Because of this, what if we defeat the evil witch? The result of the battle led to the destruction of a village. Do you think humans praised them or hated them?

Feili tapped the dagger lightly, making a dinging sound. At this time, the metal man had already chased over and started a large-scale offensive, like a bulldozer, pushing Feli and the surrounding buildings flat.

He thought that such an offensive would prevent Feili from getting close, but there was a "ding——" sound in his ears, and he suddenly felt his body sluggish. The next moment, he felt a sharp pain in his armpit. Feili passed by her fist, and The dagger stabbed hard into his body.

Just as the metal man was about to turn around, he heard the "ding" of the dagger again, and his body suddenly stiffened. Then several thin threads wrapped around his neck, scratching the metal skin and bleeding.

"What's going on? I felt something was wrong just now." The metal man was a little confused. His body began to turn red, exuding high temperature and steam, and he grabbed the threads wrapped around his body and tried to tear them off.

Ding--! The strange sound sounded again, and the metal man suddenly found that he had returned to his original body and turned into a thin human being. His body and skin became very fragile, and the hand holding the thin wire was dripping with blood instantly.

Then he felt a sharp pain in his legs, and different daggers pierced the soles of his feet and knees.

"What's going on? What are you doing standing there? Don't be deceived. Your opponent is a guy who is good at illusions." The voice of his companion came, and the metal man was heartbroken. Yes, they are all illusions. His real body is not It would be so fragile, so I mustered up all my strength to try and break free of the thin thread.

However, then his body was cut by thin wires like a puppet and scattered all over the floor.

In fact, from the witch's perspective, the metal man had froze from just now, struggling in place without knowing what to do, letting Feili move around, tightly entangling him with countless thin threads.

It's so weird. The situation that was evenly matched just now suddenly collapsed.

No, get out of here first.

The witch dropped two bottles of potion and flew out of the alley.

Ding--! The strange sound of daggers striking was heard, and the witch suddenly found herself back in the alley. Feili had already taken care of the metal man and rushed towards her.

"Strange illusion, concentrate." The witch patted her cheek, condensed the magic power, and activated the dispersing magic.

There was a feeling of clearing the clouds and seeing the sun in her mind. The witch felt that the illusion was lifted, and while avoiding Feili's dagger, she ran out of the village.

The tapping sound of the dagger sounded again, and the witch was slightly startled, realizing that she had escaped from the village, but Feili appeared in front, with a strange heaviness in her body, and she could no longer fly.

"It's inexplicable, what is this!" The witch raised her hand, ready to throw out more magic potion, but her hand lost consciousness. When she raised her arm, she saw that her arm turned into countless petals scattered. When she raised her foot, her foot also Turning into petals, and then all her limbs disappeared, she could only fall down and struggle in the grass, looking up helplessly at Feili who was close at hand, "This is the power of the path... Are you the witch of illusion?"

Feili said, tugged on the thin string in her hand, and strangled the witch's neck: "Just take it as such."

The witch knew that she had failed this time: "It seems that it is difficult to hear a word of truth from your mouth. You are not an ordinary witch at all. Make a deal. Let me go. I will tell you a secret. A person who has been promoted from a transcendent to a hero." secret."

Feili shrugged and raised the dagger: "I don't care."

The witch showed a clear expression: "I see, we fell into the hands of Yingjie this time, hahahaha, what a bad luck."

Fili flipped the dagger over and hit the hilt hard on the back of the witch's head.

The witch was captured successfully.

Feili tied the two prisoners into cocoons and breathed a sigh of relief. At least they were prevented from destroying the village. Apart from the alley at the beginning, there was no other damage.

In addition, many strange magic potions were seized from the witch. Feili picked up a bottle at random and could feel the huge magic power inside. If it really exploded in the crowd, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Is it over here? It seems that there is no chance for me to appear." Serena came from a distance, and it seemed that it was over on her side as well.

"Why did you come back so soon?" Feili looked at Serena, who was holding a girl whose life or death was unknown in her arms.

Serena looked down at the girl in her arms: "Isn't she this child? When she first appeared, she was a cold ferocious dragon, and her attack was very fierce. But I only defended her for a few times, and she lost her strength and became like this. , is there any hope?"

