Carol turned around and asked, "So what is the motive of the fraud goddess?"

Filin touched his chin: "At their level, worldly money has no meaning. I guess they just want a word from Marian."

Marian couldn't help asking, "What do you want from me?"

"Nothing more than..."Filin leaned back in the chair and changed his tone to imitate, "Ahaha~ I cheated money from the bird-headed goddess next door."

Three seconds later, Marian grabbed Filin's neck with both hands and shook it hard: "Who do you say is the bird-headed one!"

Is this the point?

Chapter 225 The Taste of Filin

Belinda Camillia, a well-known magic family in the Stral Empire.

The kingdom is ruled by the king as the head. Generally speaking, the feudal system is implemented. The noble families have a high degree of rule over their own territories, or some land originally belongs to these nobles. They just express their submission to the king and pay tribute. Even the tribute is a bargaining chip for negotiating with the king. The king's power is very limited, and the internal situation is not very stable. Another feature is that there are many knights.

The empire will be different. It can be seen as a transition from the feudal system to the county system. The power of local nobles has been greatly weakened, and the right to speak of commercial consortiums has also been suppressed. Large families like the Morgana family are strong in themselves. When their ancestors followed the emperor into the pass, they completed the work of several generations. In addition, they were loyal to the royal family and acquiesced to autonomy to a certain extent. The military meritorious families that rose later, such as the Camillia family, accumulated wealth through external expansion. The difference from the Morgana family is that their descendants either choose to be officials or choose to do business. There are almost no autonomous territories. Unlike the military characteristics of the kingdom, the Empire's standing army is obviously more than the Knights.

So Camillia's marriage with the Morgana family is obviously a high-end marriage.

Belinda's father relayed the matter to his daughter with this feeling: "In order to complete the marriage as soon as possible, my father hopes that you will bring your fiancé back..."

The word "catch" was not used.

Belinda has a heart that yearns for freedom, but not a heart that yearns for suicide: "Ah?"

Whether the outside world is dangerous or not depends on people.

If she is unlucky, the female knight will be knocked over by a stone from the goblin. If she is lucky, the village girl can also pass safely between the two countries. If she is unlucky, she may encounter the crisis of Kalan.

Political marriage, but the situation is still good. There is no setback like Romeo and Juliet. The unmarried people on both sides can meet happily. This upright marriage is generally fine: "Belinda, you have grown up and reached the age where you can travel. It is inconvenient for a rich lady to travel abroad, and you may encounter danger. So try to keep a low profile along the way, walk through several relatively stable big countries, and if you can take a detour through the Theocracy, protect yourself."

The only problem is that the country of Bereda has a bad reputation.

Belinda has a certain level of magic, but she is not a transcendent. She has magic eyes, but her combat power has not been improved. The eldest lady can be accompanied by guards when traveling, but if she encounters a powerful dangerous creature, they basically deliver food together: "I'm going to Bereda, is it true?"

Finally, the father said the reason: "... In fact, this is also what the Morgana family wants. So, you write a letter to Filin first and let him prepare for the response."

Belinda thought about it. With political marriage as the premise, the two can't talk about love, but they will eventually get together. Even if they are not in love, they will fantasize about their love life after marriage. They don't need to consider too many options. Just like some stories in books, love grows over time.

"I know, I will chase my fiancé back. The guards will arrange a female magic knight for me. After that, I will disguise myself and set off to find Filin as soon as possible." Belinda clenched her fists. She still had some expectations for Filin. She couldn't talk about love for the time being, but the tolerance and affinity shown by the other party during the blind date made Belinda feel safe.

At least she didn't have to worry about marrying a middle-aged man over 50 years old.

Far away in Bereda, Filin was drafting various business contracts, and suddenly felt a chill in his back.

"Hurry up, I've been waiting for so long that the flowers have withered." Marian came over while chewing an apple, urging Filin to complete the business contract.

