"I once saw a town like this. Strange meteorites fell in the farmland. Later, strange fruits grew everywhere in the area, and the crops were deformed. The villagers who ate the strange fruits became abnormal, and their bodies became as colorful as the stars. It’s not surprising that these alchemists can think of ordinary people using extraterrestrial powers.”

Carol spread her hands and covered Feili like a picture frame.

"This is the deceitful witch Miss Feili. She participated in the battle of Karan not long ago. What storms and waves have you not seen before?"

Axinara held her head and said: "Then please provide some more information. There are high-level alchemists here who are bewitched by the devil, causing their research to develop in an uncontrollable direction. It is difficult to predict what kind of monsters they will eventually create. You guys We also know that Pandora is trying to open a passage between the moon and the earth in Kalan. The research of these alchemists may also create a beacon to guide the direction of the star beasts in the sky. "

Philly and Carol are not stupid. They have learned this knowledge. This church force, that is, the various powerful forces of the theocratic country, in addition to the actual hard fist, is the knot created by the gods that covers the planet. Realm, blocking the evil outside the world.

"The decrease in fallen star beasts in this era is due to the efforts of the gods. Those beasts wandering outside the sky cannot sense the location of this land. But once Bereda activates the dead star beasts, it is likely to attract stronger and larger active star beasts. "Asimola exaggerated a bit and used active duty to describe it. In fact, it means that everyone is making progress and everyone is getting stronger. It is natural that the current star beasts are stronger than the ancient star beasts.

Feili also had a guess in this regard, but she was a latecomer after all, so she asked Asinara: "You arrived at Bereda earlier than us. Did you find anything? For example, the specific test site?"

Axinara nodded: "This place is contaminated by the blood of the devil because of the spread of underground water. Following this direction, I found the location of one of the research plants."

There was a flash of light in Morrigan's hand, and she picked up the pitch-black sword: "Are you asking us to destroy them? Well, since they are such dangerous things, let's bulldoze them reluctantly."

Carol thought for a moment, and finally shook her head slightly: "In this case, destroying individual research plants and workshops is meaningless. For alchemists, research data is the key, and there are as many test products as you need."

Although there won't be too many test subjects like Star Beast, nothing is difficult in this world, as long as there are people who are willing.

Morrigan scratched her hair: "Hey, uncle is right. Many times violence can only solve the person who raised the problem, but not the problem itself."

Feili looked at the Goddess of Deception: "You tell me the location, and I will personally sneak in to investigate and judge the specific situation."

This was regarded as an intention to cooperate, and Asinara also cooperated, and both parties had a basic willingness.

After talking about this, Asinara was about to leave, but Morrigan grabbed her by the back of the neck and dragged her away.

"You are a little god who lives in a corner. If you want face, I will give it to you. If you leave now, won't you not give me face? At least my theocratic country still exists, but what about yours? My believers are all good people regardless of their faith. You are a thief and a thief. By the way, are you really good at fighting? Aren't you pretty good at talking when you harass me? Now that I'm mute, let's practice together."

Axinara struggled desperately: "Are you a one-win daughter or a mad dog girl? Why are you so violent? In the battle between gods, what should I do if I destroy the surrounding flowers and plants? I... 嗷♦♦♦OHOHOHOOOO~ ! Do you think I don’t dare to fight back? I’m just an avatar, and I don’t use my full strength! If you fight, don’t pull my clothes!”

It was so disgusting that Feili and Carol left in disgust.

The fight between the two goddesses became louder and louder. As Morrigan became stronger, the small fight turned into a real fight. This polluted land was gradually destroyed by two forces above the level of gods, giving freedom to the residents of Beleda. Fireworks all night.

The terrifying and huge fluctuations in divine power awakened the Bereda security force. The core alchemists also stayed awake and all got up to investigate what happened.

Taking advantage of this commotion, Feili launched a cover in the field of deceit, successfully reached the testing ground of the Deception Goddess, and found the source of the filthy blood of the Demon God.

