Carol smiled and put away the dagger: "Your path is so wonderful. In the future, I have to consider whether you turned into your true form when we slept together."

Because they were behind the scenes, the two of them had nothing to do together. They chatted, discussed magic, and then chatted again. When they were a little tired, they leaned together. Carol preferred to get into Fei Li's arms.

Carol found a comfortable position, stretched out and lay on Feili's lap: "When you are Feili, I like you to hug me. Feili is so fragrant and soft, so comfortable. "

Feili gently stroked Carol's hair: "It just so happens that I also like to take care of children. You are so small and exquisite, you can inspire a kind of nostalgia for the beautiful girls who are younger sisters. Your hair is also very soft. I can't tell that you just had sex with someone else. Had a fight, like a cat."

Carol looked at Feili's chin: "Hey, you are already a hero at a young age. You have a good foundation. It is not difficult to achieve godhood in your lifetime. Have you ever thought about how long you can live?"

Feili had no idea: "I have no idea. How did you get here in the past so many years?"

Carol closed her eyes: "Looking back at the past, it seems to be nothing. Although I lived for you a few hundred more years, well, I was only deeply impressed by a few things. Most of my time was spent traveling and researching, and I was busy. When I was young, I felt that a month or two was not enough, and when I was free, I didn’t feel that a year or two was too long. The world does not need me to save it, so I live in no hurry.”

Feili supported her body with her hands and looked up at the sky: "Do you believe in reincarnation? The kind of reincarnation in another world."

Carol closed her eyes: "You want to tell me that you come from another world? Is it any different from here?"

Feili felt a little nostalgic: "No surprise, theoretically, we can easily see that situation in this world in two or three hundred years. It is a world based on science, with villages... cities..."

Philly briefly described the past and told it to Carol as a story. Carol showed a curious expression in her eyes as she listened to Philly's story and analyzed the reasonable parts of it.

Carol is very receptive and will occasionally ask questions to try to understand the logic of Philly's description.

"If it's really what you said, then this is an unknowable category. However, the reincarnations you describe are not uncommon. For example, reincarnations with memories of previous lives. People who have reached the pinnacle of heroes have almost the same soul strength. If you do, as long as your death is not too miserable, most people can be reincarnated successfully. There are also people who are favored by gods, or people who are specially cursed." Carol pointed at herself, "If you look at it. Don't panic even if I die once. I have a spare body in a secret place and will come back to you after a while. Is this considered reincarnation?"

Feili complained: "After becoming stronger, death seems to be something that cannot be surpassed."

Even death can be transcended. The power of the road is the charm of this world, and it is more seductive and powerful than class.

Carol twirled her fingers: "As for the time traveler you described, this is relatively abstract. Just trying to verify the world outside this world is impossible. You said you have memories of another world, how do you prove it? Even if I believe you, it’s hard for me to say whether it was some kind of opportunity, your soul briefly came into contact with that world, someone’s life just happened to touch you, just like reading a book, like the inspiration of bards. In a flash, write a bizarre novel."

So Carol came to the conclusion: "Put aside things that cannot be verified for the time being and take out the existing conditions. You are the soul that has inherited some special knowledge."

Feili snorted softly and took out the Bahamut Summoning Book. She was a little unstable at the moment and hurriedly input magic power to suppress Amon's vaguely violent power.

If visualized, you can see a trembling red crystal floating next to Bahamut in the wonderful space in the book.

Carol muttered, sat up, and lay on Feili's shoulder: "It's so hot, how is it? Can Bahamut absorb it?"

Feili shook her head: "After absorbing the godhead of Demon God Amon, it seems to have some indigestion, but it can't resist. Its consciousness is confused by the power of deceit, and its power is suppressed by Bahamut. Coupled with your craftsmanship, this... The godhead is temporarily trapped in the summoning book, and it will take some time."

