Hecate also has her own worries. Why are all witches, including her, lazy and don't like socializing?

Chapter 30 The Little Troubles of the Knight

"Sword, shield, armor, and... Fili."

Selena has been feeling a little strange recently. This weirdness started when she accompanied Fili to summon the Water Witch. When she was a child, she only regarded "hope" as a fairy tale described in picture books, but Fili's appearance really showed her what hope is.

It is not only her hope, but also brings hope to everyone in the territory. If you want to talk about the most beautiful witch, it can only be Fili.

But she is a witch. Even if she spends her whole life, she can only accompany her for a short time.

And Fili may not care about herself. The witch should be gentle to everyone.

Recalling that day when the ceremony ended, the whole territory ushered in a rare heavy rain. The sky fell the blessing of life, but Fili did not look at Serena, and Serena did not have much time to look at the rain.

Looking back, I seemed to notice that Fili showed a sense of sadness at that time, and I have been caring about her since then.

Fili can lead her territory and family out of trouble, so what can I do to help Fili?

Can I not let her be sad?

Uh, it's so cliché, just like the picture books I read when I was a child, the prince always said similar things to the princess. If I said that to Fili, would I be so embarrassed that I would commit suicide to apologize?

"Serena." Fili's voice came to my ears.

Serena was distracted, thinking about the future while walking. In terms of life span, a mortal like me must die before the witch. What will happen after I die? Maybe it's like the falling snow in winter, no, no, it's too unwilling. I should turn into stars and reach the sky, so that I can continue to see more interesting things and continue to look for Fili.

Hey? Why do you think of death? What about things before death? Do you want to recommend Fili's love story? In the future, Fili will get married and have children. As a guardian knight, I can hold Fili's children and teach them swordsmanship. How happy it would be.

Fili's home should be in the forest, with some small animals, surrounded by the glow of magic.

Since it's like this, why should Fili consider getting married? Since she's a witch, she can't...

"Sai, Lei, Na!" Fili rode over and touched Serena's forehead, "Are you okay? Are you distracted? I called you several times but you didn't respond."

"Ah? Eh? Um... Ah haha ​​sorry, cough." Serena suddenly panicked, so panicked that she didn't know where to put her hands, and hurriedly changed the subject, "By the way, Fili, why don't you ride a horse with me this time?"

Fili crossed her hands and made a symbol of rejection: "It's too hard to sit in your arms, don't you know how strong your plate armor is?"

Serena hurriedly looked down to check, and then she reacted, very regretful: "Oh... So, then I will use leather armor in the future..."

As soon as the voice fell, Fili hurriedly stopped her and raised her thumb: "Don't, you are the real you now, I like knights very much."

That's right, this is the characteristic of the knight princess, how can you change it just like that? Fili still remembered something in the game in her previous life. It seemed that the character was called the Steel Saint, which was very pretty.

Anyway, on the way, Fili and Serena were very relaxed. They hurried a little faster, but they were not in a hurry. They had time to chat.

Serena recovered quickly after being distracted. The two chatted about the mission. They both thought that this trip would definitely be rewarding, and they were quiet for a while.

During the quiet time, Serena couldn't help but sneak a peek at Fili. Finally, Serena couldn't hold back her worries.

Fili's sadness in the ceremony that day was fleeting, but that moment left a deep impression on people: "Fili, do you feel bad sometimes?"

"Yes, it happens often. It's no big deal. They are all old things from the past." Fili didn't care. He was completely disappointed with the heartlessness of his family. There was no psychological burden for blood relatives to become blood feuds. The only regret was the concept of family unit. She had no home in this world.

Serena took the initiative to say: "Then you must tell me the first time you are in a bad mood."

Fili was a little confused: "Huh?"

Serena was very serious: "This way I can comfort you before others."

Fili smiled: "Okay."

Using Fili's identity, she opened up a new social circle and met new friends. So far, Fili has no regrets.

Serena's face was also filled with a relaxed smile. Fili's appearance temporarily disrupted her life plan and temporarily separated from the duties of the territory. Now she can let her mind fly and think about things other than her duties, which is also her long future.

Time passed slowly, and she arrived at the scheduled village unknowingly. After a little inquiry, she learned that a monster appeared in the dense forest outside the village, and it had just appeared not long ago.

The adventurers who appeared in the local area were still frightened by this. It is said that they hid immediately when they saw the figure of the dragon-shaped monster from a distance, and dared to move only after the monster disappeared. The terrifying aura hindered the local adventure activities to a certain extent.

But there are also benefits, the powerful monsters actually drive out the weak monsters, and the territories collide invisibly. The local residents don't have to worry about their livestock being stolen. Of course, the livestock have been unwilling to work properly recently, and the old cows are also frightened when the monsters move.

"I have found out. He only appeared briefly, but has not attacked the village yet. I can determine the general direction." Serena walked around the village and asked the residents for a lot of news. People saw a knight appearing and also Be willing to ask for help.