When the two of them came underground and saw a creature imprisoned in giant shackles and exuding a hot aura, Carol was convinced: "The demon god Amon, who was once known as the Earth of Steel Flame, just came close to him. His body would be evaporated by the scorching magic power, and he would possess a scorching flame that burns all things, comparable to the sun. Unexpectedly, he was imprisoned in Beleda. This device is similar to Peris's Philosopher's Stone technology, and it seems to be accumulating enough spirit. Power, overwhelming the demon's consciousness with its numbers, and then occupying its body."

Feili touched her chin: "Demon God, after all, is a powerful being with the status of god. Why do you think they can succeed?"

Carol pointed at Amon's eyes: "Look, this demon is rolling his eyes. His consciousness has indeed been suppressed, but his ability to occupy his body and control it is obviously still a little lacking. I don't know what specific research they have done." But I think if we make a breakthrough in some aspects, we should be able to succeed. I estimate that we will be able to completely control it in another fifty years.”

What is the concept of fifty years? In Feili's previous life, it took at most eight years and at least two years and eight months to create an atomic bomb to a hydrogen bomb. The alchemists in this world are not idiots. They even have the power to find new ways. The ancient demon god himself has some personality. We are old and cannot resist the endless emergence of new technologies.

Fili was in a dilemma: "It's not good to destroy this place directly. Once Amon comes, the cities and ordinary people above will suffer. Let's kill it here?"

Carol shook her head: "No, the godhead of the demon god is somewhat special. If Amon is killed here, his godhead will be broken. Following special rules, a new Amon will be born among his clan."

Suddenly, Carol elbowed Fili: "Take out your Book of Bahamut! I suddenly have an idea..."

Fili understood immediately.

Chapter 232: Fight the battle you are sure of

"This book was made with sealing power in mind. The fictional star beast Bahamut is a special existence. Its principle cannot be replicated. I don't ask you to fictionalize another star beast. In short, this power is very special."

Carol's suggestion is to use this book to seal Amon. At present, the weakened Amon is very fragile. If the summoning book is compared to a prison, Bahamut is the prison boss. The weak Amon cannot break the seal of the prison.

But Fili was more extreme: "You want to use this book to seal Amon, but I want to use Bahamut to devour it, and directly absorb the power of the demon godhead to strengthen Bahamut."

The two had similar ideas, but Fili wanted to directly seize its power rather than imprisoning a violent demon god that was not easy to control.

Carol believed Fili's judgment: "Using this book to seal Amon can suppress the demon god into your summoned beast. If you devour it, there are a lot of variables. Are you sure? If you are, then take action. I will buy you time."

Fili nodded gently and opened her hands. The Luna Sword of Qingyue in her left hand floated by her hand, and the Gashiya Sword of Darkyue in her right hand was inserted into the ground. While the false domain unfolded, she held up the Book of Bahamut and did it.

Since it was to summon Bahamut, Fili wanted to chant some cool lines: "Original Dragon, Son of Dark Flame, your name is..."

For some reason, the first line that popped into my mind was the strange line "Angbilibabo~"

Fili hurriedly shook her head and finished chanting the last spell: "Come, Bahamut!"

The earth trembled, and Fili unexpectedly found that her power of deception and magic power were being drawn and consumed at the same time. In order to reshape the body of the summoned beast Bahamut, the space behind her was suddenly expanded by the dragon. This underground space was not enough to accommodate the size of the real Bahamut, but the summoned Bahamut would also adjust the body according to the actual situation.

The ferocious black dragon broke through many iron chains and steel frames, descended in the horrified eyes of the people, opened its huge mouth and bit the sealed demon Amon.

At the moment of the attack, this test site also had an emergency mechanism, and there were strong people stationed. As a relatively important place, Carol felt the breath of the hero alchemist and locked the other party at the first time.

Carol's hand shone with a faint light, and several transparent thin lines were caught in her hand and thrown to the place where the hero's breath appeared. The building structure was cut like tofu, but the blade-like thin lines were blocked. The big hand of the earth puppet stretched out from the collapsed ruins, and the poisonous breath spread from the ground.

"No matter who you are, you deserve to die."