Carol poked the summoning book, and the place where her fingers touched shimmered with red. She could feel the obvious burning heat, and said with emotion: "Today is different from then. There have been too many wars, and too many lives have died. With the iteration of the Godhead, fragments of Godhead and even complete Godhead that were once rare are now only rare. If they are used directly, it can be used by a strong man who has a Godhead. "

Many brave men who claim to be godheads in the Theocratic Kingdom have inherited fragments of their godhead, and then rely on their own talents and beliefs to grow up. The upper limit is always there, and the power of life and death is basically in the hands of the gods. If they lose their godhead, they will die immediately. .

In the past, these godheads were basically monopolized, and most empires did not necessarily have idle godhead fragments. However, with the turmoil, wild ones began to become less common.

Some are just like Karan. After the war, it is inevitable that some fragments of the godhead will be scattered around. There will also be weak indigenous gods who will be killed. There will also be the decline of the family, and the godhead of the ancestors will be lost in the turmoil.

The two of them were like fishing for French fries last night, stealing Amon's results from someone else in Bereda. The people behind the scenes can't sleep recently: "The one who attacked the test site tonight was the goddess of fraud Asinara, we are nameless Wu Xing has never been here.”

Carol crossed her arms: "Of course, we played poker all night. What does what happens outside have to do with us?"

At this time, Feili felt a fluctuation from Morgana's pendant, and a powerful magic reaction was approaching. She immediately put her arms around Carol's shoulders and hugged her completely.


"Why are you nervous? Even if we are at a negative distance, can your deceitful power become stronger or something?"

"Shut up, you."

A gray-haired old man walked to the vicinity of the testing site and showed no expression when he saw the situation here.

As the saying goes, gods also have tempers. Even those who have achieved godhood still have to be angry when they should be angry. On the surface, this old man did not show any movement, but the complexion on his face was obviously red and warm. If you look closer, you are really afraid that he will carry high blood pressure on the spot.

Capturing Amon and sealing him in this secret testing site was exposed. Someone had insight into his plan. The cost of building the testing site was astronomical. The accumulation of spiritual power of countless souls was an irreparable loss of time. The good disciples stationed here were also If someone has his ashes raised, the research data of these days will probably not be recovered. Half a century of achievements will be destroyed before success, and Qingyue will be annoyed if he comes.

Feili could understand the old guy's mood to some extent. If it were her, she would maintain her daily activities every day, and the mobile game account she had been playing for two or three years would suddenly be deleted. She would also want to vomit blood.

The old man froze in place for a long time, and later took out the magic device to investigate. During this period, the world changed, and the domain belonging to the godhead dominated for several miles. Many things that violated the laws of physics happened in the ruins. The old man opened the ruins. He rebuilt many damaged equipment, repaired the tattered body of the heroic alchemist, and found that the soul could not be recalled, so he cut off the head again and preserved it.

Like a dedicated forensic doctor and an old detective, he investigated every corpse at the scene and found traces of Fei Li and Carol. He remained silent throughout the whole process, and his serious and focused look tempted Fei Li several times.

Yes, there are so many opportunities for backstabbing. I really want to use the power of deceit to stab the opponent secretly.

Feili now has full confidence in the field of deceit. Most of the time, the first attack can be unexpected, but for the respect of the godhead and the next plan, she still resisted the sneak attack.

Morgana's pendant has the ability to find objects, but Feili must have a certain concept of this object and cannot just imagine it out of thin air. Otherwise, the information fed back by the pendant will be like a compass spinning randomly, making her want to take off on the spot.

Feili commented softly: "I have to say, judging from his expression, the loss here is really heartbreaking."

After observing, Carol thought that the other person was older than her: "It seems that the guy is also physically aging. He must not be satisfied with transferring his body and slowing down aging. He wants to study the devil and gain eternity."

Feili patted the summoning book: "The price is to pollute the land with the by-products of research, and also participate in dangerous plans. These people can make the lives of countless ordinary people plunge into despair with just one thought, so they deserve to die."

Carol speculated: "His soul is seriously worn out. It is estimated that his previous skills were not up to par. Now he can only change his body a few times. When he is on the verge of desperation, it is better not to provoke this kind of alchemist. If he is in a hurry, the young man may Afraid of death, they will probably explode with you."