The official delegation of Arius is about to arrive. If the subsequent business negotiations are handed over to the people of the Theocracy, those good people may relax many upper limits on their conscience, so Filin has to complete the basic framework for the collapse plan, and even write a speech for Marian, explaining some details in the contract to her, so that a bird-head like her can successfully fool people, which is not easy.

"Don't rush, I'm writing it." Filin said.

The Theocracy governed by Marian has a completely different idea from the Kingdom and the Empire. The true God and the characteristics of faith alone are destined to make the Theocracy relatively stable, and Arius is now under the direct management of Marian, which is different from the church system offline from the gods.

In any case, a proper theocracy has a basic demand, which is stability.

Normal humans say they want to live and work in peace and contentment until they are 80 years old. Coincidentally, the gods also hope that humans can live that long, because humans who die peacefully and at an old age can certainly provide more faith than believers who die young at the age of 20. Running your own church is essentially about finding an economical and stable way to support believers.

However, the gods in this world face a lot of problems. They personally take over the power, and their level is not necessarily better than that of the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix on the African continent. Once a mistake occurs and a crisis occurs, a large part of the faith will instantly turn into resentment. But if there is a certain separation from faith, such as electing the pope or a group of bishops to handle governance, then there will inevitably be differences between the rights of gods and the demands of human beings.

Feilin doesn't know what will happen to Arius in the future, but everything is fine now. It may be better when Arius' Xuanfeng wakes up.

Morrigan finished eating the apple and wandered in front of Filmon's table. Sometimes she looked at what Filmin had written, and sometimes she talked to herself not far away. She seemed to find that Filmin was relaxing after writing a contract, so she came over.

Morrigan remembered a scene that didn't exist: "Felin, let me ask you, do you think it's normal for girls to hug each other?"

Feilin frowned: "It's pretty normal, it's just an intimate gesture."

Morrigan continued to ask: "What about kissing between girls?"

Feilin immediately replied: "It's not very normal, but it's not impossible. Generally speaking, only virgins and hedgehogs can't watch it."

Molianne was stunned: "Why are there still hedgehogs?"

Feilin explained patiently: "Not only hedgehogs, but also people of the same sex will bring some prejudice, but I don't care, as long as we like each other and look good."

Morrigan started thinking: "Those two handsome guys..."

Feilin raised his hands and surrendered: "Please, I suggest you find a special fan club for this kind of thing, and don't pollute my spirit."

Morrigan pointed to her head: "Since I was born, I have absorbed the knowledge of millions of humans. Arius has done many bizarre things since ancient times, but you are right, secular morality still needs to be considered. Just a moment.”

After another three hours, Feilin picked up the thick contract and handed it to Morrigan, which contained almost sixty or seventy pages.

"These first drafts will be given to you first. They are enough for your delegation to read. The bottom line remains unchanged. Other flexible negotiations are for the purpose of dividing the spoils between Bereda, Miriam and you Arius."

"Then who loses?"

“Whoever’s smile disappears from his face in the future will lose.”

After saying that, Feilin drove away Morrigan. This annoying goddess actually told a lot of things and often asked questions. When she first started drafting the business contract, she studied hard beside her. The questions were endless, which was almost mental torture for Feilin. .

While dealing with Morrigan, the deceitful clone also had its energy. Feili secretly negotiated with the resistance organization and initially gained their trust. She recommended Xiao Qian as her agent and taught the resistance organization she had raised how to earn money. Activity funds, and clarify the basic demands of the resistance forces, and analyze for them who is the enemy, who is the target to win over, who is the friend, and who is the basis for resistance.

Bereda is an independent city. In fact, it can also be called a city-state. Its size is to control one or two cities and develop into a city alliance with some similar city-states. It is characterized by a prosperous population, free and developed commerce. Today's Bereda relies on alchemy. It is technically a trading center of the surrounding countries and is considered prosperous in this area. When threatened, in addition to relying on its own strength to resist, it also pays protection fees to other big countries to maintain the situation. It was also lucky that year. After being liquidated At that time, the star beast fell into the enemy camp.