Since the secret here has been discovered and Fili has taken action, the hero alchemist has made the worst plan.

No need to ask who it is, just know to go all out.

Carol's alchemy robe glowed with six colors of light, wind, fire, water, earth, light and dark, representing the power of the six elements slowly emerging: "You have sensed our power, and you still dare to stand in front of us. I guess you have made up your mind to die, right?"

The alchemist in front of him took a breath: "Controlling the six basic elements at the same time, you guy..."

After speaking, the alchemist spread his hands, and the robe on his body was transformed into a set of black armor covering the whole body. With the diffused poisonous breath, hot air emerged from the surface of the armor, and red lines spread all over the body. The steel flame power of the demon god Amon was driving rapidly.

Carol waved her hand quickly, and the strange thin wire in her hand was woven into six gears of different colors in the air. Each gear was a rotating magic circle. The six elements formed a shock wave and hit the heroic alchemist directly.

The puppet behind the Heroic Alchemist waved his arms to try to block the attack, but was shattered in an instant. Purple poisonous smoke came out of the puppet's body, and some ordinary metals around it sizzled in the smoke. In some places far away that were not affected, many ordinary workers suddenly covered their necks and fell down with foam at the mouth, but this effect did not affect Fili and Carol in front at all.

"Wow, you are still a remnant of the old era. Don't poison yourself to death with this method of indiscriminate release of poison gas." Carol's tone was a bit sarcastic.

The path of learning for an alchemist is also a path of survival in a sense. You have to fight against toxic substances throughout your life. No one knows whether you will die from strange radiation or poison gas tomorrow. Maybe when you show people some research results, you have to use pliers to break the fission reaction.

"Humph, the poison gas method is indeed very old, but it works well." The Heroic Alchemist waved his hand lightly, and the shining lightsaber at his wrist quickly spread and slashed towards Carol.

"Yeah, no matter how fancy the technique is, as long as it can kill people." Carol raised her hand, and the golden barrier blocked the light blade, sparking dazzling sparks. Then she clenched her fist and suddenly punched the Hero Alchemist in the face. The helmet made a rough sound, and the latter flew backwards. Carol followed closely and punched the Hero Alchemist's armor again and again.

The armor kept making dull thumping sounds, and the reactive small defense barrier was triggered again and again, but the body kept retreating due to the pure physical impact, unable to adjust its posture to fight back.

On the other hand, when the Hero Alchemist was fighting Carol, he kept thinking about feasible plans and paying attention to the situation on Fili's side. Did he not want to fight back? No, but he was uneasy.

He was anxious about whether he could win. Low-level means seemed ineffective, and there was no time to prepare for high-level means. Using the current position would cut off the retreat and form a deadly fight. Although he stood up to try to stop the two, he was not prepared for a deadly fight.

Like most bodyguards, this Hero Alchemist did not have a strong sense of belonging to Bereda, and was more selfish. Why would he fight with the gangsters with a fixed salary? He was not a soldier guarding the border, nor a warrior full of faith.

Because of this position, he misjudged the moment Carol took action and fell into a passive position in an instant.

"I thought you had really experienced that era, but it seems that you are just a warmongerer. When you encounter a strong enemy, you can only throw a few poison gas bombs at eight hundred times?" Carol's fighting skills are quite superb, which is the result of time precipitation, continuous practice and trial and error.

Fili found it interesting, which is a completely different style from the martial arts she practiced on her own.

"Don't underestimate... me..."

"Then you resist for me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Carol kicked again, and the body of the hero alchemist hit the rock wall hard, with cracks all around. He just came to his senses, and the next second Carol's knee attack hit him from the front. The hero alchemist hurriedly dodged, and clearly felt the armor being dismembered, and quickly wanted to retreat.

But if he wanted to retreat, he had to get rid of Carol's entanglement. As soon as the Hero Alchemist took action, he found countless tiny lines around him. These lines quickly swept over and were about to entangle his body. The red texture on the Hero Alchemist's armor burst out, and the flames shot up to the sky, burning all these thin lines. Just as he was about to retreat, he was surprised that part of the frozen thin lines in his hair still entangled his limbs.

