"Then? Which idiot do you want to find for this money?"

"Why do you want to find an idiot? It just so happens that we have some connections with succubi, let's go."

Fili went to find the succubi. The succubi of Bereda said before that they were not doing well, and it was difficult for them to stand out in the local involutionary market. Fili happened to have Arabel's token in her hand. Although she couldn't get close to the strange succubi directly, she could at least prove that she had a good relationship with the succubi.

"Yes, we are from Miriam, and we are partners with Arabel. In fact, I have friendships with succubi from many places." Fili's goal was to get closer to the local succubus leader.

In Miriam, Arabel's men were busy performing and working every day, and the succubi were full of energy. In Bereda's shop, even the succubi who were doing marginal or even straight work, there were a large number of them who were idle in the shop.

"A witch who has a relationship with a succubus is really rare? So you are here to help us?"

"Of course not for free. I think you can understand that the price of Bereda's alchemical puppets is more competitive than yours. The appearance is slightly inferior but better than the village girl, and the cost performance is high. Besides, succubus are all over the world, and alchemical puppets with good experience only exist in Bereda. However, those alchemical puppets on the market do not have good creativity and service models, and customers with various appetites cannot be fully satisfied. If you introduce a batch of puppets in your store and provide customized script services, a succubus can operate multiple puppets, and provide unlimited services from dreams to reality, and even satisfy some people's curiosity, can you attract customers for you?"

In addition to painting cakes, Fili also elaborated on many innovative points about services, opening up the ideas of succubus. Some of the content would naturally not pass the review in the previous life, but there is no problem in the other world. However, Fili would stop every time he talked about the key points and did not give details.

After that, Fili pointed out: "Although I have a good relationship with the succubus, Bereda also has flying demons, dream demons, other monster girl races, or human stores. If this model is implemented in detail, it will not be a problem to attract two or three out of ten tourists, not to mention dominating Bereda." The succubus calculated the accounts and was a little depressed: "Okay, I admit that you are right, but I'm sorry, we are so poor now that we can't absorb essence for free. We want to attack ordinary people at night, but we can't afford to buy alchemical puppets. More importantly, many succubi have left Bereda in recent years. Even if you provide puppets, our girls can't handle it with the efficiency of a single-person orchestra." Fili clapped her hands lightly: "Don't worry about this. I have a sufficient number of alchemical puppets. The personnel and plans will be arranged separately. You just need to prepare the succubus for work. To be honest, it will be busy to manipulate the alchemical puppets at that time. You There will be a fixed process for our services. "

The succubus leader thought calmly. They didn't spend anything in this transaction. They were idle in the store and were not afraid of being cheated: "No problem, I accept this proposal."

Fili and Carol came out of the store quickly: "Yeah... I feel that the plan is going well. We have alchemists and managers. Who do you plan to let operate these puppets in the future?"

Fili pointed to this happy street: "Don't worry, I call this plan "Guide to the Evaluation of Different Races and Customs Girls". The essence is to take people to play. This street looks noisy, but each race fights for itself and disperses the flow of customers. The overall lack of a platform, now we just need to build the platform. "

Then Fili walked into the third largest gambling house in Bereda and said a plan that can bring stable customers. The plan is to lead the succubus to lead the guests to visit Bereda with a rich service method. One of the fixed routes is this gambling house.

Fili said: "Those who can manipulate alchemical puppets are people with magic. There are many idle monster girls in Bereda. I have their cooperation intentions here. None of their stores can consume so many alchemical puppets, but buying in batches is enough to digest a thousand magic puppets. And don't use such a rough word as puppets. It should be called 'golden magic puppets'. You can draw up a cooperation contract with these operators separately and specify attendance indicators. A simple calculation will show that if you have full attendance every month, you can attract more customers to your gambling house. In the long run, it is definitely a sure win. You just need to manage and maintain it well."