Feili didn't have a better idea: "I don't know. Let's take it back to Hecate to see."

Serena shrugged: "To be honest, I was quite nervous when I saw the dragon-shaped monster charging out. If it was a poisonous dragon type, I might not be able to stop it. She is obviously chasing food. If I can't stop it, I’ll rush to the village.”

"Are you nervous? Then how did you stop her?" Feili put away the dagger and dragged the two prisoners, which seemed to be quite difficult.

"Thinking that you were by my side, I wasn't so nervous anymore. That's how I stopped her."

Chapter 33 Even witches have poor people

Afterwards, the two prisoners were carried away by Serena, one with her left hand and one with her right hand. It seemed as easy as carrying chickens and ducks home.

Just how strong is the knight? Forget it, don't think about it, just know that Serena has the power to stop a dragon.

"You white witches, if you are so close to humans, you will be betrayed by humans sooner or later. Humans are fickle...ah!" The captured witch wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Feili's slap in the face.

Feili felt bored: "I'm starting this theory again. Can't we use our brains to think about the reasons for the fickleness of human beings?"

"...What are you thinking about?" Maleficent took a bite out of her pussy and was suddenly at a loss. She was obviously stunned. Even her mother didn't dare to hit her like this in the past.

Feili still didn't know how much psychological damage this slap had caused to the witch in front of her.

Feili put her hands on her hips and said, "Of course it's lifespan. Normally, humans live for a hundred years, and some powerful people live for two or three hundred years. But as for us, we can live for thousands of years. Let me ask you, have you ever been lent money by humans? As a result, I didn’t ask for it for a long time, and finally found that humans had forgotten about it?”

Maleficent nodded blankly: "Yes."

Feili sighed: "You black witches can't turn around. You want humans to keep their promises, but you have never thought about how humans can keep their promises. You think humans are fickle. How can humans remain unchanged after two or three generations? ? Please use your brain to think before drawing a conclusion."

The Black Witch said angrily: "Human beings often expel us under different banners."

Feili pointed at the ruins behind her: "It's just because there are so many people like you. If humans don't expel you, who will you expel?"

Maleficent became frustrated: "This is just a way to collect debts."

Feili had a bad premonition: "...don't tell me you are just here to collect debts."

No matter what problem this guy has, Philly is now going to deal with the aftermath and capture the evil witch in the name of the witch. As for the damage caused by the destruction, Philly turned back and rummaged through Maleficent's pocket and found a bag of money. After bargaining with the village chief to make up for the loss, it was settled.

Next, it was time to escort the witch back.

Hecate was a little surprised. She vaguely felt that Feili was a lively witch, but she didn't expect that she would be so efficient.

"It's only been a few days, and you've caught the suspect?" Hecate initially thought that it would take at least ten days and a half to make progress, but she didn't expect that in just one or two days, Philly arrested the suspect. Living.

Feili was not satisfied because the witch had a very tough mouth and her partner had a hard time thinking after the transformation. So far, she had not asked for any useful information: "Well, it's just a suspicion. Based on the time and place, the most likely motive for the crime is It’s these two guys who are the ones who deserve it, why don’t you interrogate them?”

Hecate had her own trick: "Leave it to me then..."

Philly handed the person over to Hecate: "Yes, yes, I will get close to the spy and give you news in a few days. By the way, what will happen to this witch in the future?"

Hecate replied: "First interrogate, then imprison, I will cast a spell to sleep myself and then lock you in the dungeon of the kingdom."

Feili said it was really unprofessional. She would have preferred Hecate to sign a receipt, saying that the prisoner had been delivered. This was more customary, otherwise if the prisoner escaped from prison in the future, he would not know whose fault it was.

The second of Hecate's three requests has been fulfilled. The next step is for me to check myself, and Philly can go back to the hotel and fish slowly.

Of course, it was impossible for her to take advantage of the situation, so she immediately started writing the letter.

