Chapter 149: The People of Wano Country! You guys are moving too?.

The ghost ship set sail, without any hiding, without any dodging, and that’s how it sailed in a bright way, in front of everyone, told the whole sea, and the actions of Wano Country, but! The more so, the more terrifying it is, how much confidence does Wano Country have?

In fact!

Now above the sea, everyone is paying attention to Wano Country, they naturally saw such confident actions of Wano Country, everyone involuntarily frowned, what do they want to do? Does Wano Country have such confidence?


In the eyes of many people, as long as Wano Country obediently accepts this failure, then! The next thing is that stable development is over, such a loss is not too big for Wano Country, and everyone also accepts such a defeat of Wano Country, but obviously Wano Country does not intend to accept such a defeat, which makes everyone feel interesting, what does Wano Country want to do?

If you calculate it now, it’s too late! However, the next moment, a shocking scene appeared, the speed of the ghost ship is too fast, triggered from Wano Country, heading to Lochmadi actually! It takes nearly a month, because of this, the initial cost is purely a joke, people just don’t plan to release people, this is purely to find trouble, but the speed of the ghost ship is too fast, so fast that everyone feels it instantly, it doesn’t seem right!

“What do you guys think?”

“Wano Country…”


“There is no need to say more nonsense, just say something useful, if Wano Country loses, then naturally there is no need to say more!” But what if Wano Country wins? You should all know very well that if the country of Wano is defeated, in fact, everything is easy to say, but! If Wano Kuni solves the matter this time, then it will be us who will lose face? ”

One by one big people gathered in one 120 cases, their faces are very indifferent, even said, their expressions are very calm, they are targeting the country of Wano, naturally they do not want the country of Wano to recover again, if it really makes the country of Wano successful, then the problem is also a very troublesome thing.

“No need to be too nervous, all of us are well prepared enough, and the victory of Wano Country? That’s almost impossible!. ”


“Everything has the possibility of failure, but what if Wano Country wins? The result of the defeat is naturally needless to say, but the victory will bring a reputation to the country of Wano that will resound throughout the world, and at that time, everyone will know the status of the country of Wano, and the country of Wano will grow further. ”

“To put it bluntly!”

“This time it is to defeat Wano Country.”

“Having said that, you should also know that Wano Country is very strong, and it is simply impossible to defeat the other party! The owner of Wano Country is very powerful, unless it is said! You’re sure, I’m not. ”

Everyone is thinking and discussing, everyone’s expression is very complicated, but also discussing with each other, it is undeniable! The situation in Wano Country is indeed very special, and the development speed of Wano Country is too fast.

Although said!

Wano Country has never expanded abroad, but above this sea, as someone said, when you have this power, it is actually original sin! This is the most fundamental reason, and because of this, they are very seriously thinking and considering the situation in Wano Country, and it is undeniable to say that it is undeniable.

The strength of Wano Country is growing rapidly, but! They need to suppress the country of peace, after all, if the country of peace continues to develop so perfectly, it will have a very big impact on the future, and this impact will be very troublesome.

Plainly! It’s not so much the action of a country of mercenaries, actually! At all, this is the whole world is targeting Wano Country, even if the world government does not make a move, it is because of the affairs of the Red Earth Continent, otherwise, it will definitely participate in it. Because!

The development speed of Wano Country is too fast, and if the development speed of a country is too fast, then you will involve the interests of others, naturally! Then there is no need to say more, you need to be disposed of well, otherwise, it is not a good thing!



The black carbon twilight cicada remained silent, her expression seemed to be very calm, but that worry was actually hidden in her heart, and she couldn’t show it at all, she was really very worried, after all! The entire Wano Country is pressed on Qingming alone, and this is the most important thing!


In the current Wano Country, the real pillar is Qingming, no! No! No matter at any time, the pillar is Qingming alone, no matter at any time, just like the huge Great Qin Empire, the first emperor is the one who suppresses everything, as long as the first emperor does not die, everyone has to lie on their stomachs obediently, dare not move, because this is a fearful existence.