Feili nodded, keeping the power of deceit still, and being transparent in the opponent's field. The old man never forgot about the test site, repeatedly rescued research data, repaired it all night, and left helplessly until noon the next day.

Feili had already switched to Feilin. When she saw the opponent withdrawing from the field, she grabbed Carol's hand and followed him.

Finally catching a godly alchemist, Feilin and Carol followed and went directly to the Alchemy Academy. The high wall made of special materials isolated the atmosphere inside and outside, and the powerful barrier shaped the interior into an independent world.

Filmen did not enter hastily. Although it was not difficult to enter the periphery, it was right to be cautious.

"No wonder I couldn't sense the special aura before. The technology in this academy is really interesting." Carol touched the high wall, "Have you heard of this theory? The world under our feet is flat, and the sky is round."

Feilin rolled his eyes: "It's a boring theory. In my past memories, there were people who still insisted on the concept of flat earth."

Carol waved her hand: "Aha~ It seems that the process of exploring the world is no different even for people from other worlds. With the advancement of technology, this theory has naturally been overturned, but it is different in this academy. Stepping into it We will enter the artificial world of round heaven and earth, and the space in the academy will be folded and enlarged. If we rush in, we may be regarded as foreign objects by the creator. "

Felin pondered for a moment: "My deceitful disguise could not be seen through by Morrigan when she was at her strongest, nor could anyone like Abels, who can travel through the past and future, see through it. If it were you, you now know that I am a super powerful pretender. , is there any way to detect it?”

Carol looked at Filin for half a second: "It is difficult to detect you with the fluctuation of magic power, sense of presence and time. No, there is a lack of data and it is unknown. Let me just say one thing. The alchemists of this era are not dead people. They are the creators of the box garden within the high wall. There are piles of building blocks inside. If we just rush in, we will have to resist his power. Once there is a little ripple, the other party will feel it."

Feilin rubbed his chin, just like when he broke into Abiles' main house. No matter how powerful his deception was, he could only go to areas restricted by the rules. Even then, Abiles still sensed Feili's presence through some tests. .

Feilin quickly observed and chose the identity of an ordinary cleaner in the college. He used the power of deceit to distort his existence and followed a garbage truck into the college on the spot: "This is a college, not a prison. Just fake your identity."

Carol naturally followed Philin: "There should be no problem outside the academy, but it will be troublesome to go deep inside."

Filin looked around, gently connected the Morgana pendant, recalled the old man's appearance, and designated the direction.

Filin communicated by voice: "I used the power of deception to disguise your appearance. I will cover you in the kitchen area and wait for orders. I will go deep into the center of the academy. There is no other way. It is really not easy to take you with me. I also need a strong external aid. If I am discovered, you have to save my life."

Carol was confident and bold: "Go ahead and do it. I will ensure the retreat route for you."

Chapter 234 The Fiancee Arrives

No matter which world, the desire to build wonders is like engraved in human DNA. In the academy of the Bereda Alchemy City, these alchemists quietly made a big job.

From the outside, this is a traditional academy isolated by high walls. Entering inside is a box garden world covered by a barrier. The central tower rises straight into the clouds, symbolizing the alchemist's ambition to conquer the sky, like a tower of Babel that is as high as the sky and provoking theocracy.

After all, the power of the gods in this world does cover the planet, and the sky is regarded as the exclusive domain of gods. Of course, this idea itself is nonsense, and the flying races have always sneered at it, but there is also a saying that these flying races do not fly high enough.

Filin chose to follow the local customs. In this world, the gods and humans make dumplings together, so he does not need to insist on atheism. What's more, those theocratic countries are often well managed, and the people are well-fed and well-clothed. Gods as excellent as Qingyue exist like the immortal founding emperor Li Shimin, ruling the country and bringing peace to the world.

It is the alchemists here who are dissatisfied with the authority of the gods. What they do is completely sustainable. Under the gorgeous coat of the Bereda region, there is no one to do the work in the fields, the people in the house have no work to do, there are no living people in the working fields, and the living people have no land. The high-level alchemists accumulate knowledge to satisfy their selfish desires. They are used to being high above, and in a sense, they are more gods than gods.