Feilin: "We have been lurking until today and have achieved brilliant results. The witch we bribed has gained the trust of the local witch. Now we have obtained some research results of the witch. Please study carefully. If the alchemy bottle is damaged, it will trigger a magic reaction. He Cat is reclusive and rarely appears among the witches. I heard that Hecate is responsible for some research, so maybe the witch will know more details. "

Finally, Felin concluded: "The work of infiltrating witches in this stronghold has made progress again. Recently, a witch was discovered who was in urgent need of research funds. Through contact with her, he increased his infiltration into the witch organization. Speaking of which, the intelligence system is currently hindered. "Mr. Ma Wen, the head of this stronghold, has been ill recently. It is a magic disease. The speed of transmitting information may be affected. I will find a way to solve it."

The letter this time mainly mailed items. Feili picked out a few of the Black Witch's alchemy tools to send to the family. This month's lurking also included useful items.

Next, Feilin tried to create a new trumpet and wrote letters to his family in different tones.

Dragon Witch Scathach: "We gather once a year to hold a night banquet in the Witch Forest? If you want to ask what exactly we do, I exchange academic research with my fellow tribesmen at the night banquet. The witches here worship knowledge very much and will actively focus on it. Hecate seeks to learn and ask questions, and the essence of the night banquet is to answer questions and resolve doubts with Hecate as the center.”

Gem Witch Lindi Linlin: "Filin promised to provide us with gems to support research, so we reluctantly agreed to your request. First of all, we will never betray any of our compatriots unless you give us gems of high quality. Secondly, We will not provide any magic documents unless you pay more. Finally, we will not deliberately approach Lord Hecate, but if you pay, I can provide Hecate's whereabouts within a reasonable range. "

After writing the letter, Feili took the calendar and marked each letter with a different date.

For now, it's enough to give the family two small accounts. Consider the long-term success, otherwise the family will be overfed, and they may open their mouths and make more excessive demands.

Finally, Feili needs to give Ma Wen a foreshadowing. It would be better for him, a boss who is both dead and alive, to die. Feilin's rights will be greatest if he dies. Otherwise, the family merchants will have to make up reasons to refuse every time they come over.

Although the fake clone can temporarily play Mawen, it lacks understanding of this person after all, and can only see the spirit state, so it is inevitable that there will be mistakes when playing, so let him get sick.

Everything has been going well recently, and Filin is in a good mood.

Today, he returned to his original state, made himself breakfast for the first time in a long time, tasted delicious food, and was attracted by the laughter and play in the backyard.

Fili is temporarily on vacation, existing in the state of a substitute, playing with Scathach for a while, and the little dragon girl is also happy to do so.

In fact, most of the learning tasks that Filin arranged for the little dragon girl are educational and entertaining, which are fun and can also exercise skills, but the little dragon girl is not interested, or she is born stupid.

In addition, Scathach should not be an ordinary dragon girl. When capturing the black witch a few days ago, Serena brought back the girl who turned into a dragon, but she died because of her serious injuries. The injuries they suffered when they turned into dragons will be fed back to the original body, or it can be said that it is a high-quality transformation, the original body turns into a dragon.

Although they both turned into dragons, the little dragon girl regained consciousness through the dragon stone and saved her life, while the other poor girls could not survive until the treatment. It is somewhat regrettable.

There may be a bigger secret behind this child.

Dong Dong Dong——

"Sir Feilin, are you there?" It was the knight princess.

"Yes." Feilin opened the drawer, took the letters on the table, and pretended to tidy up the account book, "Knight Serena, what's the matter?"

Serena hesitated at first, but soon regained her determination: "I want to ask what to eat for lunch today, and... um. What does Miss Feili usually like to eat?"

"Feili, she prefers chicken stewed with mushrooms." Feilin forgot what he liked to eat, but just considered the witch's hobby. Sure enough, it must be related to mushrooms, right?

"Then let's have chicken stewed with mushrooms for lunch. I also want to try Feili's favorite food."

"Uh... OK." Feilin felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, but he just felt that Serena seemed to be testing his boundaries little by little.

Himself? Feili? Hmm...

Feilin held his head and lay on the table.

"Do I really think of myself as a witch?"