After a long period of development, Felin saw the hidden dangers of Beida and began to make calculations. In addition to military, there are many other ways to attack Beida. Creating an economic crisis is a simple and effective method.

"However, some people at the top of Bereda also discovered this problem and organized spies and assassins. They themselves supported a group of resistance forces as informants, pretending to be active while liquidating those who really had the intention to resist. They still have skills, so you have to be careful. "

Feilin put down the information, stood up and stretched for a while. At this time, the door was pushed open, and an armed Carol walked in from the outside.

"I'm ready here. Xia Duoli has also dressed up well. She looks like a wealthy lady. It's time to take back her property."

"Time to take the first outpost, let's go."

He said he was going to leave, but Carol closed the door when Feilin was about to walk out, locked it, grabbed Feilin's collar, and kissed him with irresistible force.


"Bold kissing, don't you hate it? This proves that no matter what you look like, what I like is your soul, and Feilin is also very handsome."

It was short and quick, only five or six seconds, like an attack.丶

Feilin frowned, pressed Carol's shoulders with both hands, kissed her without saying a word, and moved her lips together calmly. As the saying goes, once makes a friend familiar, everyone saw that it was Carol who provoked him first.

Today I already had a headache due to work pressure and accumulated worries due to Morrigan. Now it was up to Carol to untie the shackles of these worries.

It turns out that kissing really relieves stress.

After the kiss, Feilin gently stroked Carol's hair, smiled, opened the door and trotted away.

"So? Why are you stunned? You don't think that because I am younger than you, I will be shy if something happens, do you? I took advantage and was so happy that I woke up laughing at night."

"You guy!"

Carol waved her fist and chased after him.

Chapter 226 Plan for the True Daughter

The real daughter Xia Duoli still has a somewhat introverted personality. During the re-education, Feili thought many times that she should really create a second personality for her? Otherwise, her character wouldn’t even be able to be a puppet.

However, Xia Duoli is also a strong girl, and the time is relatively short. The shadow of Peris's long-term mental oppression has not completely dissipated, but the resentment she has been in captivity has made her desperate. There is no psychological pressure to resist such a father.

"I for myself. I have had enough of my brother's lies, my adopted sister's teasing, and my father's resentment. I want to breathe freely, want delicious food, and want the life that belongs to me. No, even through basic labor, I want to get a good harvest through my own efforts.”

After a short education, Feili (Felin) reshaped the world view for Xia Duoli to be simple. Those who do not work cannot eat. In addition to teaching her etiquette and knowledge, her daily job is to take her to the slums and let her see the world. Look at a life that is even sadder than being kept in an attic.

Although her daily food was already very poor, not having food to eat was even more pitiful than eating swill, especially in the flesh and blood workshop behind the alchemy workshop, where unpaid child laborers were beaten to death but no one cared about her.

The Little Match Girl is not just a fairy tale, it is a real story from the dark side of Bereda.

Today, Feilin is active as Feilin, and he doesn’t know why he often has to emphasize his identity.

In Xia Duoli's eyes, Feilin was like a tutor, teaching her every day. He was young, handsome and humble and polite: "Remember, you have to do two things in the future. The first is to borrow the status of the Perris family to become a better person." The upper echelon of Doberda pulled into the scam.”

Xia Duoli subconsciously asked: "What about the second thing?"

Feilin said: "Do you know what the people in the factories are called in this country of alchemy?"

Xia Duoli replied blankly: "Worker?"

Feilin shook his head: "No, in the mouths of those alchemists, they are called talents. Materials are just like white mice are alchemy materials. They are not considered people. The essence is that the official names of these people are no different from slaves. Even to the outside world Claiming to be workers is just a nicer name. The civilians here may be better than them, but they are not much better. The alchemists have strictly divided them into occupations, such as craftsmen, farmers, and doctors. You are a commoner, and your children and your children’s children have been working for the alchemists for almost generations.”

