Abils brought an end to Pandora: "Really? That's just what I want. Rolling an unknown dice is more challenging than the threat you bring."

Kalan's disaster ended with the disappearance of Pandora, but Pandora's divinity is still active. People cast their eyes to the sky. The cracks in the sky are like the scars of the world that cannot be healed for a long time.

People began to try to repair Kalan's trauma. At the same time, Morgana's descendants were facing a huge crisis.

"Fear of threat is a manifestation of incompetence." Abils appeared outside Kalan and pushed open a hiding place for the descendants. "Who asked you to hide here?"

"Father, father...?"

"I'm asking you a question, can't answer? Or don't know?"

"I don't know."

"Okay, take action. I'll give you a chance to attack me or escape."

The descendant who was found by Abils first may have bad luck. He was only fourteen years old and was still confused about the purpose of this trip to Kalan. He was secretly persuaded to leave by Fili halfway. He was still confused about his old father's arrangement and was killed.

The earl did not give the offspring too much time to think. He made the offspring tremble with his momentum, and finally died under the erosion of fear magic.


In theory, these offspring are all scapegoats, but this is obviously not Abils's purpose. If he was really afraid of death, he would not have arranged Kalan as a stage.

He started from the outermost offspring and searched one by one, killing them from a distance, and kept killing for half a month.

Soon it was the turn of the obedient children. The offspring who followed Abils's arrangement and entered Kalan to seriously fight the demons saw their father, but they were not comforted or surprised, but frightened.

Count Abils made his intention clear. As a father, he wanted to compete with the children and decide life and death. Isn't this a mess?

This is not just a father beating his son, but a strong beating the weak.

The offspring who can come to Kalan are excellent, and they are also capable of surviving in the battle, but when Abils negotiated, several of them collapsed.

"Since this is the outcome, why did you give birth to us?"

"At first, I followed the order of the nobles. At that time, my father wanted to use the so-called offspring to restrain me, but later I found that since I could kill him, my child could also kill me. This is one of the reasons. I don't believe in the so-called bond of family affection." Abils answered calmly, "After a while, I wanted to see if my descendants could replicate the same path as me. Of course, this failed. You are the accident of this test. Now I want to leave this world. Before leaving, I plan to clean up everything that can be connected to me. I don't want to hear a descendant begging for the protection of the ancestors when I seriously comprehend time one day. That's quite annoying."

"I can't understand it."

"There is no need to understand it. There are also records of fathers and sons killing each other in history. If it were you, would you be willing to surrender? By the way, I have dealt with all the children outside of Kalan. You are the first one I found in Kalan. Compared with them, you are obviously much calmer."

The battle was about to start, and the result was not surprising. Abils easily won and then looked for the next one.

It's just that he couldn't find the sense of crisis he wanted.

At first, I was a little surprised that the situation was beyond my expectations, but later I was disappointed with the expected changes. I felt that if I continued to kill like this, the descendants would not be able to make any waves.

However, things soon took a turn for the better.

Outsiders may not feel anything, but the descendants of the Morgana family are connected, and some children who have established alliances share their living conditions with each other.

Abils began to kill, and the descendants soon sensed it, and the rest began to band together.

Feilin, as an identity, was at least acting in public, and soon received a letter from his eldest brother and sister, and learned that many of his nominal brothers and sisters had died, and hoped to make an appointment to get together to fight against their father.

Everyone realized that with blood ties, Lao Deng would be discovered even if they hid at the ends of the earth. Lao Deng didn't have much malice in killing them, and he was purely in the mindset of destroying the little white mouse sample.

Feilin thought about it for a while, agreed to the request, and also called on the remaining blood relatives to join forces, but things did not go as he wished.

Some people thought that if they got together, they would be wiped out, so they proposed to run away separately. Some people lacked fatherly love and planned to meet with Abils to have a good chat and resolve the conflict. Some people were desperate.

Putting aside these people who had wild thoughts, Feilin went to Enil's hiding place, and met Abils who had been waiting for a long time halfway.

There was still fresh blood on the armor of this old Deng, and it seemed that he was still on the way to kill.

"Is it Feilin? Are you the real body or the fake body now?"

"How can I tell you."

"It doesn't matter. I have seen your weakness, you loyal child."

Abils walked in front of Feilin as if taking a walk.

"You can either stop me here or watch me kill Enil. When I finish dealing with everyone in Kalan, I will go to find your mother. When all the blood relatives disappear, only the only person who is connected to me will be left. Then I will find you eventually, and then I will no longer have any causal concerns."

Feilin closed his eyes and shook his head: "If the demon sees you, he will kowtow to you and acknowledge you as his ancestor. It's really crazy."