"Serena, you go look for monsters and come back when you find them. There is no need to fight. I will stay in the village for a while." Feili said, leading Serena into a hidden alley, then took out a dagger and whittled it off A strand of hair, "hold these on your way out."

Serena seemed to realize something: "Is this?"

Feili smiled and showed off her hair like magic. She clapped her hands lightly and her hair turned into Feli's phantom. She held hands with Serena: "Although it's a bit abrupt, it's okay to disguise it a little. Let the village Someone inside thought we were leaving together."

In fact, Philly does not need a medium to create a phantom. However, when Philly shows magic in front of others, she must go through a formal spell-casting process to make others think that she needs a media.

Serena made it clear at the first glance. She didn't need to say it clearly, the meaning was already obvious.

Philly retreated on the spot, walked into the shadow in the corner, and quickly disappeared. Serena also led a Philly and rode into the depths of the forest together.

"Well, it's a pity it's just a phantom."

Holding Feili in her arms again, Serena was still very careful, fearing that the horse's jolting would cause Phantom pain, and she couldn't help but touch her chest as she walked.

"But this is defense. Do you want to find a famous craftsman to make a set of armor that is light and light but still has defensive power? No, no, maybe Feili likes the thick feeling of knight's plate armor? After all, it is also very handsome. …”

Chapter 31 The cold-blooded witch

Feili walked regularly in the village, walking in the shadow of each building, constantly expanding her perception field to find the special source of magic.

Even if someone passed by Feili, they didn't notice the beautiful witch here. They would just ignore it like air, and they were completely unaware of Feili's existence.

One of the characteristics of deceptive magic is that it can greatly reduce one's own presence.

"Did I make a mistake in my judgment? The other party did not hide in the village, but lived in the wild? If so, Serena will be in danger..."

After Feili searched the village, she prepared to go deep into the jungle. Just as she was about to leave, she accidentally smelled a smoky smell. Following the direction of the smell, she saw a man and a woman turning into an alley at the end of the street.

The man's body was somewhat metallic and stiff, and he possessed considerable magic power, which was close to the level of promotion. The woman was petite, wearing a hood, and only half of her face was visible. The magic power was vague and obscure, and she was obviously deliberately hiding it.

It wasn't until she found these two people that Feili realized that they had also been wandering in the village for a long time and had left many obscure traces of magic. Obviously the person who cast this magic was not a weakling.

These magic traces are a technique to prevent tracking. Once triggered, you will realize that you are being followed.

Feili recalled her route. Although she didn't encounter such a spell, Serena's aboveboard actions should have caught their attention. However, these two people still stayed in the village. Maybe they had other purposes?

Feili followed quietly and entered the alley. Of course there was no one in the alley. She slowly pinched some gem dust from her pocket and was about to sprinkle it on the ground when she heard the sound of breaking the air behind her.

With a heartbreaking metal sound, a fist made entirely of metal hit Feili hard from behind. Feili was knocked away and hit the wall. The wall cracked and she didn't get up for a long time after falling to the ground.

"It's so weak." The attacker said coldly. The metal fist flew back, making a clicking sound, and connected to the body. "Is this the mouse you mentioned? It looks like a witch. How did you find out? We stayed all the way. The defensive spell has not responded."

"Although there is no evidence, my intuition tells me that I am being followed. You have to believe in a woman's sixth sense." Another man also walked out of the alley, came to Feili, and lightly kicked Feili, "That's right. She is a witch, a fool who plays house with humans in this country... No, be careful!"

The fallen Feili was slowly disappearing.

The man wondered: "What...?"

Before he finished speaking, a dagger flew from the roof and pierced the man's neck diagonally. The man's body, which was full of metal, tilted and slammed into the wall next to him.

The thin string connecting the dagger was gently tugged, and Feili fell lightly from the roof without making a sound. The new dagger slipped from her sleeve, she held it tightly in her backhand, and rushed straight towards the witch.

"With this style, you really don't look like your peers. You should apply for jobs like thieves and honey badgers." The witch showed a mocking smile, jumped back slightly, dodged Feili's first attack, and then raised her head He started and let a few bottles of potion slip from his pocket.

Bang bang bang - several small bottles of medicine fell to the ground, but a huge explosion occurred. The alley was covered in air waves and explosions, followed by dense smoke, and toxic smoke and dust dispersed with the heat wave.

"It's really bad." Feili covered her nose with her left hand and used her sensory field to observe the surroundings. It was obvious that such a battle had involved ordinary people, and she still underestimated the opponent's destructive power and determination.

This guy is obviously a carefree type and doesn't care about the casualties of ordinary people at all.

Feili made a prompt decision, moved her left hand forward, and her magic power began to form a magic circle of wind, but the enemy would not let her do what she wanted.