Xia Duoli thought seriously for a while: "I heard that you can become an alchemist by entering the Alchemist Academy..."

Felin smiled: "Yes, Bereda has regulations that 12-year-old children can take entrance tests, but how many students can only be admitted in one academy? For example, if you are a child from a slightly wealthy family, you will most likely be sent to The college gives it a try and strives for a chance to become a master, but the tuition fee is a mountain above your head. You have to prepare your own uniforms, living expenses, materials, and tools. You need to pay for assessments in different subjects. You must usually You have to do extra work to barely afford the cost of studying. If you work three days a week, you essentially study three days less than the children of real aristocrats. They have tutors, resources and room for mistakes. And you may not even have time to read. If you fail the semi-annual assessment, you will be warned. If you fail the second time, you will be expelled from the college and will never be hired. In this way, you will be completely stepped on the bottom of Beida and will never be able to succeed. Turn over."

Xia Duoli swallowed her saliva: "I...understand, their situation is not much worse than what I experienced, in fact, it is even more miserable than what I experienced."

Feilin gently touched Xia Duoli's head and comforted her: "You don't need to compare with anyone else. You are just as pitiful and just a degenerate in the world. But your sworn sister will say that if you can't afford bread, why don't you eat cake?" What kind of words.”

This kind of statement is a classic quote no matter which world it is in.

After these days of education, Xia Duoli has subconsciously drawn a mental camp. She wants to be the "good person" that Feili, the witch, expects, instead of collaborating in an environment like Beleda. Simply put, she just wants to follow the witch. .

With a full investigation into Bereda, Felin gradually found a breakthrough: "Now you know, the so-called Alchemy Academy is essentially an educational institution monopolized by Bereda's powerful people. Occasionally, lucky people who are favored will receive funding to graduate. , but after graduation, he will be marked by those sponsoring families.”

Xia Duoli hurriedly took notes.

Felin continued: "The surrounding areas of Bereda are not very safe. Due to long-term alchemy experiments, many escaped Chimera synthetic beasts and illegally transformed monsters are wandering around. Therefore, soldiers are regularly recruited in the city. These soldiers have to pay for their own weapons and equipment to go to dangerous places. You can imagine what would happen to a wealthy family like I mentioned earlier who had already spent a lot of effort to support a child in education and then was sent to the army. "

Xia Duoli didn't know: "You're talking about a slightly richer family. Such a family has to support a child who can't breathe, so how can they have money to arm themselves? But there should still be cheap swords and equipment... "

Feilin nodded: "It's possible, but it has been proven over the years that those soldiers dispatched abroad all suffered heavy losses. They often have to face dangerous and irresistible monsters. Even if they are not monsters, they will often investigate those full of magical powers. In areas exposed to radiation, if there is no sophisticated equipment protection, lives will be lost within two to three years.”

Xia Duoli couldn't help but feel frustrated: "This is too bullying, and there is no way to survive at all."

Filin raised his finger: "Want to survive? Of course, sell your wife and extra children, or go to some alchemy workshops to conduct human experiments, sell your organs, etc., in exchange for funds to buy magic equipment to equip yourself."

Xia Duoli couldn't help asking: "What if the assigned task is not completed?"

Filin sighed: "Failure? Either die or accept punishment. The former will lose everything accumulated, and the latter will be fined. What if you can't pay the fine? Confiscate the property and put it into the factory."

Xia Duoli took a breath: "Such a life is not something a human can live, why not run?"

Filin pretended to be surprised: "You still Dare to run? As long as you don't run out of the country, the Bereda nobles will find ways to catch you back and brand you. They have another large sum of money to hire mercenaries to hunt down these residents who attempt to escape, and there are generous rewards. You will never be able to leave this country. Just like this, your family, which was originally happy and wealthy, has now sold all their children and daughters and become slaves. With your family in this state, your studies will naturally not be able to continue. You, the hope of the whole family, will have to drop out of the college and follow in the footsteps of your family, and will never be able to turn over. So if it were you, would you hate Bereda? "

Xia Duoli understood a lot of things, and then Feilin took out a booklet.

