


Qingming nodded, while the Yagi Great Snake opened one hand, and a pure white light instantly merged into the pseudo body, the next moment! The pseudo-eyes burst out with a crimson light, turning into weird snake pupils, and the aura of the whole person was rising frantically, general! Wrong! It should be said that it has reached the power beyond the general, a split second of time.

The pseudo-power has been briefly raised to the lowest level, at least comparable to the current Suzuka Gozen’s power, and the terrifying aura bursts out frantically, as if it instantly covered the entire Wano Country.

And feeling this power, Qingming said softly: “Baqi Great Snake, are you sure that there will be no problem with pseudo-this child?” ”

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