However, the family has not noticed the changes in the intelligence stronghold so far. This hat trick may continue.

"Sure enough, it's a bit strange, but I can't explain what's strange. Sister-sama and Feilin seem to have a very good relationship, and they don't seem to care about each other. Do they have any communication on a daily basis? Ah! Could it be that this is the so-called Cold War period in love? "In Scathach's room, the little dragon girl rolled around holding the pillow, her mind filled with Feili's affairs.

Seriously injured and in trouble, he was healed by a strange witch, and the moment in his arms was deeply rooted in people's hearts. Scathach felt that he would never forget it for the rest of his life, and even had such despicable emotions as "exclusive desire".


Scathach sometimes felt resentful and sometimes shook his head fiercely in reflection: "And then Sister Serena, I thought it was just an ordinary help, but recently she also surrounded Sister Feili and took away my space... No, no, Sister Feli is so Beauty and beauty do not belong to one person. More people should understand the charm of Sister Feili.”

Finally, Scathach lay on his side on the bed, stretched out his legs and pressed the pillow and rubbed it back and forth: "But it's so annoying. I really want to stay with Sister Feili all day long, even if I just listen to her preaching all day long, Sister Feli's body is so bad So soft and fragrant, I really want to hold it. ”

After thinking for a while, Scathach became depressed again.

Scathach had no accurate idea about the future. Ever since she was sold by her parents, she had been kept in a cage and her blood was often drawn for research until her consciousness became blurred and she seemed to have turned into some kind of monster.

I thought this would be a nightmare, but at the end of the dream was Sister Feili, making Scathach feel the warmth of redemption.

She was originally a child with nowhere to go, but now she seemed to have family members.

"No, I have to be more proactive. I want to become an obedient and sensible child in the eyes of Sister Feili. Hey, it's Sister Feili!"

While thinking, footsteps were heard outside the door, and Philly and Serena came back from a walk.

Serena held a lot of snacks in her hands: "We brought you food."

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Fili smiled and waved the barbecue: "It's quite fresh to eat occasionally. Come on, Scathach, and have some midnight snack while it's hot."

Scathach hugged Fili and replenished Fili's energy before eating midnight snack.

It was so late, and Feilin was the only one busy sorting out the accounts. He was working at his desk and couldn't help holding his head: "I want to join in too..."

Fortunately, he still had a sense of presence. After returning to the house, Serena knocked on Felin's room: "Manager, we bought some late-night snacks outside tonight. I left your share at the door."

Well, it's not lonely. Feilin's mood has been somewhat comforted. Let's play Feili tomorrow.

A week later, Irene and Charlotte returned to the hotel. They also brought different news, but they were more surprised about Philly.

Irene chattered like a sparrow: "You are too action-oriented. You go out on the first day, defeat the witch on the second day, and come back on the third day. You will make us look stupid."

Feili blinked: "Yes?"

Erin spoke faster again: "Of course. I arrived at the southern village slowly, rested for a day, and walked around for a day. Just when I was about to ask around for any missing persons, I heard that you had captured the suspect. The whole process The flow seems to have never stopped, are you really not afraid of exhausting yourself? "

Feili curled her hair and felt that she was just doing things with ordinary efficiency: "Of course, the faster the better when it comes to matters involving human lives."

Charlotte bit the lollipop silently, looked at Feili and then at Charlotte: "Actually, Irene is a physical idiot. Her butt hurts when riding a horse, her back hurts when riding a carriage. It's troublesome to fly by herself, and she will be beaten by other people in the process. Things attract people and often turn a one-day journey into three days.”

Erin waved her fist: "Who is the physical idiot? You dessert freak!"

Charlotte dodged left and right and came behind Philly. Philly helped block it, while Irene kept beating Philly on the chest.

Feili had no choice but to act as a peacemaker: "Okay, okay, stop making trouble. Is there anything gained from the investigation?"

Eileen snorted: "Listen, I'm only going to say it once. There are no missing people in the southern villages, but there is a suspicious place. It is said that a wealthy businessman came to the village not long ago, promising to hire maids with high salaries, attracting many people. Women used to find jobs, but I didn’t find out anything about this businessman. The women who went to find jobs also disappeared. Their families thought their daughters were employed as maids.”