And the current Wano Country is the same, the situation in Wano Country is similar to that of Daqin, if Qingming falls, then the entire Black Carbon clan will collapse in an instant, this is needless to say, as for Wano Country, it will not choose others to become the king of Wano Country, Suzuka Mountain! The City of the Wheel of the Sun!

What does it mean that they will not disappear with Qingming’s death? In fact, it is self-evident, everyone submits and respects only Qingming alone, and when the man named Qingming dies, then everything is naturally self-evident.

Everything in the country of Wano will completely collapse, they will not obey each other’s orders, there is no sense of belonging to the country of Wano, because of this, the black carbon twilight cicada will be so nervous, all this is in front of you, it is really something that needs to be dealt with by the black carbon twilight cicada, if it is not handled well, then everything will become very troublesome.


Exhaling a slightly cloudy breath, the black carbon twilight cicada finally shook its head, there was no need to say anything, next, everything can only rely on the young master! Don’t let anything go wrong!

Bei Mihu looked at the appearance of the black carbon twilight cicada, just knew what was going on, and said softly: “Twilight Cicada mother-in-law, you are not allowed to be so nervous, the young master will not have any accidents, whether it is Suzuka Gozen, Daiyue Maru or Demon Dao Ji, Haiming, nothing will happen!” ”


Black Carbon Twilight Cicada shook her head and said, “Of course, the old woman knows that such a power is strong enough!” Just ahhh! When people are old, they can’t help but worry, and they don’t need to worry too much about the old woman, there is nothing yet. ”


Looking at the appearance of Twilight Cicada’s mother-in-law, Beimihu also shook his head helplessly, this matter, it’s really hard to say something! Because things are really very troublesome, the black carbon twilight cicada really attaches great importance to Qingming!

It’s not that anyone can handle things, or even say! If you can’t handle it well, the result of paying will be a very troublesome thing, and Bei Mihu also shook his head, and continued to say more.

It’s just that!

Bei Mihu raised his head, quietly looking into the distance, a different look appeared in his eyes, his expression was very serious, next! It is the most important thing, and I need to protect the entire Wano Country, which is the most important thing.

Humble Mihu, Hanabamaki, Yagi Pseudo, Takiyashahime, a total of four general-level powerhouses, such a force, is already strong enough, if it is still defeated? That’s the problem of humble might!

As a matter of fact!

Don’t think that there are really enough general-level strong people in Wano Country, general-level strong people are still the top power in this world, no matter at any time, don’t underestimate these monsters, because the power of these monsters, but the power of the world’s fixed point, because of this, everyone can not let down their vigilance.

And Bei Mihu knows that this time as long as he protects the entire Wano Country, everything is not a problem, but if it fails? So! Everything will be completely destroyed.

“There will be absolutely no accidents!!”

There was a determined look flashing in her eyes, she would definitely not allow any accidents to appear, any! Any! Any accidents are absolutely not allowed, and if there are more accidents, it is simply unacceptable to Bei Mihu, and she does not allow any accidents.

“Ahem cough cough ~~~”


The weak people are hung on the cross, their faces are very pale, even that they are only one step away from death, and each of them has endless dazed and confused eyes in their eyes, why is this so? They just want to go home! When they returned to their homeland, the end result was that they had endured so many changes.

29 people, they are once a branch of the black carbon family, and now, these people are all hung here, there are old people, there are children, but invariably, they have almost reached the limit, you can say it bluntly!

They didn’t die because the other party didn’t want them to die yet, otherwise they would have died now, and in the eyes of some people, they need to die in three days, if they die too early, it is not a good thing.


“Brother! When to get rid of these guys? ”

“Almost there!”

Others waved their hands and said very casually: “There is still a day and a half to go, these guys, if you want to deal with them, it is easy!” Hehehe, from the beginning, there was no intention to let them leave alive, I’m afraid this garbage still doesn’t know, right? It’s just a bunch of garbage from Wano Country! Do these rubbish, really think that they can live? ”


Listening to the words of the whole person, everyone let out a loud laugh of excitement, but the next moment, their laughter suddenly became infectious, and everyone’s faces turned blue.

A faint voice gradually entered everyone’s ears, saying, “When, the people of Wano Country, have you people also moved?” ”

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