"Today's class ends here. Now you should understand the power of this red doctrine, right?" Filin made some adjustments based on the specific situation of the other world. "So do you want to make a living by following this belief?"

Xia Duoli nodded slightly: "I vaguely understand that even if it is just an ordinary life with enough food, it is the future they dream of."

Due to the special political system of the Theocracy, Filin finally chose to let Marian to protect the newborn Bereda in the future. After all, the specific situation depends on the specific analysis. After careful analysis, Filin concluded that in this world, only by choosing a specific camp and slogan can one survive. It is basically a fantasy for ordinary human city-states to be truly independent.

Chapter 227 The real daughter is back

Alchemist Perris was very panicked because he had been having trouble recently. First, the foreign imperial nobles helped his eldest daughter escape and disappeared. There were even rumors that she eloped. Then, there were frequent riots in the factories under his industry. It was not a riot among the workers, but some machines that were not damaged before were always malfunctioning and stopped working recently. Finally, the core alchemy workshop was often stolen, and the alchemy equipment could only capture a vague cat-ear back.

So many things are connected together. Perris is not a fool. He feels that something is surrounding him. The umbrella with whom he had a good relationship in the past has an ambiguous attitude recently. In particular, the incident of Xia Duoli has a far-reaching impact. The partners related to the Philosopher's Stone are all reducing their help to him.

Although the actual combat power of the alchemist is a little bloated, Perris believes that he is not made of clay. He is also trying to mediate and strive to find a way out for the family, or pave a retreat. If he really can't make it in Bereda, he will transfer the property as soon as possible. Can't he afford to provoke or hide?

Compared with the Alchemy City, he is indeed a soft persimmon.

But when he returned to the family tired after a busy day, he unexpectedly found that the family was brightly lit today. Many vehicles representing big figures were parked outside the mansion. The mansion was also brightly lit, but the guards and servants looked at a loss.

A banquet was being held in the mansion, but he, the owner, had no idea.

Peris, who had been entangled in the secular world recently, was now burning his brain. He was stunned for several seconds and couldn't figure out the cause and effect, so he asked slowly.

"What's going on?"

"Lord Peris, you are finally back. It was that... it was... the eldest lady who held a banquet and sent out invitations to entertain representatives of other families to discuss matters." The butler rushed to Peris.


What is the meaning of reversing the Tiangang? This is it. Peris has never heard of such a thing. Today he has learned something.

No, although he is not a big family, the butler, guards and servants just watched Xia Duoli fooling around?

Peris roared and strode into his home: "Who allowed it!"

The housekeeper hurriedly followed behind, but did not dare to speak loudly: "Stop, stop! Lord Ferlin supports it, and there is also a powerful alchemist who guarantees it. Now the mansion is occupied by unknown mercenaries."

They are called mercenaries, but in fact they are pretended by Marian's men. That's right, the palace knights who came from afar did not meet Marian at the first time, but accepted Ferli's disguise outside the city and turned into mercenaries. A team of about 20 transcendents assisted Xia Duoli in occupying the Peris family.

The palace knights were reluctant at first, but Marian only needed to give some instructions, and the gods gave strong orders. They might feel guilty for invading Bereda and creating chaos, but Marian changed the way she said it, calling it a great cause to liberate the suffering masses of Bereda, and after explaining the cause and effect, these knights who yearned for justice immediately got into the play, and after becoming mercenaries, they gave full play to their subjective initiative.

The palace knights are called "knights". Although they have the same status as the knights of the kingdom and the empire, their nature in the theocratic state is closer to that of officers of the standing army. They do not have many aristocratic manners. They are models of justice who often help old ladies cross the road, take the initiative to escort merchants' transportation, assist farmers in farming, and dispel monsters. Even after becoming mercenaries, they are still loyal to their duties.

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