There are many people who come to Bereda to indulge in luxury. There are also many dog ​​owners in this city. There is huge potential, but they are just scattered. Most of the managers of this city are busy with alchemy and immortality, and they don't manage these things carefully at all.

Fili soon discussed the specific plan with the gambling house, including the operation method and model, and the two sides signed a cooperation contract

Now that the alchemy workshop has puppets, the succubus and other alien shops have a place to go. The gambling house integrated resources according to Fili's request and concluded a contract under the gods related to the contract.

Fili facilitated the three-way deal, took different discounts and commissions from the three parties, and finally handed the money to Carol.

"Well, here you go, housekeeper."

"Tsk... It seems that the three parties are fooling people and drawing cakes for people, but in the end, all three parties accepted it."

Carol took the bank deposit slip and looked at the numbers printed in alchemical ink on it. She felt incredible, then remembered something and pinched Fili's nose.

"Don't make trouble."

"I said, pinch your nose, so that your mouth will be free, right?"

Feili was speechless for a while. Even if you are a Yingjie, you still have to breathe when you have nothing to do, okay? Do you really think she can photosynthesize? However, Carol seemed quite unconvinced. Philly tried to shake her head, but Carol didn't let go. When she couldn't help but open her mouth and take a deep breath, Carol suddenly leaned forward.

Chapter 223 This chapter has not been approved before

The purpose of Feili's detour was to get Carol's prostitute for free, but she also managed to save a lot of money, and she was about to rush to Perris' house and kick down the door, but this unexpected kiss was beyond imagination.

He was forced to pinch his nose and kiss while opening his mouth to breathe.


Feili made a strange sound and could only ask in her words.


"The content of the bet is to unconditionally agree to the other party's request. Anyway, you will make more extreme requests to me, so why don't I make the first move."

Philly was pushed all the way to the wall by Carol, and they looked at each other. Philly, who was frightened at first, tensed up and gradually relaxed. Maybe it was because she had just drank honey water, and her breath gave people a hint of sweetness. illusion.

There was just a little distance, and the tips of their noses seemed to be touching each other. Carol said softly: "In my limited few hundred years, I spent most of my time traveling, collecting materials and research, and occasionally I had business partners. , but never produced such interesting feelings as yours.”

Feili's eyes widened. She (he) had never had such an experience in two lifetimes. She couldn't help but raise her hand and cover her mouth with the back of her hand. The moisture and residual warmth from the sneak attack just now were still there, and the soft and sweet touch combined with Carol's voice. Echo, he even looked a little shy, and then his expression showed a hint of sullenness.

Feili started to dodge: "It's too weird to make such a joke."

Carol made a direct attack: "This is not a joke. Didn't you say it before when we were drinking? You first mentioned that you would trade half of your life with me."

Feili argued: "That's just a line I've read before when I was reading."

Carol held Fei Li's hand with her other hand and intertwined their fingertips: "But I don't want to let you go now. I want to travel with you and stay together more and longer. You have I will help you with your dreams, and I hope you will support your dreams. I will use my alchemy skills to protect you."

Feili's heartbeat accelerated, and then she asked a fatal question: "But have you ever thought about a fatal question? You just see Feili as beautiful and cute now, but I am essentially a man, Feilin. Please be more sober."

Carol chuckled: "I do like Feili more, but Feilin is also very handsome and gentle. What do you think is the difference in the eyes of an alchemist? No matter what you look like, I like you as an interesting soul. , now looking back on our acquaintance with Miriam, you showed many clumsy flaws and tried hard to maintain the persona of a witch. At that time, I thought that you accomplished many things through deception, but judging from Arabelle, you He is also very capable in business. This time he came up with nothing, which really impressed me."

Feili felt a sense of recognition in her heart, and her eyes averted, but then she made a sound of "Woo~!" and was hugged hard by Carol and kissed greedily.


Feili felt in her heart that it was not good to have such a relationship with her friend, but her body would not lie. On this damn night, under the protection of Qingyue, her real breasts were gently rubbed by Carol, and her strength seemed to disappear. , being greedily sucked on her lips, she couldn’t help but follow Carol’s lead.

