Feili hurriedly expanded her magic field to replenish the magic power of the two elves: "How are you two?"

Evelint held her head: "The earth veins are torn. Everywhere we elves go, we will connect our bodies with the nearby earth veins to obtain a steady stream of magic power. Sylph and I are okay, Shui Miko and Fu Kai are more affected."

The Water Witch now looks like a faded sketch, leaning against the wall: "You may not believe it, but it's most likely that lunatic Pandora, who 'plucked' the entire Karan."

Feilin opened his eyes wide: "Pull out...?"

The Water Miko composes the picture with water elements, and the magic power forms a three-dimensional map of Karan, showing that Karan is torn from the earth and lifted into the sky.

Feili swallowed her saliva, this was so powerful.

After the demonstration, the water witch hugged Feili and wiped Feli's nose and tears on her body. Although it was all water, her behavior was disgusting.

"Help, help, help~na." Strange pronunciation.

Feili touched the hair of the water witch, and the water witch grabbed Feli's hand and put it on her face.

"From now on, let's work together to defeat the witch of disaster!"

"me too."

Evelint leaned over and held Feili's hair.

"Now go find Pandora's lair."

This scene fell into Serena's eyes, and Knight Ji felt very uncomfortable. She was the weak one and stayed out of the matter.

I think she was the first to follow Feili back then... Well, excluding film, it’s the earliest.

I'm so angry, but I can't show it. The knight needs to be generous.

That's what I said, but this is Feili. If I don't post it now, when will we wait?

"I'm not as strong as you, but there's still something I can do to help, right?"

Serena looks calm and strong.

Feili thought for a moment and decided to take a look first. Today's Karan belongs to the braves who can hold up the sky. If the braves can't stand it, there are also the old gods like Earl Laodeng. A role like her has always been a conspiracy. Determined.

Feili decided to protect her own people first.

"Serena, gather the troops to prepare for the situation and ask the mages to strengthen the warning barrier. That crazy woman in Pandora can do anything when she gets mad."


Then one order after another was issued, and everyone in the legion was settled down, and the defense was impregnable.

Evelyn looked at it and thought for a moment.

"No matter what, we must defeat Pandora head-on."


Feili has her own concerns. The main reason is that she is a parallel importer. The secondary reason is the existence of the earl. These two are like a green dragon on the left and a white tiger on the right. The dragon is at the waist and the head is in the heart. The former is a man blocking the murderer, and the latter is a god blocking the killing. .

After all, the two BOSSs attract each other and hate each other. It is a good thing if one of them dies. Feili wishes they would die together.

Today's situation is not within the scope of the count's past predictions, and there are many more variables.

But it's not a new beginning for the count, because at the moment of change, he doesn't know how many predictions he has made and how many times he has returned from the future.

In other words, as long as the Earl develops a new style of play, he can get rid of the restrictions of the old era and continue to set sail. His final plan will come slowly, but Pandora's brain is not easy to use. Kill this guy who will disrupt the situation first.

So the Earl returned to the battle line, and as Pandora shrunk to its limit, the Kalans and Demons realized that something was wrong and entered the Colosseum.

A major earthquake changed the ecological pattern. Although the Kalan land did not rise in place, the edge also rose hundreds of feet high, making supplies difficult. This was true for humans, and the demons could only kill the goose to obtain the eggs.

There is no need to add fuel to the flames. Just to survive, various forces in the dark camp began to work hard.

The big earthquake in Karan stimulated everyone, and all kinds of monsters hiding in the dark also crawled out, and all of a sudden, the demons were dancing wildly both on the front and behind.

In this situation, the Arius Expeditionary Force and the Kallan Kingdom's Brave Salvation Army remained calm. Everyone complained that "the demons are dancing again." Upon seeing this, the veteran gods from all over the country also took out their trump cards.

But no one expected that under Pandora's pressure and the mountain collapsed, Count Abiles, an outsider who later joined the battlefield, would bear the brunt of Pandora's wrath.

On the first day, a beam of meteors fell from the sky, and the star beast fell into the camp of Morgana's magic army. A hundred-meter-high beast rose from the ground.

The giant beast looks like a large lizard. To be more precise, it imitates the appearance of a dragon. It is probably an inherent impression obtained by Tianwai after observing the world. It believes that dragons are more in line with people's fears. It is easiest for star beasts to imitate the appearance of dragons. Shock the natives.

Then the Morgana family was in a rage, and the magic warriors saw that the dragon not only had no fear, but also had high fighting spirit.

With the arrival of the first star beast, hundreds of red dots appeared in the sky one after another, but most of the star beasts failed to fall. The power of the gods once again enveloped Karan, knocking down a large number of star beasts or intercepting them in the outer barrier. .

Pandora also obviously absorbed the last lesson. After many star beasts were shot down, they turned into little fragments and continued to fall on Karan. These fragments turned into small star beasts and spread.

On this day, Karan saw the largest moon in the daytime.

Some mysterious place, there is a discussion about this.

"Goddess of Qingyue, should you be responsible for the moon's affairs..."

"Okay, let's ask the next Sun God to speak. I hope he can put forward more constructive opinions."