Abiles did not stop, as if he already knew where Enil was: "The time you delay will be counted on Enil. Choose, are you going to hide until the end, or stop me here? This is not a conspiracy. , you can rock and tear up my stage like you did before, but you can’t stop a father from dealing with his own children.”

Feilin gritted his teeth: "What kind of father are you? You are basically a monster transformed by the personification of Tao, right?"

Abels exclaimed, hearing a novel point of view for the first time: "It is indeed the path of lies. In this case, you can come up with interesting ideas. Putting aside the restraints of the body, I might really be the path without emotions. "

Seeing this, Felin felt the mood of thinking from Abiles and found that he was thinking.

Filin began to lie: "Abiles, I would like to say that the game you set up is just a child's play house. What you call a trial for yourself and your heirs has no suspense from the beginning. This is not a duel." Since the trial cannot create a sense of crisis for you, then the upgrade plan you designed will never succeed from the beginning, so there is no need to deceive yourself. "

Abels calmly said: "Haha, how can you underestimate yourself so much? Felin, I am exactly the opposite of what you think. I am very optimistic about you. Among the last few survivors, two have escaped the blood curse by their own strength. , there are several others who have adopted different methods, and they have also qualified to compete with me. If they work together, they might be able to defeat me."

Feilin slowly followed Abiles: "Is this the future you saw? Do you believe in those false reincarnations? Have you encountered any resistance until now?"

"So? Are you going to be captured without any help? You are not such a child." Abiles looked around, "On my way to find Enil, I should meet the witch, and she should be your biggest support. ? Feilin, or Miss Feili? The only thing I'm curious about now is whether Feilin is really alive."


At this moment, Feilin fell into an eerie silence.

After all, has this powerful Earl still not discovered it?

Sanyi'er Bayi Temple Yiwanjiu

No, in other words, how little confidence do you have in me, Feilin? God, you can also ask whether Felin is still alive?

"You wouldn't think that a witch would kill your heir out of boredom and then use illusions to replace her, would you?"

"Normal people shouldn't do this, but is the witch a normal person? Judging from Felin's behavior after going to Karan, his tendency to protect the witch without warning is very strange. Maybe when you find out that he is an undercover agent, Invisibly disposed of.”

Abiles seemed to recognize something, suddenly stopped and looked at Felin.

"It's easy to understand why you did this, because it's interesting. You and Pandora are the same to some extent."

"What's the evidence?"

"Going beyond the original stage and carefully sorting out the motives of Feilin and Feili, you will find that their goals are very simple and they even have the same actions. The bigger flaw is that you sneaked into my family for no reason not long ago. "Main Mansion, you and Feilin's time trajectories almost overlap."

Feilin couldn't help but tighten his grip on the dagger. His real body was still playing the role of Feili, and the person confronting Abiles was a fake. From Feili's point of view, if Feili really existed, it would be reasonable to do so.

Abiles' tone gradually became sarcastic.

"Just like when you sabotaged my plan before, if you target someone with a strong purpose, the identity of the mastermind can easily be traced, Felin, no, you should be called the deceitful witch, Feili. "


Feilin covered his face. Facing this count, his organized momentum would inevitably waver for a moment. It was not because he was afraid, but because he was simply disturbed by the outrage.

When I contacted him today, I didn't feel that Abels had such speculation. Why were the facts distorted during the conversation?

No, no, no, you, the Earl, besides being disdainful, do not believe that Felin would hide in hiding and gain the power to deceive you?

"Your guess is too ridiculous."

"Whatever you say, or will you let the real Felin appear in front of me and confront me?"

What kind of paradox is this?

Does the film itself dare to come? I don’t dare. But if the real body doesn't dare to come, does it mean that the real Feilin is dead? The existence of Feilin has been replaced by the witch a long time ago? So no matter what, Film must die? Just kidding?

Feilin looked at the count's determined posture for the last time. Although he couldn't see his expression, it was not difficult to guess his confidence at this time.

"It's amazing, Count Abels, he is indeed the same being as me, and he can detect my true identity."

Feilin suddenly changed his tone. Unknowingly, he felt the recognition from Abiles, and Feilin's identity became more real.

The power of deceit may not be able to create a true godlike witch, but it can create a Feili that Abels knows.

But a variable suddenly appeared. The moment Feilin finished speaking, a strong momentum erupted in the nearby forest, and a tree was instantly shattered by magic power and turned into a flat bottom.

Feilin stared blankly at Ernie and Carol who suddenly appeared. The two girls also stared at Feilin blankly, especially Carol. The look between them and Feilin was a little awkward.

"The magic of hiding aura...isn't that difficult? Right."

Carol looked at him and then grabbed Enil's hand.

"We'll tell you the truth later, let's run away first!"