Then I discovered something, Carol didn't actually know how to kiss, and neither of them knew how to kiss, but it seemed that through a short period of practice, they slowly found a feeling that both of them were comfortable with.

Kissing is really a magical thing. It seems that when I was single in my previous life, I often complained about eating each other's saliva. Maybe it was jealousy? Now I'm feeling light, but I feel like my brain is a little blank, and my body is giving orders from hormones to DNA, telling me that I want to have a super-friendship relationship with the woman in front of me.

How much time has passed? How many minutes and seconds? It shouldn't be too long. When her breathing became more and more rapid, Carol stopped kissing, and then pushed Feili down. Following the momentum of the push, Carol seemed to be riding on Felicia, and wiped it with the back of her hand. Wiping the corners of his mouth, he smiled evilly.

"It really surprises me. You looked confident when you were in charge of the situation these days, and you didn't show any weakness when you were fighting Abiles, but now you are so soft and submissive. It looks like I am bullying you."

"...Um, don't make any noise, I'm thinking, eh..."

Without time to think, Carol lowered her head again.

Suddenly, a sound of wings flapping came from above their heads and landed next to the two of them. Morrigan appeared and squatted next to them, her expression full of surprise.

"What are you doing? Carol, are you going to eat Philly! Suck blood...? Absorb essence? Or some evil spell? Even Philly will be suppressed?"

The atmosphere was like a pile of bricks, which suddenly collapsed after being pushed. Feili's defense was completely broken, and she disappeared in an instant. Carol stood up silently, without looking at Morrigan.

Morrigan was puzzled and approached with curiosity: "Wow, how did you do it! Tell me! How did you suppress Feili?"

Carol didn't speak. Morrigan came to the left and came to the right. A completely curious baby kept asking questions. Carol returned to the room numbly, stretched out her trembling hands and took out a bottle of potion from her pocket, and took a look. The label was for a sedative. After drinking it, I sat on the edge of the bed in a daze, with the medicine still left on the corner of my mouth.

"Hmm, it's the charm, right?"

Yes, it's because of the charm.

Being under the charm spell is a good excuse. It is convenient and easy to use in traditional stories. When your mind gets excited, you can say that you really love each other. When you distance yourself and calm down, you can say that it is because of the charm that it became like this.

At the end, Carol held her face and touched her lips: "Feili tastes really good."

When Morrigan saw the door to the room being closed, she let out a breath of relief. Her innocent eyes disappeared. Her IQ rarely occupied the high ground. She clapped her hands gently and shook her head.

"Two people suddenly hugged each other in the backyard. What really happened? Who started it first? It seems to be Carol? Philly is quite cute, but why doesn't Philly resist? Does she like it too? Or is it? …”

Is this a tactic? Weak point to break?

Morrigan touched her lips, as if she could avenge her original sword attack.

Feili arranged her clothes in a deserted place, from the collar to the skirt, patting them up and down before she breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed her dizzy head. How did things come to this?

Carol is a very good friend. She is a female brother. She can keep up with her ideas when we are messing around together. I asked Carol to make some props in her previous life and everything came true. Recently, they went on adventures together. We have only known each other for a year. Why? What will happen?

Then Feili lowered her head and clasped her hands in a daze: "She is also petite and soft, and her voice is nice and sweet..."

Afterwards, I thought about Carol’s cuteness, the experiences of the past year, the panic during the Bahamut crisis when they first met, and the process of figuring out a way to deal with Abels. During this period, they continued to get to know each other, from Felin and Feili. Feeling the charm of Carol from the perspective of others, they are as good as brothers, female brothers?

Chapter 224 Invitation from the Goddess of Deception

It's so embarrassing. Thanks to Carol's mischief yesterday, Philly was very embarrassed today. She simply stopped maintaining Philly and switched to film to forget the fact that she was kissed by Carol.