Here, the gods are relatively harmonious, and there is no tension due to religious beliefs. When facing aliens, everyone is of one mind.

The reason why I say "for the time being" is that there are still some minor conflicts among the gods who may not gather together for thousands of years. For example, there are only two first-level gods representing the moon, Qingyue and Mingyue, while there are nearly a hundred second-level and third-level gods representing the sun.

The more assertive gods expressed their position directly: "There is nothing to say. Everyone, send down the revelation as soon as possible. Churches in all places should support Kalan if they can, and those who cannot should also take precautions. Pandora is just a trigger. Now the real opponent is waiting for an opportunity on the moon. It's really hateful."

The gods who were in a mess could only complain: "It has been like this for tens of millions of years. Are we just passively bullied like this?"

Qingyue's consciousness decisively mocked: "Those who can't even fight against the amnesia mushrooms are advised to shut up. If you have nothing to say, don't force yourself to speak. Everyone, let's get through this together first. I have already made arrangements for the future."


"Give me a hundred years at that time, and kill on the moon first to test the water."

Qingyue still has prestige. When she said this, the discussion was basically over. The gods returned to the sect, mobilized when necessary, and fought when necessary. Among them, the one who was in charge of fighting also highlighted a cool battle.

The atmosphere in Kalan became hot all of a sudden, and Fili was forced to be involved in a more intense battle. There was no way. There was a place nearby to ask for help. The Transcendents could no longer cope with it, so only the heroes could go to the anti-war front.

A week after the decisive battle of Kalan, the mortal army retreated directly, the central battlefield was broken into pieces, and the laws of the ground were broken. The dead gods ran wild in a certain area, forming an uncontrollable death zone.

Pandora saw this and thought that this was not okay. She didn't shrink Kalan to make a coffin for herself.

Soon, poisonous insects were rampant in Kalan, plagues broke out, the earth lost its vitality, and toxic substances polluted the supplies of the alliance army.

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As a result, Count Abils did not advocate killing, put away his sword and returned from the battlefield. He established the Morgana Magic Research Institute in Kalan, collected various plagues, poisonous insects and rats spread by Pandora, and developed legal methods based on local materials in a few days. Some summoned familiars for biological control, some directly made secret medicines and distributed them for free, and many magic warriors took off their armor and became military doctors, treating frontline soldiers everywhere.

The plague created by Pandora was suppressed.

A few days later, the hearts of the people in Kalan were in turmoil. Some of the weak-willed legions howled in the camp. The soldiers who had been under long-term mental stress lost control of their minds under the darkness. In many places, humans attacked each other, and the demons also launched an offensive without regard for their lives. The star beasts and monsters of all sizes began to wreak havoc, invading villages and towns recklessly, causing a lot of damage and paralyzing traffic.

Fili began to call for the Pandora of Hope to enter. After brewing for so long, these Pandora of Hope, which had been shaped by stories for a long time, had gained power. They attacked Pandora with their own power. The Pandora of Hope could proliferate after defeating the monsters. The propaganda of the power of hope could soothe people's hearts, and the panicked people were healed by the power of fairy tales.

The war created by Pandora was suppressed.

The ground veins of Kalan were damaged, and the vegetation of the entire Kalan Highlands died in an extinction-like manner. The crops that were already exhausted withered directly, and the green mountains and clear waters were completely exhausted. The mysterious power began to erode the natural resources that people depended on for survival, and famine was born.

"Come and take a look. This is Miss Fili, a very cute witch. Elves who go to Kalan now can get Miss Fili's autographed photos. After the war is over, they can go to Miss Fili's concert for free!"

In the elf circle, there are succubi constantly shouting to sell tickets. This is the countermeasure after Fili discussed it.

Although natural depletion is tricky, the elves are not vegetarians. They are more professional than gods in the field of nature. One or two elves are not good, what about one hundred or two hundred?

The interests of elves are mostly common. They like beautiful things. Is Fili beautiful? Of course she is beautiful enough. With the gimmick of the hymn, she attracts the attention of a large number of elves in minutes. After the slight processing of the water witch, other elves are also curious about this witch.

It's not a loss to take a look.

A large number of elves bring vitality just by approaching Kalan. The depleted nature is restored to its original state under the efforts of the elves, and even the contaminated food is purified.

The famine created by Pandora has been suppressed.

It can be seen that there are still many good people in the world.

As Pandora's methods failed, the dark camp could no longer maintain its defense line and began to collapse. The northern and southern armies successively captured cities and joined together in the capital of Kalan, clearing the last demon.

People thought that this was victory.

Pandora was confused. No, she had worked so hard, why did the dark camp collapse faster?

"Even if the demons died, they didn't want you lowly humans to have an easy life. They voluntarily gave up their lives to exchange equal deaths with you." Pandora's vicious voice echoed in everyone's ears.

Before people celebrated the recovery of Kalan, silent death spread in the army. This time it was more violent than all the previous means of fighting, and it was irresistible.