No matter how strong a person is, once his actions are restricted, many skills cannot be used: "Compressing magic power with high concentration, condensing it into a substantial object, and materializing pure magic power... Who are you? With such technology, you should not be an unknown person."

Carol continued to attack: "Oh, it doesn't feel good. Do you want to die before the end?"

The Hero Alchemist barely defended, and the broken-armed puppet tried to stop Carol, but was flexibly avoided.

"Flamel's disciple? Paracelsus? No, Nostra?"

But the Heroic Alchemist was not a weakling either. He quickly took out his trump card and threw out different props, some of which formed a one-way barrier, cutting through the space and barely blocking Carol's attack.

Carol quickly calculated and cracked the Heroic Alchemist's skills. The two entered the stage of pulling, and Carol obviously had the upper hand.

On Fili's side, Bahamut devoured Amon's body in big mouthfuls. It was not eating in the ordinary sense, but digging out the surface meat and biting the godhead in the body of the demon Amon.

After biting, the abnormality suddenly occurred. This fatal behavior obviously gave birth to the demon's instinct to survive.

The demon's body struggled violently, and his eyes gradually regained clarity. The device that restrained it quickly melted, and the injured flesh quickly healed, forming red muscles and skin. The earth turned into magma, supporting Bahamut's huge mouth.

Fili raised her hand, and two divine swords fell from the sky, piercing Amon's palm and nailing it to the ground. With the blessing of divine power, Amon, who had just revived, struggled desperately but failed to break free. Later, Fili activated the power of Gashiya's transformation, and dozens of steel bars emerged from under the magma to entangle Amon's body. Bahamut took advantage of the situation and grabbed Amon's head with the dragon's claws, bit it, and knocked him down.

The demon Amon, who was already suppressed by mental power, was crushed when facing the two divine swords and the fictional star beast Bahamut. He fell to the ground for the second time and never got up again. Bahamut tore his chest and ate his godhood.

Fili could see a ball of red light slowly falling into Bahamut's belly along his neck. The summoning book was suddenly wrapped in a ball of flame, and a strange consciousness went upstream to try to invade her spiritual world.

Fili used a false twist to direct the mental attack to Carol's opponent. When the heroic alchemist just pulled away and prepared to deploy more magic devices, he suddenly covered his head and felt a sharp pain. He hurriedly activated the mental defense accessories to block the attack, and was beaten by Carol again.

At the same time, because Fili had a hand free, he flashed and disappeared in the air twice.

When Carol forced the alchemist into a dead end, he launched a saturated magic bombardment of six elements. The alchemist, who had no way to avoid it, raised his hands and deployed a magic barrier with several magic devices for defense. The moment he just deployed the barrier, Fili opened a similar magic barrier beside him at the same time, which offset each other. The two barriers were neutralized and shattered as soon as they appeared.

Carol, who was well prepared, adjusted the attack angle, and the mixed bombardment of the six elements brushed against Fili's side and bombarded the target, and Fili lightly fell to Carol's side.

"We got it, let's go."


After a brief exchange, the two nodded slightly, and Carol activated a teleportation magic, and the two disappeared immediately.

After a while, the magic dissipated, but the turbulent magic power still remained on the earth. A shadow appeared in the place where Carol bombed, and the shadow formed a cocoon. Five minutes later, the cocoon slowly cracked, revealing the dying heroic alchemist. Staggering out of it, looking at the mess around him, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"It's ridiculous...it has only been fifteen minutes since the attack was launched, and I was actually forced to this point." The heroic alchemist took out a bottle of potion and brought it to his mouth. When he was about to drink the potion, his movements suddenly froze, and his eyesight Moving downward, several huge arrows from hunting monsters penetrated his body. These were arrows formed by magic power, immobilizing his soul.

A woman stepped out of the shadows. If Fili had been here, she would have recognized Axinara.

Axinara shook the medicine bottle: "Just one drop can restore vitality, right? Whether you drink it or inject it, it has the same effect, but the medicine in your armor must have been damaged. Phew~ That Carol should be me. ”

"You...you are..."