The first meeting was a fantasy about Bahamut's desperate battle. From the beginning of the cooperative relationship, Feilin didn't want to break the contract... It seemed that he didn't agree on anything, so there was no talk of breaking the contract. Anyway, he had some misunderstandings about some things, and he always regarded Carol as a friend. With.

Something like yesterday happened suddenly, and Feilin would feel embarrassed after the impulse. Feilin was thinking about how to greet Carol today, and was completely unprepared.

However, this embarrassment did not last long. After breakfast, Feilin shook hands with Carol and made peace. Their voices were a little awkward but at the same time they resolved their differences.

"Why are you so angry? Just be like normal!"

"Yes, yes, partner!!"

The two held the money bags, high-fived and distributed the money, as if nothing happened yesterday.

Morrigan, who was yawning, walked out of the room and was a little uninterested when she saw Carol and Felin.

"Where's Feilin? Why is this guy the one making breakfast lately?" Morrigan pointed at Feilin. She was not familiar with Feilin and was even in the dark, but she couldn't resist Feilin's delicious cooking. "I'm telling you, Carol pushed Philly against the wall yesterday..."

Feilin immediately covered his face, Carol slapped the table to interrupt, and Morrigan looked at her with interest.

The goddess's mind is not that complicated. She likes everything as long as it is good-looking, and her likes are also hierarchical, such as her love for art, her love for appearance, and her love for body. She has no concept of the last one. , but it does not hinder the praise of appearance.

Carol was concerned about protecting Feilin and didn't want to emphasize Feili's affairs too much to avoid exposing her secrets: "You'll see it when you see it. Yes, that's the kind of relationship we have."

Who is it! Feilin shouted in his heart that as a mortal, he had a fiancée. The degree of love was not particularly high, but it was still the kind of marriage that could be tolerated during a blind date. That was an ordinary and normal engagement in Feilin's mind.

Morrigan grabbed her wings and scratched her cheek: "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, do you want me to describe it in detail? Maybe Mr. Felin will be jealous."

Feilin raised his hands in surrender and tried to be as calm as possible: "Don't involve me in the fight between you girls. I am at most a staff member. If I am redundant here, then just move out. In a sense, it is really inconvenient. "

Morrigan waved her hand magnanimously: "It doesn't matter. Since you don't live here all day long, you often spend the night outside, and no one cares about you."

Please, Morrigan, if you say this, your personality as a film will feel lost!

As soon as she finished speaking, a tingling sound of electricity erupted in Morrigan's ears. She subconsciously tilted her head in pain, but there was nothing wrong with her.

"Who talked to you again and was rejected?" Carol saw this and changed the topic.

Morrigan said angrily: "It's not that deceitful goddess. She suddenly came to me frequently every day. The message she sent was probably asking me to help find someone, a young man who looks very similar to Feilin, saying that he lied to her."

Feilin touched his chin. After listening to Morrigan's description, he felt that the person might be him: "From the description, it seems to be me, but I have never seen other goddesses. If I have, I must have an impression. The key is to really meet the goddess. Yes, I won’t lie based on the principle that it’s better to save one thing than to do more.”

To deceive a godhead, you must at least make a three-year plan.

Feilin was confused at first. After he came to Bereda, he had deceived people with two identities. He didn’t know how many people he had deceived together. Feilin’s identity was clearly that Miriam was still manipulating public opinion. He couldn’t remember the specific deception. Who, but at this time of the week, it can narrow the target.

But the Goddess of Deception sounds like she has a very high status. How can she be such a deceitful person?

In this land, among the gods that Feilin has come into contact with, the concepts shown by Morrigan are difficult to relate to divinity. Let's temporarily classify it as a third-level god. This crow head is like an evolution of ordinary creatures, and it can bring benefits to mortals. The kind that is inexplicably confident. But for Brother Arius, this black phoenix appeared quite transcendent, but it was a pity that it was knocked into a deep sleep.