Carol dragged Enil away, Abils raised his sword, time became broken, the world everyone perceived seemed to have deleted fragments of the process, Abils suddenly appeared in front of Enil, slashing with his sword.

Then the world in people's eyes became distorted, Enil and Carol appeared several meters away, and Abils' attack missed.

For the people present, this sudden change happened in an instant.

Filin deliberately said: "Surprised? You are not the only one who has the ability to control time."

Abils looked down at his palm. The fact that he could paralyze his perception in an instant was enough to show how powerful his opponent was: "Don't joke, you fraud witch, although I don't know what method you used, you just made my body dull, and there was no fluctuation of time at all."

Filin shrugged and pretended not to care: "Okay, I can't fool you."

Abils touched his chin: "Actually, I'm curious. If you are really strong, why don't you fight me head-on?"

Filin chuckled: "Ah, after all, I am a witch, not a knight. How could I be so stupid to fight you head-on?"

However, Carol, who was hiding aside, didn't think so. She looked at Filin with doubts, as if asking "Brother, what are you doing?" She was an alchemist who had tested Filin's blood and believed that Filin really existed.

When Filin changed her tone, Carol was like a roommate who caught Filin wearing women's clothes.

Chapter 182 Why can't the witch choose Filin?

Is it wrong to pretend to be a witch? Probably not...right?

It is true that using the power of deception to disguise other identities can also make you bigger and stronger step by step, but the only way that Miriam can instantly complete the class jump in a short, flat and fast way is to become a witch.

It is not enough to just have the identity of a witch. She also became a leading witch by chance and got many resources to improve herself, which shows that disguising Fili is the best choice.

If an identity is recognized, then she is real.

Now Count Abils admits it and Enil also witnessed it with his own eyes. Afterwards, Fili said it was a joke. I don’t know if he can leave Miriam intact. What’s more, now, Fili’s identity is more convenient, free and happy than Fili...

Because Fili’s existence is isolated from the bloodline, it will not be detected by Abils’s law of time causality. This may be the real reason why Abils firmly believes that Fili has died long ago.

"Nothing to say." The false clone, Flin, bowed his head slightly, brewed for a moment to mobilize his magic power, and raised a book, "Bahamut!"

Fake Bahamut, with its appearance, the surrounding forests suddenly ignited, the red lotus fire rolled towards Abils, the heat wave roared, and then the beams of millions of nuclear explosions flew all over the sky, focusing on the location of Abils.

Since the relationship has been torn, go all out.

After summoning Bahamut, Flin came to Enil and Carol.

Enil's eyes were completely a fan-shaped statistical chart, three points of vigilance, three points of caution, and four points of confusion. Flin glanced in the direction of the count.

Even his sister doubted him, Flin felt bitter.

"Enil, stop looking. Your brother is alive and well. These are some tricks for Abils to see. If you don't believe me, ask Carol. You should believe me, right?"

"Hiss... hard to say."

Carol imagined a man playing a witch, who was more witchy than the witch and enjoyed it more than the witch.

However, Carol looked at the Count Abils who was close at hand and decisively took Enil's hand.

"Things have a sequence. After defeating the Count, you have enough time to talk in detail."

As an alchemist, Carol didn't want to confront this contemporary legendary god directly. They were both fully developed. It took her hundreds of years to become a hero, while Abils only took about forty years. As a human, it was too scary.

But his children were not bad either. Philin's batch all became heroes at around 20 years old, which shows that the significance of bloodline still exists.

Enil looked in the direction of Bahamut, then looked at Filin, and grabbed Filin's hand: "Let's go together."

Filin shook his head: "Don't worry, this is my clone, the only meaning is to contain the earl, you go find Orfa and Antis first, they are not far away, unite to fight against the earl, I will try to hide your whereabouts."

During the conversation, Bahamut suddenly let out a painful roar, Filin looked back, the burning forest turned into charred land, the earl had shattered all the trees and rocks around, dispelled the dragon's breath, and injured Bahamut.

Blackened ten times stronger, whitened three points weaker? The Bahamut in his hand can't even exert half of its power!

Bahamut spread his wings and took off again, but moved slowly in the preparatory action, the huge body gradually stopped, and the surrounding space opened a round of magic artillery spells aimed at Bahamut.

Avils shook hands gently, and the artillery spells fired at the same time, and the magic cannons drowned Bahamut: "This is not a star beast or a dragon. The ancient dragons that the family members have been looking for are also different from Bahamut. You still say that you are not a witch?"

Filin became irritated: "You are the only one who talks too much."

"It's really funny that you talk to his father like this, or are you worried about something?" Abils has been analyzing Filin's ability, "Your reaction is also very interesting, as if you have a special feeling for this connection? Perhaps, my talented child is just in a special way. When it comes to deception, your tricks are very successful."

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