Charlotte raised her finger: "It's a very clever method. In this way, no one will find out about the sudden disappearance of the girls for a year and a half. Even if they ask about their whereabouts, they will just say it is work."

Eileen sat down again and drank tea: "Maybe by catching the tail of the so-called wealthy businessman, we can follow the clues and find the truth. Where is your side, Charlotte?"

Charlotte slowly bit into the candy, swallowed it, and then drank some black tea: "I asked many witches and found no suspicious outsiders. Most of the action tracks can be traced. I also investigated this case in the same way. The witch in question exchanged information, and there is nothing suspicious about it. By the way, the interrogation of the witch Feili caught has been completed. She was entrusted by others to wander in a specific place and was just a bait. "

Feili sighed, but the bait was not worth much: "But this guy is too ruthless. He suddenly launches a fatal attack, and he doesn't care about ordinary people when fighting. It is a disturbing factor."

Charlotte glanced at Erin, and then said slowly: "Actually, most people are like this."

Erin got angry again: "Then don't look at me! I'm very careful now!"

Feili chuckled. In fact, this has something to do with the general environment. All over the world are mainly hunting star beasts. Most people's attack magic pursues high damage and a wide range, so ordinary battles have turned into throwing range magic at each other. It can be said that gods fight and mortals suffer.

Charlotte raised her finger: "Since this witch has not committed any serious crimes, Hecate decided to expel her for five years, that's it."

Eileen was slightly frustrated: "In the end, we are back to the original point. This murderer is quite cunning!"

Feili raised her hand: "No, we haven't returned to the starting point. At least we know her approximate location, and she also knows that we have taken action. Now is the time for cat and mouse. Okay, let's go ask other witches for help." Bar."

Erin said it was difficult: "Don't count on other people, everyone is lazy and don't want to cause trouble at all."

Feili shook her head: "I don't need their help. Well, I need more familiars as my informants."

There are many small animal familiars in the witch, and Feili plans to use these small animals to search the forests and mountains to find the conspicuous carriage of a wealthy businessman.

However, one thing is true. Most of the witches are otakus. They live scattered in the forest. Even Irene and Charlotte cannot know the locations of all the witches, so they went to find Hecate and asked her for help.

When Hecate saw that she was doing something serious, she immediately started writing a letter and asked owls to take it to witches everywhere, asking them to help. Of course, in the end, these witches did not come, but many of their familiars came.

For a moment, Feili was surrounded by cats and dogs. The familiars of these witches ranged from mice and squirrels to white-faced owls and seagulls. Feili was afraid that these familiars would start fighting first.

Of course, as a high-quality magician, Feili also learned the skills of animal affinity, so she actively released her charm, carried small snacks with her, and quickly coaxed these familiars, and then arranged tasks one by one to find the carriage of the wealthy businessman.

"Can these little animals really find the carriage?" Serena was a little depressed today because there was no place for her beside Feili.

All kinds of deer and roe deer came to Feili's side, and there were a few black phoenixes stepping on her head and shoulders. This was a complete change of profession from witch to druid.

With so many familiars walking back and forth in the hotel, it was impossible to do business, and Feili had to be controlled to pretend to be angry and kick everyone out.

Precisely because there are more and more small animals, abnormal phenomena make the neighbors feel the presence of the witch again.

"Don't underestimate familiars. They are the eyes of a witch. They can understand people's words and distinguish reality. Let them act as eyeliners, and our search efficiency can be greatly improved."

"Gah——found it——gah——"

Before seeing the results, Serena was still worried. She believed Feili's words, but the little animals looked a little unreliable.

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Fortunately, just after a while, a raven flew over and reported the trace of the carriage while flapping its wings.

A few hours later, Philly and Serena found the wealthy businessman's carriage in a ravine on the mountainside. They also found the girls' luggage on the carriage, and they were sure that this was the murderer who abducted the girls.

As usual, Philly took out the dust from her pocket and blew it around to show the location of the footprints.