After all, the gods here are more like a race that is naturally powerful. They no longer expect Marian, a bird-headed person, to have any special majesty.

The privileges that alchemists have are more like the gods sitting on the top of the pyramid and overlooking all living beings.

"The box garden, opening up an independent space in the real world, what a powerful technology, it reminds me of the feeling of scientists using mice to do experiments in my previous life. These flowers, plants and trees are real, and even the earth is made of alchemy. Once this space is broken, these substances will collapse, right? Spreading to the outside world, it is equivalent to smashing this world in the real world." Feilin walked through the group of students. The atmosphere here reminded him of Hogwarts. It was interesting and he thought of the Sorting Hat, but soon a burst of noise broke Feilin's good impression.

He saw the scene of aristocratic students bullying civilian students. The bullied people were submissive, the bully leaders were particularly arrogant, and finally there were bystanders and passers-by.

Bullying classmates in a place where no one is around is fine, but bullying people in public places is not controlled. Filin has no expectations for the teaching environment here. He has seen Bereda's corruption. The identity who used Carol's incomplete technology to defraud funds is still alive.

Filin took a closer look. The content of bullying is basically the same as that seen in works of the same theme, beating, insulting and trampling on dignity. The noble students bully these civilian students because they think they are annoying. Occasionally, if there is resistance, they will be caught and bullied.

When he saw it, Filin used the power of deception to create an illusion, let these people take off their clothes and force them to do it, turning the scene into a locker room battle, making a philosophical voice. Although the bullied students were saved, they seemed to suffer greater psychological damage and hurriedly fled. Later, Filin tampered with these people's cognition and made them forget the appearance of the student just now. After all, he could pat his butt and leave later. These nobles might catch the student and settle accounts.

After using the power of deception to cause trouble, Filin hibernated again to sense the environment and see how this world reacted. After confirming that no one was investigating, he continued to go deeper into the academy, and then...

He found a forest, stole alchemical materials from the local area, and set a mountain on fire.

Then Filin looked for a workshop and opened the eyes of the students in class a little, asking their teachers to demonstrate the wrong teaching methods with their bodies. Some directly opened the crucible, causing unknown gases to fill the classroom, and some instantly exploded and blew up the glass in the corridor, causing a little chaos in the academy.

After creating chaos, Filin found that the people who handled the matter were all used to it, so he became bolder and continued to dive deeper.

The closer to the bottom of the tower, the fewer people there were. The outside still looked like an academy, but the inside looked more like a ruin, which was much more empty.

"Give me another chance to revive her. I can offer all the research results of the Philosopher's Stone and the data accumulated over the years. As long as you let me revive her, I am willing to do anything."

Filin stopped and was surprised to hear a familiar voice. Peris, who should have been arrested by the Bereda government, appeared in a special house not far away. It looked like a large cemetery with several square stone tablets.

"What kind of awareness do you have to say such a thing? You are a stray dog ​​who has lost even the status of your family. Your so-called Philosopher's Stone technology can be said to have no weight at all."

"Let me complete this ritual, and I will give you the rest of my life first, and I can be your slave."

Filin quietly climbed up the nearby wall, feeling that these alchemists were full of themselves, but this guy named Peris was also obsessed with his wife.

"Haha, do you really think you love her? That's just an obsession we implanted in you. You don't love your children, you don't love your family. How can an alchemist who pursues truth and immortality love an ordinary woman? Don't lie to yourself!"

"Whether it's true or not, I love her! I want to revive her!"

Filin used the power of deception to turn a watermelon into a cup in his hand, and it tasted good.

It was a little surprising that Peris's deep affection was fake, but it was not surprising if you think about it carefully. His actions were abnormal in themselves.

"You are also an alchemist, so why not think about it carefully? What is the essence of human beings? What kind of resurrection do you expect?"

Filin listened to the admonition of the high-level alchemist. At this time, a figure came from all directions. The watermelon in Feilin's hand disappeared quickly, and instead, he lowered his body center of gravity, held his breath, and amplified the power of deception.