Chapter 34 Scathach's Doubt

The hotel seemed to have become Filin's second "cage". He had to raise two big and small foodies, and deal with all kinds of repeat customers. Only by becoming a witch could he have space to move freely.

Why did the stand-in live more freely than the original body so quickly?

Sitting in the room, Filin watched Scathach pestering Fili in the morning, watched Serena serve Fili water, tea and stewed chicken with mushrooms at noon, watched Fili play the piano in the hotel in the afternoon and attracted applause from the whole room, and watched Serena ask Fili to go shopping in the evening.

The fulfilling life of a witch made Filin feel very satisfied, but this satisfaction could only be obtained from the stand-in, and it still lacked a sense of reality.

"Ah, there's no hope. I actually envy the stand-in I created." Filin, who had been peeling potatoes for a day, lamented that life was not easy. He just had an unsatisfactory talent, and he was a high-quality young man.

If nothing unexpected happened, Filin would have lived a carefree harem life like the protagonist, but the result was that he had been drifting for twenty years without meeting a wise master.

It's all the family's fault, explode, reality!

Knock, knock, knock--the fast-paced knocking on the door dragged Filin back to reality.

Before Filin could say come in, the little girl outside pushed the door open by herself. It was Scathach.

"What do you want to see me so late? Also, you should wait for the master's response before coming in, what if I'm changing clothes one day?" Filin didn't have the energy to complain.

"Who wants to watch you change clothes?" Scathach crossed her arms, looking reluctant, "Well, you've known sister Fili for so long, do you know what flowers she likes?"

"Then just ask Fili directly, why are you asking me...?" Filin thought with tears in his eyes.

I don't know what flowers I like either, and I also want a cute girl to give me flowers.

The life in the half-cage of the family has worn away Filin's interests and hobbies, and it was only recently that he rekindled his expectations for life.

So when faced with Scathach's question, he only thought for a moment and came up with the answer: "Fili should like irises, you often get close to her, don't you know that she uses iris perfume?"

Yes, Fili will use perfume, because the witch substitute is the ideal witch conceived by Filin, so Filin uses all the skills of a beautiful girl, striving for authenticity and surpassing ordinary witches.

Scathach suddenly looked at Filin seriously: "How do you know so much? And you said you have no idea about Sister Fili? Do you follow and spy on Sister Fili whenever you have time and collect her preferences?"

Filin almost choked: "I am busy every day, how much communication do I have with Fili?"

Scathach said, and then thought about it, and there was something wrong: "You and Sister Fili communicate so little, how do you know what flowers she likes? I clearly feel that the fragrance of my sister is different from before, can I guess it just by perfume?"

Filin supported his forehead and felt a headache. The little dragon lady was not able to do it left or right: "Let's do this, you buy gifts and send flowers according to your own ideas, Fili will be very happy to receive your gifts."

This was like a compliment, Scathach was happy for a few seconds, and then looked at Filin: "You have helped me a lot, and the food you cook every day is delicious. What gift do you want?"

Filin felt that this child was quite conscientious: "Everything is good, I have no desires."

Scathach looked suspicious again: "A man who claims to be free of desire must have other intentions. I heard from Sister Serena that you were also born into a noble family. Do you really want to pursue Fili?"

Filin almost broke the pen in his hand. This little dragon lady is so annoying!

Filin couldn't stand it anymore: "Okay, stop making trouble. Have you finished your homework today? I remember that the homework that Fili assigned to you recently not only includes physical fitness training, but also reading and literacy, right? You ran so fast today!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was only a whoosh, and the door was empty.

The little dragon lady slipped away like escaping from a disaster.

When will this child be more stable? Filin really wants the little dragon lady to inherit this hotel, so that he can be a hands-off boss.

From the current training, except for posting a notice in the kitchen that dogs and Scathach are not allowed to enter, the little dragon lady basically has nothing to do with the hotel business.

After so many days, isn't it time to hire some ordinary people?

Feilin still runs his business alone, so he is naturally unable to handle everything. The reason why he did not hire ordinary workers is that he is worried about the family's reaction. If someone comes to inspect one day, many things will be wrong, and he will have to kill people to silence them.

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