Axinara threw the medicine bottle behind her, and the shattering sound also represented the ending of the heroic alchemist: "Let me ask you a question, you have already controlled two demons, right? Amon is the third one, your ambition Not only do you want to control the demon god, but you also want to revive the remains of the star beast? "


Axinara's tone was relaxed: "Silence? No, this is the answer. Let me think about it again, the philosopher's stone technology that takes away the body, and various techniques for collecting spiritual power. The person above you wants to transfer the spirit Into the body of a star beast, huh? No longer a human?"


Axinara snorted: "No? That's right. The human body can maintain desires. Who would want to become a monster if a normal human has nothing to do? However, monsters also have their own good qualities, and even monsters are not rigidly rigid. A single form, just like a demon, even a demonic beast can take the form of a human..."

At this point, Asinara turned to the alchemist and suddenly asked: "Have you mixed humans and star beasts? Are they viviparous or oviparous?"


Although the heroic alchemist had no intention of answering, his pupils still vibrated for a moment, and this change was captured by Asinara.

Axinara immediately asked: "Do you know the Princess of the Moon?"

Still no answer: "..."

The next second, Asinara waved her hand to cut off the head of the heroic alchemist. She looked up at the sky, her eyes seemed to want to penetrate the underground facility and see the moon going up.

"Use some method to let the forbidden knowledge be learned by the alchemists? The princess of the star beast is reincarnated on this land... If such a thing happens, it will be troublesome."

Axinara quickly disappeared, left the battlefield, returned to the city of Beleda, and transformed into an ordinary girl.

Feilin would look familiar if he saw her, it was the way he pretended to treat her that day and finally asked her to pay the bill.

Asinara muttered as she walked: "The other incarnation was beaten very badly. That bird head doesn't look like a mature guy. What's going on? Forget it, I'm not familiar with the Arius Church anyway. Let's investigate later. . I am really impressed by the ability of humans to hide things. I have been looking for it for almost a month and I still have no clue where the corpse of such a big star beast is hidden. "

The independent city-state is only such a big place, and it's not that big at all. But after digging three feet into the ground, you can only find a few mysterious workshops. We can only guess that the alchemists moved the corpses of the star beasts to some kind of space node.

Chapter 233 Felin’s secret infiltration

After Philly and Carol succeeded, they ran away and stopped not far away. They found a place nearby to form a barrier and wait for anyone who might come after hearing the news.

Carol waited until she was bored and picked foxtail grass from the roadside and pulled Feili's face: "You can feel the magic fluctuations in the sky over there. The battle between Morrigan and Asinara has just ended, and there is a mysterious guy here to finish off." Yes, the alchemist had many things to save his life, but it was a pity that the person waiting for him in the end was not the one he loved. "

Feili deeply believed it: "After living a lifetime, the only one who sent him on his last journey was Lao Liu. Judging from the breath, it is the incarnation of Axinara."

Carol fumbled in her pocket and threw a talisman to Feili: "Here's one for you. The days to come are not going to be peaceful, so you should keep yourself safe."

Feili took the amulet and sensed the magic circuit inside: "A device that cuts through space?"

In the previous battle, many of Carol's attacks were blocked by the alchemist on the opposite side. She relied on this portable consumable space magic device, which can almost make her immune to all attacks in a short period of time and gain a breathing space. Of course, It can't even hit with its own attacks, and it's hard to withstand close combat.

In addition, the alchemist has various disposable shields, fast movement and ejection distance magic devices. If it is moved to an open space on the ground, this outstanding alchemist may not die.

Carol nodded: "The space interrupter briefly opens a one-way channel, and the other side is set anywhere in the sea. The advantage is that even if a meteorite falls straight towards you, this thing can save your life."

Feili said, "Thank you. You really care about me. Here, return the favor."

Feili enchanted a dagger, injecting the power of deceit into it, completely distorting the concept of the dagger.

Feili explained: "After it is activated, the sense of existence can be completely eliminated within thirty minutes. I have tried it under the eyes of my old friend. Guys at his level can't see it, but it is not easy to use against star beasts." , you play with it.”

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