Because the figures that appeared were all Peris's adopted daughter, all exactly the same.

"The memory and personality are the same, but the body has been changed. Is it resurrection?"

"The body is the same, but similar memories and personalities are implanted. What is that?"

"After resurrection, the body and memory are the same, but the personality has been changed. How to judge?"

"Is the individual with the same body and personality but lost memory resurrection?"

"The body and personality are different, but what is the individual who perfectly inherited the memory of the living?"

"The body and memory are different, but the personality and behavior patterns are the same as the deceased. What is this?"

The alchemist who asked the question walked step by step to Peris. He stretched out his hand to show his achievements, and each "adopted daughter" had a different look in her eyes.

"Which way did you try to let your wife's soul occupy your daughter?"

"What are these! No, what have you done to me?"

The alchemist covered his face and laughed wildly: "A mediocre person of your level can't even surpass the boundaries of mortals, so what's the point of talking about defying life and death? Your so-called wish to resurrect your wife is just a delusion, just salvaging an unrealistic phantom from the water, Perris, but it's good, you have used that power well, now it's time for you to return it."

After saying that, Perris seemed to be shouting something frantically, but his voice was blocked by a burst of strong light, and the magic circle under him unfolded to devour him, and his body quickly melted and disappeared. Then the alchemist clapped his hands lightly, and the identical girls behind him moved a new body to the magic circle. Philin saw a ray of soul floating from a distance and merged into this brand new body.

"No. 17242, what's your name?"

"I... I am... Meryl?"

The girl who had just revived was exactly the same as the women around her, and her eyes flashed with confusion.

As the alchemist said, how does the magic of resurrection determine a person's true resurrection?

After listening to this theory, Feilin was confused. Thinking carefully, he was very obsessive. If he hadn't had the purpose of infiltration, he would have wanted to create an illusion of a brain in a jar for the alchemist, so that he could try to break free. Anyway, Feilin felt that he was the kind of person who couldn't break free from the illusion of a brain in a jar.

So compared to Perris who tried to resurrect his wife, this alchemist was obviously a resurrection maniac.

"Okay, now you are Meryl, enjoy a while in the academy with this identity, let me see..."

Feilin couldn't help but complain in his heart, your resurrection record is numbered to 17242, according to your own theory, it is simply implanted memory, what kind of mass-produced doll is this? However, the girls around him seem to have different personalities, and Feilin is somewhat suspicious of the mental state of this alchemist.

However, Feilin is now relying on the presence of this maniac around him to sneak into the core area of ​​the academy, that is, the tower.

This tower is a strictly hierarchical facility, made of an unknown metal, which should be the creator's own technology, effectively isolating the internal and external breath. Feilin felt ordinary outside, but when he entered, he could sense the breath of various demons and monsters.

What kind of blood of demons, power of star beasts, sacredness and elf remains, everything is available here.

Some alchemists are committed to slow cooking in small pots to discover unknown elements, while some alchemists like to stew in large pots and mix messy things. In the tower, Feilin also saw several liches whose bodies were almost broken and were numbly studying.

Feilin felt a taste of Emperor Jiajing from many people, either the obsession with longevity in middle age or the desire for rebirth in old age. There are many studies here that are taboos in the outside world, and even if they are not taboos, they will be disliked by some forces.

For example, if the elf remains are seen by the water witch, they will flood here and take away the bodies of compatriots and let them rest in peace.

"Star beast, star beast." Feilin gently pinched the pendant and sensed the guidance in it.

Morgana's pendant became a bad navigation, often pointing in the wrong direction. Because there was no clear goal, Fili didn't know what the secret in the tower was, so it was hard to find.

But I don't know if it was a flash of inspiration, Fili became curious about the so-called humanoid star beast Moon Princess. I heard some rumors about her in the past two years and was a little curious.

At this time, there was a vibration from the upper level of the tower, but it didn't cause any commotion, and everyone was used to it.

Flin quickly sneaked into the upper level to find the source of the vibration, and at the same time sensed the location of the divine alchemist who had high blood pressure today.

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