But this time it didn't go well. As soon as the search dust was scattered, a ball of red flames appeared on the ground, and several ferocious fire dogs appeared and roared towards Feili.

Chapter 35 Training

Feili's tracking magic triggered the trap and turned into several ferocious fire dogs.

"Be careful! Philly!" Serena immediately moved forward with her shield, wanting to protect Philly.

Feili also took action. It seemed that she slowly raised her hands. The fire dogs had already rushed in front of her. However, she instinctively sensed the danger and was about to launch an attack. A magic dagger from nowhere pierced them in an instant, and then Feli Pulling the thin thread, the two magic daggers retreated flexibly like pets and were put into Feili's sleeves.

Serena couldn't help but admire her elegant and beautiful fighting skills, which were almost tailor-made for Feili.

"It's amazing. I didn't even see how you did it." Serena pulled out her sword, glanced around slightly, and took a defensive posture.

"You are also very powerful, Serena. There are very few people of your age who have reached your level." Feili praised sincerely.

Except my family.

Feili secretly added in her mind that the blood relatives who could not be promoted to Transcendent at the age of 20 and had a path in the family were unqualified products, so most people were training hard. However, counterintuitively, these people who were promoted early were because of the drain. Without potential, it can only stay at that stage for almost a hundred years.

This is no longer a family, it is Morgana who is pushing back the seedlings and encouraging the ripening center.

Serena walked to the carriage and opened the curtains with her sword. Of course there was nothing inside: "Are these traps? It seems like the murderer wants to cover up the clues... but something feels wrong."

Feili continued: "It's indeed wrong. Summoning flaming creatures is not an advanced magic. Besides, the murderer clearly had enough time to eliminate the evidence, but he still left such a carriage, as if it was intentional."

Serena murmured: "Deliberately? Yes, just like luring and then setting up an ambush."

When Feili heard what she said, this was indeed a possibility: "Abducting girls everywhere and spreading dragon beasts, is the real purpose to lure out witches? Forget it, let me do the investigation first."

Fili then became more careful. She checked the surroundings first, and then removed four magic traps before she began to sprinkle magic dust and activate the magic of the time dust to trace back what happened at the scene.

The phantom formed by magic showed that a carriage of girls got off when the carriage just arrived here. Their condition was not right. They walked like zombies and walked straight into the forest.

Fili tried to find their traces, but unfortunately the places a little further away were cleaned up. The murderer left this carriage on purpose.

"I don't know where the girls were taken. I can only ask the servants to continue searching in this direction." Fili blew a whistle, and a raven and countless birds fell from the sky. They quickly filled Fili's two arms, shoulders and head. The remaining ones who couldn't stand also desperately looked for places on Fili's body to climb.

In short, Fili asked them to investigate in the direction where the girls disappeared, arranged the tasks, and the servants dispersed, leaving Fili with feathers all over her head.

Serena walked over slowly, picked up the feathers on Fili's head with a smile, and said that she envied Fili who was popular with animals.

Please ask other witches' familiars to do things. These familiars are too disrespectful. They want to eat when they do some work. The most important thing is that they like to stick to Fili.

Why do you stick to me? Your master has never learned magic in natural sciences, so how can he feed you magic power? Fili felt a little resentful, but she still took good care of the familiars, and thought that she should tame some familiars.

Wait, the familiar is the assistant of the witch, helping the witch to deal with chores.

"So Fili's familiar is Flin?" Fili didn't know whether to laugh or cry in her heart. What's going on?

While the familiars were out investigating, Fili temporarily returned to the inn to rest, and by the way, restored Flin's state, and then focused on teaching Scathach.

Temporarily getting rid of the familiars, Scathach and Serena, and the sense of superiority brought by the witch, Flin felt a little calm.

"Now I rarely restore my original self, it's more natural to be like this." Now that almost all of his skills have been used by Fili, his original body has lost too many skills. Since he is not an ordinary person, he has to show some performance.

For example, he can use any object as a weapon. Yes, a hundred skills, this is Jackie Chan and the furniture city.

Now most of the facilities of the hotel have been built in an orderly manner, and the new drainage system and rooms are being renovated one by one. It will be able to stay and operate normally in a while. Next, I should consider Fili's workshop.