Yes, Felin has always maintained a low-key development path. Before Miriam, every aspect of daily life involved the training of strength and skills. The magic power was not high and deception was used to get it together. Karan started the dream experiment before. Studying the dreams of ordinary people, harvesting the emotions of death row prisoners to enhance her deceitful power, coupled with the blessing of Qingyue, and often communicating with Luna, she convinced the god of charm and change, Garthia, and her power gradually officially approached Morrigan. .

The advancement of the path brings a feeling that powerful mortal individuals continue to evolve upward to the godhood through self-improvement, break through the boundaries of biology and time, become immortal, and then continue to evolve upward, finally approaching Morrigan's current level.

Feili is not yet at the level of godhood and can attack Morrigan with a sneak attack, but after she achieves it, she still presses the button, so she has no respect for the concept of gods.

"Bereda is too small. Currently, only Morian's purchase plan is being launched. Recently, several big families in Beleda have been working hard to run their factories in order to cooperate with the Holy Kingdom of Arius. Maybe there is an industry of the deceitful goddess here. She realized the crisis."

This is what Felin thought at first. Morrigan's plan is to let the Beida industry flow upstream and downstream. The upstream is the raw materials, and the downstream is the commodities. Soon, Miriam's major consortium forces will be seduced by the succubus Arabelle. When the upstream raises the price of raw materials, Morian will slowly reduce demand and cut off downstream demand. Bereda will eventually collapse due to overcapacity.

Because of the payment process in this world, this kind of collapse will happen faster.

Today, Feilin is going to help Xia Duoli regain her family property, and then play a trick of beating the drum and passing flowers around. Anyway, if he can deceive one after another, the Beida economy will only be more exciting in the future.

"But why does this fraud goddess keep looking for you?" Carol was a little confused.

"She must want to lie to me." Morrigan's tone was extremely certain.

Feilin tilted his head: "Why do you think so?"

Morrigan answered directly: "When we first met, she mentioned that there was something wrong with the contract I signed with Beleda, and she even recommended a more profitable business to me. I thought that the contract I signed with Beleda was all Feili's help. What a trap, how can a goddess with the word ‘fraud’ in her vocation be such a good bird?”

Feilin was stunned, no, wait, why does it feel like Feili was scolded too?

Morrigan continued: "Arius once taught me that except for my closest relatives and loved ones, no one in this world will sincerely help others make money without asking for anything in return. Yes, it's just making money, not helping. That's probably what it means. In short I don’t believe this so-called fraud goddess, she definitely has bad intentions.”

All the bustle in the world is for profit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. Making money is profit, and helping is more of a good thing.

Feilin was silent for three seconds and rolled his eyes: "Well, Morrigan, please communicate with her and hear what she has to say."

When Morrigan saw this, she looked at Felin and then at Carol. Carol nodded slightly to show that Felin could be trusted. Felin shrugged and said whatever Morrigan thought. Morrigan looked at Felin and felt that there was some intimacy, maybe It must be someone related to Feili.

"Okay, let me ask."

After a while, news came from Morrigan.

"She said that Bereda is now importing a large amount of raw materials from outside, and some of the goods that are in short supply can make a lot of money. She asked me if I was willing to invest money."

Carol raised her forehead and said, "No, she is a goddess, and you are a goddess too. Why are you just leaving it here to torment all human beings?"

Feilin thought for a moment and thought of what had happened recently. Even the scam of passing flowers by drumming had just begun. As the goddess of fraud, it was not surprising that she came up with this trick: "Okay, Morrigan, we will take out a sum of money and follow ”

Morrigan exaggerated: "There is nothing wrong with you, you will definitely lose money."

Feilin shook his head: "Even if it is a scam, entering the market early will make money early, and entering the market late will be leeks. At the beginning, we invested an extra amount of money and strictly monitored it. When we made money, we took out the principal, and then entered the market with the profits. Repeatedly That’s it.”

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