Chapter 148: The Land of Mercenaries: Lochmady.

After a brief pause, the phone worm answered, and Qingming said very calmly: “Xia Qi, 5 billion Bailey, who is the country that gave me a shot at the country of Wano no country, I believe you have such ability.” ”

That’s right!

Qingming’s phone bug called Xia Qi, and he knew very well that now the whole world was waiting, almost waiting to see his own joke! So to put it bluntly, this is a meaningless thing, in other words, intelligence cannot be purchased from anywhere, and the only one that is possible is from Xia Qi’s hands, but! I don’t know if Xia Qi can sell intelligence to herself.

Xia Qi thought a little and spat out a wisp of blue smoke: “Qingming, 10 billion Bailey, this time the risk is very large, although I know that it is almost impossible for you to leak the news, but I still need to be stable enough.” ”

Qingming nodded and said: “No problem, 10 billion Bailey, rest assured, I will hand it over to you in the safest way, no one will know about this transaction, tell me, who is the country that shot at the country of Wano.” ”


Xia Qi nodded naturally and said: “The country of mercenaries: Lochmady, what is the origin of this country, in fact, I don’t need to say more, you yourself are also very clear, because of this, nonsense, I don’t need to say more, you can think directly, but!” Qingming, I want to remind you that this time this country is not anything at all, although Lochmadi is not bad, but compared to the people behind the scenes, there is no comparison at all, and the speed of development of the country is too fast, this is only the first time, and the second time will not be slow. ”

Qingming listened to Xia Qi’s admonition, with a smile, and said gently: “Thank you Xia Qi, rest assured, your Bailey will soon have the opportunity to send over, and it will not waste too much time.” ”


Blue ~~~ With Xia Qi’s voice, the phone worm hung up, and Qingming squinted his eyes, as if thinking about something, in the room, almost everyone gathered, from Suzuka Gozen, Daitake Maru, Black Carbon Twilight Cicada, Bemiko and so on…

All the important people and gods of style are gathered here, and everyone’s expression is very sharp, and they are all thinking about something.

Daitakemaru, who leaned in front of the door with his hands around his chest, asked casually, “Qingming, is this country called Lochmadi strong?” ”

Black Carbon Twilight Cicada opened his mouth to explain: “Lord Daitakemaru, Lochmadi is a famous mercenary country in the entire world, they have no people in this country, all of them are soldiers from top to bottom, there are a total of 13 fan teams, through such fan teams, to be nervous, as long as they give enough money, they can do anything, they are such people, but!” The strength is very strong, and it is said that there are several strong people inside. ”

This is the information that the Black Carbon Twilight Cicada knows, of course, this is also the information that almost the whole world knows, and the whole world knows this information about the country of Lochmady, but! This is just intelligence outside, specific intelligence? It’s not clear.


Black Carbon Twilight said solemnly: “Lord Daiyue Maru, a mercenary country does not need to be put in the eyes at all, the real trouble is the people hidden behind the scenes, these people are the biggest trouble, the major forces in this world, presumably are all under pressure in the country of Wano country, the country of peace has grown very fast in just two days, the country of the sea defeated the silver axe pirate group, and it has shown extremely strong strength, because of this!” That’s the kind of situation that will happen. ”


Daitakemaru pouted disdainfully, “Humans! No matter when it is, it is such a look, it really makes people feel bored, a group of guys who are always fighting with each other through such means, just such a guy, it really makes people feel boring! ”


The corners of his mouth opened, and Daiyue Maru said excitedly: “Qingming!” This time the opponent, let Young Master Ben get excited and excited! Don’t they think that Wano Country is strong enough? Is the pace of development too fast? Then tell the whole world! How powerful it is, he~~~”

Evade? Avoid?! No! No! No!

This is not the right choice, the best choice is to tell the other party how powerful Lao Tzu is, directly suppress the other party from beginning to end, completely defeat the other party, in this case, then it is the best choice, in this way, you can directly defeat the other party, isn’t this the best result? There is simply no need to doubt it.

Qingming raised his hand and said calmly, “Dayue Maru calm down, rest assured!” I will let the whole world know how powerful Wano Country really is, and that we Wano Country do not like to expand abroad because it is not necessary, not because it is limited by them, and it is not a shame to retreat like this? ”


“That’s right!”

“That’s right!”