The sky of the capital was swept away by clouds, and the dark blood stained the sun, pouring from the sky to the earth. The endless dark black blood spread in the capital. Anyone who touched this blood would be quickly involved, and their souls would no longer exist.

The alliance army had to withdraw from the capital and flee as soon as it entered the capital.

When the crowd retreated, Abilus drew his sword and stabbed it into the ground. The knights of the Morgana family beside him did the same action, forming a wall and deploying a magic barrier to temporarily block the blood river of death outside the barrier.

People named this disaster the Final Disaster. Different camps began to disagree about Pandora's madness of not being able to afford to lose and not playing.

The Arius Expeditionary Force believed that they should take refuge first and then study, find Pandora and seal it, and organize the spread of death.

The Kalan Army believed that the Kalan people had shed all their blood and could not let such a disaster continue to spread. The brave man planned to sacrifice himself to create an independent space to seal the blood river of death.

Count Abilus said that he would find Pandora alone, and he disappeared suddenly without discussing with others.

Chapter 181: Filin has long died, you are the witch

"My name is Carol, an alchemist of little fame, your brother's helper, and Fili's friend. I came here to give you mushroom soup. You should have heard of this mushroom soup. We only lacked mushrooms with death attributes before. We prepared it the moment the materials were gathered."

At the border of Kalan, Enier was just blocked outside the rising land of Kalan. It was not difficult to get in, but she often received letters from Filin recently and was ordered to avoid the count, which made her feel very uneasy.

Just today, Carol found her and brought a bowl of mushroom soup, which made Carol hesitate.

The good news is that Filin is still active, and the bad news is that Filin has not appeared yet.

"Where is my brother now?" Enier didn't know the situation in Kalan.

"His situation is... more complicated." Carol pouted.

Does it mean that your brother is on the way to Black Pandora?

Carol is not a young girl. She has never seen Filin being so unscrupulous in her life. Her unscrupulous method of angering Pandora is chilling. Anyway, Carol has made up her mind that she will never become an enemy of Filin in this life.

But this is Carol's misunderstanding. She is simply late.

"Filin is creating Pandora's black material and mediating with your father. Well, the specific situation will be revealed in a few days. Don't worry."

"I'm a little scared. It's too quiet recently."

Quiet is right. Fili peeked at the time fragments of Count Abils and used the information gap between the enemy and me to reverse the situation.

Abils is not stupid. He noticed Filin's intention and disappeared.

Didn't you change the stage of Kalan? This is also the natural operation of fate. The count doesn't have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Just accept the new plot calmly.

It is equivalent to giving up the main line and entering the DLC directly.

Now the count is missing, Fili has lost her target, and she continues to hide.

The Earl was not as cautious as she was. He chased Pandora whenever he found her, and cut Pandora whenever he met her. Pandora could still resist at the beginning, but after two days, the situation became one-sided. Pandora relied on her immortality to survive, and Abils chased and killed her with a sword.

The Kalan region was also quite miserable. It was transformed from a bitter and cold northern land into a plateau by Pandora, and now a basin appeared in the center. Even if the light camp won, the original capital... well, the map ten years ago was useless. The terrain near the Kalan capital was directly changed by the attack.

Pandora's current situation basically made it impossible to survive on the planet. In the end, she opened the teleportation array and tried to escape from the planet, but there were so many people watching. Even if Abils didn't chase her, other gods would not allow Pandora to escape.

The dignified disaster witch never made any waves again, and was nailed to death by Abils in the center of the magma lake.

"I curse you! No matter what future you expect, only the end will greet you!" After Pandora lost her invisibility and many monsters, she was only hard-mouthed.

Abils waved his hand back, and the magic power exploded in the air, giving Pandora a big slap in the face.

In the constant rewinding of time, he was tired of hearing the same lines, so every time he saw Pandora, he had to keep his face from smiling, because Pandora's current desolation just set off her arrogance when they first met.

"Who are you to curse me?" Abils looked down at the legendary witch's defeat, "Before the official duel with you, I thought you could live so long because of your strength, but I didn't expect that you could live to this day completely by luck. You are not firm in your heart, your thoughts are immature, and you rely on nothing but some boring natural disasters and man-made disasters. You underestimate humans too much. Even if it's not me, my descendants can also kill you off the altar. Pandora, the reason you will lose is more because you don't want to make progress."

Abils did feel that there was some special rule covering him, but he didn't take it to heart.

Filin showed him that predicting the future was unreliable, and Pandora proved to him that the iron must be hard to forge. The future can become something he doesn't know, which should make him feel excited to some extent.

"You pretentious bastard, don't think I don't know your nature and the special evil magic on you." Pandora showed a mocking smile, "You transferred the deadly curse and attack to your offspring, and you still claim to be righteous..."

"It seems that you still don't understand that whether there is that kind of magic or not, they can't survive. I am their biggest nightmare."

Pandora didn't understand why Abils, as a father, said such a thing. She was the only one who threatened others with her offspring. This was the first time she saw a father and a son who were kind and filial.

Pandora didn't see any emotion in Abils' eyes. She was a little panicked: "You can't kill me. If you kill me now, unpredictable things will happen in the channel between the stars and the moon."

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