"Roar! It hurts so much!" The man whose neck was pierced actually took action again, pulled out the dagger and crushed it fiercely, not caring about the blood splattering. His hands and body seemed to be made of metal, "I will crush you!"

He said, smashing the buildings around him fiercely, pouring strength into his legs, running towards Fili like a sharp arrow, and the ground under his feet was also trampled into pieces.

Fili moved his feet continuously, silently, and continued to complete the construction of the magic circle.

The metal man opened his arms, his muscles swelled and tore his clothes, revealing his completely metal upper body, and pounced on Fili continuously.

There was limited space for movement in the alley, most of which was occupied and blocked by the metal man, coupled with thick smoke and poisonous fog. Fili raised the dagger and took the metal man's punch. The two sides fought hard, and both felt that the other's fist and dagger were like a heavy iron felt. Fili felt pain and damage in the bones of her arm, and the metal man found that his fist was actually torn. Neither side took advantage.

Taking advantage of the momentum to retreat, Fili moved her right arm and continued to perform magic with her left hand. A storm rose on the spot, then turned into a tornado, rolling the toxic fog and dust on the ground into the sky.

"Aha, you are really kind." In the distance, the witch sat lazily on the roof, shaking a new potion in her hand, and a dangerous flame swayed in the bottle. "You are so kind, then I must make good use of it."

After saying that, she threw the bottle to the street. At this time, a group of residents gathered around to observe the situation.

Fili's pupils shrank slightly, and she immediately threw the dagger in her hand, aiming directly at the flying potion.

"Do you have time to look elsewhere?" The metal man rushed over again. He had no other tricks, and it seemed that he was going to sink with great force.

When the metal man was about to land, Fili turned into four figures to dodge from different flying directions. The metal man was suddenly confused and didn't know which one to chase.

"Suddenly there are four people, why do they all feel real?"

"Idiot, stop the closest one!"

"Oh oh oh...!"

The metal man pretended to punch forward, his arms suddenly stretched out, and directly grabbed one Fili, and the other Fili jumped over his fist.


The metal man let go, jumped again, hit another Fili, and smashed into the building together.

"It's still fake."

The witch frowned slightly, drew a symbol in the air with her fingers, and a sharp weapon like a trap appeared under the feet of the other two Fili, and one Fili was caught.

"Then the remaining one is real!"

The witch waved her hand, and a large number of metal chains with barbs flew out from under her long sleeves, like a school of predatory fish, quickly pounced on Fili and drowned her. At this time, the witch slightly widened her eyes.

"How could it be, all four are fake! None of them are real, how could it be?"

The witch suddenly came to her senses. Why didn't the potion she just threw at ordinary people explode? Looking back, the real Fili just caught the potion.

"Hateful ability."

Chapter 32: So-called deception, Part 1

"Hey, Sir Knight, there are said to be monsters in the forest ahead. I advise you not to go forward. Stay with us. There will be more people to look after you. After confirming the monster, we will report the evidence to the association and find powerful adventurers to deal with it."

In the dense forest, the militia team spontaneously organized by the village is patrolling. Their main task is to confirm the whereabouts of the monsters and prevent ordinary people from going in this direction.

In fact, these patrolmen dare not go any further after a certain distance. They set up camp here, and several people make a fire and cook next to them.

Serena glanced ahead, moved her shield to a convenient position, and asked, "Are you sure the monster is in this direction?"

An old soldier pointed his spear at the ground: "Look, such a big footprint, it must be a very scary monster."

Serena walked towards the footprints and observed that the monster was not far away: "I heard the news and came to fight the monster."

The old soldier was a little worried: "Are you alone?"

Serena shook her head gently: "How could it be? Besides me, there is another witch. I just went ahead."

During the conversation, a huge running sound came from nearby. The militia suddenly stood up in panic, picked up their weapons and gathered together.

Serena listened carefully to the direction of the sound. The next moment, the dragon-shaped monster broke through the trees and appeared, ran straight to the campfire, and swallowed the rice cooked by the militia in one gulp.

"Are you attracted by the fragrance? What a poor child." Serena slowly drew out her sword and walked towards the monster.



As the battle continued, the buildings on both sides of the alley basically collapsed. If the battle continued, the village would probably be further damaged.

The most annoying thing was this witch. She simply carried out indiscriminate destruction, which could easily cause a large number of casualties among ordinary people.

"Why do you want to involve ordinary people? Forget it, there is no point in asking you this question. Now it seems that you are just that kind of people." Fili took a deep breath.

"Yeah~ What else are you expecting? We are just that kind of people." The witch raised her hand with a smile, "Deal with her here, Gray!"

In a sense, this is also a tactic, using various means to distract the attention of the white witches and let them reveal their flaws in anxiety.

The witch knows these self-proclaimed righteous white witches. Even if they don't care about the lives of ordinary people, they will care about their reputation.

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