Dayue Maru laughed confidently and said, “Young Master Ben really wants to see, how are these strong people in this world, since they want to start a war?” Then come on! Let Lao Tzu take a look at what the final result is! ”


A smile emerged, Daitake Maru was full of proud posture, but also full of calm and domineering posture, the domineering in his eyes was not a nonsense thing at all, as the young master of Suzuka Mountain, as the spiritual pillar of Suzuka Mountain, Daitake Maru has never had any fear, he in order to protect Mount Suzuka, no matter what the enemy, as long as he dares to stand in front of him, then he will defeat the other party and completely tear the other party to pieces, this is the confidence and strength of Daitake Maru.


Qingming nodded, thinking about something, half a day! Daitake Maru has returned, and now Yagi Great Snake has gone to Fishman Island, plus the return of the sea country, so to speak! All the forces of Wano Country are gathered together, and Haruaki is thinking about something


Suzuka Gozen scolded seriously: “Don’t fool around!” ”



“Don’t worry!”

Ōgakumaru was full of confidence, while Haiming said with a smile: “Suzuka-mae-sama, don’t blame Ōdakumaru-sama, no matter at any time, it is with such courage that Ōgakumaru can lead Suzuka-samaru forward!” ”

“It really is…”

Suzuka Gozen shook his head helplessly, while Haiming looked at Qingming quietly, and said gently;

“Lord Qingming! The old man did have an idea, instead of thinking about it, actually! The easiest way is to make the whole world afraid and fearful, and the consequence of this is that this will happen a second and third time in the future, Lord Qingming, will you be afraid? ”

Qingming said calmly with an indifferent smile: “Fearful?” Who knows! However, it is true that you will feel trouble, but you only need to deal with it a little. ”

“That’s good!”

Haiming smiled and nodded, “Lord Qingming, then!” Just show your strength, subdue the other party, completely subdue the other party, in this way, defeat the other party again and again! Since the other party is afraid of the growth speed of Wano Country, then let the other party know how powerful the Wano Country is, defeat the other party again and again, and completely make the other party soft, it is enough. ”


Haiming speaks like nonsense, but! That’s the best thing, if you relent? Then let’s admit it, and then develop step by step, if you don’t admit it, then continue, the other party will be convinced again and again, isn’t this the best thing?


Qingming smiled, slowly stood up and said, “In that case, Suzuka, Daiyue Maru, and Haiming, follow me on the campaign!” Let the world see how powerful the power of the sea country is, there is no need to carry any personnel, only the sea country’s sea monster, what do you think? ”

“Of course it’s no problem!”


Dayue Maru snorted proudly and said domineeringly: “Just the Kraken of the Sea Country is enough, let the whole world see, Sea Country!” In the end, how powerful it is, it is even more necessary to let the whole world know what the power of the sea country is! ”


Qingming also confidently hooked the corners of his mouth, with a sharp look in his eyes, and with Qingming’s order, the entire Wano Country has begun to operate, led by Suzuka Gozen, Daitake Maru, Demon Daoji, Kaiming, the four people, as well as all the Kraken of the Sea Country, Kujira, Beaver, Tiger, Crab Hime, Scorpion Girl, Whale, Sea Ninja and Seven People Gorge, as well as the 1300 Sea Country Kraken, the only people who went out on the expedition, but these people are enough, let the whole world know and know, How powerful is the power of the sea country!


The rest of the people are left in Wano Country, led by Beimihu, with Takiyashahime, Hanabamaki, Yagi Pseudo, leading the White Wolf, Oni Girl Momiji, Shinwen, and Yingkusa and all the Shiki Gods, these Shiki Gods stay in Wano Country, no matter what the strength is enough, respectively, four general-level combat power, a total of eight general-level combat power.

This is the power of Wano Country, don’t you want to see how powerful Wano Country really is? Good! So let you see how powerful the country of Wano is, let you know how terrifying the power of the country of Wano is!

“Humble Humble!”

Qingming stood on the ghost ship, looked at Bei Mi with a serious expression and shouted, “The country of Wano will be handed over to you for use.” ”

Bei Mihu smiled and said, “Young master! You can rest assured that nothing will happen in Wano Country, and the concubine body will let everyone know how powerful is the power of Wano Country, and wants to attack Wano Country? So! The price to pay will definitely not be something they are willing to bear. ”


Qingming nodded seriously, turned around, the blue and white intertwined hunting clothes had crossed a beautiful arc, and the ghost ship was gradually heading towards the distance, following his side, Suzuka Gozen, Daitake Maru, Demon Daoji, Haiming, everyone’s expressions were sharp enough, and there was a look of excitement.

Hundred Ghosts Night Walk!

Their favorite thing is such a thing, fighting! Crazy! Slaughter! They will not have any hesitation, let the whole world see how powerful the power of the sea country is, and how terrifying the country of Wano is.

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