How can a qualified witch not have her own workshop? In addition to completing Fili's workshop, Fili will also do his own research.

It's been almost half a year since I left the family. Fili has been a little slack in the past six months. It can be regarded as a half-year vacation for myself... Besides, playing Fili is very tiring, okay? Pretending and wearing a skirt are both very hard!

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After working hard for half a year, he finally got the funds from the family. With the money sent by Serena's family, Feilin has lived a rich life. If he wants, he can also subsidize the intelligence base. Yes, if the family has a special envoy coming on a business trip, Feilin just needs to spend money and treat the special envoy well and let him go around in a daze.

In addition, Feilin took advantage of the night to start meditating.

Feilin's generation of blood relatives can be called the best generation in the family. Maybe there are too many lessons from the past, and the brothers and sisters have learned how to write the word forbearance.

Some people put their strengths on the table, like the eldest brother, striving to be the best, pretending to be an obedient dog of his father, and obtaining resources to improve himself; some people waver and pretend to try to keep up, like my younger sister, who is always in the middle, and looks neither outstanding nor weak in ability, which is the most common; only Feilin pretends to be very weak, and he is the only one who can pretend like this, but in fact he is very cool, and finally he was exiled to the frontier, where he had the space to move freely.

"My path is deception. At first, I thought illusion was to deceive the eyes and senses. At that time, I had just completed the training of an apprentice. Later, I understood that deception was acting, deceiving others, and distorting the truth with lies. At that time, I was promoted to a transcendent. Later, I realized that deception was to deceive myself, to tell lies that even I believed in, to make (the enemy think) that time and space were inconsistent. Now I have even created a recognized witch alive. This is the power of a hero. It's quite simple. So what's next..."

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Fili opened the history book she bought recently, which recorded the famous strong men in the history of magic. In this book, there are rulers everywhere and there are as many gods as dogs. However, most of them exist in history and legends, and there are even fabricated unofficial histories. Feilin found that many of them are fictional stories after reading them.

Dong! Ring-dong-dong-

The sound of knocking on the door is divided into three sections. The first section is a loud knock, followed by the sound of a bell, followed by a few very peaceful knocks.

"Who?" Feilin asked knowingly. Just now, while thinking, she manipulated Fili to educate Scathach. Now it was Scathach who showed that she had reflected on herself.

Scathach was like a deflated ball. She couldn't stand being disciplined: "It's me, it's me, Scathach..."

Filin then said, "Come in."

Scathach then opened the door and brought a plate of fruit to Feilin. At this moment, she was carrying all the equipment she used for practice. She walked carefully and the bell didn't make any sound.

Filin just felt a little satisfied. After teaching her for a month, the child finally learned to walk without making any sound.

"It seems that your training has improved." Flin examined Scathach and found that she began to master the technique of using force. Her brute force would be too lethal if it was not restrained like this.

Scathach was very honest at this moment: "Well, thank you sister Fili for your hard work... and you, brother Flin."

Flin certainly knew why: "How was it? Did Fili bully you?"

Scathach curled her lips: "I was caught and lectured by my sister, and I also realized my mistakes. I'm sorry... I have troubled you during this period... Do you want to eat apples? I'll peel them for you."

Flin held back his laughter. The reason why Scathach was honest was that he controlled Fili to catch her and educate her for a day today. He had been watching her teach etiquette since the morning, and he also took Serena to demonstrate.

No matter what, Serena was a proper aristocratic daughter. She had never missed etiquette courses and had good physical fitness. She understood the training content required by Fili at a glance.

Then, Fili mentioned ballroom dancing. During this process, Scathach could only watch Fili and Serena dance, and she could not intervene at all.

So Scathach was very frustrated: "Brother Filin, I was too willful before, but I may not be good at aristocratic education..."

Filin slowly stood up, walked to the bookshelf, and selected books on etiquette courses: "Scathach, you still don't understand. We are not instilling aristocratic education in you, but teaching you how to survive in the future. All good things must come to an end. In the future, I, Fili, and Serena will all be gone, and you must have the ability to survive on your own, do you understand?"

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